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Module 2 – The Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks

At the end of this activity, you are expected to:

 Define developmental task in your own words.

 Identify developmental stages of learners in different curriculum level.
 Describe developmental task in each stage.
 State for yourself how these developmental tasks affect your role as a facilitator of earning.

Directions: Read about the stages of development and developmental task and answer the following questions. Send
your answer thru this email: until

1. Complete this unfinished sentence.

Developmental tasks are the broad “jobs” of childhood that need to be accomplished in each stage in order for
children to learn life skills at the appropriate times.

2. Come up with an object to symbolize each period or stage of development. (Draw them)
3. Show the developmental stages by means of a diagram inclusive of the ages. Write also the outstanding trait
and developmental task of each developmental age.

2. TODDLERHOOD: Autonomy vs.

Shame and Doubt (18 months-3
years old) 3.PRESCHOOL YEARS: Initiative vs. Guilt (3-
1.INFANCY: Trust vs. Mistrust
Virtue: Will 5 years old)
(0 – 18months) Task: Learn self-control and free Virtue: Purpose
Virtue: HOPE will VS compulsive compliance or Task: Learn to influence environment, to
Task: Learn to trust others and defiance manage conflict and anxiety VS fear of
self VS withdrawal, estrangement wrong doing, lack of self confidence

8. LATE ADULTHOOD: Integrity vs. Despair (65

years old & above) Stages of Human 4. EARLY SCHOOL YEARS: Industry vs.
Inferiority (6-12 years old)
Virtue: Wisdom Development Virtue: Competence
Task: Accepting responsibility for one’s self and
Task: Learn to be creative, taking pleasure in
life, belief that own life has been worthwhile VS
accomplishments VS a sense of inadequacy
lack of meaning of one’s life, fear of death

7. MIDDLE ADULTHOOD: Generativity 5. ADOLESCENCE: Identity vs. Role

vs. Stagnation (30-65 years old) Confusion (12-18 years old)
6. YOUNG ADULTHOOD: Intimacy vs.
Virtue: Care Virtue: Fidelity
Isolation (18-30 years old)
Task: Being productive, establishing Task: Develop sense of self and
Virtue: Love
the next generation VS lack of belonging VS doubts relating to sexual
Task: Develop intimate and loving
interests, concern with own needs identity, occupational career
relationships, commitment to career VS
avoidance of choices in relationships,
work of lifestyle

4. What are the implications of these developmental tasks to your role as facilitator of learning?
->> As a facilitator of learning I was able to understand and knowledgeably aware that in every student there are
different tasks on every stages of development that I can expect or anticipate from the students.

5. Reflect on your early childhood, middle and late childhood days. Were you able to acquire the developmental
tasks expected of early, middle, late childhood and adolescence. What facilitated your acquisitions of the
ability to perform such t asks? Write your reflections.
->>I was able to acquire the developmental tasks expected on the stages of human development. I was able to
facilitate the ability to perform such tasks by applying the knowledge and skills that I learned from school, words
of wisdom from great people, and my past and current experiences in life.

6. Having mastered the developmental tasks of early childhood, middle and late childhood and adolescence,
reflect on what you should do as a teacher to facilitate your students’ acquisition of these developmental
tasks. Write down your reflections.
->>As a teacher, my role is to understand and adjust to the needs of the students in their learning, then the
facilitator and the student can work together so that the teaching can be effective and the student can grasp or
absorb the lesson. Teacher needs an understanding of the specific skills and knowledge of the student that
needs to develop.

7. What is the implication of developmental tasks in education?

->>Knowing the developmental task of a child or a student can help education system enhance or adopts
according to the learners needs. And the learners will not have difficulty on adjusting on the system but they can
focus on how to developed and enhanced their learning so that they can prepare themselves in the future.

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