DrAshrafElsafty E RM 62M MidTerm HassanAliHaider Sabra

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# Internal

Dear MBA students,

As agreed please find attached the Mid Term Exam, you should:
1. Answer ALL questions
2. Use your text book, extra text book, the internet, and other references.
3. DON'T discuss or share, by any means of communication, with any other students (even for those who are marr
be counted as 'Plagiarism'
4. It is NOT ACCEPTED to just copy and paste from any source, your interpretation and write-up is a MUST to g
5. Reply with your file .xls, of your answer to ME ONLY, to ashraf@ashrafelsafty.com .
6. MUST include your first name and family name WITHIN the file name (ex.: DrAshrafElsafty-E-RM-62M-M
7. Use BLUE color for your text answers, or just fill in the shaded blocks.
8. Email directly to ME ONLY no later than agreed deadline day and time 29th June 2020, 10:00 pm, other
9. Please give every single question the needed high care, as grades are NOT equally distributed among que

Again we are studying to learn, and we are now leveraging our learning capacity and measuring our knowledge le
So please focus on your time and answers to learn while filling the exam.

Wish you all the best of luck.

Kind Regards,
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Adjunct Assistnat Professor, Strategist
Research Methods & Strategic Management
ESLSCA, MIU, Riti/MsM cairo outreach.

# Internal

# Internal
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Research Methods
Mid term Exam

1 When is Applied research useful, as
different from Basic research? Write you
own example (about 3 paragraphs)

2 Critique the following research done in a

service industry as to the extent to which
it meets “the hallmarks vs characteristics
of scientific research (About 4

# Internal
The Friendly Telephone Company: Customer
complaints were mounting, and letters of
complaint regarding the problems they
experienced with the residential telephone
lines were constantly pouring in at the
Friendly Telephone Company. The company
wanted to pinpoint the specific problems
and take corrective action. Researchers were
called in, and they spoke to a number of
customers, noting down the nature of the
specific problems they faced. Since the
problem had to be attended to very quickly,
they developed a theoretical base, collected
relevant detailed information from a sample
of 100 customers, and analyzed the data. The
results are expected to be fairly accurate
with at least an 85% chance of success in
problem solving. The researchers will make
recommendations to the company based on
the results of data analysis.

3 Explain the processes of deduction and

induction, using your own examples.
(about 2-3 paragraphs).

# Internal
4 How would you describe the research
process based on karl popper's view?
(about 4-5 paragraphs)

# Internal
5 Why is it important to conduct 9 elements
analysis during contextual problem
definition ? (about 5 paragraphs)

6 How would you go about doing a

literature review in the area of human
rights (about 3 paragraphs)

7 What is the critical purpose of the

literature review ? (about 2-3

8 Why applying APA writing style ? (about

3-5 paragraphs)

9 Compare between different types of

data ? (about 3 paragraphs)

10 Offer a clearly focused problem statement

in the broad area of corporate university
(1 statement)

# Internal
11 Why should a researcher conduct
stakeholders analysis, if one already
knows the broad problem area to be
studied? (about 2 paragraphs).

12 After studying and extracting information

from all the relevant work done
previously, how does the researcher
know which references, articles, and
information should be given prominence
in the literature review? (about 2-3

13 Below is the gist of an article from

Business Week. After reading it, (a)
identify the broad problem area, (b)
define the problem, and (c) explain how
you would proceed further. (about a; 2
lines, b; 1 statement, c; 3 statements)

While Chrysler’s minivans, pickups, and

sports utilities take a big share of the truck
market, its cars trail behind those of GM,
Ford, Honda, and Toyota. Quality problems
include, among other things, water leaks and
defective parts.

# Internal
14 What is the problem statement in the
following situation? (1 statement)
Employee Loyalty: Companies benefit
through employee loyalty. Crude downsizing
in organizations during the recession
crushed the loyalty of millions. The economic
benefits of loyalty embrace lower
recruitment and training costs, higher
productivity of workers, customer
satisfaction, and boost the morale of fresh
recruits. In order that these benefits may not
be lost, some companies, while downsizing,
try various gimmicks. Flex leave, for
instance, is one. This helps employees
receive 20% of their salary, plus employer-
provided benefits while they take a 6-12
month sabbatical, with a call option on their
services. Others try alternatives like more
communication, hand-holding, and the like.

15 How would you define the problem in the

following case? (3 lines)
Accounting Gets Radical: The GAAP
(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
do an unacceptable job of accounting for the
principal activities of the Information Age
companies. Today, investors are in the dark
because the accounting is irrelevant. The
basic purpose of accounting is to provide
useful information to help investors make
rational investment, credit, and similar
decisions, but today’s most important assets
and activities – intellectual capital and
knowledge work – are totally ignored.
Professor Robert A. Howell wants to reform
the accounting system with the goal of
making clear the measurement of how
companies produce cash and create value.

# Internal
16 Because literature review is a time-
consuming exercise, a good, in-depth
meetings should suffice to develop a
theoretical framework. Discuss this
statement. (about 4 paragraphs).

17 Good models are complex. What’s more, a

good model should include both
moderating and mediating variables.
Discuss this statement. (about 2-3

18 University researchers usually develop

more complex and elaborate models than
Business researchers. Discuss this
statement. (yes or no, with clear

# Internal
19 In an applied research context you do not
need to explain the relationships between
the variables in your conceptual model.
Discuss this statement. (2-3 paragraphs).

20 For the following case titled Sleepless

Nights at Holiday Inn (published in
Business Week and adapted here):
a. Identify the problem with conceptual
model, b. Develop a theoretical
framework, c. Develop at least four
hypotheses. All with needed figuers.

# Internal
Sleepless Nights at Holiday Inn: Just a few
years ago, Tom Oliver, the Chief Executive of
Holiday Hospitality Corp., was struggling to
differentiate among the variety of facilities
offered to clients under the Holiday flagship
– the Holiday Inn Select designed for business
travelers, the Holiday Inn Express used by
penny pinchers, and the Crowne Plaza Hotels,
the luxurious hotels meant for the big
spenders. Oliver felt that revenues could be
quadrupled if only clients could differentiate
among these. Keen on developing a viable
strategy for Holiday Hospitality which
suffered from brand confusion, Tom Oliver
conducted a customer survey of those who
had used each type of facility, and found the
following. The consumers didn’t have a clue
as to the differences among the three
different types. Many complained that the
buildings were old and not properly
maintained, and the quality ratings of service
and other factors were also poor.
Furthermore, when word spread that one of
the contemplated strategies of Oliver was a
name change to differentiate the three
facilities, irate franchises balked. Their
mixed messages did not help consumers to
understand the differences either. Oliver
thought that he first needed to understand
how the different classifications would be
important to the several classes of clients,
and then he could market the heck out of
them and greatly enhance the revenues.
Simultaneously, he recognized that unless
the franchise owners fully cooperated with

# Internal


Applied research is useful when it is used to solve a clear and specific problem that challenges a
specific organization and urgent decisions and actions must be taken to reach the actual causes
and how to solve them and achieve to the most appropriate solutions. But the Basic research is
concerned with collecting and forming knowledge in various fields of business and aims to
understand how this problem threatens an organization. Applied research : you will have to
define problem , refer to the science resources using literature review, use an abstract rule
moder or theory, then apply to solve the problem.
Applied Research example: How can the ministry of agriculture balance the losses arising from
the effects of Covid-19 for the farmers?
Basic Research example: A new study searching for the problems of environmental outcome
during the current period of Corona crisis?

# Internal
"The hallmarks or main distinguishing characteristics of scientific research may be listed as
1. Purposiveness. 2. Rigor. 3. Testability. 4. Replicability. 5. Precision and confidence. 6.
7. Generalizability. 8. Parsimony." (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
- Problem definition has a specific objective,it has a purposiveness characterisitc. the research is
rigor or can't be determined because of we can't measure the response of the model (100
customers), until we know the exact number of the total consumers, in addition to a research to
describe rigor need a good theoretical base which we can't defined also, as a characteristic of
research the rigorous can't be determined.
- The research has objectivity characterisitc, as the outcomes based on a facts derived from a
real data. Replicability not available because of absence of repitition of results in similar
- Generalizability not available in this research, as the results of the study can't be generalized
to other organizations. The research is accurate, specific and confidence, as the results expected
to be accurate to 85% chance, which mean the results is relative and close to reality and
estimations are correct. - To determine the parsimony we have to know if the variables
specified well or not and the number of variables taken when building the research structure.

The hypothetico‐deductive method involves the six steps listed next.

1. Problem definition. observation on a particular problem occurred. Example: A drop in sales
in the second quarter every year in Delta.
2. Literature review. review the science (models, variables and theories). To find solutions for
identified problems. gathering information about the factors that related to the problem to
narrow the problem area. after searching in the internet and asking employees who work in
similar projects about the problem statement that includes the general objective and research
questions of the research should be developed. Example: How shortage of sales persones affect
on drop sales in Delta?.
3. Research design R.D. generate hypothesis with defined variables and the relationship
between the variables and the phenomena and developing various factors that affect in problem
to measure. Example: Hw good planning affect in creating more sales in the second quarter?
what are the barriers that face sales representatives in Delta?"
4 .Data collection. collecting primary data. data preparation for verification and collection
5. Data analysis. In the data analysis step, all observation data are statistically analyzed, to see if
the hypotheses that were generated have been supported. Example: to know if
unresponsiveness of sales persones affects customer switching their opnine before buying ?
6. Interpretation of data, conclusions and recommendations. the meaning of this results.
Example: after collecting data and analyzing it the results were indicate that if the company
invest in increasing the number of sales persones will be better.

# Internal
The research process is related to the hypothetico deductive method identified in certain steps
followed in a logical scientific method to find a solution to a problem. There are seven steps in
this method : identify a broad problem area, define the problem statement, develop
hypotheses,determine measures, data collection, data analysis & interpretation of data. There
are alot of problems facing the organisations which could be a subject of a research conducted
by the organisation like absentism , drop of sales , hight cost of marketing , client satisfaction
and numerous problems the different areas inside the organisation. After defining the broad
problem area the scientific research now is directed towards defining the problem statement or
a distinct objective or purpose of the research. In order to reach a solution for the problem we
have to define the general objective of the research in order to collect data in the very specific
core of the problem and the solution or solutions identified for this problem . This will help us
to more focus on the problem itself. Devloping the hypothesis clarifies the variables and the
relationships of why the problem occurs and the direction to its solution. In determine the
Measuring step we determine the basic mechanism for testing the hypothesis developed in the
previous step as we would not be able to test hypotheses developed unless they are measured.
After measuring we need to Collect the Data related to each hypothesis in terms of the variables
related. These Data collection will be the main skelton that will anlyzed in the following step of
Analyzing Data. In the analysis we see if the Data collected validate or not the assumptions
developed. In the Interpretation of Data we determine based on the analysis what will support
the hypthesis & if these variables are significantly contributing to the problem solving. The
research process by itself is a continually modified by itself from a series of the feedback at each
stage until reaching the most tangible significant solution to the problem defined as the
purpose of the research.

# Internal
When we need to talk about the problem definition that includes six components in any
function in the management or business or organizational level, with which legal form the profit
type or non-profit type
The administration has components and functions:
1) management functions: planning, organizing, leasing, controlling. When planning, we set the
goals required for management, the second step is assigning Resources then control and
feedback. There are differences between that and organizational structure.
2) the structure mean I define the chart and the big roles, I breakdown these roles to many
small roles to complete the shape of the organizational structure, so the chain of command
means who reports to whom and what is the responsibility for every person in the organization.
3) Organization : Legal form or Entity
4) The business functions we need vital steps, these are functions that need to be accomplished
to complete all components of the business : 1- services , product and Idea or information -2-
accounting, finance, investment -3- production and manufacturing -4- sales, marketing -5- HR
-6- IT -7- R&D. the 4 management functions are done in the organizational structure and in the
business functions too.
5) Internal or Macro environment: the factors that company or entity can control and has full
influence : employees , suppliers and customers.
6) External environment: All the factors that affect on the company and the company can not
control these factors: political, economical , social, technological, ecological and legal. The
companies can not hold off these external environment only through alliances and make
associations .
7) industry: the types of sectors
8) GEO: geographical location differs, it could be a country or provinces EX: north or south or
middle area
9) Time

This means that literature review works in the field of human rights.
Here we will talk and we will start by defining the problem P.D. Through the 9 elements, then
we start selecting literature review through the following 3 steps: 1- identification
"""Helps the researcher to develop a good problem statement: it ensures that no important
The focusishere
variable should be
overlooked on identification
in the process of definingbecausethethis deals with
problem."" phenomena, Here, in this
( Sekaran.U,2016).
case, the phenomena are human rights.
The main purpose is to get better understanding about your topic of the research and give you a
clear idea." " The purpose of the literature review is to help the researcher to build on the work
of others
APA Styleand
(American Psychological Association) is designed to make scientific writing in an
to make informed
accurate and specificdecisions
style and during the various
is considered thestages of the
standard research project.""
coordination for research writing in
( Sekaran.U,2016)
all .That is,
areas.The APA assists it is
the the basis to
researcher upon which
quote from the
sources thatbuilds
copyright while
avoiding to explain
problems the phenomenon
of plagiarism underofinvestigation
or accusation deception, asand aims
citing thetosource
reviewgives all available
to on the problem
the research in question to
and the proportions of make the best use
the information toof
itsthe research."
source and gives the research a
weightinformation can be
in convincing thethe result
reader asofit an analysis
helps of the [primary
to organize the research data] or raw
paper anddata collectedin
its progress
one approach.But in the event that permission is not obtained or exceeds the permissible, limit,
or the available [secondary data] that can be obtained, (in the company records
the researcher , archive,
can beinternet,
accusedetc.). Thisplagiarism
of fraud, data can be and1-deception,
quantitative: it isis
which data in the form
offensive to himofin
numbers that are collected through specific questions 2- qualitative:
the professional and scientific community, and may also reach prosecution. Sources are it is data in the form of
Is that
comprehensive are collected
there any relationin relation through
between to the general
thefield responses
the researcher
corporate in
cultures that interviews
wants or
to view,
support essay
theand questions
the topic
biasing in the
is addressed
in hiring process
in an organized
within orand
the developingby observation,
coordinated or from information
countries ?manner. Because theyalready available
are prepared Collected
according tofrom various
a tight plan,
sources such as the Internet.
and contain a large amount of information, this contributes to the ease of acquiring the
informationdata aretime
in less dataand thateffort.
have been collected by others for another purpose than the
purpose of the current study. Some secondary sources of data are statistical bulletins,
government publications, published or unpublished information available from either within or
outside the organization, company websites, and the Internet." ( Sekaran.U,2016).

# Internal
The problem can indicate an interest in an issue where finding the right answers may help
improve the current situation. Consequently, it is useful to define the problem as any situation
where there is a gap between an actual ideal situation and a desired ideal ideal"" (sekran .2016)
Stakeholders have a special benefit for project resources or project activities and they are with
its gain or loss in the event that conditions change or remain the same and any problem on a
large scale may be on their interests or change or help to change any conditions of work. Doing
business depends heavily on business owners and the nature of their compatibility with the
project conditions and other factors that are on the performance of business and their analyzes
may help in addressing the threats facing the organization and all this helps researchers to
reach the best solution to the problem facing the organization, especially as it is not a simple
problem and growth It may be related to (low sales, frequent production stops, incorrect
accounting results, low-return investments, employee lack of interest in their work, customer
turnover or the like) that may be on the goals and decisions of stakeholders.
Stakeholders' opinion can also be considered if expert committees have been formed in the past
and have included among their members, committees, committees, and decisions into previous
problems facing the organization. Enjoy, expert committees can include a diverse group of
experts, including scientists, policy makers and community stakeholders.

"The literature review should get all relevant information in right manner instead of
chronological, don't be cutted or incompleted pieces of work, to decide which reference to use,
you have to value the quality of referenced work.
The quality assessed by using scientific papers for example, arrange it by number of points for
citation and quotation paper used in other research,that's called ""impact fact"".
For articles choose the research question that is presented in a clear , analytical way and logical
reasoning, from abstract choose the relevant study for your topic, is there a theory guide that
research and if so is it structured and well explained.

a. The broad problem : Chrysler's sales has been dropped down, because of quality problems
that must be handled.

b. Problem statement: To What extent improving quality will affect in Chrysler`s Sales?

# Internal
c.1- Determine Chrysler's problem according to the 9 elements .
2- Define variables as the quality problem one among other things.
3- What science said about this problem

Problem statement. What is the effect of downsizing employee loyalty and what are the threats
facing the organization?

Problem Definition:Fail to gain correct accounting results, which does not help the advisers to
understand the financial position of the institution clearly or take the appropriate decision from
GAAP and ignore the intellectual and knowledge capital .

# Internal
The review of the literature is very important in the steps to structure the theoretical
framework for research as it is concerned with variables to affect the problem, clarification of
the problem accurately and strictly way, return to what it raised and brought science to solve
the problem in question and whether it reached general or custom solutions.
The literary survey is one of the easiest ways to review the literature and it is possible through
follow-up in the research from the beginning of knowledge of managers or stakeholders on the
problem on a large scale and this is done through the interview and literary survey to collect the
primary information, which aims to ensure that there are no variables that may affect the
In the in-depth interview, the primary data is collected, and this helps to support the researcher
with useful secondary information.
We conclude from this, if the literature review is prepared in a precise and good manner, the
result will be the proper development of the theoretical framework . A good conceptual
conceptual model can be achieved through disorganized and
"" good conceptual theoretical model can be realized through unstructured and structured
interviews with the concerned people, and a thorough literature review of the previous
research work in the particular problem area."" (sekaran,U, 7th ed, 2016 )"

There is no relationship between the complexity of the model and the quality of the model.
Parsimon ""Simplicity in explaining the phenomena or problems that occur, and in generating
solutions for the problems, is always preferred to complex research frameworks that consider
an unmanageable number of factors. ""(sekaran. U, 7th ed, 2016)
A good model is characterized by a good theoretical framework and identifies the important
variables that affect the research problem between independent and dependent or moderate
and intermediate variables, depending on the outcome of its effect and what it adds during the
review of the literature.
To arrive at a good model, the problem must be identified using 9 elements, developing a
problem statement, defining variables and all kinds of variables and the relationship between
them during the literature review.
It is also possible to evaluate the model and its quality by achieving the largest number of
hallmarkes that characterize research, which is what distinguishes the quality of scientific
research(Purposiveness, Rigor, Testability,Replicability, Precision and confidence, Objectivity,
Generalizability, Parsimony.)"

Yes, University researchers provide more complex model of applied research because academic
basic research is interested in explaining basic and advanced means of data with awareness and
attention to all details and diversity of data and also interest in reaching the deepest source of
any information that helps in achieving the objectives of the research to acquire the best
performance or results from the research The basic academic, which makes the academic
researcher indulge in many theories and many previous models to reach a goal and from it in
order to achieve a aim from the other side which is to be a reference for millions of people and
other researchers to cite his research.
As for the applied research, during which the researcher uses a specific approach to reach a
specific point concerning the problem identified by him to reach a solution to the same problem
and is used in any business or any areas .

# Internal
In an applied research context you do not need to explain the relationships between the
variables in your conceptual model. Discuss this statement. (2-3 paragraphs).

The conceptual model helps you organize the discussion of literature. The conceptual model
describes your thoughts on how the concepts (variables) in your model relate to each other.”
(Sekaran. U, 7th ed, 2016)
The theoretical framework is what explains how phenomena (variables) relate to each other
through a conceptual model and an explanation of why the researcher believes that these
variables are related to each other through (theory) where the theoretical framework and
theory contribute to documenting research in solving the problem or studying it and developing
the scientific basis on which it is based search .
Which meant that if the research was basic or applied, the relationship of variables must be
clarified to clarify the theoretical framework and how the variables affect each other and the
result of their interaction to solve the research problem, urging that the theoretical framework
is a hypothetical deductive approach and to develop those hypotheses

# Internal
A- problem statement : How can Holiday Inn achieve, as a brand of various kinds, an increase in
revenue? B- Develop a theoretical framework : It was not clear from Oliver's possession of a
clear theoretical framework but, based on what information is currently available, the following
framework can be attempted:- independent variable : differentiation , buldings statue ,
customers service . - dependent variable : revenue - moderating variable : franchise -
mediating variable : brand When paying attention to all variables, especially the independent, a
distinction will be made between the three types in the Holiday Group that increase client
awareness of the brand and its types, but if all problems affecting the independent variables are
addressed without the cooperation of the franchisors, this will not change anything in the
awareness of the brand ( Moderate variable) from customers, and revenue will not change, so
the following must be done: - Differentiation: Achieving a distinction and difference between
the types of the Holiday Group, that the three make it easier to distinguish from customers, as
there is a direct relationship between differentiation and return. - The building Statue : The
nature of the building, its facilities, maintenance and quality all contribute to achieving
customer satisfaction and adds to the way of distinguishing between the three types. -
Customer Service: The more the customer service is good, the more value it adds to the Holiday
brand, thus affecting the relationship between customers and the brand, which positively
affects on revenue . - Franchise owners: Oliver needs support from franchisees to ensure his
plan to develop the brand and increase revenue . - The revenue : It will be increased if the
development is achieved in the previous framework, as its relationship is positive with all these
changes, which increases the financial return for the Holiday Inn brand. c- Hypotheses ; - The
greater the difference and differentiation between the three types of Holiday, the greater the
awareness of the brand and the greater the return. - The more attention is paid to building
maintenance and condition, the greater the return
The better the customer service, the better the relationship between customers and the Holiday
Inn brand, and the greater the return. - If all adjustments are made under the supervision and
support of the concessionaire, the plan for developing the theoretical framework for improving
and increasing the return will succeed"

# Internal
Must add reference(s) used

Uma Sekaran, Roger Bougie -

Research Methods For Business_
A Skill Building Approach-Wiley
(2016) (Seventh Edition).
Chichester, West Sussex, United
Kingdom :
John Wiley & Sons, (2016).
Ashraf Elsafty YouTube channel.

# Internal
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd

Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.

(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd
Ashraf Elsafty YouTube channel,
the name of the video : Research
Methods Q&A, Problem
Definition, Research Types.
uploaded 01/05/2016

# Internal
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd

# Internal
Ashraf Elsafty YouTube channel,
the name of the video :Scientific
Definitions 3/3 - 9 Elements
Model Business. uploaded

Elsafty, A. (06/2020) online

lecture, number 5: Research
Method Subject . Mansoura,
Egypt: Eslsca Business School.
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom:
Elsafty, A. (06/2020)Johnonline
Wiley &
Sons Ltd.Research Method
Subject . Mansoura, Egypt:
Eslsca Business School.
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research
%D8%B7%D8%B1%D9%8A Methods for
Business: A
%D9%82%D8%A9_ Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom:
%D9%88%D8%AB%D9%8A John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.
%D9%82_ Elsafty, A. (06/2020)
online lecture: Research
%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D Method
Subject . Mansoura,
9%84%D9%85%D9%8A_APA Egypt:
Eslsca Business School. Ashraf
Elsafty YouTube channel, (2016)

# Internal
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.
Elsafty, A. (06/2020) online
lecture: Research Method
Subject . Mansoura, Egypt:
Eslsca Business School.

Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.

(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.
Elsafty, A. (2020) lecture 4:
Resesrch Method Subject online
lecture. Mansoura, Egypt: Eslsca
Business School."

# Internal
Elsafty, A. (06/2020) online
lecture: Research Method
Subject . Mansoura, Egypt: Eslsca
Business School.

# Internal
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.
Elsafty, A. (06/2020) online
lecture: Research Method
Subject . Mansoura, Egypt:
Eslsca Business School.

Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.

(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd
Elsafty, A. (06/2020) online
lecture: Research Method
Subject . Mansoura, Egypt:
Eslsca Business School.

Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.

(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.

# Internal
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.,
Elsafty, A. (06/2020) online
lecture: Research Method
Subject . Mansoura, Egypt:
Eslsca Business School.

# Internal
Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R.
(2016). Research Methods for
Business: A Skill Building
Approach (7th ed.). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.,
Elsafty, A. (06/2020) online
lecture: Research Method
Subject . Mansoura, Egypt:
Eslsca Business School.

# Internal

# Internal

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