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DERENDIL Speed: 30, Climb 30

Medium Male Quaggoth; Chaotic Neutral; Modified “Quaggoth,” Level 5 AC: 15 (unarmored)
Eloquent, Erudite, and Refined; Has a Dangerous, Volatile Temper;
Conceals a Secret Sorrow, Aching for his Lost Past
HP: 47
Irish Accent, olde-English phrasing (Elf) / Roaring Hulk (Quaggoth)


Hit Die: 8d6
Wounded Fury – Advantage on attack rolls when at half hit points or less, as well as an extra
2d6 points of damage to any target hit with a melee attack.
DEX 12+1
Unarmored Defense – While not wearing any armor, AC equals 10 + Strength Modifier + CON 16+3
Dexterity Modifier. Cannot use armor of any kind to gain this feature, but can use a
shield and still gain the benefit.
INT 11+0
Poison Immunity. Immune to poison damage, and to the poisoned condition. WIS 13+1
Multiattack – Make two claw attacks and one bite attack.
Skills: (Proficiency: +3)
Claw – Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 1d6 +4 slashing damage.
- Athletics +7
Bite – Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 1d4 +1 piercing damage.
- History +3
- Survival +4
Cursed Prince – While speaking in urbane Elvish, claims to be a gold elf prince of the
kingdom of Nelrindenvane, in the High Forest near Athalantar. His crown was usurped - Perception +4
by the evil human mage lord Terrestor; the mage lord transformed him into a Quaggoth,
which forced him to flee into the Underdark, where he wandered for an indeterminate
amount of time.
Darkvision 120 ft
Quaggoth Savagery – Responds violently with sharp claws and teeth when confronted with
threats to those he cares for, or when subjected to serious stress. He comes back to
himself only after the battle, or when someone reinforces his identity as Prince Derendil.
Speaks: Elvish, Common,
Secret Sorrow – Derendil fears that so much time has passed that his family may be dead,
either at the hands of Terrestor, or simply due to old age. He also fears that he is slowly
losing himself to the savagery of his Quaggoth form – especially after losing control.


Escape the Underdark – Cannot navigate the Underdark, although he is adept at foraging
and remains alert without difficulty. Wants to return to the surface, and will accompany
any group headed out of the Underdark.

Reclaim his Title – Fears for the status of his country, family, and court. Wishes to seek out
his home in the High Forest, reap revenge on Terrestor, and reclaim his identity as an elf.


NPC Death Saves – Two Successes or Two Fails for NPCs

Fail: ⃝ ⃝

Success: ⃝ ⃝

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