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Hey, I'm glad you are visiting this document!

You clicked/were given this link because you heard that I'm buying various data sets.
I hope you are eager to share it with me. I have high goals and I need community
effort to fulfill them. When the data sets get big enough I will share the results with
everyone! Also if you have any interesting propositions as to which item could be
done in a similar manner let me know.

In case of any questions or server invite please contact me at:

Zanar.6798 or Zanar#9531


I’m currently looking to buy data regarding these items:

- Mystic Clovers
- Fractal Daily Chests
- Black Lion Chests
- Ectoplasm Gambling

Make sure to read “My Expectations at the bottom.


Mystic Clovers:

Rolling for 1 Clover:

- 30g for each set (250 rolls) (minimum of 250 at once)

- 40g for each set (if you are gonna provide 3 or more sets at once)

Rolling for 10 Clovers:

- 30g for each set (25 rolls) (minimum of 25 at once)

- 40g for each set (if you are gonna provide 3 or more sets at once)

Fractal Daily Chests:

I’m interested in all possible tiers (t1-t4):

- 50g per 250 opened (minimum of 120 chests at once: 30 per tier or 10 days of


Black Lion Chests:

- 50g per 250 opened (minimum of 25 chests at once)


Ectoplasm Gambling:

I accept both Skritt and Sandstorm ones but only the highest tiers (100g/250 ecto):

- 100g per 250 gambled ( minimum of 25 gambles at once)


My Expectations:

Working with data is a harsh thing to do because one little mistake can cost you a lot
of time and money. Which is why I have expectations when it comes to data delivery.
I hope that you can understand and that you will follow the guidelines properly so
that we can create something amazing together.


Mystic Clovers are relatively easy to collect so for this particular research I can take
both screenshots or videos.

Things that need to be visible for me are:

- Forge result
- One of these must be visible: Inventory Log or Chat Log
There is no need to create CSV files for this research since I'm writing down rolls 1
by 1. Below you can find an image that shows all things mentioned but in-game.


Fractal Daily Chests are more advanced when it comes to proper gathering, so only
recordings will be accepted due to the nature of this opening. To make it as simple
as possible I have created a rather straightforward way of doing them.

Below you can find a link with an example of such opening:

Important notes if you are not providing me with a CSV file:

- Hover over all Potions (T3 and T4)
- Hover over all Ascended Armor Boxes (T1, T2, T3 and T4)
- Hover over all Rings (T2)


Please put your boxes and keys in your inventory then simply open them gradually
(in this case I will be able to see individual drops regardless). Both videos or
screenshots are accepted.

Below you can find a link with an example of such opening:


Ecto gambling is special because the data you will be creating is rare and expensive
to make. I want to be able to write down each individual roll 1 by one so it's important
to properly sort them in your bank.

Best way of explaining the process is one of my openings:

I'm moving each roll of items I get to the bank but using drag instead of clicking
cause otherwise stacks will get combined.

If you want to provide screenshots instead of the video for this particular research I
will need:
- Screenshot every time you open a gamble
- Both Chat log and Inventory Log to be present on the screenshot (remember that
you can use the in-game screenshot button!)

*Chat log - create a new chat and enable "Game Messages" without anything else
*Inventory log - it shows above your minimap when you get new items
*at once - implies that you will do the asked amount in one sitting without major stops in

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