Bell 212 CHK List

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Check F700 for maintenance status of the aircraft.

On Approaching Helicopter
Helicopter standing on firm ground and facing into wind.
Ground surface under helicopters free of any spilled fuel and oil
Fire extinguisher available
Ground handling wheels removed.

External Checks
Fire handle Checked in
Selector switch - Off
Battery Switch No 2 - On
Inverter No 2 - On
Check fuel contents - Sufficient for flight
Inverter 2 - Off
Battery - Off

Fuselage - Front

Under surface - Check general condition all panels secure.

- Wire cutter and aerials condition and
- Anti collision light, landing lamp and
search light condition and security.
- Skid attachment points in correct position
Port and starboard chin bubbles condition
and security.

Pitot head - Covers removed condition

Battery compartment - Cowling secure
Windshield and wipers - Condition
Main rotor blade - General Condition
Hydraulic by pass indicator - Green.
Starboard static vent - Unobstructed
Pilot door - Condition of hinges and locks.

Fuselage - Top surface

Mast nut - Wire locked
Pillow block reservoirs - Oil level checked
Grip reservoirs - Oil level check

Main rotor hub and blade assembly - Undamaged, no oil leaks

Pitch links - Condition
Stabilizer bar - Check oil level, no air bubbles, check free
Transmission oil filler cap - Secure
Hydraulic filler caps - Both secure
Transmission area - General condition, no leaks
Front Cowling - Check latches in closed positions
C’Box oil filler cap - Secure
Anti collision light - Condition / Security
Hydraulic fluid level - No 1 & No 2 full
Engine air intake - Unobstructed / Covers removed
- Particle separator closed.
VHF Antenna - Condition and security
ELT Antenna - Condition and Security
Wire Cutter - Condition and security
Dihedral sail (IFR) - Condition and security
OAT Sensor - Condition and security
Rotor brake fluid reservoir cap - Secured

Fuselage - Starboard
Skid starboard side - Shoes undamaged attachments secure
ground-handling wheels -removed.
Passenger step - Condition.
Starboard bottom Nav light - Condition & correct colour
Utility light - Condition
Passenger compartment door - Open / Condition interior inspection
Check transmissions oil level.
Starboard top nav light - Condition
Engine air intake - Covers removes
Ram air intake - Covers removes
Exhaust - covers removed/ Oil cooler - Condition
C’Box Compartment - Open, C’Box oil level check no leaks.
Eng. compartment - Check oil level, no apparent oil leaks.
Fuel filler cap - Secure
Air con compartment - Secure
Bottom rear compartment - Tail rotor hyd actuator condition.
Tail boom attachment bolts secure.

Tail boom starboard

Tail rotor drive shaft fairing - Secure
Baggage compartment - Condition and security
Synchronized elevator - Condition and security
VOR aerial - Condition
Main rotor blade - Removed
42 deg gear box - Oil level check
Vertical fin - Check condition, loose rivets etc.
Tail rotor - General condition, pitch links, blades
Tail light & Tail skid Condition
Tail Boom Port
90 deg tail rotor gear box - Oil level, no leaks
VOR aerial - Condition and Security
Synchronous elevator - Condition and security
Tail boom port side - Condition
Tail rotor drive shaft cover - Check, close all nuts secured
HF aerial - Condition and security

Fuselage port
Rear bottom cowling - Open three-axis gyro condition
Radio compartment - Engine oil level and general condition
No 1 engine compartment - Engine oil level and general condition
C’Box compartment - Check general condition, no leaks
Oil cooler - Condition
No 1-engine exhaust - Condition covers removed.
Ram air intake - Covers removed.
No 1-engine air intake - Covers removed
Port top nav light - Condition
Port cabin door - Open, check interior
Port Skid shoes - Undamaged, Attachments secure, Ground
handling wheels removes.
Passenger step - Condition
Utility light - Condition
Port bottom Nav light - Condition
Port co-pilot door - Condition
Port static vent - Condition.

Internal checks
Doors - Closed and locked
Seat - Adjusted
Harness - Tight & secure, Check operation of inertia
Pedals - Adjusted
Flying controls - Neutral, Collective bottom stop
Fire handles - Check in Select switch off
External power - On
Battery No 1 & 2 - On
Alarm Switch - Off
Cabin fire extinguisher bottle - Security
Emergency door release handle - Security
Viper motor housing - Condition
OAT gauge - Condition
Standby compass - Condition, check general heading
Vent Air - As required.
Oat gauge light switch - Check serviceability
Rotor Brake handle - Check warming light operation & off
Wander light - Condition and security
Pitot Static Heater - Off
Dome light rheostat - Off
Cargo release - Off
Wipers - Off
Wiper selector - Off
System Selector - Off
Heat aft outlet - Off
Vent Blower - Off
Nav Ac - Normal
All circuit breakers - In
Console lights - Off
Pedestal lights - Off
Instrument lights - Off
Copilot Instrument lights - Off
Engine Instrument lights - Off
Pilots Instruments lights - Off
Utility lights - Off
Master caution - Test and normal
Position lights - Off
Anti collision lights - Off
Inverter 1 - On
Inverter 2 - On
Inverter 3 - Off
Non essential bus - Normal
Gen 1 - Off
Gen 2 - Off
Battery 1 - On
Battery 2 - On

Front panel
Engine fire-warning lights - Test
Baggage fire warning - Test
Vent Air scoops - As required
Check all instruments from right to
Left for apparent serviceability.
Fuel Quantity selector - Check main tanks capacity
Caution Panel - Test all warning illuminate. (Including
master caution, RPM, Eng 1 out and Eng 2 out)
-Reset and off
Copilots Instruments - Check for serviceability
Vent Air scoops - As required
Emergency door release - Security of the handle.
Copilot Wiper motor housing - Condition and security.
Copilot standby compass - Condition and general heading.

Center pedestal
Cable cut - Guard on
Hoist power - Off
Fuel consumption counter set - Zero
Battery Temp gauge - Test
ADF - Off
Transponder - Off
Nav 1 & 2 - Off
Comm 1 & 2 - Off
Copilot Comm control box - Volume set
Compass control - Select MAG
All other Comm sets - Off
Flight Manual - Available.
AFCS - Power off, SCAS off, all channel selectors
Pilot Comm control box - Volume set
Fuel boost pumps - Both off
Fuel Values - Both off
Fuel Interconnect - Normal
Fuel Cross Feed - Normal
Fuel Crossed test switch - Normal
Governors - Both AUTO
Particle separators - Both normal
Hydraulic system No 1 & 2 - Both on
Step switch - Off
Rotor RPM audio - Off
Force trim - Guard on
Wind shield defrost lever - Off
Bus 1 & 2 circuit breakers - In
Transmission chip indicators - Check normal, Reset if reqd.

Collective Head
Landing light - Off
Search light - Off
Beep switch - 8 to 10 secs
No 1 & 2 throttles - Both fully open and both to flight idle.
No 1 idle stop - Activated, No 1 throttle fully closed
No 2 idle stop - Activated, No 2 throttle fully closed.
Collective Friction - As required
Collective Tie down - Removed

Pre - Start Checks

Cyclic - Neutral, Friction adjusted
No 1 and 2 Throttles - Fully open, Idle, Closed
Fuel Quantity - Sufficient for flight
Battery 1 & 2 - On
Inverters 1 & 2 - On
Anti collision / Nav light - As required
Rotor Brakes - Handle in
Rotor - Disc area clear, tie down removed.

Starter Limits
30 secs ON - 1 min OFF
30 secs ON - 5 min OFF
30 secs ON - 15 min OFF
Above cycle may be repeated

ITT Limits for starting

Maximum - 1090 deg C
Do not exceed 2 secs above 960 deg C

Engine start
Obtain clearance for start up from the linesman indicating the engine, which is about to
be started.

Respective boost pump - On, Check caution light off

Fuel Valve - On, check fuel pressure in green
Set stop Watch - To check starting limits are not exceded
Starter - Engage

Check oil pressure building and N1 not below 12% open throttle fully - set at idle -
energize idle release and bring throttle slightly to closed side. (Light off should occur
within 15 ses. After open
ing throttle and bringing to flight idle.)
At 55% NI - Disengage starter
Check Ts & P’s ( Eng., C’ box, Tx, Hyd 1 & 2 ) within limits Particle separator light -
Open throttle to N1 RPM 71% External power off
Corresponding generator - Reset & On. Check Ammeter
Note : Attempted engine start with no light off
If engine fails light off within 15 secs after the twist grips opened to flight idle, proceed
as follows.
Twist grip - Fully closed.
Flight idle stop release - Actuate
Starter - Disengage
Fuel Switch - Off
Boost Pump - Off
Allow 30 sec to drain fuel. Conduct a dry motoring run before attempting another start.

Dry Motoring Run

Twist grip - Fully closed
Boost Pump - On
Fuel Value - On
Ignition C/B - Pull out
Starter - Engage for 15 sec and disengage
Fuel Switch - Off
Ignition C/B - In
Allow for required cooling

Starting second engine

Open throttle of already started engine to 85% N2
Loadmeter below 150 Amps
Follow the same starting procedure mentioned earlier
Verify engagement of Second engine by monitoring triple tachometer and torque meter.
Check engine Temp and Press - Within limits
Particle separator light - Off
Open throttle to N1 71%
Generator - Reset and On check loadmeter / Voltmeter DC 27+ or - 1 vdc AC volt 104 -
122 vac
Check Battery 1 - Off (Automatically)
Set both throttle to flight idle ( N1 61 % + or - 1%)

Caution: A non-engaged engine is indicated by 10 % to 15% higher N2 rpm than the

engaged engine and near zero torque. If a non-engagement occurs close the twist grip of
the non engaged engine. When the non-engaged engine has stopped, shut down the
engaged engine. If a sudden (hard) engagement occurs, shut down both engines. main
nance action is re

After starting Checks

Invertor Function check

Check Inv 1 & 2 - On, Inv 3 to bus2
Switch off Inv 1 - Check Inv 3 taking load of Inv 1
Inv 1 - On, Set Inv 3 to Bus 1
Switch off Inv 2 - Check Inv 3 taking over load of Inv 2
Inv 2 On & Inv 1 - On Inv 3 to bus 2
Inv 1 Off - Check Inv 3 takes load of Inv 1
Inv 2 Off - Inv 3 releases load of Inv 1 and takes over Inv 2
Set Inv 1 & 2 On Inv 3 to bus 2

Overhead panel :
Anti collision / Position lights - As required
Blower/ Air con - As required
Radio Panel
Radio / Nav Equipment - As required
Fuel Management Panel
Fuel cross feed Switch - Normal
Fuel cross feed test Switch - Test to bus I, Boost no 1 Off check
cross feed opens,
Boost light - On
Boost no 1 - On , check light Off
Fuel cross feed test Switch - Test to bus 2 Boost no 2 Off check cross feed

Boost light - On
Fuel cross feed Switch - Override close No 2 Boost pressure falls to Zero
Fuel cross feed test Switch - Normal
Fuel cross feed Switch - Normal
No 2 Boost pump - On, Check no 2 Boost Pump light Off

Engine Governor Check

Warning : ensure throttle is in flight idle position before transfering fuel control to
manual mode.

No 1 Government Select manual mode. Note decrease of N1. Increase twist grip to
ensure manual controal of N1 Roll twist grip to flight idle select governor to Auto ( do
not allow N1 to droop below 50 % N1) No Governor Repeat above procedure

Engine Run Up
Ts & P’s all within limits
All warning lights - out
Increase Eng 1 to full throttle (N2 Stabilized 95% +/- 1%)
Increase Eng 2 to full throttle ( Check No 1 engine Rpm increase by 2% and both eng’s
stabilize at 97% +/- - 1%)
Beep switch - full Increase . Check N2 Rpm does not increase above 101.5%. Set at

Hydraulic System check

Force Trim - Off
No 1 Hyd - Off, Check caution light on and pressure drop. Check
collective . Cyclic and pedals. Only pedals will be
No 1 Hyd system - On
No 2 Hyd. - Off, Check caution light on and pressures drop.
Check collective & cyclic for normal operation.
No 2 Hyd system - On
Force Trim - As required.

Pre Take off / Landing checks:

Throttles - Fully open/ Rpm 100%
Friction - Throttle/ Collective/ Cyclic as required
Fuel - Boost on, Value on/ check pressure in green Contents
sufficient for detail

Steps - As required
Audio - On
Force trim - As required
Gauges - All within limits
Caution panel - All lights out
Gyros / Nav aids - Flags out/ as required
Cabin signs - On
Air Con - As required; Radar off
Harness - Tight
Doors - Closed
Clock - set timer

Check in Hover
Rotor Rpm - 100%
Gauges - All in green, caution lights out
Torque meter - Check hover power
C of G Hang - Correct by feel

Checks in the Clime

(Use 10 to 15% more torque than hover power for normal take off. Achieve 45 kts by 50
Air speed - 55 kts
Rate of Climb - 500 ft/min
Slip indicator - Balance flight
Gauges - All in green
Caution - out
After landing Checks
Cyclic - Neutral, Friction tightened
Collective - Fully down
Throttles - Both to flight idle
RPM Audio warning - Off
Force Trim - On
Collective - Tie down On
Inverter 3 - Off
All Radio/ Nav Equip - Off
Anti - coll/ Nav light - As required

Engine Shut down

Idle at stabilized Rpm before shut down for 1 minute
No 1 Throttle - Close, Watch ITT decrease ( for possible shut down fires)
No 1 Generator - Off
No 1 Battery - On
No 2 Throttle - Close, Watch ITT decrease
No 2 Generator - Off
No 1 & 2 Inv - Off
Engage rotor Brakes at or below 40 % Nr
No 1 & 2 Fuel valve and Boosters Off below 5 % NI

Once Rotors Stops

Anti Colli/ nav lights - Off
Battery Switches 1 & 2 - Off
Emergencies and Malfunctions

The drgree of emergency of landing the helicopter

Land immediately - The urgency of the landing is paramount. The primary

consideration is the sur
al of the occupants.

Land as soon as possible - Land without delay at the nearest suitable area (open
field etc) at which a safe approch and landing is safely assured.

Land as soon as practicable - The duration of flight and landing site are at the
discreation of the pilot. Extended flight bey ond the nearest approved landing area is not

Segment Fault condition Corrective

Wording action

C’Box Oil Pressure Combining

gearbox oil Reduce power,
pressure below land as soon
normal as

C’Box Oil Combining Reduce power. Observe

temperature gearbox oil temperaturewithin limit
temperature if not land as soon as
above limit possible

Transimission Transmission Reduce power, land as soon

oil pressure oil pressure as posible
is low.

Transimission Transmission Reduce power, land as soon

Oil temperature oilemperature as posible

Battary Battery case Batters switch off land as

Temperatur temperature soon as practical.
above limits

Baggage fire Smoke in reduce power to minimum

baggage required. Land as soon as
compartment practical

Fire 1 Pull Fire indication Refer fire drills

in no 1 engine

Fire 2 pull Fire indication Refer Fire drills

in no 2 engine

Eng 1 Out No 1 engine rpm Refer single engine

abnomally low Failures

Eng 2 out No 2 engine rpm Refer single engine

abnormally low failures
Engine Hor start
A hot start caused by excessive fuel in the combustion chamber and delayed fuel ignition.
The result is flamees emitting from the tail pipe and/  or excessive ITT indication.
Internal and external dam
age can result Procedure
Throttle - Colsed to shut off and continue to motor the engine.
Fuel switch - Off
Boost pump - Off
Continue to motor the engine until ITT shows decrease.
Complete shutdown
Exit helicopter and check for damage.
If ITT limits for shutdown were exceeded make an appropriate entry in the F700

Single Engine failure

1. Adjest power to maintain live engine within power OEI limits, reduce airspeed
( initillay 60 - 65 kts in level or descend, 55 kts in climb)
2. Beep increase to max ( RPM 97 % - 100%)
3. Identity failed engine
4. Throttle on failed engine - Closed
5.Fuel value on failed engine - Off
6. Fuel boose on failed engine - Off
7. Fuel X - Feed - Over - ride close
8. Fuel inter connect - Open
9. Generator on failed engine - Off
10. Both battery switches - On
11. Invertor 3 - On live bus
12. Master Caution - Reset
13. Land as soon as practical

Note : The N2 speed is allowed to drop to 94% during transition from twin engine to
single en
gine operation. When the best rate of climb airspeed 55Kts is obtained the N2 should be
increased to normal operating range ( 97 % - 100%)

Failure of Two engines

Failure of both enginers during cruise:
Rotor Rpm - Reduce collective pitch and establish autorotative glide.
(Rotor Rpm 91% - 104% power off)
Speed - 60 - 65 Kts. And balances flight.
Throttles - Both throttles fully closed.
Fuel - If neither engine is to be restarted; turn off both main fuel
valves and boost pumps.

Hamess - Harness tight, warm passengers.

Radio call - Inform ATC
Executive emergency - Execute a flare by application of aft cyclic
landing - control at an altitude of 35 to 45 feet,
depending on gross weight, to reduce the
rate of descent and forwrd speed. At an
altitude of 10 feet above the surface, level
flare sufficiently to allow Helicopter to land
in a near level attitude. At about 4 feet above the surface,
increase collective pitch to cushion the landing.

Note : Forward speed landing on firm level terrain have been demonstrated at ground
speed at to 50 kts and gross weigh of 11,200 pounds.

Engine restart during flight - Manual Mode

1. Twist grip of shut down engine - Close to shut off
2. Fuel boost - On, light out
3. Fuel value - On, pressure in green
4. Fuel control on shut down eng - Manual mode selected
5. Master caution - Reset
6. Generator on shut down engine - Off
7. Battery switches - Both on
8. Start engage starter at 12% - Open twist grip until a Nl in crease
is noted then manual controlacceleration within ITT limits Do not checked flight idle
speed Starter off at 55% N1.
9. Increase twist grip to maintain N2 at 100% Maintain manual control of twist grip to
keep manual engine torgue below automatic engine torque.
10. Fuel X - feed - Normal
11. Fuel inter connect - Normal
12. Generator - On

Engine Compartment Fire flight

1. Twist grip of engine showing fire - Close
2. T.handle showing engine fire - Pul / Select main bottle.
3. Adjustpower to operative live engine within limits, reduce speed to 60 - 65 Kts
4.Adjust power and increase beep tp mas
5. Fuel value on shut down engine - Off
6. Fuel boost on shut down engine - Off
7. If T- Handle still illuminated - Select Reserve bottel
8. Fuel X - feed - Over ride deserd
9. Fuel inter connect - Open
10. Generator on shut down engine - Off
11. Battery switched - Both on
12. Invertor 3 - On live bus
13. Master caution - Reset
14.Land as soon as possible

Note : If in near proximity to the ground prior to landing or just after take off land
helicopter first, then follow the fire procedure.

Tail Rotor Failures

Tail rotor failures are of varied types. The key to sucessful landing of a tail rotor
emergency lies in the ability of the pilot to quickly the type of malfunction.

Complete loss tail rotor thrust

A failure of this type will swing the nose to the right ( Left side slip). A roll of the
fueslage and nose down tucking may also occur.
Corrective Action
1) Hovering - Chop throttles and Iand
2) Climb/ Level Flight/ Power dive/ Descent
Chop throttles and lower collective immediately
Establisj a glide speed slightly in excess of normal auto speed.
If a turn is required tum to right
Once aligned for landing control hdg ( nose right pulse collective/ nose left ---> add
some power)
In final stages - Throttle fully closed
Execute a mild flare & touch down with rear of skids (run on landing)
3) Loss of tail rotor Components
Market forward C of G shift requiring additional nose down trim.
Reactions same as (2)

Fixed pitch failures

Left Pedal stuck-

This type of failure can happen on take off
Transit sideways to the right
Gain iranslation lift
Flare sideways and touch down
Slight sideways movement may be expected.

Right pedal stuck-

Reduce power maintain engine RPM in green
Execute a shallow to normal approach
Maintaining an airspeed of about 60 Kts
At 50 to 75 AGL when landing area can be made start a slow
deceleration to reach LP with about 25KIAS.
At about 4 slowly reduce throttles and allow helicopter to settle down.

Malfunctioning Procedures

Segment Fault Corrective Action

Wordings Condition

Oil pressure Engine oil pressure

(Eng1) below limit No 3 inverter to ON
DC Bus 2
DC Failure of DC Rest No 1 generator, Tum
Generator (1) Generator Off
if reset no possible.

Position No 3 Inverter

Part. Sep.Off Separator by pass Chk RPM warning breaker &

(1 or 2) door closed Ice & Part Sep. breaker in. Move
dust protection Part. Sep. Switch to
system inoperative ON position if Part. Sep
Off light remains
illuminated, correct
malfunction prior to
nest flight.

Fuel Boost Applicable pump if practical reduce

(1 or 2) Presure low or altiture to 5000 or
below for
pump failure has remainder of flight
due to
occurred possible fuel
starvation of engine if other boost
pump fails, If either
fuel boost pump fails
the crossfees
value is opend by a
switch, allowing the
remaining pump to
pressure to
both engine fuel
The above sequence
possible with the
cross feed
Normal. If this
function is not desired
cross feed switch
should be
positioned to Override
& interconnected

Fuel Filter Filter is partially Continue flight, consult

(1 0r 2) blocked maintenance manual
& correct before next flight

Fuel low Fuel remaining is The fuel interconnected

(1 or 2) approximately switch in the normal
10 mts, at cruise (Closed) sperates the
power after either lower fuel cells. When either
lights illiminates Low FUEL warning
light is
illuminated, the
intrconnected switch
should be moved to the
tion. This will allow the fuel
quantity in the low
er tanks to equal
ize. In the
event a fuel boost
failure has occured or occures
after the fuel inter connect is open.
fuel in the lower tanks
will be
fuel in the lower tanks
will be
available to the
through either boost

Gov. in manual Engine temp & RPM must
Manual mode be controlled with
twist grip
(Eng 1 or 2)

Chips Metal Particles Reduce power & shut down

(Engine 1or2) in engine oil engine as soon as praticable to prelude
engine damaged.
land as soon as

Fuel Value Fuel value not Recycle switch, check prior

(1 or 2) property seated. to next flight

Gen Ovht Governor Gen . Switch - Off Check

( 1 or 2) overheating elec system prior to
next flight.

Invertor failure of No 1 Check No 1 Ac Voltmeter to

No 1 invertor determine that No 3
has assumed no 1
load automatically.
External Ext.pwr still Check door closed
power connected
to the a/c

Door lock Cabin aft door (s) Check doors closed &
or baggage locked
compartment door
not closed

Battery Battery relay open Reset battery, If neither

both batt switches battery switch will reset
in the same posn leave switches OFF

Chipc Box Metal particles in Reduce power land soon as

Combining gear practical
box oil

Chip xmsn Metal particles in Reduce power land as soon

transmission oil as practical

Chip Metal Particles in Land as soon as practical

42/90 Box oil.

Oil Eng oil pressure Secure No 2 engine

Pressure bellow lomit Position No 3 Invertor to ON
(Eng 2) DC bus 1 & Battery
Bus switch to OFF
Battery bus I switch
to ON.

DC Failure of DC Gen Reset No 2 Gen. Turn off if

Generator reset not possible.Post No 3
(Eng) inverter to ON DC BUS 1 &
Batr. Bus 2 switch
es to OFF
Battery Bus I Switch to On.

Hydraulic Hyd. press Low or Verify fault from gauge

temp high readings. If temp is
high or
pressure low turn
OFF affected system land
as soon as prac

Invertor Failure of No 2 In chk No 2 AC volt meter to

No 2 determine that No 3
Inv. has
assumed No 2

Fuel X feed Fuel cross feed Chk fuel X feed circuit

value not fully breaker (both)
open or closed or Fuel X feed switch
X feed circuit
breaker out

Heater Air Heater mixing valv Turn Off heater

line Malfunction immediately

Invertor Failure of No 3 Position Invertor switch to

No 3 Invertor other DC BUS. If
light stays
ON, Invertor No 3

RPM Rotor RPM above

Adjust collective pitch & / or
below operating RPM increase/
limites. Switch as required.

Electrical Power failure

DC- Failure to Produce power
If either generator has not failed; but the circuit is opended, reset the generator by
moving the gen
tor switch to reset position momentarily, then back to On.

For single generator operation. nonessential buses may be restored by moving the
nonessential bus switch from the Normal to the Manual position. Monitor to ensure loads
within limits.

AC- Failure to Produce power

If either invertor fails to produce power, check the appropriate Ac circuit breakers to be

Engine fuel control Malfunction

High side failures Low side

High Total Low total High total Low
Power power power power
Demand demand Demand
((More than (Less than ( more than
(Less than
single eng . single eng single eng
single eng
max pwr) max pwr) max pwr)
max pwr)

High side failures

A sudden Rrpm increasing noise will be heared and a triple tacho indication would
indicate all three needles above the 100 % mark and
increasing ( In a low total power demand situation the rate increase will be greater)
Raise collection to contral Rrpm
N1 needle which shows the highest RPM is the one thet has failed Cross check with other
(Unfailed) Engine Produced power determine engine with fuel control malfunction
Twist grip - Ldle
Select - Governor manual mode
Control with twist grip to maintain RPM & torgue within limits.

Low side failures

Would be indicated by a reduction of N2 by approximately 2% & atorgue split.
Chk - both twist grips fully open.
Collective pulse - Chk non responding needle of torque guage.
Cross chk with low N1 on the same engine
Derermine engine with fuel control malfunction
Twist grip - idle
Select - governor manual mode
Control with twist grip to maintain RPM & Torgue within limits.

Afcs Runway, Hardover of Unusual


Aircraft attitude - Correct with cyclic & pedals

AFCS release switch - depress cyclic switch, chk AFCS control panel
CAS Eng switch drop put
SCAs channel Switchs (3) -Off
AFCS Power - Off
Continue flight with AFCS - Off

Hydraulic Malfunction
This helicopter has two hydraulic powered flight control system (1 & 2) Both systems
supply power to each flight control system for the main rotor, with the tail rotor control
system powered by system No 1 only if either the system pressure of temperature goes
above the red line, the appropriate system should turned off. Continued flight and normal
maneuvers can be maintained on the remaining sys
tem. If system No 1 is turned off the tail rotor control is unpowered. Pedal force are
increased but no charge in lim
tion results.

Heater Malfunction
A malfunction in the bleesd air heater units controls will cause the heater to be
System Selector Switch - Off

Nav Radios inoperative

Nav Ac Switch - Bus No 2

Re- Engaging system after emergency disengage afcs.

Inverters - CHK for proprer AC voltage on Bus No 1 If unable to get voltage on BUS No
1 channels will inoperative.
Circuit breakers - In If a breaker has popped out pops again after being reset do not
attempt further resetting.
Master SCAS / AFCS power switch ON
Individual channel No Go light - Move appropriate flight control and observe that each
light comes ON . DO not attempt to engage a channel thst did not light up when the
control was moved.
Individual channel NO GO lights - out (Do not at
tempt to engage chan
nel if light is ON)
Individual channel ARM switches (Operative channels)-to CASA or ATTED as desired.
SCAS engage switch - engage. If any unusual control input, disengage SCAS
ATTED engage switch - (If desired) engage. If any unusual control input disengage

Inoperative channels - SCas

Disengage affected channel by turning approprite channed ARM switch OFF

Inoperative Channel - AFCS

Disengage affected channel by turning appropriate channel ARM Switch to SCAS of

Inoperative Atitude Gyro - Copilots

Disengage ATTD pitch & roll channels
Note - SCAS will work noemally on all channels unless gyro failure was caused by AC
system failure.
Inoperative Heading Gyro - Copilots
Disengage ATTD yaw channel.

Note - SCAS will work normally on all channels unless gyro failure was caused by AC
system failure.

Ac failure - System No 1
Note -Normally, the No3 inverter will; supply power to either bus if failure of the No 1 or
2 inverter should occur. If no power is available on No1 bus proceed as follows;
PICTH , ROLL & YAW Channed ARM SWitches - Off
Caution - Copilot Ac power instrument & No 1 Engine pressure instruments will be

AC Failure No 2
Note - Normally the No 3 INVETER will supply power to either bus if a failure of the No
1 or NO2 inverter should occur.
Caution - Pilot’s AC powered instruments & No 2 engine pressure instruments will be

AFCS Will not engage - NAy channels(s)

Force trim master switch - Chk ON
Channel ARM Switchs - chk in Attd position
Copilor attitude gyro - wait until fully erected
Afcs Circuit Breakers - Chk IN

AFCS Will not engage - Yaw channel only

Turn trin knop - chk in centered position & not depressed
Pedals - Force trim centered
Yaw channel ARM switch - Chk in ATTD position
AFCS heading circuit hreaker - Chk IN
Copilot directional gyro - Chk operative
Note - Yaw AFCS Channel will drop out if pi
lot uses man
al sav
ing switch on copilot di
al gyro.

Feed back felt in cyclic During Scas only Flight

Insufficient cyclic friction applied. Readjust per maintenance manual

Oscillation in afcs - Any channel

Disengage affected channel & refer to maintenance instructions.

Hydraulic Failure system No 2

Disengage pitch & Roll Channels by turning pitch & Roll select switches OFF
Hydraulic failure - System No 2
Disengage pitch & Roll Channels by turning pitch & Roll select switches OFF

Static Port Obstructions

Erratic readings from the ASi, VSI & ALT METER may occur when operating helicopter
rain with static source switch in PRE position

If this occures, proceed as follows,

Windows and vents - Closed
System Selector switch - Off
Static Source switch - Altn

Note - This procedure select an altermate static source cabin air for pilot side instrument

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