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5E Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Overview

Teach Number: Day 1 Names of Students Teaching: Alex Lambert

Teach Date: Title of Lesson: Its Alive!

Source: N/A
Teach Time:
Grade Level: AP Biology
Teach Length: 120 minutes
Mentor’s School: Bell High School Mentor Teacher’s Name:

NGSS/CCSS for Lesson: N/A

Scientific/Math Practices: N/A

Objectives Evaluation

1. Students will…design their own sourdough 1. The sourdough starters the students produce
starter ratios during the explore

2. Students will...plan the different topics they 2. The brain map the students will make during the
need to investigate to make the most effective elaborate

Materials List (Be SPECIFIC about quantities): Accommodations:

For whole class:

● Powerpoint Safety:
- We waft smells in Science, do not directly
Per group: inhale
● Mature starter sample
● Gloves
Per student:
● Sourdough Care Plan
● Sourdough Concept Map

Use an interesting attention-grabber that focuses students’ interest and attention on the lesson content
and activities.

Description of activity: I will be passing around my 2 year old sourdough starter and the
students will be discussing their observations. They can touch it (with gloves), smell it, and
observe it. I will have students guess what it is, how old it is, share out their observations.

Estimated section time: 20 minutes

Updated Fall 2021

GWTeach 5E Lesson Plan Template

How is the teacher facilitating?

What are the students doing? [Include the questions you will ask students and
possible student responses to those questions.]

Students are investigating the sourdough Teacher is monitoring student work,

starter sample they were given walking around asking probing questions
Students are touching, smelling, and Teaching is making sure the materials are
observing the different aspects of the being used appropriately
Students are hypothesizing what the Probing questions: “what do you think
starter is, how old it is, why there are this is?” “Is it alive?” “How old do you
bubbles? think it is?” “Why are there bubbles?”
“What does it smell like?” “Why does it
smell like that?” “Do you think it’s safe to
Students will be listening to the Teacher is revealing what the substance
explanation and asking questions about is and doing a little intro of sourdough
the sourdoughs starters. Teacher also introducing the
final project
Transition: Now that we’ve begun to investigate the properties of sourdough starters, we’re going to be
making our own.

Description of activity: To become familiar with what sourdough starters are and some
background we will play a Kahoot activity. Students will be making their own sourdough
starters. They will be deciding the ratio of flour and water. They will have access to the internet
and can choose to follow an already existing recipe or do their own ratio.

Estimated section time: 30 minutes

How is the teacher facilitating?
What are the students doing? [Include the questions you will ask students and
possible student responses to those questions.]
Students will be playing a game of kahoot
10 Facilitates the kahoot game for the students
about sourdough starters to give some
minutes and reads the questions out
10 Students will be working in groups of Monitors student work by walking
minutes two or three to research and plan their around and asking questions.
ideal ratio of flour to water

GWTeach 5E Lesson Plan Template

10 Once students have their ratio planned Approves student plans by looking at
minutes out they will show their plans to the their proposed ratios and asking
teacher to be approved. Once they have clarifying questions. Makes sure that
clearance they can retrieve their students include measurements not just
materials and make their starters. percentages of ingredients

Transition: Okay! I believe all of you have had your plans approved for your starter, let’s debrief the
choices we’ve made.

Description of activity: Students will share out their chosen ratios and why they decided to
choose it. We will talk about why the ratio matters, what is it that keeps sourdough starters

Estimated section time: 10 minutes

How is the teacher facilitating?
What are the students doing? [Include the questions you will ask students and
possible student responses to those questions.]

5 mins Students are sharing out their chosen Calling on groups of students to share
ratio designs, explaining how they came out, asking probing questions such as
to those conclusions “why did you add more water than
flour?”, “why did you add less water?”,
“what role does the flour play in the
relationship of the starter?”
5 mins Students start thinking about the Asks probing questions and hints at the
molecular mechanisms involved in type of concepts we will be interacting
sourdough starters with
“How do we produce CO2?”, “Do we all
produce the same amount of CO2”, “do
we and the sourdough starters produce
co2 in the same way?”, “why do we
produce CO2?”
Transition: We’ve started talking about some of the concepts we might need to know to help us
determine the best ratio for our sourdough starters, I want you to work with your groups to map out
these concepts and how they’re connected.

GWTeach 5E Lesson Plan Template

Description of activity: Introducing the project, starting our deep dive into what topics students
need to to know to make their decisions about the best sourdough starter. Students will be
making their own mind maps to figure out what concepts they need to know in order to find the
ideal ratio for their starters.

Estimated section time: 20 minutes

How is the teacher facilitating?
What are the students doing? [Include the questions you will ask students and
possible student responses to those questions.]

Students are working in their table Gives instructions and answers questions
groups to make their own concept maps
Asks questions to teacher when needed Monitors student work and asks
and use their technology when they have questions to stimulate conversation
exhausted their own knowledge
Students will answer the prompting “How do you think the holes in the bread
questions got their?”, “how does our body produce
CO2?”, “what type of processes have we
talked about that deal with CO2?”
Students share out their ideas for the Will ask students to share out their
concept maps and discuss how things are concept map ideas and record on the
connected board. The whole class concept map is
what we will be using as a plan for our
project moving forward.
Transition: I loved all of the ideas that everyone wrote down! This is going to be our plan moving forward
for this project, so we know what we need to investigate for our final product.

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