Day 1 Powerpoint

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How do we know if something

is alive?
What is it?
What is Sourdough??
- Sourdough starters are made of a combination of
Flour and water
- Through the process of fermenting you get naturally
occurring lactobacilli and Yeast
- The yeast and bacteria work together to help the
bread rise
What goes into a Sourdough Starter?

Flour + Water
What is important for a good starter?


What are we doing with Sourdough?
● Making our own starters!!!
● What is the ideal ratio for our starters?
● How should we care for our starters?
● We will be working in our table groups to research and decide on the ideal
ratio for our starters
● Use your technology to reference any articles or recipes for sourdough
● The more variations of ratios in the class the better!!
● Once you and your group feel like you’ve decided on the right ratio, come
to me to so I can write it down
● When your plans are approved, one groupmate can come and grab your
supplies to make your own starters
Big Question
Based on the fermentation and cellular respiration
reaction, what is the ideal sourdough starter ratio?

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