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COMPARATIVE TABLE OF THE SECTIONS OF THE CODE ¢ 1908, 1882, 1877, 1861 AND 1859. 1 7 1808 2682 gy 1501 | 1850 1908 age aav7) asa ‘ ! E : _} Erotiona | Ssclions i 1 1 an ‘2 aa 6 2 2 | 8G a 209 Fea] aq) | anon 10g 4a 29 HHA ea 5 2 z 450) SHA 4 4 oe 46 ‘oe 5 4a ai ad Ma B | Ginst gam, 48 290, |o00 para. paris, D4. | dk a de 8 7 5 5 g 49 255 aa i 554 34 a n ii 2 es 10 i sa ann 282, 094 11 a 9 a ee w ee e is ce ane ct 4 Ss on uM | ta, Esp. ce ia HBA iis of 538 Bis 18 15 us Sal. 42 iG ae ao eho au a9 0 o & a A 8 # a au 6 70 parse. 2,4 a an ae i para. G. ia 30 a20 cr 205 205 ee aa 58D 158, 1 ica 10 80 SA B85 an 290 se 5G (3). 8 aay 9 416, an j oon mam. 1, i (pura. 1.) ] 80 an a fee a8 al 495,408 | 86, 698 yas, 2, i 82 ae ee Leis au 430 a0 f 38 i 431, “ CU Ch {bh COMPARATIVE TABLE 1888 1877 Joh or) 1908 1688 ast 2861 | Bections tan 37, 05, ie ” Err) anf & abe ut 142 345 Mk sth 1 1a 2 a + i cy w 58 o oo ith 108 18 { bt 108 108 1) a6! wr B) an 308 al a6 108 a) eG, Se 10 Bh ae ut 5) 9 1A T) oe 13 8} 50, a2 cre} g|. Bt aia 10./ 87, 99, 88 15 iit a} ii we} a5 Lit i] ik 118 aRil 4 ian a) 45 iia S| ae, i a) 44a 138 | lean, 44 1 8) 46, 47, 185 nT) 46! 188 0,8,B1) 6! a8T 1 { { 10 a] a 15D. a Eo iat a] ao! ia 5] do 13 S| ai; ae 1 ha ff ah 2 )98, last: 1A, a a | 186 2 es ia i) & 338 {| 2 COMPARATIVE. TABLE: 2807 2 ee @E8 BS8*3 2 F 85 8, 5 Bab rod 90, OF 422-6 408 465, 804 408 m2 oneeee Sema eeeee om Hague annamen 58, a2 00 a8 118,370 ot oF ORE 00 6 00 303, 101 109 & 101 192 & 108 | 103, 108, 100, 588 1d5 105 107 103, 109, 153, 108 iM MB & 110 15 230 ‘COMPARATIVE TARLE TURP TAT TT ater Teta at ee 22 aR COMPARATIVE TABLE OF THE SECTIONS OF THE CODES ¢ 1882 AND 1908. g : 3 . sei R an oF a fad ddd gecshtaggeis dace ; s oes peCsHastd Satta oe (tcycceenumedddededderred cedcad@ aa aa for odddddddddddddddddddwdcdsddddndddd 3 ae a = ai g ao Ss ie a ae eS ae Jet 3 see +E ogg =. tt & “gg $4 (f%erce S88aidieosate Ae gakaccd dedddn dee ee & adeuaaseed da gh Risse Sas aaascddeed ddddnanedd gagscddddd seseccsddddcds cen os a 5RS a 2 ee se") waedeasaana asanansse ARSSSSAS3TSISF xz COMPARATIVE LADLE One, 15H. Bia |S. 201, 01.49, 1, 1, 43 |B. 108. Bhs |. 41,5. 5.103, 0.49, 6.1 tts jO.4l, no sot 5.105, nat O. aly ne moe Osh r, Bat ofa Ona te 548 ay jal ai, eI. 5B DS. 5.108. ‘Bu 556 5, 110, ant aT 5, 111. nt aS O46, 4,2, Bsa co Bad OL ne ©. at) ro 6. ee t 6 0.41, 7.17. ong a sat O. at, r. 18, as a. 558 Odi, n 1 cg 3. and OL al, 1 BO. noe 10, 560 0.40) 7 21, oor (0. aoL OL, toe cos, ho. san 0.41, 1. 38, 608 6. 84 | Oenitied, oro 4. or te 5 582. cr cu lo. hy 8 TE Git, Ga, | | Crmitted, pec hogs ana? 1928 1929 110 XVI isda s 1934 ERAYV 1936 MI 1997 YIIE 1987 1x i987 | XYT 1987 1939 KXVI CHUN AIGA T. TALLIED OF AMIN DENT. ACTS feanelscded.} Short Tithe, “The ‘Pounster of Property (\neet tent} Supplieentiry Ae ‘The Cuike af Cevil Prucedave Cnet: sent} Aet The Amending Act "Tha Code of Civit Procedure (Anwnd- mont) Ack ‘Tha Coto of Givat Procedure [Ane veont) Aek. Tho Colo of Civil Procedure (Boron, Amendmont) Act ho Cato of Civil Procodyre (hha Amenlinont) Ack ‘Tho Govarnment of India {Adaptation of Indian Laws} Order ‘Tha Cos of Civ! Procedure (Amend Flew effected. Amending 0,11. 1. Aaneniing 8, 78, 9. Fesoeling new Rules 19, 26 S2in GO, 86 with heading. Amending 5.2, eluuso (17) } elanan i), O. and It, 28 anil O. 38, 2. Awveniting 8, 61 and 0, 21, 2, Sobplitutine new Rule 40- in placa of the old Rulo, 1, Inserting now 8. 144, 2. Amonding O. 21 R, 23, Amending 8, 69, Anvonding 0. 32.1, 3, Aneonding O. 21 B. 48. ment) Ach CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF AMENDING ACTS feoweluded.) 7 Bo, of Short Title. | How affected. Aah. ieee xx ‘The Code of Civil Procedure (Amnend- | Amending 5. G0, ' meat} Ach NIM | Tho Lesisintive Members Exemption | Inserting usw 8, 1 5A Act soceit | ome duch ‘Courts (Supplimantary) Act | Amending 8. 122 and & 124, 1) The Small Cases Courts (ALinchment | i of immovalile property) Act VI | The Code of Civil Proceduve (Amend. | ment) Act XXIL | Tho Code of Civil Prmesduve (Second AAmendenent) Act BEN | The Negolinhle Instrumente {Interest} id KRKLY | The Sind Courts (Supplimentary) Act ‘Tho Repealing and Amending. Act AVOE ‘The Repeuting and Amending Ack BSE | The Tiansfer of Property (Amend- ment) Supplimentary Aet | The ‘Transfer of Property (Amend. \ ment} Supplimentary Ack ‘The Code of Civil Procedure (Amend_ ment) Act Whe Ainending Act BRI The ah ‘of Civil Procedure (Amend. anent) Avt NUT The Cude of Civil Drucedure-(Anweud. t} Aut BE The je af Civit Procedure (Seeand RVI Th roe (Armond 1. Amonding 8. 7. | 2, Tneorting new R. 18 in Q.38. Amending 8. 1118, Amending 0, 3 R. Zand B. 4. Amending 0.97 1.2 and Form | an Appendix B. Amonding & 182 and 8. 184, “Amending — 0.5 8. 7 and BR. 98, Tending of 0. 28. iti, O. 98 Tt. 1, R. Q and Re 3. | Adding now subsection (4) fa £ 1. Substituting new Rules? (0 8,1, and 16 fer the old Rules in 4, Substituting new Forme J to 2 Appendix D for the ol Form: 3. Tnserling now Ruio 8A in. Amondling 0.49 R.1. 1, Amenting & 78. 2, Toserling. wow Roles 19, 20, 25 22 i 0. 26 with heading. ing 8. 2, claus (17), 8) “saltescetavn (1), chime ()), Q.5 T t ae Tt. 98 und Q, 28, 2S. ST and -O, 21 R. retituting slew Rule 40 in C in place of the old Tule, 1, Inserting now 8. 444. | 2, Amonting 21 R29. | Amending $. 60, Amending O. 2h Th 4.

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