ch-2..... Chapter - 2 Trade Union

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Chapter Two

Trade Union

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Page 1
Trade Union
• An organization whose membership consists of
workers and union leaders, united to protect and
promote their common interests.
• A trade union is an organization of workers, acting
collectively, seeking to promote and protect its
mutual interests through collective bargaining.
• Trade union refers to the worker association for
keeping own interest and strengthening the union
for bargaining with the employers about
compensation package and working environment.

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Page 2
Objectives of Trade Union
1. Disseminate of trade union awareness among the workers.
2. Promotion of professional and occupational standers of
3. Improvement of cultural standard of workers.
4. Improvement of heath, economic and social standards of
workers and their families.
5. To safeguard and promote employees right to speech.
6. To develop a sense of responsibility towards industry and
community among the workers.
7. To promote the formation of cooperative societies and to
fosters workers education.
8. To foster welfare activities of the workers.
9. To ensure greater worker participation in decision making.

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Page 3
Why Do Employees Join Trade Union?
1. To get economic security; that is, they want steady employment with an
adequate income

2. To restrain the management from taking any action which is irrational,

illogical, discriminatory or prejudicial to the interests of labour. Workers
desire that the assignment of jobs, transfers, promotions, the maintenance
of discipline, layoffs, retirement, rewards and punishments should be on the
basis of pre-determined policy and on the basis of what is fair and just

3. To communicate their views, aims, ideas, feelings and frustrations to the

management; that is, they want to have an effective voice in discussions
which affect their welfare

4. To secure protection from economic hazards beyond their control; for

example, illness, accident, death, disability, unemployment and old age

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5. To get along with their fellow-workers in a better way and to
gain respect in the eyes of their peers; and

6. To get a job through the good offices of a trade union.

Plants get unionized for three reasons – dissatisfaction, lack of

power and union instrumentality. Dissatisfied employees seek
union membership to improve work situation. Employees
believe unionization fetch them power. Power, in turn, is
believed to remove dissatisfaction. Employees take unions as
instruments to remove dissatisfaction.

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Page 5
Trade Union Theories
• 1. Social- psychological approach of Robert Hoxie:
• Trade unions grow out of the socio-psychological environment of the
workers. Workers, who are similarly situated economically and socially,
closely associated and not very much divergent in temperament and
training, tend to develop a common interpretation of their social situation
and a common solution of their problems of living. This leads them to unite
into a union. Thus differences of environment cause different unions to
• 2. Sociological approach of Frank Tannenbaum.
• Trade unions are the by-products of an industrial society in which
customization has destroyed the old way of life and robbed the workers of
his identity, purpose and creativity. Unions are a reflection of the worker’s
spontaneous urge to re-establish his identity. Trade unions help the worker
in regaining his social life.

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• 3. Protest approach of Kerr, Dunlop and others.
• Trade union is a form of organized protest against the evils of
industrialization. Besides bringing about a basic change in the relationships
between man and his work and between man and his cultural setting,
industrialization inevitably circumscribes workers’ freedom by imposing
discipline. The worker often finds his work distasteful and his
compensation never commensurate with his contribution. Formation of a
union is one of the organized forms of protest – an expression of the
workers resentment over the prevailing industrial system.
• 4. Industrial democracy approach of webs
• Trade unions are the means to achieve industrial democracy. They assert
that political democracy alone cannot yield to the worker the fruits of
freedom of contract, freedom of association, freedom of opportunity, etc.
He can enjoy the fruits of political democracy only when he is granted
industrial democracy, which means that he is given say in running the
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• 5. Classless society approach of Karl Marx
• Trade unions represent a prime instrument for destroying the capitalist
class. Although these unions by themselves cannot bring about a class-less
society still they are important to carry on the economic struggle against the
oppression and to bring about a revolutionary transformation of the
working class.
• 6. Sarvodaya approach of Gandhi
• Trade unions are essentially reformist organizations whose main function is
to raise the moral and intellectual standards of labour. They are in the
largest degree political. Their main aim is to increase their internal strength
to work conscientiously and to take from the employer no more than what
is rightfully due to the labourers.

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Page 8
Nature of Trade Union in Bangladesh
There are some unique nature of trade unions in
Bangladesh which makes it distinct from others, these
1. Subdivided trade unions
2. Politicized
3. Weak structure
4. Participate in unrelated activities
5. Selfish leaders
6. Financially disable
7. Lack of necessary knowledge of leaders
8. Autocratic in decision making
9. Lack of faith between leaders and labors

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Functions of Trade Union in Bangladesh
1. Organizing the workers
2. Collective bargaining
3. Democratizing
4. Industrial action
5. Provision of benefits to members
6. Fostering education for workers
7. Communicating with others about activities
of the union
8. Welfare activities
9. Political activity
10. Enhancement of human potential
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Trade Union Structure in Bangladesh:
1. Basic union
i. General trade union-A general union is
a trade union which represents workers
from all industries and companies
ii. Industrial union-Industrial union,
trade union that combines all workers,
both skilled and unskilled, who are
employed in a particular industry.
iii. Craft union - Union representing workers
who share the same skill-set or who
perform identical tasks, although they may
work in different industries
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i. Blue collar union-A blue-collar worker is
a working class person who performs
manual labor
ii. White collar union-A white-collar
worker is a person who performs
professional, desk, managerial work.
iii. CBA
2. Industrial Federations
3. National Federations

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Advantages of Trade Unions
1. Increase in bargaining power
2. Ensuring job security
3. Enhancement of wages
4. Implementations of labor laws properly
5. Opportunities to raise voice to employers
6. Recognitions of workers participation
7. Ensuring industrial peace
8. Protection against exploitation
9. Creating harmonious relationship
between employers and workers
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Page 13
Disadvantages of Trade Unions
1. Corruption of trade union leaders
2. Affiliation with party policies
3. Decrease in productivity
4. misuse of rights
5. Increase in managerial complexity

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Page 14
Registration of Trade Union
• Step-1: Application for registration
• Step-2: Requirements for application
• Step-3: Requirements for registration
• Step-4: Registered trade union to
maintain register
• Step-5: Registration
• Step-6: Certificate of registration
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For getting legal status, registration of trade union
is a must. In order to be a CBA union registration
is mandatory.
• Step 1: Application for registration
Any trade union may, under the signature of its
president and the secretary, apply for
registration of a trade union to the Registrar of
trade union.
• Step 2: Requirements for application
Every application must contain the followings-
i. The name of the TU and address of its head

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ii. The date of formation
iii. The titles, names, ages, addresses and occupations of
office bearers of TU.
iv. Statement of total paid membership
v. In case of federation of TU- the names, addresses and
registration number of member unions
vi. In case of transport vehicle TU-total no. of vehicles,
name and addresses of their owners, the route permit
no. of the vehicle, no. of workers.
vii. Three copies of constitution of TU with a copy of
resolution by the members of TU adopting such
constitution bearing the signature of the chairman of the

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viii. A copy of resolution by the members of the TU
authorizing its president and the secretary to apply for its
ix. In case of federation of TU, a copy of resolution from
each of the constituent unions agreeing to become a
member of the federation.
• Step 3: Requirements for registration
A TU will not be entitled as registered unless the constitution
thereof provides for the following matters-
i. The name and address of the TU
ii. The objectives of TU
iii. Members of the TU will declare that he is not the member
of any other TU.
iv. The sources of fund of the TU
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v. The maintenance of member list of TU
vi. The dissolution manner of TU
vii. The safe custody of funds, the manner of its annual
viii. The meeting of executives and general body
• Step-4: Registered trade union to maintain
i. A register of members showing particulars of
subscriptions paid by each member.
ii. An account book showing receipts and expenditure
iii. A minute book for recording the proceedings of

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• Step-5: Registration
i. The Registrar, on being satisfied that the trade union has
complied with all requirements of law, will register the TU in
a prescribed register and issue a registration certificate in
the prescribed form within a period of 60 days from the date
of receipt of the application. If the Registrar found any
material deficient, he should give his objection in writing
within 15 days from the receipt of the application. Then the
TU will reply within 15 days from the receipt of objection.
ii. If the objections are satisfactorily met, the Registrar will
register the TU. Otherwise he will reject it.
iii. In case of rejection of certificate, delayed disposal of the
application beyond the period of 60 days, the TU may
appeal to the labor court.

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• Step-6: Certificate of registration
The Registrar, on registering a TU will issue a
certificate of registration in the prescribed form
and that will provide a conclusive evidence that
the TU has been duly registered.

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Page 21
Essentials of Successful Trade Union
• 1. Should be enlightened one, so that it may be able to guide and direct the
trade union movement properly.
• 2. Should have a solid foundation, so that it may be strong enough to
achieve success in the realization of its objectives.
• 3. Should have clearly enunciated objectives and a coherent and well-
conceived policy; and it should consider itself as a business organization
which requires careful planning and sound organizational methods for its
• 4. Should be run by the members for the members; that is, its leadership
should come from the rank and file of its members.
• 5. Should have honesty and integrity of purpose.
• 6. Should look beyond its own horizon, and recognize and fulfill its proper
role in the life of the nation and of community in the midst of which it lives
and functions.
• 7. Should have a sense of responsibility. It should be internally strong so
that it may be effective in protecting the interests of the workers.

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