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Print and Play version has been optimized for

printing the two sides of the cards on one sheet of

For example, the top left card face will match up
with the top right card back. The middle left card
face will match with the card back on the middle
right. Etc.

If putting the cards together in another way,
please take this into account.

Cheers and have fun!


The Original

Drinking RPG

It's a Drinking
Game and a

All three Drinking Quest

games in one box remastered
with added content!

The Original

Drinking RPG

You're going on an adventure!
Like any RPG you'll slay monsters, upgrade
your hero and find treasure... but when your
character dies in the game you'll have to
chug your drink in real life to continue! Have
an epic game night with the definitive
version of Drinking Quest! Cheers!
Contributing Artists:
Component List: Writing & Game Carole Nelan, Deanna Laver
220 Colour Cards Design: Aaron Goulborn, Ben Granoff
Maggie Laurin, Stuart Paterson
(with no repeats) Jason Anarchy Anique Zimmer
1 Four Sided Die
1 Six Sided Die
1 Eight Sided Die
1 Pad of Character
1 Oversized "Shop"
*Beer not included

Please Quest Responsibly

This game is a parody of gaming and pop culture.
If you choose to drink, it is your responsibility to drink safely.

KNOW YOUR LIMIT: Drinking Quest is designed as an adult
“drinking game” but may be played without consumption of
alcohol. According to the Surgeon General of the United States
(1) women should not drink alcoholic beverages during
pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects and (2)
consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to
operate machinery and may cause health problems. We do not
recommend misuse of alcohol including excessive
consumption, binge-drinking, drinking and driving/boating,
and/or underage drinking. It is the players’ responsibility to
monitor and moderate their alcohol consumption. We
recommend that all players make adequate arrangements for
their personal safety and transportation BEFORE playing.

DISCLAIMER: Wiseman Innovation, it’s heirs, assigns,
representatives, employees and agents bear no responsibility
and are not liable for special or consequential damages
resulting from the use, misuse, inability to use or
interpretation of the contents of this product regardless of
whether Wiseman Innovation has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.

available heroes by taking that Hero Card and then filling in the being attacked it could be a full-fledged hit or a total miss.
Drinking Quest: Trilogy Edition stats on the character sheet. The player also takes the correspond-
ing Special Ability Card for that character. Let’s say the hero’s attack is D6 + 2 and he attacks a monster.
Instructions The players should also state their drink of choice. It could be a
beer, half a rum & cola, or something non-alcoholic. The import- The hero rolls a D6 and gets a 3.
ant thing is to drink safely and within your tolerance.
So 3 + 2 is 5 and if the monster had a defense rating of 1 then the
Starting the game hero would do four points of damage. Defense is automatic and no
The Quest 1 cards should be shuffled and placed in the center of defend dice are rolled.
the table face down. The same should be done with the appro-
priate cards for Quests 2 – 4. In a two-player game only draw the This works the same way in reverse when the monster is attacking
top eight cards in each quest. In the final quest of a 2-player the hero. For future reference just remember this formula: Dam-
game, draw all 12 cards. age = Attacker’s attack roll – Defenders defend rating. The attacks
At the beginning of each quest the players roll a die to determine go back and forth until either the hero or monster is dead.
turn order. Highest roll goes first and then clockwise from there.
The person who goes first gets to read the Quest Outline card for If the Hero Wins
that Quest. For example, at the start of the game the player reads If the monster’s Hit Points reach zero or below then the monster
the Quest Outline Card for Quest 1 aloud which sets the tone for dies and the hero gets the reward for killing it. The hero records
the next 12 cards. all Coins and Points (XP, EP or DP) on their character sheet. There
Overview of Game may also be other rewards specified on the card.
Welcome to the world of Drinking Quest! The Drinking Quest On Your Turn
games are designed to be a light Tabletop RPG and a light Drinking At the beginning of each turn, the player has the opportunity to If the Hero Loses
Game. So please read on… epic adventures await! visit the shop and purchase weapons, armour and other extras. Drinking Quest can be an unforgiving game and sometimes you
Use the over sized card called “The Shop”. These items can be will die a lot. But that's where the drinking comes in...
Objective used to upgrade your character. Any purchased items are recorded If the Hero’s Hit Points reach zero or below then the hero is dead.
Trilogy Edition contains three games and some bonus content. on the back of your character sheet. If you have a Special Ability Unless of course the hero has a Bellow Ale, which the hero can
Each game is sorted into four "Quests” consisting of 12 cards each. Card that specifies use before attacking, don't forget to use it! drink at the time of death to restore some Hit Points and continue
Four quests could be played in a night or divided up into multiple Once you’re done with the shop and abilities, it’s time to draw a the battle as if nothing happened. This brings the hero back with 1
nights. They are played in order from Quest 1 – 4 and the player card. This will be a random enemy or event and is dealt with by D6 worth of Hit points. The hero can then continue the battle and
keeps the same character sheet through all four of the quests. This the player who draws it. Pick up the card and read it aloud – it will potentially still win the Coins and EP.
allows your character the chance to become more powerful as the most likely be a COMBAT CARD or a SAVING THROW CARD. If you don't have a Bellow Ale, the three Drinking Gods look kindly
game progresses. on your hero and can bring him back to life for the next turn if
Drinking Quest: The Original Drinking RPG The Drinking Gods are Combat Card the player will chug the remainder of their drink in real life. The
holding the annual Drinking Quest tournament and the heroes are If you pick up a card displaying an enemy with hero can be brought back with full Hit Points and will play the next
competing to see who can slay the most monsters and prove their combat stats on the bottom of the card then you enter into a turn like usual. However if you have to chug your drink in real life
worth to the Gods! Drinking Quest 2: Yeddy Vedder’s Yeti Adven- battle of one-on-one combat. If a card features multiple enemies to come back then you can't get the Coins and Points from the
ture Yeddy Vedder’s village has been raided and valuable yeti eggs they still attack as one. monster.
have been stolen! Have a friendly competition to see who can find The player to your right controls the monster. They get to hold the Please note there is a limit to only having to chug once per quest
the most yeti eggs! Drinking Quest 3: Nectar of the Gods Some combat card so they are aware of the monsters Hit Points, Attack – if you are called upon to chug your drink a second time then
of the Drinking Gods get bored and decide to give Chuglox God Power, etc. three swigs is an acceptable substitute. Please keep track of any
powers and join him in the ultimate Drinking Quest tournament! An alternate way to play is to have a “Designated Game Master”. chugs on your character sheet under “Chugs”.
The purpose of the game is to be the player who earns the most The DGM is responsible for running the game, reading the cards in
Points: Experience Points in Drinking Quest 1 (Or XP) Egg Points an epic Patrick Stewart voice and controlling the monster cards. Saving Throw Cards
in Drinking Quest 2 (Or EP) and Divinity Points in Drinking Quest This is a great rule if there is a fifth player who isn't drinking. It If a card isn’t an enemy attacking you, there will most likely be
3 (DP). Whoever earns the most Points throughout the quests would also be a good idea if the DGM made sure no one drove some type of Saving Throw. Throughout your many adventures in
wins the game! Points are gained through slaying monsters and by home. Drinking Quest you will be called upon to use your six attributes:
being an awesome hero. Once the battle has started, both the hero and the player con- Tolerance, Greed, Smarts, Omnipotence, Quickness and Sexual
trolling the monster will roll an 8-sided die to see which player Prowess.
Set up attacks first. The higher roll goes first and ties go to the hero. From When rolling for a Saving Throw, you want to roll all three dice at
The cards need to be sorted by game then by quest number and there they will enter into a fight to the death! once and add up the total. To be successful you need to roll your
then shuffled. For example all the Drinking Quest 1 cards have Saving Throw number or less.
green logos, DQ2 has blue logos and DQ3 has yellow logos. Then Attacking and Defending So let’s say a hero needs to do a Saving Throw for Greed and the
all Quest 1 cards need to be together and all Quest 2 cards need Both heroes and monsters roll one die to attack (A 4-sided, 6-sided hero’s Greed rating is 14. Using three dice, the hero rolls to see if
to be together, etc. or 8-sided die also known as a D4, D6 or D8). However depending he can get 14 or less. If the hero rolls 7, then the saving throw is
Once the cards are sorted each player will select one of the four on the bonus to attack and the defense of the person or monster successful and they receive the positive benefit on the card. If the
hero rolled 17, getting over the Saving Throw, then they would game. The games were never intended to have this option but the
receive the negative side effect of the event. The heroes will find fans have demanded it and with a few simple tweaks the math
themselves in some pretty sticky situations in the world of Drink- works out:
ing Quest and having high saving throws will be a huge advantage. Credits
1. XP / EP / DP are interchangeable Jason Anarchy: Writing, Game Design,
Using the Shop 2. Quickness / Greed / Omnipotence are interchangeable Graphic Design, Biceps
Each character has a specific set of weapons that they must use. 3. Some of the story elements will be strange and won’t Carole Nelan: Art in DQ1, DQ2, DQ3 - Art and Colours for DQ Origins
For example, Bartlebut uses axes only. You cannot use another make sense… but in a fun way. Deanna Laver: Colours on DQ1 and DQ2 - Both Art and Colours on Kega
Man quest - Art & Colours for Shop Card image and instructions “Bellow
character's weapons. However everyone can use all of the Armour
Ale” image
and Extras listed. You can wear one of each type of armour at Use characters from other games Stuart Paterson: Box Art, Logo Design, Colours on cover logo, Daiquirin and
once but not 2 of the same kind. All purchased or found items A few adjustments have been made and now you can use char- Chuglox art on instructions, Sober Origins Quest Outline art and Colours
can be kept track of on the back of your character sheet. If you acters from one game in another! Now you can play through all Anique Zimmer: Colours on Box Art except logo, Coloured logos on backs
need extra coins you can also sell unneeded weapons and armour three games with 12 different characters! See adjustments above. of cards (Except the purple ones), Colours for Daiquirin and Chuglox art on
back to the shop for half the listed rate (Including the weapon you instructions
started with). Play with more than 4 players Aaron Goulborn: Art and Colours on “Grogderp’s Dungeon” quest
Maggie Laurin: Colours on DQ3
To play with more than 4 players you need to have a “Mash Up”
Ben Granoff: Art and Colours for map images
Play Style and Balance game where you take all the like numbered quests from each Steve Summers: The customer service rep Drinking Quest deserves
Drinking Quest is meant to be a pretty light RPG since the players game and shuffle them together (All the quest 1’s, all the quest
are meant to drink while playing. However there is still quite a bit 2’s etc.) Then depending on the number of players you want, you And a huge thanks to YOU for playing!
of strategy involved amidst all of this chaos. One of the benefits need to have 3 cards per quest per player. The extra quests Kega
of having pre-made characters is that they are all quite balanced. Man 2 and Sober Origins could be considered Quest 1’s and Grog-
Some are strong in Attack or Hit Points. Others will have a more derp’s Dungeon could be considered a Quest 4.
useful special ability. Some players may want to have the highest
Saving Throws to get more bonuses. Each time you play, try a new Here is a handy table for figuring out how many cards you need:
character and see if you can win with each one. 5 Players – 15 cards per quest
6 Players – 18 cards per quest
Between Quests 7 Players – 21 cards per quest
Between quests, heroes should adjust their Hit Points back to the 8 Players – 24 cards per quest
maximum amount. They can also visit the shop before the next 9 Players – 27 cards per quest
quest starts. It’s a good idea to take a little break between quests. 10 Players – 30 cards per quest
Maybe go for a walk or have a sandwich. You don't want to get so 11 Players – 33 cards per quest
inebriated that you don’t finish the game! 12 Players – 36 cards per quest

House Rules With anything higher than 4 players it’s very helpful to have
These rules are well thought out and have balance in mind. How- someone running the game acting as the DGM (Designated Game
ever I’m not going to tell you what’s more fun for you and your Master)
friends. If you come up with a silly rule that works for you then
by all means use it. Maybe instead of chugging a drink when the 3 New Quests
player dies they have to sing an embarrassing song or get slapped Drinking Quest: Trilogy Edition has three brand new quests! Sober
in the face with a Knockwurst sausage. Origins, Grogderp’s Dungeon and Kega Man 2 are meant be played
before or after an existing game (which consists of four quests).
Disclaimer The Quest Outline card will state when they quest should be
Drinking games are fun but ultimately it’s up to you to know your played. These could make longer games that are five quests long
limits. If you are pregnant, driving, have an alcohol problem or but be sure to break up the quests into multiple nights if that’s too
have any reason not to drink you should not drink alcohol. The much for one sitting.
makers of this game cannot be held responsible if you make a
poor decision and harm yourself or others. If you’re not drinking
but still want to play, a virgin cocktail, energy drink or an iced tea
could be a great substitute. Please be welcoming of any non-drink-
Cheers and above all else
ers since drinking alcoholic drinks isn’t 100% necessary to play the
game. Enjoy the game, but above all else drink responsibly.
Alternate Rules
New to Drinking Quest: Trilogy Edition are new rules to add up
to 12 players and increase the number of playable characters per
Weapon List The Shop Everything can be sold back to the
shop for half its listed price.
Drinking Quest 1 Drinking Quest 2 Drinking Quest 3
Bar Room Hero Swords (Chuglox) Stout Swords (Chuglox, Stout) Divine Swords (Chuglox, Godly)
Sword of Sobriety: D6 $50 Bo;le Cap Cutlass D8-1 $60 Microbrew Sword D6+1 $60
Sloppy Scimitar: D6+1 $110 Sword of Win D6+1 $220 Overly Long Sword D6+2 $260
Bo;le Opener Sword: D6+2 $260 Pain Bringer D6+2 $340 Godly Gold Sword D6+3 $400
Witch Staves (Daiquirin) Fashioned Bones (Yeddy Vedder) Lutes (Norod the All Knowing)
Withered Staff: D4 $30 Femur Bone D6 $80 Irony Lute D6-1 $50
Girly Drink Staff: D4+1 $80 Booze Hound Rib D6+1 $150 Trendy Lute D6 $100
Molotov Wand: D4+2 $200 Mammoth Tusk D6+2 $300 Drop D Lute D4+2 $240
Scoundrel Blades (Malty) Broken BoIles (Hilda Muckraker) Fist Names (Halthorr)
Shoddy Shiv: D4+1 $40 Fallow Bo;le D4+1 $20 Troy & Abed D6 $80
Draught Daggers: D6 $100 Bellow Bo;le D6 $110 Avon & Stringer D6+1 $150
Killing Knives: D6+1 $225 Wizard’s Wine Flask D8 $260 Shatner & Picard D6+2 $300
Berserker Axes (Bartlebut) Wands (John Bellow) Horns (Ermagerd)
Flaccid Axe: D6 $60 Garbage Wand D4 $40 Uni-corkscrew D4+1 $70
Bacchus Axe: D8 $180 Wand of Friendship D4+1 $100 Sparkle Horn D6+1 $125
Keg Destroyer: D8+1 $380 Pepper Spray Wand D6 $180 Rainbow Smash D8 $250

BaIle Britches Belt of 100 Crunches Bellow Ale +1 D6 HP at ]me of death $50
Armour & +1 Defense $75 +1 Defense $75 Can be used to con]nue a ba;le a^er death
Helmet of Hangover Bracelet of Bouncer to avoid chugging
Extras List Resistance Ability +2 to all Saving Make Opposing Player Chug Drink
+1 Defense $75 Throws $100 5 XP, 5 EP or 5 DP
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It's a Drinking
Game and a
The Original

Tabletop RPG! Drinking RPG
For 2 - 4 players of legal
drinking age and up with
variant rules for up to 12
The Original
Can be played without
Drinking RPG alcohol consumption.
All contents Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 of Wiseman
Innovation. Drinking Quest, Drinking Quest: The Original
Drinking RPG, Drinking Quest 2: Yeddy Vedder’s Yeti
Adventure, Drinking Quest 3: Nectar of the Gods, Please
Quest Responsibly, and Drinking Quest: Trilogy Edition are
trademarks of Wiseman Innovation. The rules pertaining to
drinking are clearly outlined as possible guidelines only – you
are responsible for knowing your limits and drinking safely.
Wiseman Innovation or any of it’s employees, contractors or
affiliates shall not be liable for special or consequential
damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use,
the materials contained within or the performance of the
products, even if Wiseman Innovation has been advised of
the possibility of such damages. Made in the USA

The Original

Drinking RPG

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