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Faculty of Linguistics and International Cultures

Table of contents

Unit 1: Overcoming cultural barriers 1

Unit 2: Communicating across cultures 5

Unit 3: A mixed-culture workforce 9

Unit 4: Social networking 13

Unit 5: Hiring locally or abroad 17

Unit 6: Building a strong HR brand 21

Unit 7: A holistic approach to marketing 25

Unit 8: The value of brands 29

Unit 9: Internet advertising 33

Glossary Units 1 – 3 37

Glossary Units 4 – 6 43

Glossary Units 7 – 9 50
Unit 1: Overcoming
Overcoming cultural barriers
cultural barriers

This unit considers the cultural issues which can arise when a company
starts working internationally.


Discuss these questions.

1 What are the main reasons for a company to start looking outside its domestic market?
2 What are some of the problems that might arise when marketing and advertising products
in different countries?
3 What kind of cultural problems can arise when a company starts working internationally?


A Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and say whether these statements are true (T), false (F) or there
is not enough information given (N). Identify the part of the article that gives this information.

1 Most companies only start working internationally when they have fully exploited their
domestic market.
2 The best way to enter foreign markets is to set up subsidiaries in those countries.
3 Geert Hofstede was the first person to study the impact of culture on working internationally.
4 Geert Hofstede found that values and beliefs in different parts of IBM across the world were different.
5 The biggest problem when working internationally is getting the marketing right.
6 China is the most difficult foreign country for Western companies to do business in.
7 Cultural diversity can be a benefit as well as a problem.

13 Understanding details
Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 What is Geert Hofstede's nationality?

2 When did Hofstede carry out his research at IBM?
3 Why was IBM a good company to choose for his research?
4 Why was 'Nova' a bad name for a car in Spanish-speaking markets?
5 Why was the Lexus luxury car less successful in Europe than in the US?
6 What can companies do to be more successful when marketing products internationally?
7 Why do Western companies have problems operating in China?
8 What are some of the benefits of working across cultures?

4 1
`samudtuoa opsatuop maj E Jo OAJOS 05 — an-igna amodloa 51! Jo Xpuuojmn
azd oqi uaaq pug pliutu 1E0-kurxn! alp zoj papu ssau!snq E INEri — AuEd
atp =gm , sn ag1 u! 1132 ampaultu! -W03 mop opu!s E SSOJOE SURJOM Q
JA UE sum `snxo-1 alp '1E0 Xinxn! s,up •ag 11E3 SO3UOT1UUt puma
•sap!A!p mnimo Jadaap uo pasug sno!.run puE asiamp mog lstif pamogs oz
•sams moq uo suogunouu! 96 pure XOFIU103 0101110.E samm Jam() s0861 Pus s0L6I 0142 T.!! Ispoom patu
injiamod of pa! gut! puE `sap-eaop •,o21,uom, -aSutrutu gapa 0321 `apalsjoH poop Jo
JOJ SIO3TBUI-JE0 unTsam puE asauudef sugow vA ou `gsmuds u! asnuaag *tom aqunq `sumiciard Tepads sasod
uaampq aauid Sun uaaq set! uogus! paiajjns `olduauxa zoj `sal.gunoa samuno SSOJOE gtipIJOM 213322 sivaic
-ffgaj-sson Jo pup! srgilavutu alum! 2uppads-omeds!ll [1! EAONT HutpatuA zoJ umoul uaaq pug 2j • aoueuodug sit
alp mu! asap Jajsuug puE samudtuoa 06 atp Jo safes •Jatpotru ogr1 aivisuag ob wad saumssu aingno Teuopuu Jo anss!
112I0.10.1 wag saotpuid lsaq IdopE oL 021!13J anima auo Jo sanien am antot atp `sagemIsgns ug!atoj gumsllgulsa JO
Tut-Bolan:et! saluudwoo tegoiS autos 'so! `salvis!tu Jo umpaimo gam sm.! 1030)1 puoicru2umu.0 54 &Wawa alp Jagpqm 3
-supsgns woo! 2UqEUELLI Jo SUUOJ uj X -JEW 'TU09E1110111! AnAg •2u!sgianpu •puoigu 2uppoAA
- mom U104 lgauoci puE 2u!lavutu 140322 uo ammo Jo Jo aouovadxo samastuam ani2 puE OT
puE saauanjjm IEzn3In0 ggAt von& ss maga am pajls.ig X11Ensn 11jm slavviu SE slavutu aigulgaid lotpo goidxa
ol usual Tem sn8-euvut pug samud puorteunp! op! 2u!Aout samudtuoD `uoguiruus alisautop tlaWal 'Cam atojag
-11100 OS0111 JOJ a2muunpu aAppadtuoa 'kEME /CUM OUIOS 03UO210AU03 42uoj S1a2Em uSnioj mu! saol "pm 8110
Jo aamos E aq Xllunpu UE3 `JOAO JIM `unnotis °Avg samtus Jowl /alum puE -dip puls lauj ut `somudtuoa !sow IL
-mot! `Ja!mug E ag 02 mad& reqm f apaisjoH sE 'mg aauaRtanuoa puma •%wpm SEOS S
•sammsuodsal puE s3g2p os 03 Sumea! xi 02 plus s! uopusgegom a -JOAO ow! °now 01 lnct 0040320 ag
,SJOIJOM puE `10111100 puE 2u!31oda1 •HaAA SE !pm ongi pup `p)putu opsatuop
`soma sE lions sans! sopmmu suoqa.1 u!tp!Ai lnq `u!sy puE adoing UI uoguinius 30311utu tpeal !!!At
ma'am!) agnb Aq papunodutoo osp 4sa am uaannag !sit!' Sou `aavid)poAt ictrudill00 2u!mad aup 'Jowl z0 JOUOOS
Si uo!snjuoa 0gsm8un • sang aluApd am It! wasaid 010M saniun pug sjagaq
&folio/A u! swap:m.1d Sumnpu! SL Jo iclalreA 0421132E jetp poitioqs apalsjoH sz pmAtt
`stuaigoid Ino 11os o3 sJa2uuutu
Jomos uo wow gontu &pi ostu Xagi
lsam am tqUOLUWOO MOU ppout 0321310
-outop 0.10111 am oidlgszopeal ampagp
` njoid uatjo SJO3IJOM asaulto I
-.emu ui sagemIsqns
8uppllgu3sa samudtuoa tualsam tigm.
°spa 0322 Xllupodsa s! sitjJ,•Jatpa8o3
)IJOM o2 samuna puoguu luanjjm Jo
siagtuaut padxa uatp puE sa!Julp!sgns 99
reuoguumnut gsgqvisa samudtuoa
uatinA °spy 211323 soauanpm 1131u1n3 om
OM &emu! 03 gnogjm atom gargAl •uo
OS puE samAmsuas moo! gns o3 saint
--eaj pnpold pug 2u!swanpu 811:pump 09
`spuu.ig 2umomsoda.1 iq OU10310A0
og UE3 119O31.1EIU u! sn!nug Timm H
•snicnq .1!atp
Jo liEd am uo spuelq woo! 03 kguico!
2uo.g.s puE 2upteua-Juo Airtxn! Jo SS
uompuil Ja2u012s E s! °nip OJOIIM
`adaing u! Fussaaons ssa! ganut uaaq
sug snxaq 0141 luanjjlp Xiqupaidde
2u!matuos panjjo snxaq ag3 puE
o4o oAppoduloo E OATS UE0 SJOI.T.Tql
S11312121V13 ivE n) 9N RAIODE3A0 "


A Understanding expressions
Choose the best explanation for each phrase from the article.

1 will reach market saturation ...' (line 2)

a) start to lose market share
b) stop expanding its market share
2 `... start dipping their toes into foreign waters ...' (lines 6-7)
a) making the first moves
b) carrying out test marketing
3 `... leading to cultural convergence ...' (lines 30-31)
a) where everything becomes similar
b) where everything changes
4 `... will usually first feel the effects of culture on ...' (lines 35-36)
a) have cultural problems
b) be influenced by culture
5 `... based on deeper cultural divides.' (line 46)
a) differences
b) values
6 `... to suit local sensitivities ...' (line 61)
a) adapt to different ways of doing things
b) try to change the local customs
7 'Linguistic confusion is also compounded by ...' (lines 76-77)
a) made better
b) made worse
8 `... a source of competitive advantage ...' (lines 82-83)
a) a reason for problems with competitors
b) a chance to be better than competitors
9 `... to adopt best practices from ...' (line 89)
a) improve by constant practice
b) take good ideas from others

0 Word search
Find words or phrases in the article which fit these meanings.

1 markets in foreign countries (paragraph A)

2 to use fully so you get as much advantage as possible from it (paragraph B)
3 companies that are at least half owned and controlled by another company (paragraph C)
4 causes (a problem) (paragraph C)
5 ideas that you feel to be true (paragraph D)
6 the principles that influence the way of life of a particular group or community (paragraph D)
7 place reserved for one special group (paragraph G)
8 being faithful to a set of beliefs or a country (paragraph G)

6 3
zsmqlo jo
noA ueD •sla)pew seasJano !lam panajsueil aneq legl
spnpoid pue spuelq lnoqe appe ay} ul uan!.8 aae saidwexa awos L
.ainlinpinoA Lal sanien a-103 aLpjo awos @IP leqm 9
•Aqm Aes Aap noA op aDejins atp molaq Jej
moq `apej.ins Dip molaq asoql JoA Lalglslnul pue aDejans atp molaq 012
ip!qm pue `alq!s!n A1.12313 aae pue @Imp) jo alaqapl ay} }o apejins atp
anoqe aae anlinD Lp!An paleposse E uonsanb ul spiom agjo qp!qm
)1u!ql noA op Aqm
•oloqd aqi le roi •BiaqaDl uejo mill sl pinup Jo aBew! uowwoo
amin, Jo Saaqa31 atu
semen suompaii SWJOU aBen2uel pooj ssalp
sjanaq ino!neqaq sapnlme suondwnsse spejape
.wat.lijo [pea @Lipp .10 weidxa noA mom moH •ainlinD Lplm pamposse lie am xoq aq ul spom aqi
ssane 2uppom jo sallitnup JO sauanap alp aae leqm e
2.saJnlino SS0.02 2UNOM.40 spadse ann!sod aLp am mqm
•sa!uedwo) sales moo! 03, Amssa)au Allensn s! 4! `slavew u.S!aJoj UI Alinjssappris spnpaid pas of s
•aidoad Bu!snjuoo JO
Bumualjo pone 01 Japio wlavew a!aloj e UI pueiq JO pnpaid e olAmssa3au s! 11 sawpwos
•Alinj A2M lsaq aLp s!lavew e UI a)uasaad e BuineH E
•lavew )11sawop J!aip UI ueLp sla)pew UI injssappns wow am sa!uedwo3 awos
.ppom aLpjo sped Auew u! aneq Allensn sa!uedwoo leuopeupinw
•saDualuas asap alaidwo3 of wioj pal103 aul ul g aspiax3 woJi saseiud pue spionn asn
uopaldwol a3ualuas
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LidalBeied) anios 01 ET
qdeJEend) amp UI Apeap am noA smogs lap luawaeuew .40 aiAls e Zt
(H qdeaeled) D42aID `dn }as tt
(H LicI2J22J2d) APM luaJajAp 2 W
ll lnoqe )1u!q; aidoad 12143 os pue.lq e ao pnpoad e Ewspanpe pue 2u!la>pew jo Aem Pip Eu!Bueip Ca
(H qdeaemd) op U23 noA liw!! JO luanaid lap s2ulq1 6
52131211N9 ivann 9NIWONI3A0 L iiNn
Unit 2: Communicating
Communicating across cultures
across cultures

This unit describes how communication styles differ across cultures.


Discuss these questions.

1 In what ways do you think working internationally has changed in recent years?
2 What personal skills and qualities are important if you want to work successfully with
people from other cultures?
3 What examples can you think of where differences in communication styles might
cause problems when working across cultures?


la Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and choose the statement that expresses the ideas in
the article most accurately.

1 Europeans find it hard to work with people from the Middle East and Asia.
2 You need to adapt your behaviour and communication style when working across cultures.
3 Maintaining group harmony is the most important quality needed by international managers.

113 Understanding details

Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 In what ways has the world of work changed in recent years?

2 How are some international software development projects run nowadays?
3 What is the result of increased interaction between colleagues from different countries?
4 What do organisations need in order to be effective in different countries?
5 What research did PDI carry out?
6 How big was PDI's survey?
7 What are 'The Big Five'?
8 What was one of the most important findings from the research?
9 How did managers from the UK score on the research?
10 How did managers from Saudi Arabia and Japan score?
11 What can happen when British managers come into contact with managers from
Saudi Arabia or Japan?
12 What is one potential problem when British people work with the Chinese?

8 5
dvpoi putros.lad Wag
`1101SIOA011.Xa uo 14 114 p0.100S `spue! pue `guiropfep ui onguafloo E 01 uoou
•aikis uopuo!untutuoo -raipaN alp pm Xueuirap Swaim! -ralju pea loaford aremljos )10010-141 51
mac puu .mouvelpq no Tdepg 01 mot! saplunoo fig raw su Ham SE 4->1n ag1 s5 -punarg uu uo ssud ueo umna
um! uuo nolt os spun ilTlEUOslad pue sb tr! sanpnoaxg • aouvreq puopotua radolanap aremijos E JO • sa 0141 u!
sino!numaq minim u! saouarapp all SOJODS 02E1ONE panpoar pUB - AUOLTURIT ratuolsno g pug u!svu! angealloo E tp!An
as!u2ooar of paau noic `sanuulo ssoroe dna& Naas 01 icouapual all— ssauaiqg Niel `Sup acres 0141 uo `SEW uopuo-1 Tr!
t'uppom uaqm injssaoons aq 41, -aade 110 Sa103S isamoi 0141 uoure 132EUEUI tre `a3trelsu! .1(3,4 a
.atop JO peg -Nn srapua! ssau!sng •saaujo iptp.
alsum E aq 01 SlaNq s! yoga mai 2u! 06 •saplunoo via g111NEOI JOAO Inolym saaSoldrua mom
-uuatu `aouelsIsar le012 glint lam aq -raw 55010E 2111)110M sanounoaxa pug Jo siopuan 'swam 112!a1o3 Ippu loulann
moo nac `san2uagoo asauno 1411M s1a2putru uaamlaq saouarajpp 1sa S1uin2a1 srautiutu SLIM 'MON •iCpuo
uo!ssas 2upuroisuipq E asodord no i 31 - !c! atp Jo.; lunoom aouumq muoporua -ugurgrp pa2treqo suq Nrom jo ppom 5
•sralpo tp!m uutp larger auote swat pue ssaualqugarSu Tull low 0141 s! cfr arp nig • suasrano panajsuun alam
-clad uo 31.10M 01 $1.U.LIZjald `TIOISJOA 58 atupuu 110.1E0S0.1 atp uoure pulp JO Si1uin2ar paganun ratma sangeal
-aux° uo molpalOOS sanunoaxa `EIND •saouauadx0 mau 112!010J 141!M Xfasop paNrom oqm
tr! JOAQMOH • paidaom Si uo!ssnos!p • ssauuado pug `ssau &Tam! icutduloo `Spriaoar amb !pun V
dnorff uado araqm 'Ng alp ui aspraxa -snopuapsuoo `uo!sJanauxa `aouum
uounuoo E s! uo!ssos 2inumoisuipq Fuopoula—,anu 2!El 0141, pm sisOclo on
•saouaiajj!p Jawo are 0.10141 pod -qa/Csd rejnsnpu! Teqm do aNutu lutp
'Nil lad JO J0P3JKI sl!gal °wads 6E le moo! Sanins 0141
ropano 2uOutreiN pIM luap!sard-oo!A •saplunoo z4 ssorou suopusuregio 005
`moiteD uouqs sicus ‘`uuyery !prres uutp 010W sanproaxa pug s1a2gugui
zo uEdEf su lions sajuunoa sraReugtu 00S“L Xpuau luau. anuuuopsanb moi2 5c
OT 2uIrvo-uou JO ldruqu 010W SE SSOJDE SL sl! uo sasuodsar paunuexa Rid a
2urulo0 jo Nsilr re am noti os 'Suomi •soplunoa luarajpp
-.req dnor uo s!suridum !forum su Ind wag slam! ssarnsnq uaamlaq wan
jou IcEW noic `11 grusquar 1no141!AA. , Xpretiosrad 0100 Ui sooualajjip luE
•saylunoo ratpo u! sangealloo -opIta!s 0111 azoin Imp s1s0Sns (lad) os
Jo asorp 41!M sapcls uopuo!untu OL reuouguralui suo!spaa iatluosJad ump
-11103 pue luuosrad .mac !plum 01 age 2upinsuoo 2111 !Nap wag qareasabi a
aq o1 nai roj luvliodur! s! 11 `samilno •salerado 1! qoulm ui
pue sapcis saouarapp gip pug uopou saplunoo all u! annoajja aq of papgau
-rami muogerualu! pas-gam-1 uan!D I sins luatuaSgueul pUB teuosrad 5z
•Siudo 'pods 59 -Jam! arp 0l ssaoou ge14 uogesularo
of paullou! ssa! 0111 Sap lnq `s2ullaaj ainsua 01 ltreliodul! arotu 1!
pue suopolua rlatp twm tionol u! 010W saNutu 'rum U! •suogepadxa pue
tuaas puE quogureq dnoi2 2uunlululuur sump° `saikis in1surnroo ogeuturpE ui
mow p0U10OU09 010W ale uudef puu linsar UE0 sajuunoo raw ui sangeapoo oz
umury Ipnus su lions saplunoo 09 ill!ni uopouialu! pasuaJou! SRL 3
sanunoaxa pug srageumu 'Tsui:moo H •arolaugg angualloo
•sdnar`A' u!-31.10M o1 OM /carp ilureaul E war; 2tuuroul ixau alp Noeq 1! lag
apTAIp Taimino auk SSOJOE 2upuoIunuttuoj
smniin) SSONDV 9NIMINI1WW03 4 4 Z 11N11


A Understanding expressions
1 Match 'The Big Five' personality traits described in the article (1-5) with their definitions (a—e).

1 emotional balance a) tendency to be original, creative and curious

2 extroversion b) tendency to be reliable, well-organised, self-disciplined and careful
3 conscientiousness c) tendency to be sociable, friendly, fun-loving and talkative
4 agreeableness d) tendency to be calm, relaxed and secure
5 openness to new experiences e) tendency to be good-natured, sympathetic, forgiving and
helpful to others

2 Match each of these statements to one of 'The Big Five' personality traits in Exercise 1.

a) I like to follow a schedule.

b) I have a vivid imagination.
c) I start conversations.
d) I give time to others.
e) I am the life and soul of the party.
f) I don't get upset easily.
g) I pay attention to detail.
h) I am calm, relaxed and at ease most of the time.
i) I am full of ideas.
1. ) I make people feel at ease.

a Sentence completion
Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the sentences.

abrupt come across effort expectations harmony inclined

interaction interpersonal met with resistance non-caring traits

1 If you are unlikely to succeed in doing something, then making an extra will probably
be a waste of time.
2 If you are too direct and unhelpful to people, you may appear to them to be and
3 If you are in regular contact with people, that means you have a lot of with them.

4 We all have and make assumptions about how people will behave before we meet them.
5 People who communicate well with other people usually have good skills.

6 are qualities that are part of someone's personality.

7 If you do not want to do something, then you are not to do it.
8 The impression you make on other people is also how you to them.

9 If people really don't want to do what you suggest, then your ideas will probably be
10 In Asian cultures, group is important, so people do not openly disagree with each other.

10 7
tt 8
•snsuasuoD dno_12 e peal 04 A41 pue aidoad amp 10 OMI 40 asoql
lso inoA aJedLUOD uaqi •sa.munD ssone Buppom uaqm irussaDms aq of auoawos diaq pinom
noA tp!qm sonspapeleqp 10 samienb leuoslad Aar! au!u 101112!a4o Is!! e a)lew pue Allenmpu! vom
pue ino!Aeqaq l!aql ldepe Aaqi wogs MOH .ainlino anon( wwj aidoad ql!An Aian!palja Suppomlnoqe
aArginD i@i1ou2 wag auoawos 04 an!B noA pinom ap!Ape 4eqm uopsanb woaj s2u!pug inoA uo paseg
.,aAH 210 aqi, lsu!e2e !!am Atme noA
aanTino laglo auo pue airninD inoA uomsod `ssaianianaN •samlinD 4ua494.0 uoneDlunwwoo
-4fieuosaad ,aAlj 2!0
pue no!Aegaq lo saiAls andwoD 04 papualu! Aipewpd lou ale sull 4
noA 01 d3A0
'1523 elPPHAI eqi
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•AuowJeq dno.12.2u!u!elu!ew s!seqdwa ssal lnd siaaeuew walsam
•saplunop Jaw) woad sanBeallop40 asoql aiAls
uoneo!unwwop JnoA gplew O4 ame aq luelaodw! s! `ia2euew leuonewalu! ue se amna44a aq of L.
.s2u!laal pue
suopowa qpnol u! WOW al2 saplunoo Lualsei aippm pue ue!sv wag sia2euevy 9
•Auouneg dnoi
2u!u!e4u!ew paLleDUOD Apeinpuled ale saplunoo walsej aippm pue ue!sy wag sJa2euevy s
•salilunoD lualapp wag
slaSeuew uaamlaq saDualagp lsa22!q lunone apueleq leuonowa pue ssauameaal2v
*,@AH B!9 aql, a)lew leg1 s4ieJ4 AllieuosJad eql paulwexa Aprils aql `JeinDliaed u! E
•saplunop luaialo wag slapeal Li! s4!2g Alfleuosiad pa)1001 Aamns lad @La Z
.2upep!unwwop pue 2uppom
sAem U! slsealuoD Blq pausaa seq saplunoD Jaglo wag sanBeallop ql!m neluoD paseanui
[ 1-11!m 1-111m n uo J0 UI io4 le 4noqe
•xoq suoulsodaad alp 2u!sn saDualuas @sag alaidwo)
41asinoA Aq of sJa!iddns
Aprils 6 saawolsnD 17
sa!uedwop 9 pealqe
sJa2euew L saaAoidwa monaj z
L/17Z 9 sassoq/s4aND
•spiom asaql se awes aill ueaw plum apnie eql u! spawn pulj
otin.on) SSOIDV 9/4111101N nwwo) 1 4 Z
A mixed-culture workforce
Unit 3: A mixed-culture workforce

This unit looks at the effect of a mix of cultures at a European steel plant.


Discuss these questions.

1 What are the benefits and disadvantages of a mixed-culture workforce?

2 In your opinion, what are the relative strong points of German and French cultures,
especially in the technical area?
3 What is a melting pot?


ci Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and answer these questions.

1 In which country is Dillinger Hiltte located?

2 Why does it have a mix of German and French employees?
3 What does Paul Belche consider to be the strong points of German and French
cultures in their approach to work?
4 Why does the writer choose the words of the article's title?

11:1 Understanding details

Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 What is the connection between making mayonnaise and making steel?

2 What products does Dillinger Hutte produce?
3 How many people work at the Dillinger Hutte steel plant?
4 What is the proportion of German-speaking to French-speaking employees in the workforce?
5 Is Paul Belche German or French?
6 Which group — German speakers or French speakers — are better at plant safety, and why?
7 How is lunch organised in the company?
8 What services does Dillinger Hiltte offer to its customers?
9 How difficult is it to make money out of making steel?
10 What does Paul Belche consider to be Dillinger Hutte's strength?
11 What other metaphor from cooking is used to describe the mix of cultures at Dillinger Hutte?

Slq!ssod 0113 Sam Osumi call — !maid 06, 'S03.10p110M OSJOAM JO S1oaeljE111
13,1! rciruniou pig • suutuJap 0141 zoo suossa! Jams appsold saa/coldtua
aq pinom 1! 3iul1111112!ui noy, i,qauaid sp.! jo ino isaq am 2uula2 zoo sapagl
am 10 slavads uttuJap atu —'napes s‘aqapci JIAI • sauqad!cl su dons sung
meld 113 Janaq aq mom Nuuji noX op -uoqddu Joj slams is!lepads ui Japgai sr
oltm, mousanb g sasod aqopg JjAi reqop a 'alum Ja2una Ruigettgui
IA •sifus 04 :saps!Japratqa onm asap jo of qataiddu sit! 21nrulyidxa Si 01-1
isaq 041102 02 kit OM pue `AJoam Ju poa •skes 04 :asreuuoketu isaq am
•ssaoons jo 0.113 c0uak4 atalJons magauld olsauloo tinns do pua nod( smap aql 02 uopuaug
03118143 1:11030p 1! S0/112 Tem `sasallaq 1! uaqns 2uans 0113 STIVILUJOD acs, • 130.103 /Cod noS j! jug .2u!n0xaun of
atiolag IT `saaua!Jacixa jo ?ijjnos .2moqvuaxni luau oe 2uttnatuos aanpoid !pm no `jnjaiga
sammud JaOullm le salmi-no jo xral 0142 s! Is!a!sktid pp-sea/C-9g t `aqopc[ 1JA 2tqaq 1nomIns Ho pug plulsnin qnst
`uaddeq sup alum 01 yoga tq - rep st, •uutulap isal am Nu `agun2uu! urea! 2Sa 1313 jo Iced mollaic aql 3cuu noS jj,
-ads 2uppatuos Jajjo u o soured-moo J!am se qauaJd anent luaa Jad pI woqu •Rinoquimmi puu aauuki
j! scliaq 1i `gupieunaals jo 1no Xauotu `102MIIKI u? saa/Coldwo 005` 5 011130 a to!ns sJapioq 0141 cn asoia quguuaD
2upjetu jo ssau!snq qgnol am ui 't(111.8!010A0S 110111.100 sz !liaisons u! sunJ 04 lucid pals am lo
•sicus ainact JIA `stuamoid put qauaJA uaamlaq pagonms sup sainnno jo x!tu 0141 wag satillunb lsaq
,slatuolsno 2tnitios jo qof Janaq t op cc. `sapnwao am JOAO — pasuq s! 1! am yuoa 0l said 04 mot! ureidxa 01
!pm 1tgl sionpcud pool iumuu! °locos awls ugunap — !mums JO Joqdulaul ktuulina 13 sasn aqapg ined v
agIns u 01 palm! aq Iglu! reollaJoam S0TIS!IN013TE1.13 jelunna umajjlp am JO
put teopogad am jo 2upcuu agewenve wful of sung )cuudtuoo aqi mum salad Aq
•suom uo S!1:11033e
alp ways arload opc of do jo sigu!ulas 59
31g9110pS JOJ osp ing `luatud!nba aql
JO SUOIIRVISU0LII0p 110-Sptlgli .10j SNJOM
lams 041.mol 01 lsnf 1ou `n2u!IIKI 03
slacuolsno jo sdnoB *um/tnt 01 spuma
sap is moq 2indolanap ui Isamu! aqs
•qouaid 010W sJap!suoa aq qoupts
`reapaJoam aq1 pug `uguLlaD 010111
slapIsuoa 04 !pups `suogeollddu 51!
put 2upplupals jo spadst mopouid
am 3!u!! 01 s! ung age ‘sices aq q2oiou cc
-goal put salts 01 SOU103 1! 1101JM I
'011310g JjAI skes :tputn luaaap
13 .top acup sn SIE sp.'', • SVOM
-1001S ITEUIIOD .Iag101t Ituuou s! num
Iajg! Jnoq tu• d c le lualq aumtpun! os
042 jo pua am guIounouuu uans
1342!M `2Inulp of qagoiddu qouaJj aql
smolloj Sjologj a11,I, •Jamo gaga luau
um! 01 !clam a213.mo0ua pug Iamo201
sainnna lualapp am mak; aidoad jo sv
stugai lnd oI s!'skes at! `tpuoJcide silo H
;pos11.12030' 13,1! se 2uoi su — t12uails
aq 13133 SSOLDFOM SOILII101110S Ii 113
31.10M Sam os pug Nag sup ui pultpq
ss000ns '1,1T2Joj zoo hod 2uppw
3321030110M 321niin)-a3xiw " tiT


A Word search
Find words and phrases in the article which fit these meanings.

1 related to cooking (paragraph A)

2 to persuade, get something out of someone (paragraph A)
3 methods or plans for achieving something (paragraph C)
4 national rule over a country (paragraph D)
5 asks (a question) (paragraph G)
6 to connect (paragraph I)
7 to visit extensively (paragraph J)
8 practical, with real experience (paragraph J)
9 difficult (paragraph L)

0 Sentence completion
Use words and phrases from Exercise A in the correct form to complete these sentences.

1 It's quite popular for some manufacturing companies to encourage visitors to the plant.

2 About every decade, the steel industry goes through times, when demand goes down.
3 You need to have good to get different cultures to work well together.
4 The best way to learn a practical skill is to have lots of experience.
5 Managing a multicultural workforce well means trying to the best out of the mix of cultures.
6 Good international managers are successful at different cultures together.
7 Some parts of Europe have been under the of different countries during their history.

Word families
1 Write the nouns for each of these verbs.

1 explain 7 announce
2 mix 8 develop
3 produce 9 demonstrate
4 manage 10 solve
5 recognise 11 provide

6 encourage 12 invite

2 Write the verbs for each of these nouns.

1 leader 4 strength
2 theory 5 sales
3 weakness 6 success

58 11
j,alsel.lood Li! am Aat4; lea; noA op JO Tuisnwe suoRdpDsap aq; pug
noA oa asn Aat4; op sadAlowals leum Ilse; snolAwd aq; suoAnsap °AA; any) )1wq; noA op legm
•ue!iell we 0, au; pue
ss!Ms we 6 aul `ueultag am 8 aul'ipualj al2 L aq; 'Lisps we 9 au; wagm 11aH
•uenell ale s aq; pue ss!ms aae
aul `uettuaD aae £ aq; `LiDuaij aJe z aq; `gsmis am , aq; @Jaw amid e 1.19A2@l-1
aDuod saas!uelo siaAoi smawBua sroD
..xoq au; suo!ssajoici Jo ls!I aq; q1lAn suoudinsap OM; aq; alaid woo noA ueD •sagneuopeu
snopenio sadAlowals uo paseq `adoin3 u! paq pue uaneaq ;noqe sw; qmvt Jemwe; aq /dew no,k z
•aidoad jo sdnoa 10 sameuoneu Jaulo Inoqe Ha; ann sarl;o slJos ssaimeu Aidtws aae sadAlowalS •
•lapio paus!welsa pue Jewel ue welwew LID!um `suoneDg!ssep aidtws uo plog olJa;wd
Aaqi •unnomiun s!legm pue Al!siamp Jo aae aidoad asneDaq s!ls!xa sadAlowals uosew aqj•
•BUO.IM AialaidwoD
si sadAlowals muoneu Jo eap! aq; wo;waq; pue `ialDemtp muopeu se Buw; Liens ou s! wag! •
-irgasn wojwaq; we pue ulm; Jo lunowe ulepaD e weluoD sadAlowalS •
•aD!pnlaid amen Aew Aaq; asneDaq snatauep aae sadAlowals muo!leN •
•suosew JnoA aNg sadAlowals lnoqe sluawalels 2wAnollo; aq; LnIAA awBes!p JO aw2e noA oa
•,Eu!dAlowals, palleD uauo s! `aidoad Jo dnoa Japouelnoqe uonespeJaua2 e plea' am uaqm t.
•qof Ono; e s!2upiewiaals Aauow 2upletAI Zi
•Alu.S!wanos LiDualj pue uemaD paiol!ms S2L1 pueines `sapnluaD at4; Ian° 11
•aDioppom am;inD-paxlw s!LI ;sac; aq; la2 sluem apias ined 01
'seep! s! luaDDe au; allnH ia2u!!!!G plaq smu!was aq; LI! 6
•Ja2uolls aae suewlag au; `).tom leDnDeJd S@U103 UOLIM 8
*poop Bumawos do pue illm noA llo;ja pue auw; aq; ;so/v.1! no/(;I L
..tallaq awoaaq ueD noA 'Eumawos Buppom As 9
'Jag° ipea weal o; samlinD aq; Jo; luellodw!
•@310j)I10M @Lino Al!sJamp au; aSquenpe ale; o; sluem atplag .11/\!
.A.toaq; AileJaua2 W2 LI)LIalj
•Iat.uoue dnoa auo x!Lu o; s! luawaeuew
linsw poop e laB ii!An noA `suelap uo!lualle /red noAJI
um tam o; ;o ;no Jo ;no uo ;o uaampq le
•xoq eq suomsodaad 2u!sn saxialues asaql alaidwoj
33/103NH0M unrun-oxiw v 44 t7T
Unit 4: Social networking

This unit looks at the way companies are using their existing employees to
find new ones.


Discuss these questions.

1 Describe ways in which companies find new but experienced employees in your country.
2 Can you think of any other ways they could do this? Explain your ideas.


El Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and answer these questions.

1 Who are employers increasingly using to find other experienced employees for their companies?
2 What is the benefit for the employee who refers a potential recruit?
3 Which feature of modern life has encouraged employers to follow this recruitment strategy?
4 Give two examples from the article of online social networking communities.
5 What are the benefits for the company?
6 Where is this recruitment strategy more common, India or the UK?
7 Are there any potential disadvantages in recruiting employees via personal referrals?
8 What Internet resource do some employers provide for employees who want to refer friends and
contacts as potential job candidates?

131 Understanding details

Read the article again and say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Identify the part of the article that gives this information.

1 Companies only ask people who still work for them to look for new recruits.
2 Indian employers save 75 per cent of their recruitment costs through personal referrals.
3 Employees who bring new recruits to a company are usually rewarded with a job promotion.
4 The most an employee can make from a UK employer for a successful personal referral is £2,000.
5 lob candidates who have been referred by a friend do not need to go through the same testing and
interview process as other job candidates.
6 It is best if a company does not tell the people responsible for selecting successful candidates the
name of the person who has referred a specific job candidate.
7 It can be a good idea for a company to wait until a new recruit has successfully worked for the company
for some time before paying a bonus to the person who recommended them.

• icq pup s!suq auras aqt uo passassu am antis of umouN Sr own auoatuos of
aq pinoqs salumpuuo panajai tem oL 2uptuoddu mat; molt tem smauaq alp
si atm ainN •Xxessaaau ate sanu Ingpao ate nrepodtm su isnf -satuatios 2uttit
IA tug inpsn aau saunuadotd 1eli0JON aaiioldtua-xa pup luaaajaa Jo ttopaume
•angualloa pool Xllunba uu /ciao am Lust umop moo 2u!d0aN a
•icumsuodsat 21qpIone 031gal 11tH 0IBP!Puu3 0422uglauntssu woo tad SL, o2 Jasop aau s2mites am SE
luatua4eu mJo asgo tuaia a s! popad • patclutat aq ketu &la/cold-ma `puapj 59 pup `slunajat q2nottp MOO NU! ;nogg
Xiguopuqoid g Jaise !pun snuoq S6 g spuaunuoaat aaAcqdula papadsai Emu' u! 0111!A1'0111!AUS isoo tuao-Jad-og
luattnInJoa.1 am 2m/cud tou `112nom ▪ uaqm, • samllqudvo s,ateut anp v tuasaidat tionim sp.uajat aaAaldtua
‘Ata!it s‘aidoad autos ui • pod warm -oadsold g JO Main s‘auoatuos inotoo 011100 stpuoat jo 2U00 tad oz
alp aseatoul of taw 111 aidoad patuaret uto duispuaipj mil paj autos 041 ui qopaqp 21H dnal2 alto 02 01
tpuotdde pup Kids 02 moq u.tua! /Cala •Xiatepdaddem sautuu 09 2u!piooay • s2a2pnq tuault!ntoai
•)ponttau 01 Atoq uo sdp &taw pug 06 puauttuoaat of guts toltuat duet sasnuoq ono uuo Xam :satutuutgold feJtapi
sappopd tuatutnuoal s2i2qq2lq tem ttruggive.uxa tem Si 111001100 lamouu tuna; tgauaq Siqu.msuaut staSoidula a
auFeautu auquo LIU amaoat Liam Sala `JOAO/1(10H '.101.11.1Ed E to; 000`0T3 bel :patturiaa spuattj
•,stnoos tuam, su Tama o2 `saRettotis -0.100S E JO tuaumfilodde alp Kg poilu pue aaudgicIAT se tions samuntutuoo sz
sllpls jo 5110111 ut asom Xpuino! luau a2uat !no sasnuoq ataqm `suet; Sc do 2uplum sassamsnq /Cq uoApp s! `Huts sat!Au1 taicoidtua auo S00!A.MS IEUOISSOJOId Si 1140d 1.1! OSE3 •req012-3dg Ie laguttew suogeom
- popad ktuuongqcud g pataldwoo v quemat Jo azts aq2 sett os `uasp -nunuoD '22utds ptutiom sices ,qpnotu
suit atup!puvo patina' 11 tatje /quo sett commat g logo gaup& saututu.12oKI JO piom JO .10MOd alp JO arBA1E /WA
sasnuoq Aid staicoldula autos 'arnsodxa imajal jo Xtpuindod 0112 sy S! 10311E111 aq,L, ..reindod ,uoponpanu! oz
mattettg 1!atp tnm!1 01, -2110im o2 tem •op 10111 aN!!Nunp oqM aldoad as teuosiad, °pulp suit 2uppomtau
stuatutmodde unitt !gap m Mog Kg -mid os plIO1ILII00a1 01 Slalq 0111 HUTS gE1 IE!OOS .10J 111SE!S111111.10 SIF1MOID 3
oste Ism statpuaaa slli3ls pambat -1SfX0 asnuaaq `suotteguato oun sgap! .ainntj am
age tp!At satempugo appkoid /cam j! matt jo MOH 011110111SW SOUILUE.120.1d jua u! Xuuduloo ago 2unt!olat tap!suoo
XfUO Ogenien ate suontruaunuooaN 10;00 lgtp s! 'Jana/snot! '11100E00 auo pug spea! tuault!ntoa.! Nogg paaj 02 51
•aullad!cl •uopuoi m2unoxv isuag St saarcoldula .tauuoj agernoDua gottpti
uopaaias att1 paiatua aiveq sienna' sL pugtEE Jaiccqdurg JO peafj `uup.tof saunneBoid 0111 OSE0.1011! ago uo osld
tionim q2notm `almssod ataqm `aantos preqoal sicus ,qapoqs iprau S.104100110 •Nfl aq2 mulatudopnacipuu puuosiad
alp apni Si 0.111SE0W SIOJES .101110UV 2unuooaq °Juno 2ui11tuai jo aimusuj patatiuqD am 01 2tuptoo0u
'SJUE011ddE fewom sg spomatu mugs Immo!' ate Xam anima jo santuA `suopuo!idde qof aNum satepossg oI
pug spuapj 1a2 on anpuaoui tre guts
taco &la/calcium nn Jo Rev lsotury
.Xurdwoo alp
to; gods-2110[111 oqm asom 2u!rttumat
/cq saaiioidula t!atp s)looq ssampu
am mat; 2up!jauaq 0.1E slaXoidtua
moN •2a3peut go!' am tr! 2trnp pool
aq Imo spuapj Nano apIm g 21.1!
-Avg tem mom! apload papuItu-taateD V
2a13 epwv
010 situ
9N1)1110M13N 11/DOS 14 Z iiNn


A Word search
1 Find words and phrases in the article which describe things employees or former employees
can do to help find new recruits for a company.

1 tot -5 (paragraph A)
2 to get friends and associates to m j a (paragraph B)

3 to f 6 recruitment I (paragraph B)

4 to r a friend (paragraph H)
5 to enrol as at 5 (paragraph K)
6 to n (paragraph K)
7 to 5- and a talented people (paragraph K)

2 Find words in the article which describe what companies offer staff in return
for this help

1 an i (paragraph B)
2 a r (paragraph G)
3 ab (paragraph G)

3 Find words or phrases in the article which fit these meanings.

'I the referral of a friend or associate to the company you work for (paragraph C)

2 what a company is said to have made when a candidate is given a new job (paragraph G)

3 the process by which candidates are interviewed, then accepted or rejected (paragraph I)
the 5 p
4 the period after a new employee is recruited, during which the company assesses whether
they are right for the job and can continue to work for the company (Some employers do
not pay referral bonuses until this time has been successfully completed.) (paragraph J)


1:11 Word families

Complete the chart with word partnerships from the article which include different forms of refer.

verb noun adjective adjective

1 4
to someone employee 3 candidate programme
to a company

•simiDaJ mau Li! Bupq of saaAoldwa sll as!AnuaDul mop AuedwoD e [plum Lil sAem lain°
Jo 3S! 2 eThIM 'sluawAed iepueug aidw!s Ansow aJe apnle aql ul pauonuaw saAnuaDu! aql
•awauDs 12.1.19p.1 aaAoidwa ue
BLqsn Jo sa!uedWOD 04 saBelueApes!p pue saBelueApe aLgBugmlno 31oda.14a0ys e aipm
AuedwoD aul ul saaAoldwa pap's ARAL! Jo Jaqwnu as!eJ (q
sii)Is Bu!ww!ms A!aul anoidwl 03 saaAoldwa ae.moDua (e
(E6—z6 scull) ;food 408104 aye asnaou! L
Aauow Bulsoi Jo )lsp ail as!wmw (q
1.@MS e S831.12U14.1!@LII. dead (e
scull) sJaAoidwa awos `ainsodxa inpuoug _gap jylly 01, 9
Aa2ue watg alew (q
luawaSpnt l!aul aDuangui (e
(Z9-19 scull) Jo may\ s‘auoawos inoloo UPD ***,
leuon!ppe (q
32121 Alawama (e
(65-85 scull) ,"' sasnuoq luo5nnawa
wuDai o4 sa)]el 4! awn jo lunowe (q
apaimoul luBp aJmIDDe o4 sa)iel. 4! awn Jo lunowe (e
(E17--Et7 scull) ampajja 2u!woDaq .10j anin3 5uNivai
Bug.uow aql Lil sinoqqB!au a!aul o3 °Hag Eu!Aes (q
Jo amme a/OW Bu!woDaq (e
(s scull) ,— se yaps san!unwwoD 04 dn 5upiom sassau!snq
.188.123 a!aql @NH Luop oyM aidoad (q
JaaJeD l!aulJo4 suon!qwe Bums meg °um aidoad (2
(T, dull) ['lap MOM] aidoad papa! w-Jaairo,
•aplve aql wag aseaqd ao pawn pea Joj uoneueidxa lsaq aql asooqD
suolsseadxa Su!puelvapun
•Ames J!agno do3 uo Aauow
ema Jo Ton e wed L12D Aaul `si!nnaJ ienualod z pue 9 04 awn aa.g Apul sasn aaAoidwa
1121i -s Jiatg aaAoidwa aqf Bu!Aed aiojaq ry palaidWOD sal 4lnna.1 mau atn igun
sawnawos Aaui .uoos aulBugDiemai lnoqe snonneD ale sa!uedwoD awos -spaau
Anualn }sow AuedwoD aq4 S3l1.13@.I 40 9dAl 8141 uo saaAoldwa as!Ape 03, aaAoldwa dn las
anal Aag lag pasgaealo iiam OS ale saluedwoD awos iepueug e aaAoldwa ayI Jajjo Aliensn Aaul
'sm. op 01 •Luaul Joj slginaJ mau pug 03 saaAoldwa 34eino3ua Aq Aauow Jo e anes 023 sagiedwoj
•qdeiSeied slgl alaldwo3 of 8 pue y saspiaxi waq saseNd pue spiom as fl
uonaid El
9NINHOM13N1VIDOS 4.4 zimin
Unit 5: Hiring locally or abroad

This unit looks at the effect of economic cycles on the decision to hire
foreign labour.


Discuss these questions.

1 Do companies in your country hire employees from oversees? Compare a few different
types of companies you know of.
2 What sort of positions do these employees tend to hold, and why do you think this is?


Irdl Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and answer these questions.

1 Which set of managers did the economic downturn in 2009 hit more strongly, foreign or local?
2 Why had there been so many expatriate managers in Vietnam before that point?
3 How had this situation affected the traditional relationship that Vietnamese employees had
with their company?
4 What effect had it also had on salaries in Vietnam?
5 What effect did the economic downturn have on companies' willingness to employ
expatriate managers?
6 What was the effect of the new law which came into force on 1st January 2008?
7 What impact did this new law have on the localisation process?

10 Understanding details
Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 How did companies operating in Vietnam encourage skilled workers to work for them?
2 What was the average employee turnover rate in Ho Chi Min city in 2008, according to an
HR survey?
3 What was the employee turnover rate at the managerial level?
4 How much direct foreign investment did Vietnam enjoy in 2007?
5 How much did average salaries rise by in that year?
6 Did managerial salaries rise by more or less than that amount?
7 What was the top income-tax rate in Vietnam at that time?
8 What examples of tax-free benefits does the article mention?

-num s‘useuplA u! matussanut palm /Crum snosana8 2u!sn savem so/copula sz
u2pso3 jo angm agrel ags uaaq pug asp uo stenpsu mau tp!nn `aosall gum
spagutus puu sangnoaxa 103 pueulap os .moqui palms soj uo!maduloo 011 3
Xnuag slip 103 110SE0.1 umsu 0141, •umspiud pue wt.!' `sauTddll!gd
,•noic swim. 81.10.1M am st tons samd suosj 051E lug `ppont
•paiioidsua fiat's oat 8uppatuos ag smut Nags )(U141 01 padopnap at1mos3 ssni sou ‘ssalsom OZ
ssau2pso3 3o sagtunu asp aonpas palms aidoad `smaic aasgs u! panom appsedxa jo spuusnogs su nom SE `5015
passess sapredtuoa SE p0SI0A01 puass i‘upeg no/ puu sa2uuutu saamosas sr lsgepads am pug osint asauseup!A maj
uopupsedxa sno!nald am :ssaaosd uuumg E 010M nofi jVanpnaaxg Xiang:ups am so' uzumog mainSoidsua
uopgsgeooi asp do papaads uoos 30m3 symus 'n1 ua!ssaf 018ulpso00d uu pomp pug suu, •Xiddns Imp
sua -a iguxus ausupag slgauag asosp 56 •800Z u! panom SID gum 113 101E018 spurn gun suatuausrusu "usaua2 st
Hu '8002 krenutf 1 sto `sanannoH I OH u! ssaguuutu saamosas uuumq Itu puu saamosas umung '8upalseus
•suutip!A opuatuagessum JO MEM ISOWN 'WAN 1.110W02EIFOLII oe `aosseuli ul puuossad paugunb soj
palms pulse o1 pasn 1111 asap asuog .10.1110S 010W 1E am sanoums alp puma') ag1, •sosoas suatua8vuum asp
s2q2!ll puE stasputp am soj uoguanpa 141!m pandwoo ,2sagaat am jo dp, ags u! Agemopsud `saRepogs mogul pool
asunpd 'JED iillEd11100 E `(S191.11.30i0 06 ssnf sum sms 4.10A0MOH '11.100 sad L•91 pasuan pug masudopnap 31oau3reasq of
Su !pus) slug Xingu plogasnog SEM 01E1 10A01.1.1111. 001c001110 02RJ0AE symup!A `ssuari maj ssud ago Pito
sokpred :ssuauag 0053-yes /cc" passoog am '800z u! lugs punoj `icso gum se •adog so; uoseas sum
uasjo 0.10M sagulaud butts lug 'OR Igo off u!pasug icassugnsuoo S031110Sal wags `ssa2uuutu moo' soj `15g.nuo0
iipmsups Xpearp sum yelp am dos am trussing 11 Insus Sq Xansns v. uj •Igussaaun Noo" sgol asepludxa
luaa Sod punam sV •ssaicoidula 01 58 •,allgom )(ppm, JO ren!nms ags opens `sa&sugo Yes
uapmq yes am Ija" siamsuoa asepsudxa 041 =swag °sic pug ,angotu Sipsuntdn, Too' suaoas sp!itt pau!c11100 'Noonno
1solA1 • sampludxa soj gnaup asom asp `/Cpuaaas 0101.11 'ajg 2upponn aqui° oe opuouopa lugo12 rood 0141, •,uuoss
• apuull bunut f 110 pajp osu1 aumo slags soj kurdusoo apms u g11m pagms Pa.Pod, atls aTI P031001 600Z Alunuef
lugs mul xus ntau 11 `asouualpsnA H 6ifenua8 pug S.1031.10M 0S011121.11.01A `tuuma!A ut saalcoidula asepiudya .10,1 V
mogul asupsedxa os 1SEd 0141 u! svasagm `iipuanbasuoD
JO 11100 148i4 610A11E1[0.1 01111E 610S010 -Buss pamivnb pusau 02 ssajjo uoisutiof tug, Sq
010111 paloo" pin sijaq slags patio
-1112p salugdusoo 'sups pogs asp tg
•suug 2upIti saltrum pasodug puu
muss jjo Lc-el 01 passeis sansedusoo St
SE0S.10A0 Sum' •AZI13.1.1 ags umop
pauadtuep uoos s!s!sa regop am mg
,•sapulus opsgualun /imps sof 8111015u
010M /imp puu `sup's puE aouapadxa
palltug 610A soon apload 010M oL,
asata, `iis!D gum po OH u! pasug
ibuaau maurgnpas 11 `uo!paps anpav
suns °gm `sulapg gedn21012u1pso00y
•paounouosd 010111 splim sum asp
am suomsod animpatta u! lug '800Z ulr 59
1.1100 sad 81 lsou11116q pasuanui sapums
piano `saspdsasua palSOMII-11810.10.1101
lugs pamogs Aaiuns 1111 slums agj,
somas 111001 so3 angnq butes 11 jo 09
E JO 8u1141asuos pasean Sags `ureup!A
u! passanu! samudtuoo muopuu
-muo wow ste•sonposd opsasuop sso12
jo maa sad z" u11t1 010111 10 'um j$
aims soj panmoom pug suasussanu! 55
lamp 112p503 'amp LOOZ u!
MOJ snoptaid atp JOAO .10130S 2uyn10u3
ameq sms ut fuTuIT Janlls aas asounuplA
avoliev AllV)01 9N1211H 14 ZI


/3 Word search
Find words or phrases in the article which complete these sentences.

1 When lots of jobs are on offer and there are not enough workers to fill them, this creates an e
6 for workers. They have a wide choice of jobs and are in high demand. (paragraph B)
2 Employees who move up the career ladder quickly are said to be u m (paragraph C)
3 Employees who make sideways career moves, to gain broader experience or perhaps from company to
company in order to take advantage of a better salary offer, are said to be I m (paragraph C)
4 The rate at which employees enter and leave a company is known as the e t r
(paragraph D)
5 When salaries rise sharply over a short period of time, this is known as a s 6 (paragraph E)
6 When a company has too many employees and decides not to recruit for the time being at any level of
the organisation, it imposes a 6 I, 6 . (paragraph G)
7 If conditions become worse for the company, it may have to make employees redundant or I them
o (paragraph G)
8 The trend for using local labour is known as I (paragraph I)
9 The trend for using overseas labour is known as e (paragraph I)

11:1 Word partnerships

Match the verbs (1-6) with the phrases (a—f) to make expressions similar to those in the article.

1 to stay with a) the tax burden to employers

2 to create b) a salary bubble
3 to ask for c) a company for life
4 to leave d) skilled management to Vietnam
5 to attract e) totally unrealistic salaries
6 to speed up f) the localisation process

13 Cause and effect

Use expressions in the box to complete the paragraph.

as a result as a result of caused by consequently due to in order to

1 the poor global economic outlook and recent local tax changes, the survival of expatriate
jobs looked uncertain. 2, however, the situation for local managers looked even better
than it had before.

During the previous years, there had been an employment bonanza for expatriate workers with specialist
skills, 3 the breakneck economic development in Vietnam. , even Vietnamese workers
who had previously tended to stay with the same company for life, started to change companies regularly
rise up the career ladder faster or take advantage of better salary offers. In 2008,
6 the departure of many of the expatriate workers, the employment trend
reversed back to one of localisation.

.4Jodw 4Jous e wpm L40 mom! nog( saplunoD _tato° JO suogeaaua ,sluwedpuelB pue ,sluwed JnoA
wedwoD anoineqaq siql saop MOH •sqof pue saplsnpu!;o sadA4 luwagp4o Num_ 2.suogowald
laB ao sqof liat44 Li! sonow sAemapis anew padxa saaAoldwa op ApeinSal MOH j,awn 04 auip woy
ALI2c1WOD aueqD Aaill op io `api Jo4 AuedwoD awes pip 144!M /gels puw MlunoD anon( saaAoldwa oa z
*seam JnoA weidxj ')IJOM o4 Al4Ur103 12410112 04.21.00w 40 saelueApesip pue saqueApe DLO ssnDsia
slapnq paDnpw (q
ADiiod quay mau e pampayui (e
(8L—LL saw]) swag paua3y5p saiuedwoD S
luawalpxa pue uoimadwoD aye paDnpw (q
pwoq auokana apew (e
(17L-£L saw]) :Azuad umop pauadump uoos sisin ieq012 aql 4n9,
luawaeuew siaAei do} aqi Aol (q
aJnpid aql Jo lied pews e (e
(8E—LE saui) „thaqap! aye Jo dp„ aill isnt sem siql
BLI0,14S AIDA (q
)1eam AIM (2
saw]) aDJay sem Inoqei pains 1(4 uoimadwoD aqi,
alP1 Aq a144!1 (q
4se4 Alawama (e
saug) ,"• wawdoianap )(aauNpaiq s‘weulaiA
•appie alp mu; aseiqd pea .101 uolleueidxa ;sag ain asooq)
suo!ssaldxa Bulpuelslapun
•saplunoD umo Jiaq4 04
)!Deq luam saavom wepledxa Jo 401 e pue `saa2euew 04 papels Alienpe asiom 9
e Buisodw! ue2aq saiuedwoi
Jo 401 e pue `244awa S2M wnlumop DiwouoDa ue ;all J2@1D sem 4! `Janamoq '800z 40 pua S
•aw!4 awos 404 uo luam slgl •sapeies lat.i2iq way palgauaq lle am pue `pweadde uoos
e `AilunoD at44.8upalua siaeuew wepledxa 40 Jaqwnu aql 17
auo 04 Appinb panow sJaeuew 2upiq 404 AD!iod aql siaeuew ieDoi 404 puewap
u! asu theqs aq1laaw 04 A.4uno3 @Li". aidoad pains pue paDuapadxa LiSnoua a/keg bump Aidwis am
Alan aweDaq
pue Aminb suopowold 4a2 04 amp @JOM am `waquig 04 aidoad ueill sqof wow sAemie wam sv
lean e paAofua siipis pue uoileDnpa poaS e Lnim sn
asoqi Lpiqm popad e paDuapadxa am `sway seasaano Aq luawlsanui u2iwo4 Li! asu dieqs e 04 ano
•sa3ua4uas asaqi alaidum 04 D—v saspiax] saseaqd pue splom ash
uogaidwol eauawas
avonv HO A11%001 9N1111H 44 Zt imn
Unit 6: Building a strong HR brand

This unit looks at the contribution that the modern HR department makes to
the success of a company.


Discuss these questions.

1 List all the tasks you can think of that human resources professionals carry out.
2 Would you say that the human resources department plays more of a strategic role or a support role?
Explain your ideas.


A Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).
Identify the part of the article that gives this information.

1 Unilever only calls itself the 'multilocal multinational' because it operates in many countries.
2 Its human resources strategy has always taken into account the many different businesses
it owns around the world.
3 Its current HR policy has three main aims.
4 Its HR strategy focuses on four main areas.
5 Gary Crouch, Unilever's HR Director, says that the contribution people make to the business
they work for is increasingly being valued.
6 It is difficult to give this contribution a numerical or financial value.
7 The report written to tackle this issue was called 'Accounting for People'.
8 The report was sponsored by the Department of Health.
9 Companies regularly use statistics relating to employees for internal purposes.
10 Companies also use these statistics widely in their public reports.
11 Gary Crouch hopes that one day companies will measure and report on their employees in
the same way that they report on their finances today.

1:1 Information search

1 The article gives several examples of ways in which a company can use employee statistics
internally. Put them in the right order, as they appear in the article.

a) Managing succession planning

b) Assessing high-potential managers
c) Comparing the performance of different divisions

.4slamp 0 '9DiOp1.10AA a y; 2upnpal (3
•siapeal 2u!doianap (a •sia2euew iegualod-Aq But2euew (q
•amlin3 alelodio3 (p •ssauampaila ;sop pue A3uapgla (e
uo pasn3o4 A2alegs Mau vanallun
•sapnod 21H aleiedas pue luaiamp Jo Jaqwnu aalei e Buykeg (3
•gsgu3 leads Lump ogAn saaAoidwa 4o 2 Bulneg (q
•ppom aq; punoie saluedwo3 lualamp Jo 101 2 (e
se lanaflun pro aq; saqp3sap gono.o Meg
•a3ualuas pea aladwo) ;all (s)wal! viii (j') A314 pue u!e2e apple an peat
• gumumd uolssaoans agi Japagm NH fenppqpu! UAAO s3T MOII0J of
sisal animam puooas v -aotiapadxa ss papum dno.12 Jo/karma pea s.reac
pun slipis Jo aguu.! pue `aouutu maj n [gun sgtupu .10A0Hun OI
-.1opad lsud `sa!oualadwoo ssauisnq loj 10230.1m NH `gonoiD Xxe9
gmptgau!`upalpa angoalgo jo Jaquinu •sassau!snq gugundo funp!Alpui
,•ssamsnq aq jo 56 • guise passasst s! tegualod gg!H jo gunk n Joj Sgaieils amothoo
iaglo Atm u! asn am lutp aumidmosip •tegualod luaulageuum aveg os abuts n 211p:top/kap Jo saguagega
pue inogu jo aaaap alums ag1 ggm 03 pamapisuoa gels Jo uogJodald atn sisaggns °sr stheyad gapim
ssaigsnq aamosal u se aidoad am jo matussasee aql if! Si pasn ace /Ng lonpoid pue poiltiduigoag
guquuutu spiemol &ITAOW am Ittg kum amp *LIMO cup luatudopitap snotwoua s,Stredmoo atil sloatjal
Si jmod aqs, •uos!rudinoo amnuag IOJ 06 pue icagod NH gsgqmsa 03 sgugaam lum uual g s! 1I • ,reuoguummu ito
pasn aq uua legl mep aiquwian pue gumuuid o!galans reingal a! I1 u! sv -oggnui, aq2 magg geo 0l sam .10A011Ua V
angoalgo ggm dn pua of aq !pm )(gm ifilutualui sapspuls aaSoidtua /cal
agi • amp 011.105 WM MAI NH Tr! sup jo mgtunu u jo asn samudtuoa aums Aqui Ataipuy fq
gu!na!gov • vauoggamd icoumunoaau .S.nsnpui pue °pup ogre! Jig papoddns a m put se umuusedau Na alp Act pamosuods sum
&mac Sumu nano dn mnq uaaq atug gomm yodal ,aidoad Joj gUMMOODV, ov
sagsgms imouumd, 'ekes gonao .q/1 I II2 uI papp-e4 Nsq. alp SUM srgi Latgun
•gugiodal OIOUI gulppe Uf atoa a!gaTage s,NH pods!
spiemol gulikom Apvaio Si kgsnpu! pun =mu! rciaTenbarye 04 skum pug
`JanamoH •palaidmmisRu aq moo os am op moH •uogat om! slalom led
Teip riep glmm Spiamb oce aggnd gumg of moq Si uopsanb aqi •gam su unmo 55
moqe samudtuoo jo Ind aql uo uogrmo 01 0)P1 mnom samedwoo Jaw Xuum
Jo aaigap leatg r ggs Si amlgl mtp. uomsod aq3 `as.moo jo 'Si 3
u sv • sJomas walamp uT sagmdwoo ,•ssau!snq atp. jo ssaaons am of aidoad
malajjlp uaamlaq Siamm Japp mnoo 5L, jo aouepodug aql gu!smgooal jo item
SO32I UOUU010.1 JJEIS MO' jo aotrumodun n s,1i, `sure!dxa 2H *STIUdt1103 0143 uT 0£
rumor alp `agituuxa Jog • sagredwoo NH JO 010i guilguego aql sloaual
uaammq suospudwoo tutuapfa slip Tug sanagaq gam° .4Ar • ssaulsnq
sagsguls aacogItua prepums gu!sn ggm agi jo Tuaulaguuum *lulls aq3 jo
samnoupp aq I120 amtp `JanamoH H s! g • uogounj poddns injasn pue dap
•Ags.lamp aamppom pue `spmpai -.10m a isn [Jaguar ou si sums g 'NH a
luappau put Slaps `luampudap - amino aiwodloo pue tssauang
Sueduma a um snicui luatuagutreuu -aajja 3500 put Soualagja :mama-emu
jo Jaqumu uogualai jjuls warm td!gslapeal :suam /031 moj uo
`!sod n ut spuads aacaidula un amp Au 59 pasnoojicgaleals mau ata •apos Jo Rua pumq NH
-lane alp apigaul samgg imp° •dnalg -uaq pug Agagdtms aaam sreog klutupd oz
u ugmm suo!swp malajjga JO 30112U1 05014m `31.10AAO1U2IJ NH amodloo
-.10J-10d 01.11 012d11100 0f pasn aq use pings t podoionap XII2LLIJOJ /cued
`slagtunu aa/Coidula of salts su lions -MOO 0111. '022 SIBOX AAOJ g 'JO/12/110H
Sofia! /cm! Supioidtua `potgatu pnq v •suleidx2 aq
•sgof lamas 0.1011I ‘`sagungue! luaJamp agnb gumfel SI
IOJ salempuuo itguaiod jo lagumu 3.10mssalgsnq alp jo shed luamop
viii guIssassu iq 'alunbape s! mod /Ca)! moij aidoad, • sappopd pun saogowd
ONV 2IH 9N021.1.5 V %liming " ET iinin


A Word search
Find phrases in the article which fit these meanings.

1 a company which sells different things in different countries, reflecting their different needs (paragraph A)
2 a company which operates in many countries (paragraph A)
3 a company's aims in general and the way it hopes to achieve them (paragraph A)
c 5
4 ways of doing things in the Human Resources department (paragraph B)
HR p
5 a set of HR policies and practices used by an entire company (paragraph C)
c HR f
6 what a company enjoys when it takes advantage of its large size to reduce costs (paragraph C)
b a 5
7 when a company plans what it will do in the future, including: which products or services it should
sell, which markets it should be in and how profits can be increased (paragraph F)
5 P
8 hard facts and figures which do not involve opinion and which can be understood in the same way
by everyone who views them (paragraph F)
o c
9 a specific set of skills which are considered to be essential in order for an employee to be effective
in a senior role (paragraph F)
6 c
10 when companies work out whether they have the right employees to fill senior posts as the people
in these positions leave the company (paragraph F)
5 P

a Word partnerships
Match the verbs (1-8) with phrases (a—h) to make expressions similar to those in the article.

1 to compare a) a single corporate strategy

2 to manage b) a shared HR framework
3 to recognise c) HR's strategic role in adding value
4 to measure d) key employee statistics
5 to develop e) HR policy and development
6 to use f) the importance of people to the success of the business
7 to develop g) the performance of different divisions
8 to establish h) people as a resource for business

•jo mouN noA saplsnpu!luwajjip lnoqe Num zAuedwoa aq; ul alDM Aaq; Addeq
moq jo lo;e3!pw pooB e aq pinom alai; APIs papua; saaAoldwa Buoi moq BwmouN ul
palswalul aq noA pinom `aaAoldwa ue se Auedwop e Bulwof lnoqe BuiNwq; al@MnoAji
elpalswww aq AllwauaB
pinom p!iqnd aq; Null; noA oa •apwe aq; ul pauopaw seam luwajo aqljo awos inoqe NuM
AuedW03 elnoqe uopew.mjui injasn ap!Awd spps!lels aaAoidwa AaN leg; Null; noA oa
noA 01 83A0
Alinjapioj pue AiSuans se (q
Aileuo!ssajoid pue Alinjamp SR (e
(t76-6 scull) ,••• aundpsllo puo „mob!) Jo aahgap autos aye gym ssawsnq Jo; aDinosw e se •••,
;noqe ansun AAA am sa!uedwoD (q
lisodap Bpq e Aed anal sa!uedwop (e
(8z-9z scull) ,••• sa!uodwoa joliod aq uo uopnod Jo aai5ap loae5 n tins sj amyl lin Sal e s',
aBalane (q
qBnoua pooB (e
(LS-9S scull) ‘••• alonbapo s! slsod AaN AojBurweid uo!ssanns •••,
sBuw; Bwop jo sAem luwajjip peg (q
sanBuollaqlow lualagp peg (e
scull) ••• sa5onOuoi juwajim almb aiam ssawsnq aq; jo s;ied lualajj!p way aidoad, t
•apple WWI aseiqd pea Joj uoneueldxa ;sag asooqD
suolssaldxa 2u!puelsaapun
,sagoidwa amdwoD pasn aq U2D sppsile;s aaAoldwa AaN•Auedwo3 aq; aAeal
siaBeuew Bups!xa aq; uaqm sucusod DIBaleAls pue Aquas aq; illj saaAoidwa papuapadxa pue paguenb
qBnoua sal Auedwo3 aq; leg; awns Bupiew 5 s!)lse; saimosa; uewnq luel.lodw! uy s
'UOWWOD OS 10U sl Buwodai leulaiya Joj waq; Bwsn `ssawsnq aq; Jo spodse
snopen wnseaw pue suosiledwoD lewww @New o; 5 a >,l asn op sawedwo3 qBnalliv
•ssawsnq o; A V ul alo; s‘dH Bulanseaw u! palswalw wow Bu!woDaq we sawedwop £
•ssawsnq aq; jo ssanns aq; d Jo aDueliodwl aq; a olBuwels aae sassawsng Z
•sAep asaq; adll weiodiop u! aloa 5 alOW e BwAeld we sluawiJedap 21-1
•samialuas asaql alaidwo3 pue v saspiax3 wag saseNd pue spiom ash
uonaldwoa maluas
aNvtis ZIH 9NOI1LS V 9Nialine 4.1 Et iiNn
Unit 7: A holistic approach to marketing
This unit looks at a new approach to marketing.


Discuss these questions.

1 What types of advertising do you like and dislike? What irritates and amuses you?
2 How do you avoid advertising you don't want, e.g. TV ads, pop-ups, spam, etc.?
3 More people today have broadband and DVDs and use mobile phones. How do you think these
developments are affecting:
• companies' marketing strategies?
• the work of advertising agencies?


Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and answer these questions.

1 After reading the article, can you summarise what 'holistic marketing' is? Compare your ideas with
other students.
2 What two factors have made companies interested in this new approach to marketing?
3 Why isn't traditional TV and Internet advertising as effective as before?
4 Marketers have reacted to this trend in two ways. What are they?
5 How has a more holistic way of looking at advertising changed the way advertising agencies work?
6 According to the writer, many companies will be slow to move to holistic marketing. Why is this?
Choose two explanations.
a) Holistic marketing can involve several departments, which makes managing marketing budgets
very complex.
b) They see holistic marketing as a fashion that will pass.
c) There is a lack of accepted tools for measuring the effectiveness of new marketing activities.
d) Most advertising agencies don't yet have the right skills and expertise.

El Understanding details
Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 The writer gives an example of how consumers are avoiding advertising on the television. What is it?
2 The writer gives two examples of alternative places where advertisers can put advertisements.
What are they?
3 What example does the writer use to illustrate how advertising agencies can give customers a
better experience?
4 According to the writer, holistic marketing will make allocating marketing budgets more difficult.
What example does he give to illustrates this point?

• •Ort"?..,
sahui rIVIDNVNIa ait!2 01 skum 1no °Jag 01 2u!k11 pienuojisej puu sotuturAold p1000.1
am Aar!' • skup osorg smpiounuoo 99 01 agload Joj Jalsvo 11 2UpIEW
Sumsllqnd Id uo!sptop; woqu 2upiugg lsnf 1ou OM siaACE `Ndurexo 10.4 .2u!sgionpu sr
sopua2e 2u!s!panpu sy a prong o1 Jamod arg spumsuoo
•sprom largo u! '2ugo;putu 2wit12 axe soouunpe mopoputpoi H
•Jong!un 1g Jopaga u!pojAI legoID 98 ol goroiddu ogsgog u — oq 01 suaddug •2u!s111ove JO SSEM ongetualm
`ploporgnu trew skes :Iowa2o; sp2 Jatuolsno auil .10Aa1011A1 Jourolsno art 0£ Jaglo pug Jammu' art wpolsoiow! 0.1011I
-pnq asorg Ind o; gnoup 0.1011.1 gontu o2v2uo o1 s! Bop! ag1 •Salunpoddo 2wma12 are osm are kaki; smpiourtuoo or
511! ewour mou arms quAk, •sp2pnq 2ugovuur g se pumsuoo a twit& uo!splop; 111 aouapguoo 2u!soi are
2ugo3putu omooire 'Coq; mog 111 a2uggo puwoo Aug oas 01 2rugru!2aq are sogredruoj •swatudopAop OAA4 SPNJOI
kuu kjgsnr 01 linoupp 1! pug /curt! 00 kali; NV '51100.10S ouoqd agqow tro 2upowtu ogsgog ow! annul ata
sagredruoo `stool osotg jo aouuld000u siogogs snq uo skeidsg; uo spu sz •slaruolsno Ilarg rwm mownurwoo
miauaS s! amp wun lug `;ist"; sgg sit lions `swatuos!ponpu lnd o1 samd 01 spornow Sugo3putu JO SlOpgA 5
twit% dpi Jutp spo; woruainsuour mau Joj 2uppoi am AN", •siCum JOIB9.12 v osn 01 sopudwoo jo onsap
twm 2uppom sowedwoo ale Nora H om; u! popuodsar anvil siololiew 3 2wmar2 alp sossardxo mtp wig; v —
•sagessow 2wmpuur narg 01 uoguonv sL •sgutu-o ,2upovutu ogsgog, 2ugdope am sworn
2wked 0.1E sJourolsno gom Mog — powumun puu swaruosgionpv dn-dod oz liedop Sugovetu 'sow-Wino° 2Ig V
so2ussour 2ugovetu jo pgdw! alp ptuolig 31ooiq wag; sdpq ammijos
ainsgaw 01 Mog s! a2uormgo art 0114M `smaratuwoo uoIs!nopr ;god uguiriams Lien
•warp 2w2u2uo tr! 1nq `sJourolsno
2upprar kidugs 111 poisolowl patrol a
01.1 are S.1059ApU 4 2u11ovutu ogsgog
uI •knAgoe gugavetu JO spin)! mau
jo ;audit!! agl aredwoo 01 linomp 1!
au!pug am sogredwoo `poJeogdruoo
010W 1109t111IS oto avw '9
luotupudap wouldopnap pnpard .to
2u11a3pet1 v o1 o2 kgenbo moo al!s u
2wpgnq Joj Sououl os • solols mrunn sit
uogounj osm sal!sqam lug '5u!sgionpu
;au-Jowl jo unoj u sit was oq moo 09
`031THISIIT Joj `onsgam d •gnomp
spfpnq 2ugovutu 2ugeoolle salutu
golwit `0101 g ONEII OS[E XIIMILLIOD
u! swam:pedalo largo `gtlf)ONIVIII
uogippe ui .2upinw am sagingoe ss
ssowsnq 1orgo pue 5ugaNsew uaampq
saw! art '2u11ovutu ogsgog p ppom
mou 0141 tr! nig •sp5pnq 2ugo;puru
tuoij souroo 2ugovutu Jo.; kouoiN
•suogeogdwoo os
mogowd p osnuoaq 11 ;dope o;
mois aq ketu Amur `Sugo;puru nag
o; gonad& ogsgog u JO SO2MITUApB
art aas s1o2a31rutu /cum! q2notgiy a
•Suidsg; arm puu st
2w2uped ;ovoid o1 uogenotru! pure
woruanoxo Atm 2uuq pure Iugsarowl
arow oouagodxo 2wddogs aq1 own
skum Joj 2uppoi osm am kart
lureldwoo u own ro uogeupojw Joj ob
Nsu o1 IIBO sJarnolsno uaqm ouogdop;
art IOMSUB pings 33u3s mor; `aglumxo
Joj :aouopadxo Jammu° Jonoq
2upo*rew opsilog Joj osuo auZ
9N113N2IVIN 01 143VO2iddV 311S110H V 41 'Limn


A Understanding expressions
Choose the best explanation for each phrase from the article.

1 'Companies are losing confidence in television commercials.' (lines 8-10)

a) They don't think that TV adverts are as good as before.
b) They no longer believe that TV adverts produce good results.
2 `... engage the customer...' (lines 29-30)
a) get the interest of the customer and keep it
b) have more conversations with the customer
3 `... the lines between marketing and other business activities are blurring.' (lines 53-55)
a) The differences between marketing and other business activities are less clear.
b) There is a big difference between marketing and other business activities.

10 Word search
1 Find words or phrases in the article which fit these meanings.

a) starting to do something new (paragraph A)

b) thinking about the whole of something, not just dealing with particular aspects (paragraph A)
c) improvements (paragraph B)
d) try to prevent something from happening (paragraph B)
e) stop something happening completely (paragraph B)
f) possibility (paragraph C)
g) think about a problem until you have a solution (paragraph D)
h) plans showing the money available (paragraph F)
0 giving someone their share of the total amount (paragraph F)
j) give a good reason for something (paragraph H)

2 Find two other words in the article with the same meaning as advertisements.

gi Word partnerships
1 Match these words to make noun—noun partnerships from the article.

1 holistic a) commercials
2 television b) marketing

3 marketing c) advertising
4 customer d) activity
5 Internet e) agencies
6 advertising f) experience

2 Find five other noun—noun partnerships starting with the word marketing (paragraphs A, C, F and G).

apeai 11!M slawolsnD
aAliDadsoJd pue sJawolsnD )1u!q4 noA op moH 2.p2oJdd2 U2 pns u! sls!J AL121pq4 aJy •Auniloddo
Bullavew 2 SO Jawnsuop 2 ipm peluoD AU2 aas 04 2www2ao, a.12 sJaspiaApe `Jamm ay} 04 Bu!pioDDy
•swpd inoA lioddns o> saldw2xa1231p2Jcl apnpui .Auedwo3
JnoA u!Eupa>112w 04 peoldde Dp!lou wow 2 lsweBe Jo 104 as2D Bupiew Jodi 'Jogs 2 al!JAA
2.sapuaBe 2u!swaApe pue sJamJew
Jo.4 plemJoi Aem aq4 s!2unavew 04 p2oJdde DnsHou DJOW 2 leul ma!A s,Jal!Jm aq4 g4iM a9122 Oa
Alwruloddo 2unavew 2 SO sJawo4sn3 p21.1.10D AU2 MIA 04 paau sJalavew
.2unaliew p2oadde Dps!lou alOW 2 a224u2Ape aq4 aas sawedwo3 aJOW pue WOW E
•Eu!silJaApe uo!s!Aaial aDuapljuoD 1501 eA2L1 sawedwoi z
.2u!splaAp2 lauJalui 4sala4u!SwmoJ2 s! wail' I
1.44!M 04 10 U! UI
•saDualuas asaqi alaidwo) 04 xoq ay. ul suolilsodaJd aqi asp
101 2 op U2D s 9 (A4 news Lill/A sawedwop uaik] (.44
(u pue elpaw mau 4o >qui 2 Bu!sn `slawolsnD aq4 2u!Saua jo sAem
mau Buppxa Jo4Buplool aJ2 E 0 0 pue sJalavew (AA Li
se umou)! Tullavew 04 peon:Id2 mau 2 04 leJluaD s! L a
•peilxa alaidwo3 of z3 pue saspiax3 way sdNsiauped pJom asp
uonaidwo3 a3ualuas
(19-6S saw!) Tu!spJaApe 1auJa4ui .4o WJOJ 2 se uaas aq pinoD `al!sqam
(Sz—£z saw!)
sJa4laqs snq uo sAeids!p uo sp2 `swawaswanpe lnd 04 saDeld Mau JojBwro! aJe Aaui
(Li—ST. saw!) sawwelBon:1 pJoDaJ Ja!sea 4I Bullew aie saga
•waql aanpoilw sasn aq saseNd aano aqi alaidwo)
'said wexa le3143eJd y1IM siwod sly Jo awos Alp& aqi
9N113)121VW 01 FOVOIlddV 311S110H V 14 I 1INn
Unit 8: The value of brands
This unit looks at the importance of brands and some of the
challenges they face.


Discuss these questions.

1 What advantages do strong brands give a company?

2 What challenges do brands face today?
3 Think of a brand that has made mistakes but recovered. What mistakes were made?
What did it do to recover?


gi Understanding the main points

Read the article on the opposite page and say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones.
1 Too much focus on short-term profits is a dangerous strategy when developing brands.
2 Google has become the top brand in its category in a very short time.
3 According to the writer, it is impossible for brands to recover when things go wrong.
4 The writer thinks brands are less important now than before.
5 It has become easier for brands to move into foreign markets.
6 The most serious problem that brands face today is how to deal with the illegal copying
and reproduction of their brands.
7 According to the writer, the main benefits of having a strong brand are financial.

El Understanding details
Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 Which brand does the writer mention as an example of:

1 a top new brand?
2 a brand that took bad strategic decisions?
3 a brand that lost its position as a top brand but has got it back?
4 a brand that has been very successful all over the world?
5 a brand whose reputation has helped to attract high-quality graduates?
2 Which industries are mentioned as examples of industries affected by illegal copying?
3 The writer gives three benefits of developing strong brands. What are they?

•spripaid ,sawedwoD laqTo !las pue AdoD Ape2a!!! Asea s‘li (q
•siaillo waqi !las pue spripoxl sa!uedwoD !eels Asea AIM 5,11 (e
zsDnel! asemid aql saqinsap lsaq uoneueldxa to!qm
•07L—EL saw!) ,•pajoild aq um spnpaid mg& ullm asoa ay; s! aBualleq3 Jatoouy, `sAes Jalpm aqi z
•slynad alelpaww!Bullew Jo sAem mau Buolool sAemie sa!uedwoj (ci
•sluoicl 1D1nb aas ueD Aaql asneDaq op Lupinoqs Aaql s.Sum A.12 (DT luem sAemie saluedwoj (e
zBulAes s! aq wqm saqInsaplsaq aDuawas tolqm
.(17—£ saw!) ,•••jilaid uuai-poqs Jof 5uppatuos op 01 uopoldutal sAemie s! alaqung, 'SAPS aqi t
•suonsanb asay; J6msuv
21,queew SulpuemaPull SaWLI, tproN Xci aputu graspueg roadxa mou ss rawartg aru • puwq gurpuursrrto
ppom ap sauoqd amour p ardurexa tre S.! 0[200D
2triertisllqnd jo &ming • waproq ssolo spuwq •sraprogaregs ptre watuorsno
roj rarsua saleur `uorresguqop tpoq alien anti °Aug rip spuerq
•ra5uor warp daa)! 06 puB S2°1°1110°1 SOOTIEAM clop/op aourqo alp uorrerdwar atp
pue wows ssaursnq urorj sarenver2 `srapreq apurr p 2upamor Isrsar a2euuur rap soureduroo asotp
Isar alp puma' treo rjosororrAi 03!!! •rourgdo umorg prumgrysi so/4 spa •auurep 014.1 IrOdOI Ellpa1 01
purerq dor u `ardtuuxa JOJ • oor srgauaq jo waprsard-aorA angnoaxa sices &mac puads uatp /cog' •Srasrmun
rap° are °rata • sur2xew pue sanuanal ,‘ spuwq tprm rja! are /cap Ienba spuwq rrato pagoraus JO sronpord „trap
rrarp °seam! saruedwoo moire ss awooaq s2ultp raw sy • uogrraduroo jo Srgunb orp pampa' pue uogurdwar
/iglu • sloipadwoo JOAO sa2uurenpv wag saruudwoo roacad rem. s5trup sup or II! uanr2 aveq sarueduroo icuelk
rq ant! spuwq 2uans ppnq Imp ramaj aru aratp puu '2uor Ise! rou op •upar 2uo! atp ur puwq a2utugp two s
sarueduroo`sa2uagego asap audsau uogenouur jo sa2uwenpu atp `ppom Imp mord turar-pogs roj Surtpatuos
*sCIACE Pug sCD sscgpor tq, • spuwq rrarp jo argun op or uogerdwar skemte sr amp rug
uo puu lomat!' ar41 rano paonpordar surd swaed su lions srasse arqr2uwur •alien mad p 2urtpatuos sr uogurndar
Xprep2rp &Iraq swig puu orsnw dors jo Spupuassa rsrsuoo mou sartredwoo ofr uvula! mr!! Wuxi awodroo v V
saruudwoo watuururralua roj wow •arojaq JOAO uatp wurrodurr
rapruu uana sr u •pardoo guraq sNorur OJOW spuwq `uogsanb rump% Jaddup Imo!' X•rt
pus &rep liatn dors or sra.mminugur •reArnar sr! tr! wurrodtu! Xratuauxa
rorotu tuasam roj mom) sr u sem sronpord lunsrA ptre orpne olur
•parerrd aq treo sronpord gorrim grim sranduroo jo rno uorstredxa middy SE
asea arp sr a2uarretro raptly •turuar sp.! tprm uorpsod sr! paureSar
•paptrerq iignjareo rug `raptmokoo sr! `scrof anas p
warrprured se 'Tons saurorpau rawnoo anuredop atp raw uogoaup sir rsor
-atp-rano uang • uoggadwoo opaua2 •addy s! adurexa au° •&10.1A1
puodsar 2urraveur asn paau o2 s2trup tratim ratooar uuo spuerq oc Win
atp Raj osre /cap `gorrasar ur suormq pa-rpm-ma-gam Imp s! smau poo2 ata
rsatur sauredtuoo s2rup q2notply •sips orur amour rrijssaoonsun gum
•kusnpur pooj ap pue quognaaeurreqd `s4 Inal 01E111WX0 `SiaLIO
su irons sausnpur spnpord opaua2 59 pageturp uaaq onug Imp spuwq p
jo warruoujntrew 11101J 011100 seri sardurexa Amur uaaq a/tug wag' 3
ouo • sa2uallugo anj spuwq •a2ed atuog uo swawasuranpe
•spuurq reqq2 kerdsrp 2urund rou jo rsoo alp re sup
our! warp 2tuttuojstrerr pue sraproq puy •ooqux dpisino ir pa 0
SS0108 spuerq feuorruu 2urpuudxa u! 09 -MOM 03.!AJOS uorratuojur-pue-goruas
pussaoons /Craft uaaq aNBII HIATAI dor atp aurooaq nog-mu-trump
saruudwoo spoo2-ii.mxni •aadwoo s‘argoop 'rarer &mai 01 Imp ssar
mom) I! pug small poor pue spuwq Ina "L661 raquradas ur parars!2ar
luqor2 ratpo JO trolorow '2unsures Xruo sem woo•apoo2 aumu ureurop
2uans spumq 2u-Idool jo o2uonetio
saNvse AO 3111VA 3111 1 4 £


Match these words and phrases from the article (1-8) with their meanings (a—h).
1 stretched their brands a) difference between what it costs to produce products and their
selling price
2 intangible assets b) something that a business has, but is not physical, so hard to value,
e.g. a brand name
3 patents c) money that a company receives over a period of time from selling
good or services
4 value d) legal documents giving a company the right to sell a new product
or invention
5 trade barriers e) a product that is sold under a general name for a type of product,
rather than a brand name
6 generic products f) how much something is worth in money
7 revenues g) used a successful brand name to sell other product types
8 margins h) something that makes trade between two countries more difficult,
e.g. import taxes

Word search
Find words or phrases in the article which fit these meanings.
1 big and important (paragraph A; two words)
2 cause harm to something (paragraph A)
3 done with poor judgment (paragraph A)
4 extremely good (paragraph B)
5 be more successful than others (paragraph B)
6 got back something after losing it (paragraph C)
7 the process of becoming strong again (paragraph C)
8 move into other countries (paragraph E)
9 changing completely (paragraph E)

El Word partnerships
Match the verbs (1-5) with the nouns (a—e) they go with in the article.

1 damage a) its position

2 outstrip b) a brand
3 lose c) challenges
4 regain d) a competitor (Yahoo)
5 face e) direction

Lin;ssaDDris os uaaq meg
Aaullu!u; noA op Aum •spuniq loqol5 awl cuaqj 5uituiqjsuao pun siapoq SS000 spuwq inuotinu
5u!puncfra ui inissaJons ifian uaaq anvil HWA7 saiundillop spoo5 ifinxn7 `Jamm au; ol2wpionv
•Allegoi.S Buipuedxa uaum ADe4 lsuleBe spuelq pod ueD sa!uedwoD Moil ssnDsla
•lioml,upfiD / palJom A.Eale.tis au; Aum Jo s!sAleue anoA wasaJd uau; `AuedwoD uasouD
inoA uDJeasad •AlasImun patplans JO Ali rgssanns pueiq sll pauDiails seu leg; AuedwoD e asooLD
•spnpoJd Dpaua ww; uo!madwoD s! 3D2; spueN leDpnaDeiweud ;al; lsa2.2!q ay; ;o ;up L
• o; ulBual;s ww; auoS
set! AuedwoD au; `Lunlai sly amus lnq aiddy `sqof anals Jo ain;Jedap au; 2wmolioj 9
o; ssawsnq au; Jo; am; ale; !pm 1.! pue `uo!spap D!Ba;e4s peq e sem vsn ay} ul 2 u!Puedx3
•slnoq ;uemelsai Ja2uoi pue
nuaw s;!;o uo!leDulsiaNp au; anp Amew sem vsn au; u! s‘pieuometAl Aes slJadxj
.pualq do; e s2 uo!;!sod _lawn); si.l
o; paeuew;ou ims seu ssnalls !nal `punwe pueiq au; wn; o; slJolja BuRaNiew awisaa
•uoilelndal sl!
sJeaA 12JOMS )100111 pue `puelq sl! al@MS Alpfigild aAlleBau all! •2!SV
LI! sapope; Aanddns sl! ul suompuoD Buppom mod lnoqe wsp!;!ID paDel al!N! `s06 91•21 ay; ul
Lae; oo; pueN au; s! JO `ABa;e4s poaS e sly; si •Meuonels pue sassei2uns `saous
s‘uaw pua-u2iu Jo aueJ e Jo; sueld seu pue aBeHn! JauBisap pauoune! AnuaDai al!uoswes
leAvkal J!edal we2a.1 plans J@AODal uo!pa.qp asol aBewep saualielp
•upoi palm) ay; ul ale sqlan earls aNew
•xoq Dip ui saselqd pue spawn all Bulsn Manopai AuedWOD ;noqe sa3ualuas asap a;aidwoD
puniq 5u!puolsjno •B•a `sd!usJaulaed unou—aApafpe (q
puniq o a5inuop a `sd!usAau;led unou—cp @A (e
•sdnoa oiul wall aslue210
•(s)puwq pica ay; ql!An apple all sd!qsaauved !Nonni° 4sli e alew
luawdolanap fueinqe3oA
SCINV218 JO 3(11VA 3H1 E iiNn
Unit 9: Internet advertising
This unit looks at the development of Internet advertising.


Discuss these questions.

1 How important is Internet advertising in your country?

2 How have fast Internet connections changed advertising on the Internet?
3 What kind of ads can you find on the web? Which ones do you like? Are any that you find annoying?
4 What kind of advertising techniques work for promoting brands on the Internet? Think about:
• search-engine websites like Yahoo and Google
• social-networking sites like MySpace and Facebook and the video-sharing site YouTube
• business websites, e.g. news sites, online magazines, websites of professional organisations, etc.


13 Understanding the main points

1 Read the article on the opposite page and choose the the statement that expresses the purpose
of the article most accurately.

a) To inform readers about developments in Internet advertising

b) To persuade readers that Internet advertising is the solution for the future
c) To explain the benefits for companies of advertising on the Internet

2 The article describes three marketing techniques that are used online. Match each technique (1-3)
with its explanation (a—c).

1 search advertising a) paying for branded products to be shown in a film or video

2 viral marketing b) encouraging web users to pass on a marketing message to others, so
that the message spreads like a virus to many users
3 product placement c) paying for the chance to have an advertisement display when a user
searches for a given keyword

3 According to the writers, which of the three techniques in Exercise 2 works well for the following?

1 creating and maintaining awareness of brands

2 convincing a buyer to purchase a particular product

4 Complete these developments that have encouraged more innovative Internet advertising.

1 Increased speed of
2 The popularity and growth of
3 The ability of web users to

zoapp\ aqua luawa3eid pn paid e
zsaniaswaill siasn Aq paTeen lualuo3
zoaplA lap e
:jo saidwexa inissanns se pauoguaw ale suBledweD ;elm
•aDua!pne awn
e spuwq 2unowaid Joj lenualod loi e aA21.1 salisqam Allunwwoo °quo lag Num sialpm Dia
'Slia8.13S .941 uo Jeadde Buoi os )1002 Aaq2 asnepaq Buneilsnij spe qam punoj siasn Ised ui
•aseqoind e alew uo o2 oqmJaqwnu `alis sdasniaApe
Onoau >pp leql siasn Jo Jaqwnu aanseaw oI Asea salew 2u!spiaApe LpmeS
•aT!sqam maql
04 lull all uo svp Jasn e uaqm Aed /quo siaspaaApe 2u1s!paApe gimes Jo aBelueApe Elq v
*saw) 8S121 aq; palm) •(j) aSjBj ICI CO ant; aie sluawaleis asaLp latnaum ABS pue we2e apnie aq; peat!
suelap Buipuemapun
umpivn9 aqa 1110.13
sup Ipm ou2!edtuuo oop!A tug!. alp si Eu!splanpu jo Tot y • wall "wowed oz
Si 2u!spionpu jo potpaul mou auo ,1 Tajald 03 uosTad u 2u!punsTad
•Toloo.qp tuoDu!paw g `-e2apiug .2tr!spionpu 11011 ur soap!A apnpu! mou Tnoqg /quo you s! !!!splanpy
uums sins ‘`gam se auguo op MOU 58 ueo sTas!panpu Tuqi MOW suopoottuoo :Aououl Aug aisum 1,uop
ueo OM Toj pool uoaq AguuompuTT Towed •siatuotsno 211FIOUOI JO &CUM OS noA • sTatuolsno oulooaq lima! 043 uo
suq ALL supti, • SSOUOJEME puuTc! mow aim! !pm sTasplanpu `Lt1.1011 alp No!to 04M 5.101110mo Au= moo aos Si
gupulauaS Tnoqu Itn sm, • slonpaid atuooaq suoppautioa pugqpumq sy Imo noX pug uo 2ups!! aq wags not(
Hoyt (nq moils sTamapt /aim uopuotu •saqoiru aare! 112notutu `„aatminsu! suo Toduago„ mg! `spots
ostg °moo jo Inc! 'twat! Tuo os saoua!pnv allow 3e paung aq &comp SoN !low& Apexa gal uuo noA, 'pros
uo snag' soap!A ata•Ngyi uo palsod !pm sul!gdureo asam Imp Alm s! st, `s3pom !lamas am. icouagu Oupo3putu
pug spoopatsulAi is !moods poopaci Tng • sogud aigoal umo T!otp. Timm !lamas alp jo anpnong ja!to `souiCg
Toj sTgo tnoqu souos oap!A a paw= spumq arlochoou! op alcioad 4utMotte NoN • aiquNoun pug aNgmsuatu s!
suq TuoDu!paw dnoT2 2u!s!ponpy paluaTo uaaq a/mg sal:educe° puuTq ssaooldlg41, Tinsal !Tomas 043 uo sNogo
•ssauaremg pumq 2u!srp jo /cum pool SL angunoutq • utyulop UMO T!aqi se aouds auoatuos uaqm guls!panpu alp Toj iced
g Si pug alltim a Toj pun's wog seq aulluo .qatp Topisuoo atcload asnroaq ot7 /quo sTaspionpu `gulsplanpu !tams ut
soap!A aulluo u! Tuatuaogici Tonpoid H spuraq alotuold o3 pm! i! °New ueo •dol uo Tno souloo pumq .qaqT '1110 g .10 5
spe s,A2Toug opezoonl jo ouo u! "els samuntutuoo mo43 jo 011141111 alp Pod! ue %epilog u `stos ALL &ago
03 °°Ue113 °111 PIM 000'013 jo ozpd `.10A0M011 • siospionpu Toj klumpoddo Toj sloo! Tash u uaqm os `sau!2ua
paTojjo SUM JOULIIM a4,t, •Tuatuom ue Apgap Si sua •samununnoo llamas uo uomsod Toj madwoo 01
ATouo mot, u paouapadxo ANT mg/it aulluo onq 1a43a2o1 upncuct ss sotuedwoo smour 2ttIslponpu 11° WS V
soomsu! Tnoqu sooppt op-gm-a-wog °Avg woqaogg pue Nag `aaedsAN
puoicIn o1 pat!Au! °Tam siatuolsn3 se tons som uppomloululoos a uonv atlum pus Awiyi piettam Act
0415 tuooliouga2pamoAl0p 11041 oluo •angenouu! 0.1011I otuooaq 11110
sTatuolsno lag oi uE!edutgo u Tno paticu 59 pug amsanu! ssal tiornu aq ueo spueRq
Apu000T apezoonyTualuoo pamau02 jo gu!splanpg aulluo SUUOLU `Tanamoq OE
-Tosn u! asp 043 jo aguluenpu algi 01 `suopoouuoo Tarnowt pueqptcpq
SLUM punoj OSTU 0AU4 sTospaanpy 9 u! glimoTg aq t •panpu ue papuoicin
Talmo Ar3!2!p Imp pug patiduaolotid uopoauuoo 3011101111 mots 1ra43 agqm
`du apuul Smog ppm!! g Supnorts oap!A 09 1!-gm op putt ANT asnuoaq sTosn qam zznq upa)peuc !win a2nq u palunsruj ualjo asalp Trig •al!sqam sz
paTualo tio!qm `lye uoynicmg s‘onoci Taw uo spe Tauugq q2noTtp. SSOTIOJUMV
sr atclurgYa uy .oapIA u asgo sup pupiq pung o3 pap slasrponpu
ul `agessatu papuuTc! a gummuoo `clam alp jo skup Apea alp u! D
Tualuoo amp sTasn Tatualut `poipoul •spualq 1.11u!ulsns pug 2upuoTo Tnoqu
2uTspelaApfe lattaalui Jo aatJ 2uT2Trutio atu
9N1S111:13M1V13N831NI 11 unto


II Definitions
Match these word from the article (1-8) with their meanings (a—h).
1 sustaining a) causing to happen
2 banner ads b) sent files from one computer onto the Internet
3 uploaded c) maintaining for a period of time
4 intrusive d) a feeling of excitement and energy
5 niche audiences e) unwanted and annoying
6 buzz f) extended an advertising campaign after a successful test
7 rolled out g) target groups with a specific and limited interest
8 generating h) small advertisements on web pages, often found at the top
of a page and link to the advertiser's site

0 Word partnerships
1 Match these words to make noun—noun partnerships from the article.

1 search a) awareness
2 web b) pages
3 brand c) connections
4 profile d) result
5 Internet/broadband e) users

2 Find at least one other noun—noun word partnership that start with search.
3 Find at least three adjective—noun word partnerships that start with online.
4 Find at least one adjective—noun—noun word partnership that starts with viral.

0 Vocabulary development
Decide which verb does not go with the noun phrase in bold.

1 promote / develop / sustain / keep up a brand

2 do / generate / build / create brand awareness
3 post / upload / divide / share an online video
4 save / prevent / make / waste money
5 expand / launch / announce / roll out an online video
6 click on / catch / select / track a search result
7 engage / attract / reach / arrive customers

•an!pajja 1! sa>lew
i.eqmjo s!sAleue anon( pue amdweD aq31.1Jasaid •ifussanns uaaq seq leyl uBledweDiel!A 2 14DJeasad
.spueJq ammonej InoAjo all° .10j atedweo oap!Al2.1!A e Joj Jong EwspJaApe U2 dOl@A@G
.suolpIpaJd any doi JnoA luasaJd uaqi
.2u!snJaApe lawalw •
Bu!spJaApe Al •
•seale2wmolioj 3111 ui sJeaA any lxau aq1 Jam) aas oipadxa noA sluawdolanap 12qm ssrps!p `sdnoJ2 News Z
•sleuo!ssajoid BurloA slaJei lap qnp Aepfloq ainluaApe Mau
e Joj BuispiaApe lawalui 04 lj!qs e BwAjusn! 'ADuaBe BulspJaApe uejo jieqaq uo vodaJ lloqs e amim
lualuop paleJaua2
-Jasn jo Alpeindod .Su!mol.2 aql 9.8plueApe aNel 01 sAem mau Bu!puij aae siasnJaApv
•aDua!pne aip!u e spnpold
J!aql2unavew Al!unvoddo any 2 se samunwwoD Buppomiau !epos aas saiuedwo3 AuelA!
•saDua!pne JaunoA pawm ale stamdweD oap!A lei!A injssanns lsow aq4 jo Aueol
•suBmdwep aulluo
,SJasivanpe U! oap!Ajo asn annean aJOW 2 pamolle seq pueqpewq LilmoJS aqi
.suomsodaid 1301,103 Biqsn sa3ualuas espy; alaidwo3
'al!sqam Jno ow() waql lad pue sJawolsn3 mau p -4 sn diaq !!!An lauueLp auHuo
ue Buisn •spooj quay Jo aBLIeJ Ino d of u2!edweD q n o U2 e 0 4 01 ueld am s
*a.Sed J!aqi. ow
of @SOOL1D Aall1 uonewloju!.1@l11.0 AU2 pue sans!p pue san `212p lep!qdeao!q lam q
umo Jlaql @lean sJaqivalA! •slsaJalu! U0WW03 qi!m aidoad Joj e 0 ue s!looqape3 17
ponpold deap sj.!
se `AaLlow a M Luom noA puv p n qamjo Li 2 le palaJel Apjam `AedWeD
q A A papn.usum-liam B1.1p1DX@ U2 '1311paid mau e punom e 9 lean e awan U23 nod £
•Buns!! Jlaql uo
Jasn 2 awn. pea Aed 012u!!!!An ale siasillaApe Aauow Jo lunowe ay} uo spuadap uou!sod at_u_ • q 4
LID.12DS Dip LI! @J21d e SJ@Sp.I@Ap2 aaluemn2 !um oolleA saw2ua 1_13120S e V S Joj-pied u! Z
•ssauaJeme puelq p S pue Bu!sleJ ul injssanns alow
aq Him os `531.21 asuodsaJ JatAq saDnpold 4! lnq n 9 12uompan uan 310W 101 2 S1SOD
oap!A Bwon paid •jjo @Nei. Bu!spJaApe q A 0 apew sey e 9 ialspj jo Lllmoa 3111 L
•sqdei2eJed asaip alaiduico j—y saspiax3 woij saseiqd pue spionn asn
uogaidWO) a3ualuas
9NISI1213AGV131%12131N1 44 otimin
.2umlawos aA@ILID2
of Apo LI! Jaw Support ola `sa!uedwoD `aidoad aJOW
JO 0AA4 sanionup loafoad anputognflo3 angelogeno3 `uopenlis IDalqns
2umawos a/GRIM 04 law° u! Ala AuedwoD `uosiad Japoue leinDpJed e 40 BuipueisJapun JO apaimouN u ssauweme
ql!AA Jai 2uppom jo Ampe aqi •u uonwoqello3 AuedwoD
Bulqwwos anapiDe of uolleswealo e meal saaAoidwa Lp!qm to awl @in .0 mei uomme
io AuedwoD `uosAad Jailoue ql!AA >pom of n mwoqeno3 BuNlawos inoqe anal
.34a `inowni4 `Al!d `AqiedwAs se Allensn noA legl s2wiaa4 pue suow!do sapnime
qDris s2uHaa4 uewnq iewlou 2uppei JO AnDuaplun Ipn p1o3 u!eliaD aq louueD noA Onap
•Dia `ssep 'epos `ate awes aql4o aidoad jo dnoi e •u voqo3 ll@Ae 'awl aae lupgt noA legt sSum 7d'u suondwnsse
aneliaq uievaD aq louueD
pinoqs aidoad moq Inoqe saini jo lase *u a3weld jo apo3 noA q2noliT uana `anal s! Bumiawos tell ananaq of A awnsse
Eumlawos op 04 auoawos apensA rl -pua 04 A Xe03 dnoa e
JaBuolls dmsuopetai e aNew oi A wawa) 4o lied paldaDDe ue Eu!woDaq4o ssaDoid aqi •u uonenwisse
Amins e se ions `vom4o aDa!d winDpJed e op 01 A ;no Ame3
JeinDpJed e u!>poAA of was s! auoawos uaqm *uluawuBpse
troy pp Bumlawos
Allepadsa `Bultilawos op 01 aiqe uopes!uealo JO uosiad e soap! JnoA sswdxa of AiaApDaBa spiom asn of 'A memnie
a>iew lap Jamod `sap!i!qe iwnleu 7cPu samqede3 Tsalaw!leDpoisiq pue iwnlinD 4o s! IegI auo
Bumlawos uo 4!w!1 e ind of A de3 Allepadsa `uogwoDap Jo low e se lions palqo ue *u pejape
qof e J04 paiap!suoD Eu!aq s! oqm auoawos u alempue3 Aep e smog in Ipo )pop-a41-puncue
snopas ao weliodw! s! l! AqM mom{
pue uopenl!s e puqsAapun of Aimcie */./ uonepaidde
qof e Io4 saHdde otim uoslad e lueandde
auoawos 4o
ssaupoa pue Alsauoq ail Li! jallaq e @lean 01 A ism pnnq paAwd uaaq
lou seq 1p OnoLpie `pauaddeq aneq 01 swaas *fp wwedde
Buwom4o Aem pooB e awan 01 •A sMqsuonmai pllnq BuRpawos
JO auoawos spJemol ams!p 2u!iaa4 e 'U AlpednUe
weal e se iatilaBol llam >pom dnoa e alew 01 A wem e punq
aq 014! papadxa
linpe ue sawoDaq aqs/aq ipun pimp e Jai4e la)] of n do Emig
noA se Buppxa se lou s! legt BuRpawos 'U xewnalwe
waimawos DIJOM AO an"
doianap ueD swaiqwd waqm amid e u punwE2wpawq
ameAolua ao amelJo4woD 4! alew lap s2upil 7d*u sanwawe
pasn laA lou pue Mau •fpo mau-puwq
noA Jo] swaiqwd asneD of Bu!Ail ale oqm aidoad isu!e2e
LI@SOLID ale sauo Allepadsa `noA slJoddns pue sdiaq oqm auoawos Ane
lsaq aq4 pue seapf jo isaHns aidoad u! swaiqwd
pla Ianaq `A.punoD e a3uepaine
Bu!Aios pue seep! mau 2u!doianap jo Aem e *LI BURJOISULIEICI
asia BuRilawos of dpisuopeiw
anoidw! JO eSP@IDUI 04 Bumawos of A lsooq
aqt seq 4! lap os 2umlawos aBueliD ao asweRio uEne
sapliod SI! appap pue AuedwoD e siaplogaieqs
aueils kat\ `iemwei lou *fp uane
Aq uasoLp aidoad jo dnoa aql4o auo .0 Jaqwew wog
aidoad AaLpo114!AA Ham uo 2upla2 *Li ssauameaw2e
Jam dnoiE JO uosJad auo 2upia4aid Amewn •fpo pasem Ai!sea pue Appn b anew ame ypo allEe
auop aq Euoim Bupilawos auop meg noA 12144 JO 'anal
wogs 2umlawos moq jo said wexa pooh •Id'u sa3n3ead lsaq s! peq Bumawos tegt BupdaDDe wawalels e *ti umssluipe
seam y> walsAs e 40 tied u_uo4 legl sauo 4! analdw! JO palioD of
Ailepadsa 'anal aq 01 ananaq noA Tall soap! •icht sjanaq law° u!2u!Lpawos of apew sf leLp aBueLp e *uluaLmsnfpe
suopernis (swaiqwd) ql!AA leap 01 Aat of n (swamoid) ssaippe
lualagp sloe auoawos tell Aem aq1 .0 anmneqaq iaBaaw e Jolla se LIDOS `4I uo Buppom ialje
Jatilin4 aDueApe Su!qwwos 4o anion ail LIp aseanu! ue 042a0 04 'A amen ppe
LIPD noA alaqm WOJJ UOI4ISOd of Steals e u peaqqaeaq uoliesJanuoD Alpuap4 up awp aisem lou op noA
sap!ApDe 541 swiluoD uopeswealo JO AuedwoD asneDaq Allepadsa `Aipuapjun pue apni Bu!waas *fp ldruqe
e tp!qm ww4 amid u!ew Sill se aiatimawos anal 01 A aseq AilunoD u.S!aio4 e of lo of Ipo pewqe
Units 1 - 3

collapse v. If a company, organisation or system collapses, it cultural perspectives the way people of a particular
suddenly fails or becomes too weak to continue. culture think about something
colleagues n.pL people you work with, used especially by cultural sensitivity n. the quality of understanding how
professional people or managers people from another culture feel and being careful not to
come about v. to happen, especially in a way that is not offend them
planned culture clashes differences between cultures which
come across v. to make someone have a particular opinion lead to misunderstandings and disagreements
of you when they meet you culture shock n. the feeling of being confused or anxious
come bottom v. to be in last place in a survey or competition that you get when you visit a foreign country or a place that
is very different from the one you are used to
come top V. to be in first place in a survey or competition
common culture n. a culture shared by everyone customisation n. changing the way that something works so
it is exactly what you want or need
common goal n. an aim or objective which everyone accepts
competitive advantage n. an advantage that makes a
company more able to succeed in competing with others
deal n. agreement or arrangement, especially one that
concerns things that worry you
involves the sale of something
conclude a deal v. to reach an agreement
decision-making process n. the way in which decisions are
conduct v. to carry out an activity or process in order to taken
obtain information or prove facts
decisive adj. good at making decisions quickly and with
conflicting adj. Conflicting ideas, beliefs or opinions are confidence
different from each other and cannot both be true.
deny v. to say that something is not true, or that you do not
conscientiousness n. tendency to be reliable, well organised, believe something
self-disciplined and careful
devise v. to invent a method of doing something
consensus n. agreement among all the people involved
diminish v. to make something become smaller or less
consistency n. the ability to remain the same in behaviour
dip their toes v. to do something for the first time or to try
and attitudes
something cautiously
controversial adj. causing strong feelings of disagreement
direct adj. saying exactly what you mean in an honest, clear way
convey a message v. to communicate ideas or information
directive adj. giving instructions and clear directions
cope with v. to deal successfully with a particular situation
disastrous adj. very bad or ending in failure
core adj. most important or most basic
disrupt v. to prevent a situation, event, system, etc. from
corporate culture n. the attitudes or beliefs that are shared working in the normal way
in a particular organisation
diverse adj. very different from each other
criss-cross the world v. to go to many different countries
diversify v. to develop additional products or activities
critical adj. Something that is critical is very important
diversity n. the fact that very different people or things exist
because what happens in the future depends on it.
within a group or place
cross-border adj. something that involves organisations in
two or more countries
domestic adj. relating to the country you live in, rather than
cross-fertilisation n. the mixing of the ideas, customs, etc. of
draw up v. to prepare a written document, such as a list or
different groups of people, to benefit all
cross-functional adj. something that involves people in
different job areas
drawback n. a disadvantage of a situation, product, etc. that
makes it less attractive
crucial adj. Something that is crucial is extremely important,
dress n. the type of clothes that are typical of a particular
because everything else depends on it.
place, time in history, etc.
cues n.pL using someone else's actions or behaviour to
show you what you should do or how you should behave
drive n. the energy and determination that makes you try
hard to achieve something
culinary adj. relating to cooking
due diligence n. when a company thinking of buying another
cultural barriers see cultural differences looks carefully at its accounts, as it must do by law before
cultural convergence n. when different cultures come closer the deal can be agreed
cultural differences differences between cultures which E
can make communication and working together more difficult
economies of scale the fact that as the amount of
cultural divides see cultural differences goods or services produced increases, the cost per unit
cultural mix n. when people from different cultures mix decreases
together eligible adj. allowed to do something or receive something

uaddeq pinoqs pappap Allepujo iinDpo s! uaqm Allepadsa Twqmwos
aneq noA lap sauep a>i2LU AO uopm cp A luawaldw! puelsmpun auoawos dubiew LI! paanns 04 'A Onoigna2
Alimpe ue IA! panioAu! AmmidwoD awoDaq (N. A aslaww! /Wail)
s2uNlBwoplo sAem aUPITS JO lensnun 7cPu salsenuAson BwAes Bwqmwos isa2ns cp. All 01 A le
lmde a2J uallo
`saplunoD lualapp w2uppom *fpn posiads!p Age3nidelSo82
BuRpawos ana!pe ueD noA @Agog awg
L.plA leap lsnw noA Ao waiqwd e *u many to popad 2 Jam) qol 2 inoqe wow weal 01 A magedxe we2
smqlo 9
ueql mpaq aae no/, 2uplum lou pue pnald •fpn algtung
*Dm `suopeD!unwwoD pooh am las uaaq seq 12Li4 1202 AO lam. e peal 01 A suge lylnJ
anqi `samid aag4o cp uopeiaA 12.11110D Si 4! asnemq Al!ApDe alcusuas
ssawsnq Jo 101 e s! @lap amqm AllunoD AO Alp e •Li gng 10 snopas Tou tasochnd lean Aue 2uppei snoiongj
Aluappnslo App!nb alaqmawos avow 04 A d04 amapadxa jo To, e Bu!neq lou pue
pooqpiND Twwell JO uopeDnpa noA paqs!ug lsn!Su!Aeq •fpn Lisan
noA wads pue wog amm noA amqm amid aql *Li umol awog SUO!S2JDO JO suopenl!s snopas aigeipis IBLUJOI
qof e auoawos an!B o4 aaae 04 A pipaid 01 :amlnj u! uaddeq
uopeswan alp Ononp App!nb palowaid aq illm oqm 01 Swa S!BuNlawos lap moul 10 )111!Lil 01 A aasami
pue palualei Si OLIM ALI2c1WOD e auoawos u Jaitii-g2N OIDLIMDLUOS
waip moiaq asap lanoAlpolime a 01 az!s lqBp agp aq Buwlawos alew 01 A 41-alio;
DA21.1 lanai DUO 12 aldoad SIDADI U! paswaio am jjels Bumlawos 2u!op Jo A
aql p!qm AO uopes!uaJo ue iewaelagi dais-Aq-dals agp uo alelluaDuco cp A sassamd uo sn3o;
•saseanui Bu!Suep s! lap
JO laumls sawoDaq 4! `sualq5011 uopowa JO Bullaaj e j! uogenlis e ql!AA leap JO SaUeLp avw o1 aicie aig!xell
JO `uopowa JO Bwiaaj e suam5/aq Bumawos ji A ualg2!ag
le me cp Bwqmwos aldoad an!S o4 A slaBlel xll
•Aem pawilualap
*lap° pea Se awes ail isowie
pue pau e ql!m leap lnq '4! pone cp Tou op Aaql
aae Aaql `au!g10M4 uaawaq aull auy e s! amqlji */./ aug auq
`uo-pDaq waiqcud 2 ql!m sieap auoawos •Apn uo-peat'
waiqwd 2 anios 04 JO wqmwos puelsmpun of A ino a.m2g
mqlo pea 1.}!M Bumaaes!p Inoqi!m
as paol NJOAA JO aim aldoad p!qm uopeRs e •LI Auougeg uoperws JO amid
leimpled e ameinjwoD pue paxemi iaaj 01 A awog le Raj
mill° Lima ql!M iiam 2wwqwoD •fian snoluowng
pajja ao aDuanpu! maa e Bil!AeLl *fpD 2uppeaa-Jej
4! op of aldoad lap° Bullial A01! lnoqe BuNel
lsnt ueql Japea jiasJnoA BuRpawos Bu!op •fpn uo-spueg amid awes aql
lapaol am oqm aldoad 0M4 2u!Aionu! ani-o;-a3e1
suolspap umo amql avw waql2uplai lnq 'op 04 leqm Apex@
jo amp u! am noA aldoad aqi Bumal Tou .[Ian no-spueg swaiqoad ql!m leap o4 A sanss! aye;
aim ielow mau JO Bu!spchns 2wq4awos
JO mei lepgjo ue uaraq aneq noA lap pej aqi •t/ mnS weal noA plqm WOJJ amapadxa ue *u nuado-aAa
*Dm `spapaw mau 2u!sn `sapanoDslp mau Builew uoipelalu! iepos Bupui pue luappuoD Bwaq u uolsaanoma
sanionul laom 5uppaiq-punoi9 jpoSuplealg-punw2 paillD pue map AmA s! lap A2M 2 LI! passmdxa *fpn apgdxa
auoawos Apnis
injdiaq pue Aipuapj aq o1 Bupuem Jo Bwiaaj e .0 mmpooS .10 VOM 4o eam ue aSpaimoul lo sms iepads u as!pedxa
puom punom uaddeq iiim BuNlawos leg4 janaq 7d.0 suogepadxa
saplunoD luamjAp LI! paseq aldoad to weal e •Li weal iegoiS vom pue ol
Jan° pea paau pue papauuoD ale ppom age punom AllunoD aploj e o4 panow seq oqm auoawos *u alelgedxa
saplunco p!qm aaaap alp *u mapuadapaaw! legoiS pauaddeq
ppom Nip anal &Sumo loi e mue JO `awp BUOI e ialje *Apo Allenivana
sued U! sap!Ape pue saDujo Buykeq •U 1.upd1.0011ecioi2 jiasJnoA aanDas
aloqm pue !mem.' `wieD aq o4 Amapual *u ameieg ieuogowa
e se uaas ppom apjo Awouom aqvu ALUOU030 legoi2 pappou
ppom aqp JOAO iie puewap ielol *Li puewap legoi2 AO UMOLD1 aq 04 supq 2wipawos uaqm *u a3u82Jawa
saplunoD walagp •Dla
WOJJ sawedwoD uaawaq uoppadwoD *u uoggadwo3iegoiS `uopiaJ`uow!do `eap!mau e idane Apaea of A anagwa

implicit adj. suggested or understood without being stated M

directly malfunction n. a fault in the way a machine works
incentive n. something which is used to encourage people management style n. the way in which an organisation is run
to do something, especially to make them work harder or by its top managers
produce more
market saturation n. when everyone in a particular market
incorporate v. to include or add something to a group, has already bought the product a company offers
system, plan, etc.
master the basics v. to understand and learn the most
indirect adj. not saying something in a clear, definite way important aspects or principles of something
informal adj. relaxed and friendly without being restricted by meet with resistance v. to be in a situation where people
rules of correct behaviour refuse to do what you want them to do
integration n. the combining of two or more organisations, meticulous adj. very careful about small details, always
activities, etc. so that they become more effective, make making sure that everything is done correctly
better profits, etc.
mirror V. to match the qualities or features of someone else
interaction n. the activity of talking to other people, working
miserable adj. extremely unhappy, for example because you
together with them, etc.
feel lonely
interpersonal adj. relating to relationships between people mishandled adj. when a situation is dealt with badly,
inundated adj. receiving so much of something that you because of a lack of skill or care
cannot easily deal with it all
mishandled integration n. when a merger between two
isolated adj. feeling alone and unhappy, with no friends organisations is badly handled
misjudgement n. forming a wrong opinion about a person or
a situation
joint venture n. a business activity in which two or more mismanage v. to manage something badly
companies have invested together mismatch n. a combination of things or people that do not
jump on the bandwagon v. to follow an idea or activity that work well together or are not suitable for each other
suddenly becomes very popular misunderstanding n. a problem caused by not
jump to conclusions v. to make a decision about something understanding someone or something correctly
before you have all the facts mitigate v. to make a situation or the effects of something
less harmful or serious
K model corporate citizen n. when a company shows itself to
kick off V. If you kick off a discussion, meeting, event, etc., be a good member of the society in which it operates
you start it. morale n. the level of confidence and positive feelings
knowledgeable adj. knowing a lot among a group of people who work together
kudos n. the state of being admired and respected for being move n. going to live or work in a different place
important or for doing something important multitask v. to do several things at the same time
mutual trust n. when two or more people or groups have
L confidence in each other
lead-in time n. the time needed for preparation
leading adj. best, most important, most successful N
learning curve n. the rate at which you learn a new skill niche n. a job or activity that is very suitable for you
legal action n. the act of using the legal system to settle a non-caring adj. not concerned about other people
disagreement, etc. norms standards of behaviour that are accepted in a
leveraging n. getting as much advantage or profit as particular society
possible from something
lifeblood n. the thing that keeps something strong and 0
healthy and allows it to continue successfully obstruct v. to prevent something from happening, by making
likelihood n. the degree to which something can reasonably it difficult
be expected to happen offspring n. someone's child or children — often used
link v. to connect two things together humorously
local sensitivities the way people in a specific place on target adj. working well towards what you are trying to
feel about something achieve
localise n. to organise a business or industry so that things open expression n. speaking freely and saying what you
happen at a local level rather than a national one really think in a discussion
open-minded adj. willing to consider and accept other
people's ideas and opinions

94 40
wads aneq noA legm 01.Swpione gnsaJ
Janoue JO AaIJOW NDeq la 04 'A luaunsanul anoAJano3al
lelaua2 ul Alapos splemol
lsed aqi u! sem
sag Auedwo3 e alol pue sannp aqvu Ancllsuodsai lepos
j! se poo2 se s! 4! lag os uonengs e aAoidw! 04 punqai
eaJe news
e sBunnjo J@qwnu news e Aiuo BwAloAu! •fpn aie3s-news apuelJodw! Jo Amenb jo JapJo paSueJle uaaq seq legi
jsn e auoawos JO 2wgjawos jo uon!sod •u2upluei
papaau g pasn
a3uelJodw! JO Agienb jo
aq UD qwqm 13alold e LI! saimosal io awn ema *u veis
Japlo ls!! e Bunjlawosjo uon!sod aqi appap ol 'A Nti0J
(31 aDeld auo wolj Bu!glawos aAow
(pgq3 e) dn Bupq ol A awl
@Deid Jeinonied e u! Anuauemad ol a 01 A aillas
luawuognua lelaua :suaddeq
Bu!glawos aJagm Jo s!Bunljawos aJagm Dield ail' •u Sumas
11.1!2 OIBUILnawos aidoad aAlB w A slaBiel
Bunnawos Bwop 1Jojja JO awn puads 01 A Li! Ind
A2M pas!ueam ue u! 'suoseal JO seam
palqns lein3nJed e lnoqe @Am.!
`spej jo dnoa e se q3ns Twinawos jnoqe alum ol A ino aidoad Mewl° leql sjagaq suoni!do aq; *LI uopqdo
ino!Aegaq pue auoAJana Aq umouN s! lap 2u!glawos */./ a2paimouN 3nqnd
JaPW2lp umo JnoAjo Bu!puelsiapun ue •IJ aSpaimomilias ainlnj aq1
awn jo popad e Joj uones!ueBlo lagloue poo2 JO injssanns &lag jo suB!s Bwmogs •fpn Sumwoad
JOJ )1.10M ol aaAoldwa ue JojBw2uelJe •LJ 4uatupuo3as palsanu! Aauow
lo awn wolj awo3u! Tgold laB •A Lima) e a3npoad
awn jo popad e Joj uones!ue2io
laqloue lojNlom aaAoidwa puas 01. A puo3as auop aq AO uaddeq ue3 asp 2willawos
aJojaq AJessaDau s! lap Bunnawos •11 amsinbaJaid
alnInj aql Aem wella3
e pe suoningsw jo las e uan!B *fp pawweaold-aid
•Jaglo aq4 Jage auo 'awn jo popad
Jalaw e nue
paxg e Joj sqof aql op Aaqj `sqof a/mai @I - 0 tri ji A aleloa
wJojlad sa!uedWOD onAT •u a3ueunopad Jaliaw-lsod
suomsod !pea/ 01 /Siam ale pue
palualej a.12 oqm uones!uelto ue aidoad 7d'u siels 2u!sp qof Jeirpnled e op 01 JaAwdwa Jagisnj Aq Aguno3
JaLgoile was s! aaAoidwa ue uaqm uoiseno ue •u Bunsod
ssaumaloj s‘Alapos Naas pue suope lsed .10j. AIMS
ale noA Tan Aem 3llqnd Alan e u!Bwmoqs •IJ uone3glind auo rged-nam JO lueilodw! ue Agepadsa 'go! e •Li isod
•aueq3 lin3ggp (saiguniloddo ainTnj
pue p.n.s AJaA aJe •Dla `swaisAs `spoglaw pA8 ppp Joj) amid ig2p aqi jiasJnoA Tnd 01 A liasanoA uomsod
•Dla `slawolsn3 lnoqe 40noin AnnjaJe3
`jjels se q3ns Twinawos JO auoawos daal 04 'A ulelaa aq 01 spaau Tan auo Agepadsa `uonsanb e Nse •A asod
pauaddeq poo2 aJe noA
sag Tan peq Bumawos Joj awelq .0 Ignmsuodsal 43!qm sBunn alp uo aleguaDuo3 ol stoSualls inoA Aeld
gejun s!Ningl noA leg1 pauaddeq AgAnDe JO uome jo asino3 leinDuled
sag Bunnawos asneDaq laue jo Bugaaj e waLuluesai e u! uaddeq Awl!! s!leq4 Agroggp walqoJd e piemd
s!2u!glawos Jo auoawos peq Bumawos
JO poa jnoqe aneq aidoad uongdo aql •LJ uonelndal Euplow Jo lnoqe 2uplup41 jo Aem e •Li ampadsiad
aNsuajjo pue luesealdun AJaA lueuEndai qof inoA op 01 Japio
LI! Agepadsa `apeld 04 amid wolj 2umaneg *fp 39aledvad
aJojaq se
A2A4 awes aql u! weBe Bumawos alew AO op ol 'A alemdai
`sBugaaj s‘aidoad `suonengs spuelsJapun pue Appnb
pasne3 sag uonDe
sBunil sa3pou anpdaalad s! oqm auoawos ypn angda3Jad
2UOJM JO aNejsRu e aBewep aA0Wal 04 01 A iledai
jnoqe Bupnel ale noA uoslad aql se .34a `uou!sod iepos
peq AJaA Bumawos
VI awes an sag aBe awes ain s! oqm auoawos •ti Jaad
auop a/keg noA lap AIMS Eupq jo 2unaaj Buans e •Li asiowaa
Alluno3 Jagioue
L.1!)1.10M pue an!! aAOW SD!!!1112j gall pue saAgmaxa
Bu!diag sasgepads ;an Auedwo3 '11 Auedwol uoneloiaa AJluno3 alaJoj 2 WOJJ JO 'LI! '01 seasaano
•aDeid luaJamp 2 04 sanow aqs/aq BumAJana 2umnpu! JO Bupawsuo3 1/3n neJano
`palmoiat 5! AO sapnolai Javom JO AuedWOD 2 41 A aleloiai uonesivalo Jelropled e svom OL1M auoAJana
ssawsnq e Bu!uunJ uo Aauow ssai puads •A S1S03 a3npai Aq paJegs sjaqaq pue sapninie aql aJnpn3 leuogesplealo
peq Eumawos auop SulAeg ioj uan!Bloj.Swaq *Li uondwapai (Aguno3 JeinonJed e Lin ssawsnq op 01 A aleaado
•31a `qol e s2unn mau AJj
op `uones!ualo ue Joj Niom 04 aidoad mau pug ol ipu3aJ paJedaJd pue Apeal Btgaq •ti seauapadxa mau ssauuado

sovereignty n. the right to rule a country turnaround n. a situation in which something changes from
spell n. a short period of time bad to good
spouse n. a husband or wife
spread your wings v. to start activities in different areas or
parts of the world ultimately adv. finally, after everything else has been done
staff v. to provide the workers for an organisation or considered
stakeholder n. a person or group that is involved in and can unanimous adj. A unanimous decision or statement is one
be affected by a particular organisation, e.g. employees, that everyone agrees with.
shareholders underestimate v. to think that something is smaller or less
stand out v. to be much better than other similar people or difficult than it really is
things undermine v. to gradually make someone or something less
state-of-the-art adj. the most modern and recently strong or effective
developed methods, materials or knowledge unique selling point n. a feature of a product or service
stereotype n. a belief or idea (often unfair or untrue) of what that makes it different from all others (also unique selling
a particular type of person or thing is like proposition)
stumble v. to stop or make a mistake when you are speaking unpredictable adj. changing a lot so it is impossible to know
subordinate n. someone less important or powerful than what will happen
someone else; a more junior person unthinkable adj. something that is impossible to accept or
succinctly adv. clearly expressed in a few words imagine

suffer v. to experience something very unpleasant uproot v. to force someone to leave the place where they live
superiority n. an attitude that shows you think you are
better than other people V
support v. to show you agree with a person or group of values n.pL the principles and beliefs that influence the
people, or their ideas, plans, etc. behaviour and way of life of a particular group or community
swift adj. quick, fast vendor n. a company or person that sells something; also
known as supplier in a business context
virtual team n. a team that is based in different locations,
usually different countries, who communicate mainly by
tackle v. to deal with a problem
phone, conference calls, e-mails, etc.
tactics n.pL a method or plan to achieve something
vital adj. extremely important and necessary
take at face value v. to accept something without thinking if
it is true or not
voice v. to express your feelings or thoughts
take someone down a few notches v. to make someone feel
a bit less confident about him or herself w
target v. to aim products at a particular area or group of people weaken v. to make something less powerful or successful
team charter n. an agreement or contract by all members of well-travelled adj. a person who has travelled to many
a team on how they will work together countries
teamwork n. the ability of a group of people to work well welt-proven adj. something that has been shown to be
together effective before
tenure n. the period of time when someone has an important wide awake adj. not sleeping and very alert
job or position work experience n. a short period of time during which a
thrive v. to become very successful young person works for a company in order to learn about a
job and about working life in general
tight timeframe n. when the time available to do something
is very limited work out v. to find an answer to a problem or a way of
dealing with a situation
top v. to be higher than all the others
tough adj. difficult to do or deal with work permit n. an official document that allows someone to
work in another country, usually for a specific length of time
traditions n.pL beliefs, customs or ways of doing something
work placement n. when a student spends time in an
that have existed for a long time, or these beliefs, customs,
etc. in general organisation to gain work experience

trailing spouse n. wife, husband or partner who work styles the ways in which people work in an
accompanies an executive on a foreign assignment
trait n. a particular quality in someone's character workforce n. all the people who work in a particular country,
industry or factory
transparency n. when rules, methods, or business dealings
are clear and people can see that they are fair and honest
workload n. the amount of work that a person or
organisation has to do
tricky adj. difficult to do or difficult to deal with
workplace n. the room or building where you work
Units 4 - 6

A benefits of scale n.pL the advantages that a big

accredited training n. training which is recognised by an organisation has over a smaller one because it can spread
official organisation the fixed costs over a larger number of units and therefore
operate more cheaply
acquisition n. i when one company buys another one,
or part of another one 2 a company or part of a company blanket hiring ban n. when a company decides not to
that is bought by another company allow any recruitment of employees fora specified period
of time
align v. to organise or co-ordinate different groups, such
as company divisions or departments, so that they share blog n. a webpage containing information about
a common objective or way of working someone's activities or interests. People who read a blog
can add their own opinion about what it contains.
alignment n. the organisation or co-ordination of
different groups, such as company divisions or bonus n. an extra amount of money added to an
departments, so that they share a common objective or employee's wages, usually as a reward for doing difficult or
way of working good work
annual leave n. time with pay that you are allowed to be business application n. a piece of computer software
absent from your work each year that allows a company to do a particular job, such as
calculating the amount it should pay employees
annual report n. a report presented each year by the
directors of a company to the members and shareholders, business competency n. an important skill that you need
containing financial information about the company's to have to do a particular job
trading activities and the documents the company must business unit n. a company, organisation or group that is
produce by law, which are the balance sheet, the profit- part of a larger company, organisation or group
and-loss account and the auditor's and directors' reports
application process n. a series of actions taken as part of C
a formal request to be considered for a job
call centre n. an office where people answer customers'
apprentice n. a young person being trained to do a skilled questions, make sales, etc. over the telephone
job, who has signed a contract agreeing to work a fixed
candidate n. someone who is being considered for a job
number of years for the employer who is training them
or is competing to be elected
apprenticeship n. i the period of time when someone is
career n. la job or profession that you have been trained
an apprentice 2 the job of an apprentice
for and intend to do for your working life, and which
approval n. when someone officially accepts or offers the chance to be promoted 2 when someone who
authorises something such as a request for holiday leave intends to be a soldier, teacher, etc. for most of their life,
articulate adj. clear and easy to understand even if the not just for a particular period of time
subject is difficult career break a period of time when you do not work in
assessment n. another word for evaluation your usual job or profession, for example because you
automated feedback n. advice about how well somebody want to take care of your children
has performed which is automatically provided by a carry forward v. to transfer to a later period
computer program cash bonus n. an extra amount of money added to an
automated form-filling n. when online documents are employee's wages, usually as a reward for doing difficult
completed and submitted to a company by someone who or good work, or because the company has made a good
is interested in working for that company profit on its activities
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
B n. organisation dedicated to issues relating to human
resources and human resources development in
base salary n. the amount of money paid to someone for
working over a specific period such as a week or month;
this does not include additional pay or bonuses and chat room n. a place on the Internet where several people
benefits in kind are able to send and read messages about particular
benefits in kind n. a form of remuneration which is given
in addition to an employee's salary and provides an childcare voucher n. a document which can be exchanged
advantage, e.g. use of a company car, a workplace nursery for services such as a creche or day-care nursery

19.1D@S pia)! Pwaq alp umoul
5! 11 DA14a@jja AO 1npsn moq apew s! Lp!qm pej e £ aDflod all 04 5111110DD2 sdawolsnD
1no pug 04 BuRnawos 4o s!sAieue in4aJeD e uopeniena e 1noqe uonewio4u! saAl2 >lueq e uaqm •P•a lanas Ida)!
aq Agathou pinom lag uogewlo4u! 53/0 uoueswePao ao
saaAoidwa 54! Puowe sdno.12 D!wila 40
uosiad e uaqm z suo!spap alag4 aDuangu! 1HM leql s4ae4
aPuel apim e seq AU2c1W03 e uaqm fpn asiantip Alin!ut.p.a
1noqe •Dla `saapioqweqs `saawolsnD waolui o4 uonlsod
uo pedwi ue anal Aaqi sapeld pue aidoad leuo!ssa4oid e ui auoawos 40 Alnp .0 ainsopslp
aq140 DJ2D JO `siawolsnD pue saaAoidwa l!aq4 glIm ieoPieuosiad
Apie4 pue Apsauoq leap alew pue uopeswealo ue JO >1521'31w e 04 pawwwoD )(plaid WOD paleNpap
aping wogs leql ino!negaq Jo saidpupd JO sap leJow
Pu!moilo4 aAloAul tp!qm suo!pe 7c/ ././ salmead le3ma
k!unwwoD Aap!m all pue saaAoidwa sl! spiemol
aunneiSoad penile; aas •u awwelBoad paslwolsna
Aiwsuodsal spe oqm AaAoid wa ue 'u JaAoldwa in3pna
Puppom are quaJed rial4 anon uaipuip BuniDA
saaAoldwa mau pug
pue saiqeq J04 area-Aep sap!Awd tp!iim aDeid e u apan
lawalui al; sasn AuedWOD e uaqm .0 waumnnal-a
anBealioD luasqe ue 4o sannp
amaDal 0110p e anal noA lag Aauow 4o ;unowe all z alb sw.1041ad Aipalodwai uosiad auo uaqm .0 .10A03
Pumawos op JO anal 04 1q.Pp iepglo an. t 'LI pawannua
vom aDeid poop 2 S2 lualagp e u!PuiLllawos ao auoawos se asothnd 10 qof
saaAoldwa luaunD pue lepualod Lam lo lav ew awes aq4 seq 42144 Pumawos ao auoawos .0 vedialunoD
all Lii seq uoileswealo ue aPew! •u puelq laAoldwa
pueiq JaAoldwa 54! JO `saD!Alas JO spnpoid 54! asulaApe
(sJapo Aq paDeidal aq o4 S@S23 awns U!) uopes!ueSio ue 01 seq AuedwoD e 42114 al!sqam .0 amsqam alencho3
aneal SA@>1.10M LIDIHM 12 alai all alai aanown1 aaAorlwa waq1@M1LID2 04 sadoq Aem all
saaAoidwa pue leaaua2 Li! swie VuedwoD a 'U A.Saleals amodm
ski ;0 sms lo Japua2 `aSuei age all •P•a `puelsJapun spaau s‘uo!les!uam ay}
sasn AuedwoD al4 tp!qm AuedwoD e 40 saaAoldwa A4spes 04 `uogeonpa qPnowl `saaAoldwa ago Pu!doianap
aq1 Pu!leiai sainPg 7cPu s3psnels aaAoldwa pUe Pumeil se gaps `saaAoldwa s‘uonesluePio ue
uo sasnag leql ueld e u vomaweij aH aleloclico
sl1Pls 1LIBP
aq4 seq uosJad asneDaq luawunal 104 alep!pueD lanai lsaqPN ago
pool e se AuedwoD A!an. 04 mom! Aaq1 auoawos paPeuew s1 AU2cIWOD 2 APM 3141 *U 93UBU.18AOS aleiodloa
spuawwoDal aaAoidwa ue uaqm .0 ea/if:Owe uopes!ue2J0
vom 04 anupuoD ueD Aaq4 }et44 JerronJed e ui aidoad 40 dnoi2 leinDwed e Aq pangs
os piND liag4 rake Nooi of auoawos spaau Aipapathaun are leql slagaq pue saprame ay} .0 alepadaol
pue Aluappns aaAoidwa ue uaqm JaAoldwa ue Aq SBU11.11 AO aidoad Ja1440 ql!m uo!madwop
pap!Awd aq U2D lap lgatiaq e 1.1 ampip.p AmaRtawa Lii s! lap Pumawos JO auoawos -u Japualuo3
luawalpai JO snuoq e se vans BuNlawos 104 Jag4ao4 pawf aneq lag sa!uedwoD luaiapp lalanas Jo
sluawai!nbal aq1s4aaw auoawos uaqm .1po (aoi) aicllEna Supsisuoi uopes!ueBio ssawsnq am! e •u aleaawoiSuop
New-a Aq Apoqawos saAg JaAoldwa ue uaqm z awl awes
luepunpai alew pinoqs 1i saaAoidwa ip!qm appap ay; le JagaPol )1124 04 alqe are saDeid luala40 Ui aidoad
01 swalPold atemuos sasn AuedWOD e uaqm L .0 Supg-a 121aA@S L1D1LIM Li! ilea aumidaial e u ne3 83119.19003
saieqs SIi 401@qwnu aq; Aq papm awl 40 (ssaDoid
popad eio4 slgoAd s,AuedwoD e 7cPu amp Jed aunuea Jo luana ue) as!uaBlo JO um `aeuew pnpuoa
3 5.13q40 ql!An PulladwoD ui paaDDns 04 aiqe atow AuedwoD
2 50,12W 12L110221112Ap2 U2 *U aBewenpe anmadwoa
pawSe aq U2D leap an alojaq me! sJaPeuew lo!uas
Aq op 45nw 4! se `slunope 54! le Agn4aJeD stool iaqloue pue samlnDaxa uo!lesuad WO) 1noqe 112104 pasn
Pu!Anq 40 Sul lu!q4 Aued WOD e uaqm .0 aatiaBffip anp (a.Seved uogelaunwai osle) .0 aSeved uogesuadwo3
ppm 5! AuedwoD JO uopeswealo ewe JeinDuled e ui aidoad 40 dnoi2 JeinDwed e 04
am! e Lp!LOA 011.11 51.12d @Srei aq140 auo .0 uoppqp `331410j U3140 'pap!Awd 5! qD!qm dial .0 vom Allunwwoa
1.! U1 SW21.15 UMO oyM aidoad 04 Ned aup40 popad JeinD!lied ewe JelnDpied e ui aidoad Jo dnoiP JeinDwed e diaq 04
2.104 slgaid s,AuedwoD e40 4aed e 4noAed .0 puappqp Ono papieD suome 40 saps a .0 awweaoid Alginwwo3
seap! Jo Aauow Jo4 >Ise 4sanbal 04 'A UJIMID
sPu!q4 `aidoad lualamp Jo aPueA e z sang; lo aidoad Jo alewp(wolde
sadk lualagp Auew Pu!pnpu! 40 pej al; s .11 Alpaimp 5! 4! leql Anoqs 04 keles AO alep e wo4aq pasn •fpn nip

executive n. 1 someone who has an important job as a G

manager in a company or business 2 the group of people Generation Y n. people born in or after1980
in a political organisation, society, etc. that make the global crisis n. used to refer to economic events that
rules and make sure that they work in the way that began in 2008, when an economic recession, which
was planned usually describes the reduction of a country's gross
executive coaching a personal development process domestic product for at least two quarters of the year,
which gives executives the opportunity to receive hit many of the largest and most powerful countries
guidance rather than advice to help them identify in the world
their own strategies for achieving specific goals graduate n. 1 a person who has completed a university
executive education training and development for degree course, especially for a first degree 2 a person
executives and senior managers who has completed a course at a college or school
executive pay (also executive remuneration) the gross domestic product n. the total value of goods and
amount and way in which a company's senior services produced in a country's economy, not including
managers are paid income from abroad
expatriate n. someone who has moved to a foreign
country to live and work H
external applicant n. somebody from outside a company hard skills technical skills which are usually easy to
who applies for a job in that company learn and relate to a specific job or task
headcount n. the number of people employed by an
F organisation
facilitator n. someone who helps a group of people head office n. 1 the main office of a company 2 the
discuss things with each other or do something managers who work at the main office of a company
high-calibre adj. extremely competent or able
feedback n. information about the result or effectiveness
high-potential adj. identified as a possible candidate for
of an activity or process
a senior management or leadership role in the future
flexible benefits a remuneration system which
hiring scheme n. a plan which a company has to recruit
allows employees to choose their own range rewards or
new employees at a particular time
hold (someone) accountable for v. to oblige someone to
flexible learning n. a learning programme which uses
accept responsibility for something
a combination of training approaches and tools so that
learners can choose when, where and how they learn HR director n. a senior manager who is responsible for
managing the human resources department of a company
flexible work n. If arrangements for work are flexible,
employers can ask workers to do different jobs, work part HR practice n. the way that the work of human resources
time rather than full time, give them contracts for a short is generally done, which can be used in discussions
period, etc. Flexible working also involves flexitime, job- between workers and managers, even if it is not written
sharing and teleworking. down in any formal or legal document
flexible work schedule n. allows employees to decide all human resources consultancy n. a company that gives
or some of the particular times of day or week when they human resources advice and training to people in other
work for a company companies
follow-up n. the further action, investigation or repetition human resources database n. a large amount of
of a past activity information on a particular subject that is stored on a
computer in an organised way so that you can find it and
follow up v. to increase the effectiveness of a past activity
use it easily
by repeating it, taking further action or finding out more
about it
foreign direct investment n. investment in companies' I
business activities to or from abroad immigrant n. someone who comes from abroad to live
fundraising n. 1 the activity of obtaining money for permanently in another country
political parties, charities, etc. 2 the activity of obtaining in breach of adj. when someone breaks, e.g. the terms
money for investment and conditions in a contract
in lieu of prep. instead of; in place of (in contracts)

uogesiue2Jo JO AuedwoD JeinDgied 2 lo; pavom
aBenBuei auo Lieu; wow u! uards Jo uagum z saBen2u2i seg aaAOlditia UP DLU1140 lunowe ag; •// 83vuesjo ql2ual
om; ueg; wow leads o; aiqe i •Ipt, lenBuiminw
AuedwoD ag; olBugelai sanss! legal ;o al2D sale;
suonDun; AO quawlJedap lualajpp wag sJaciwaw LID!gm luattgledap AuedwoD ag; .uluawpedap le2a)
wow Jo omw pasod WOD weal 2 .0 weal leuonaunipinw
iess!ws!p ilejun Jo amp
saJminD Diugla 2 uo •B•a Ieunqu; leplsnpul ue o; uale; s! JO meljo
jo a2U2,1 2 seg go!gm klunoD 2 Appos leinvin3ninw }anon 2 ul pans s! AuedwoD e alagm"@S2D e •ti ase3 le2a)
suo!2!iw JO saDeJ `saplunoD lualaipp Auew ww; plus mau 2 weal noA gD!gm aleJ ag; •// anin3 2wweal
seam JO aidoad 2umnpu! JO 2u!AloAul
uosiad ieuo!ssa;oid Jo!uas pue sannmaxa do luawdoianap pue Buni!eil
e Aq Jno!Aegaq isauogsip Jo peq u pnpuoaslw ag; Jo; ainpagDs JO U21d e •ti awwelSoad d!qsaapeal
o861 Ja1;2 woq palowoJd Bugla AulessaDau mogl!m
@I@AA ogm aidoad uonenua9 osle) 7°,1/ sie!uualim `we@ Aag; lunowe ag; aseanu! o; A1Jein2w saiuedwoD
vom pug o; lap° u! Anepadsa pue sqof S@AOW aaAoidwa ue uagm 10) anow Aneniel
`A.gunoD JO ewe Jagloue o; saa ogm auoawos lueJSRu 52w2 >uom JO sqof u!2;JaD lig o; saaAoidwa
Aed paleiaa-a3ueuuojiad aas .0 Aed paseq-waw aiqenene g2noua lou we wag; uagm •// aSepoqs anoqei
•Dla `AuedwoD 1
Jam 2 wJo; olJawaSol u!ol •Dla `suoges!uealo
`saniedwoD wow JO om; uagm UO!S2JJO ue .11 Jallaw
AlliNelgoJd pue alegs wmoa se gDns
uoslad paDua!Jadxa wow 2 wag span luelJodw! aDueulio;Jad s,AuedwoD 2 swnseaw
aDuep!nE pue @D!Ape I.Jadxa S@AleDal ienmpu! U2 LIDILIM gD!gm Dpsgels ssaulsnq Aai - u Joievu! a3ueuvoliad Aa)!
L12110E14 ssaDold luawdoianap leuosiad e 1.12upoluaw
2 2u!neg Ja42 pue wolaq lsntliom wag luasqe aq ol
clot JeinDgJed 2 saop ogm uosiad
pamone s! u2wom 2 leg; Aed w!m awg ./1 meal Allula
ag; Bu[SuegD Apein2w Jo aDgDeJd ag; •ti uoileloa qof
suon!sod luawaeuew plou ogm sagoldwa qof e
s,AwouoDa ue Jo dnoJE ag; .0 wpas luawaSeuew Jo; paJap!suoD IsanbaJ !patio; e u uoqe3ndde qof
.aJmn; ag; ul AuedwoD JnoA ul Jaeuew 2 aq o;
gEnoua pool Apcnssod paJap!suoD a.12 noA 'inpualod
luawa5nunut Dna{ noA ;1 - u ienualod luawa2euew
saplunoD luaiajo uaampq
BunDuelsJapun aseanul pau.2!sap s! gD!gm awweawd
2 u! luawaSeuew;o lanai 2 .0 JaAei luawaSeueuu auegDya U2 'Li awweacud dpismonaj leuonewalul
AuedwoD e um sJa2euew pa2U2JJ2 aq U2D levy 2u!Lnawos !nun `Aluo awl;
s,AuedwoD e A2M Oqi -u ino!neqaq luawaSeuew ;Jogs 2 Jo; paldaDD2 Jo pasn aq papualul *fp° wpalul
AuedwoD 2 Aq paldaDD2 JO L11 uar;
saDgualddel0 saaAoldwa mau Jaqwnu ag; .0 aleiu!
law ale sieo2 paw22 AiwenDaww! auoawos Bupg;o ag; u less!ws!pluelsu!
-aid j! papJeme Aliensn `popad 2uoi 2 Imo Al!AnDnpaid Jap!nold Bugneil iewalya U2 JO
pue aDuewlopad aBeinoDua 04 pauB!sap awed AuedwoD ag; Aq pwannap pue padoianap s! pue >pom;o
uogelaunWW 2 Jo ;Jed .0 angua3u! afield ag; le Rag s! gDnim2ugneJ; .0 awweiSoad asnoq-uf
a22 JeinDpJed e sagDew uosJad sa!uedwoD pas!leplsnpull0 sapope;
ag; uagml0 `sanD auoawos uagm Aauow Jo wns 2 Aed Jo lol 2 seg gD!gm AllunoD e 'U Ailuno3 pasnemsnpul
sawBe AuedwoD e gD!gm ul aDueinsui •/./ a3ueansse suoginpap x2; pue sanuma s‘aaAoldwa
1202 UOWWOD e spiemo; >pom lap() ue smogs gD!gm ;uaw nDop 2 .1./ luawalels xei awo3ul
ul aidoad Jawo wim laaw JO aleD!unwwoD of 'A awl' slinsw pool Bu!nan_pe Jo; saaAoidwa
qof 42g; olBugeial luawAoldwa jo suompuoD BunDiemaJ Jo; Sal AuedwoD e walsAs ag; .0 ueid annua3u!
pue swial Lgew ag; saumno Anensn 3! :uog!sod Aauow wow puads JO WOW aDnpold `iapleg
amenene ag; Jo; papaias uaaq aneg Aag; leg; alep!pueD )!JOM wag; alew o; Anepadsa `Bun.gawos op o; aidoad
qof 2 sump! gigim 2 1./ luawlwodde Jo Jana] aemoDua paJa;;o s! LID!gm2u!glawos .0 anqualul

N personal introduction 17. when an employee recommends

neglected adj. receiving no care or attention a friend or associate to their employer, in the expectation
of getting a bonus if that friend is successfully recruited
networking n. i making use of meetings with other
by their employer
people involved in the same kind of work, in order to
share information, help each other, etc. 2 when several persuasive adj. able to make other people believe
computers are connected together so that they operate something or do what you ask
as part of the same system, able to exchange information policy n. la contract with an insurance company; an
and messages official written statement giving all the details of such
non-profit organisation n. an organisation with aims that a contract 2 a course of action that has been officially
are not related to business or making a profit agreed and chosen by a political party, business or other
private medical insurance n. insurance which guarantees
0 that a person will receive access to a high standard of
online magazine n. a magazine that is published on the healthcare in the event of an accident or illness
Internet privatisation boom n. when a lot of government-run
online recruitment n. when a company uses the Internet organisations become private companies
to find and choose new employees
probationary period n. a trial period during which a
online social networking n. using the Internet to meet company assesses whether a new employee is right
other people and share ideas for the job before offering permanent or long-term
on-the-job training n. learning by observing fellow employment
employees performing a task profit sharing n. when a company gives some of its
open course n. a course or seminar which is available to profits to its employees
the public
psychometric testing n. testing that is intended to
organisational objective n. an overall plan or aim that a measure someone's ability and their thinking skills, and
company has also their personality and attitudes, in order to find out if
oversee v. to organise, monitor and control an activity or they are suitable for a job
task public policy 17. government-stated objectives relating to
the health, morals and well-being of its citizens
P pursue v. to do something or try to achieve something
package deal n. an offer or agreement that includes over a long period of time
several things that must all be accepted together
party n. the people or group of people involved in a legal R
case or contract recruiter n. i someone who helps companies and
pay distribution n. the variation in the amount that organisations to find new people to work for them
employees at different levels of a company are paid, from 2 someone in a company who is involved in recruiting
the lowest to the highest earner new employees
pay increase n. a raise in an employee's salary or wage recruitment n. the process or the business of recruiting
payroll n. ithe total amount of wages paid to all the people new people
working in a particular company or industry 2 the activity of recruitment lead a potentially good recruit whom an
managing wage and salary payments for employees employee recommends to their company
per annum adj. per year recruitment process the series of steps by which
performance n. s the degree to which a company, a company or organisation assesses whether job
investment, financial market, etc. is profitable 2 the way candidates would make suitable employees and
that someone does their job, and how well they do it offers them a job
performance appraisal a meeting between an recruitment strategy a plan of the methods which a
employee and a manager to discuss the employee's company uses to recruit new employees and the type
quality of work and areas for future progress of employees they wish to recruit

performance-related pay n. pay that increases when your redeployment n. moving workers to a different place or job
work improves or becomes more productive and goes reference n. a statement about your character, ability and
down if the opposite happens skills written by someone who knows you well

Ailsnpul leinDnJed e Ui sins
luawuoilnua all uo pedwl AlessaDau ql!m aidoad jo >Pe! e •uagevoqs spijs
ang!sod e ao `pedw! 0.19Z peg auo aq pinom Ailsnpu!
AuedwoD e Aq papaau Slips )110M pasllepads
aiqeuielsns Alinj v •suoileJaua ainplioj saimosai
Jo JeinDgied anal mon SJavom u anoqei palms
leinTeu s‘pponn alb 2upuesaid jo pe Bill •uftmqvulelsns
loj >ponn Aaql AuedwoD of salmis
semi uariq aneq Aaql asneDaq
Anq (DT saaAoidwa uan!2 uondo ue Anepadsa 4appd
Allepadsa 'awn Liogs e Joj uoges!uealo JO uomsod
JeinDuJed e 1m saieqs Anq 02 uondo ue *u uondo ems
VI _pip woil auoawos jo ienowal ate u uo!suadsns
•pla Vom ol
2u!glawos jo
2upeial sJallew ssnDslp 'seam pue uonewloju! @mils oqm
ssaumpajja JO SSOD3r1S `Allienb aqlleanal pasAieue ale
aidoad jo dno.J2 e 40 Builaaw lamp! Apiej e u Jeumas
q3!qm suo!u!do pue sainEg `Spej 40 U011391103 e *u Aamns
Au2dwoD JeinDgied e Aq TuawlIniDai Joj uasoqo ale
Allewalu! Jo Aliewaixa `jjels aquas
salep!pueD qof ip!qm Aq ssaDoJd alb U aunadld uon3alas
Jo luawawidai JOJ 211111021d SOAIOAL11 gafgM ssaDoid
*u (Suluue)Id uolssa33ns osie) luawaeuew uolssa33ns liojja
40 101 e Jaije luem JO paau noA2umawos an!aDaJ 01 A aan3as
uo @wins o2 q2noua lsrif
s! poo4 Jo Aauow Jo Tunowe flews e •ti amaispqns awwei2oid Jo pafaid `ueid e *u awaq3s
asp DIJOOWOS ueig J23 Auedwo3 e `aDueinsu! gileaq `sasnuoq
inpamod Jo TuelJodwl ssai s! oqm uosiad e u aleupoqns .2*a 'eA1a301 A2111 aaAoldwa ue saeluenpe Jaw>
aql lie pue Aed jo lunowe 12202 all *u a2mped Mews
•paseanui aq L123 slgaid
Mol pue `Li! aq moils 2f slavew ip!Lon `Bupiew aq pinoqs sianal ieupou uegliailEN Lonw `AlieDgeweip sasn Se1J212S
1!spnpold ip!qm2uippap sanionul s!qi•ainTn4 al} LIl op JO lanai aqi `AJTuno3 JO Jopas Jeinonied e Li! saaAoidwa Joj
lion 2! leqm sueid Auedw 03 e uagm *Li Equueid 31Balem puewap Aneaq anp uaqm uogenl!s e u aiqqnq Meies
ueid D!Baleils jo Iaed si pue anappe 01.2u!AJT S
s! Aued WOD e ip!qm 2u!glawos 7d.0 sampatqo 312a1w)s
paseanul aq ueo moq tpunei `ampollu! oi A ;no Boa
pue 'ul aq wogs 2! sla>pew plion '2upajjo aq pinoqs BuiseaiDu! si Bupajjo s! AuedwoD e SaD1AJDS pue
saDwas Jo spnpoid gown se qms `alnlnj au Li! op 11!M spnpoidjo Jaqwnu atT uagm uollemis e •ti qvinw.6 Hew
2!mon sueld AuedwoD e uaqm *u luawaSeuew 3pale.qs saaAoidwa sl! sasn JO paDueug `paslue210 s! 2l Aem
uondo &imp 104 wialia4loue *u uogdovois aql saueq3 Auedwoo e uaqm ssa3old Sulanpnilsai
aDuewiojlad Ised Joj plemai e se saaAoidwa pas!uaJo s! walsAs JO ssau!snq e se tons
Liam2 Allensn tangs AuedwoD aaJj u snuoq 'pots 2u!glawos ipiqm u!Aem ago Bu!BueqD Swinpnaisai
AuedwoD unl-TuawuJano2 e •uAuedwo3 anuanBuRileil
awaips JO AuedwoD Alinipe leinDgied 2 L11 luawlsanu! all Te uogepow WOne 141!m asJnoD e u asano3 ieguappai
JO lsalalul ue sag oLonlapiogaiegs JO AmunLLIWOD atop peal 01 siolsanu!
Jaqwew `aaAoldwa ue se Lions uosJad e •unpiotialeis pue Duind agT Joj Taodaa lepueug ienuue s,AuedwoD
aaAoldwa iaqloue Limn\ qof a Buple; aq1u! paqs!iqnd Si pue pied uaaq anal siopal!p
uet.g Jaw.' Auedwo e qlon Aels aim JeaA JeinDpied s,AuedwoD e suompuoD leqmiapun pue lanes MOt
Aue ul siavonnjo aeluaDiad *u uogualai Jim ono sias lap luawnDop e yodaa uoneiaunwai
JO uoneslue2Jo ue J04 )110M oqm aidoad *Li jjels sasnuoq
•uogetwolu! ielaueug pue puituvslljauaq Aue glon 2uole `aaAoldwa
Jaw pue slgoid taxel 'sales lno vonn 02 pasn uaijo ale ue palely) Aed 041112 a2eped uonewunwai
slaayspriaids *wag glon suon2inDieD upopad pue swag pied aq wogs
Jo SMO1 moqs U23 lap weJ2old JalndwoD a *u leaqspeaids siopaim an!inDexa s,AuedwoD e suompuoD legm Japun
(spealuoD u!) luawapnf pue lanes Mol appap oqm sJopailp annmaxa-uou
UMO inoA 012u!pione tae 011142p aql *Li uonansw mos Jo do spew aap!wW0D e aawwwo3 uoneJaunwai
sqof JeinDgled op 011! luem noA uaqm JalndwoD 123 e *2*a tigauaq ieuomppe pue AJeles ejo
e owl 2nd noA leglswel2aid jo slas aiemmos Luigi all Li! Ailepadsa 51JOM 104 TuawAed *u uonwaunwai
aidoad Jaw >pom J!aql jo asneDaq wads aneq
imm Aimpajja 232.1aTul pue aleD!unw woo 02 AJessaDau Aaql pip\ auoawos 011Deq Aauow Aed 01 A asinqmai
ale iplqm sins (sins Woad osie) •ichi sins uos snuoq Jo Tgauaq e Joj
seap! aieqs 02 aDeithpom uiniaJ ul swinal mau poo2 pug ol saaAoldwa aBeinoDua
alb jo Trio aidoad Jaw Bugaaw U Supponqau iepos sasn AuedwoD e tp!qm walsAs e u jemajaa

tailored programme n. a programme which is designed to undergo v. to experience (something)
meet the specific needs of the participants under-performing adj. not performing as well as required;
talent magnet n. a company or country which attracts not meeting targets
highly skilled workers upwardly mobile adj. moving up through the social
talent pool n. the group of workers in a company who are classes and becoming richer
considered to have high potential utility company n. a large company that provides services
talent scout n. someone whose job is to find young such as gas or electricity
people who are very good at sport, music, etc.
target n. 1 an organisation, industry, government, etc. V
that is deliberately chosen to have something done to it
values n.pL the principles and practices that a business or
2 a result such as a total, an amount or a time which you organisation thinks are important and which it tries to follow
aim to achieve on the way to achieving a result 3 a limited
group of people or area that a plan, idea, etc. is aimed at variable pay n. a salary which increases or decreases
depending on the results an employee achieves
tax burden n. the amount of tax which a company is liable
to pay on its profits or on behalf of employees
variable performance bonus n. a reward provided as a
result of the high performance of a department, division
tax incentive n. an opportunity to pay less tax which is or individual
designed to encourage people to act in a specific way,
e.g. cycling to work instead of driving a car
videoconferencing technology n. the equipment which
allows a company to hold a meeting in which people in
tax law n. the law which states how the tax a company or different places can talk to each other using videos or
individual should pay in a particular country should be computers, so that each person can see and speak to all
calculated the others
tax-exempt benefit (also tax-free benefit) n. a benefit virtual teamwork n. teamwork which is carried out by a
which is not taxed number of people in different places using technology to
telecommuting n. when someone works from home using communicate
a computer connected to the company they are working for virtual world n. a computer-based simulated environment
telecoms operator n. a company which operates in the whose users interact via avatars, which are make-believe
telecommunications market characters they have chosen to represent themselves
teleconferencing n. a meeting in which people in different vocation n. a job that you do because you enjoy it or
places can talk to each other using videos or computers, because you have a strong feeling that it is the purpose of
so that each person can see and speak to all the others your life to do it
termination n. 1 the act of ending something, or the end vocational adj. relating to a particular profession or
of something 2 when someone is removed from their job vocation
by their employer volunteering n. s doing a job willingly without being paid
terms and conditions n.pL the components of a legal 2 offering to help
agreement or contract which set out payment, price,
salary, rights, responsibilities, etc.
top talent n. the most highly qualified or skilled people
in a particular country or area which a company hopes to
web-based communications n.pL communications which
use Internet technologies
work-experience n. a short period of time during which
track v. to monitor
a young person works for a company in order to learn
trade association n. an organised group of companies about a job and about working life in general
which is set up to promote their common interests and
develop business opportunities
workforce n. all the people who work in a particular
country, industry or factory
trade union n. an organisation representing people
working in a particular industry or profession that
work-life balance n. a situation in which you are able to
give the right amount of time and effort to your work and
protects their rights
to your personal life outside work, e.g. to your family or
TUC (Trades Union Congress) n. the association of British to other interests
trade unions
workplace nursery n. a creche located in the workplace
which provides childcare services for the employees

Units 7 - 9

abandon v. to stop doing or using something because it is too banner ad n. an advertisement that appears across the top of a
difficult or unsuccessful page on the Internet
abandonment rates the percentage of online shoppers be in short supply If something is in short supply, very little of it
who place an item in their shopping cart but do not successfully is available.
complete checkout billing n. the act of preparing and sending bills to customers
access n. the chance or right to sell goods to a particular market blacklist v. to put on a list people, organisations or countries
or country that are disapproved of and that people avoid doing business
accessory n. something that you add to a machine, tool, car, with, for example because they are dishonest
etc. so that it can do other things or in order to make it look blog n. a webpage containing information about someone's
attractive activities or interests. People reading a blog can add their own
account for v. to be the reason or explanation for something opinion about what it contains.
adapt v. to change something to make it suitable for a different brand n. a name given to a product by a company so that the
purpose product can easily be recognised by its name or its design
adopt v. If you adopt a new method, process, etc., you start to use it. brand awareness the degree to which people know about a
advance n. an improvement or development in something particular product
advertise v. to tell people about a product or service in order to brand communications all the ways in which a company
persuade them to buy it conveys information about its brands and services to
customers and possible customers, such as advertising,
advertisement n. a picture, piece of film, or piece of writing that sponsorship, etc.
is used to tell people publicly about a product or service in order
to persuade them to buy it brand identity the way a brand presents itself to the
consumer, including its name and visual appearance
advertiser n. a person or organisation that puts out an
advertisement brand image what people think or feel about a particular
product, company name, logo, etc.
advertising n. telling people publicly about a product or service
in order to persuade them to buy it brand loyalty the degree to which people regularly buy a
particular brand of product and refuse to change to other
advertising agency a business that gives advice to brands
companies about how they should advertise their products
and produces advertisements for them brand value the amount that a brand is worth in terms of
income, potential income, reputation, prestige, and market
advertising brief a document confirming understanding value
between a client and an advertising agency on the objectives,
audience and strategies etc for an advertising campaign brand V. to give a name to a product or group of products so that
they can be easily recognised by their name or design
advertising campaign an organisation's programme of
advertising activities over a particular period of time with branded adj. Branded goods or products have brand names and
specific aims, for example to increase sales so can easily be recognised by their name or design.
agent n. an employee of a call centre whose job is to provide branding n. when a company gives the same brand name to
phone support to customers who call for assistance a number of its products. This helps to make the brand name
well known and make it more likely that people will buy new
allocate v. to decide officially that a particular amount of money, products from the same range.
time, etc. should be used for a particular purpose
brief n. official instructions that explain what someone's job is or
appeal n. a quality that makes people like something or want to what their duties are
buy it
budget n. the amount of money that an organisation has to spend
appeal v. If a product appeals to a particular type of person, that on a particular activity in a given period of time, usually a year
type of person likes it and is likely to buy it.
appealing adj. attractive or interesting
call centre n. an office where people answer customers'
attract v. to make someone want to buy something, do questions, make sales, etc. over the telephone
something or take part in something
campaign n. a planned series of actions that are intended to
audience n. a group of people an advertising message or achieve something or persuade people to do something
campaign is aimed at
carry out v. to do something that needs to be organised and
authority n. someone who is considered an expert in a particular planned
average adj. 1The average amount is the amount you get when catalyst n. something or someone that causes an important
you add together several amounts and divide this by the number change or event to happen
of amounts you have. 2 having qualities that are typical of most
of the people or things in a group added together

awl; noA 2u!nes
Jo Ja!sea Bulipawos &New Aq Apepadsa 'asocial-1d lepppied
dogs e ul aidwexa 'Anq Jo ;e Now 2.104 irgasn JO °mewls 2u!aq Jo Aqienb 091*u mapanuo3
aidoad Jon AeM anipame ue ul spafqo aueue n Aeiclqp
awl; Buol e 104 sanuguoD pue aidoad
lousp ;eqw 12912wtpawos lnoqe wawn8Je snopas e wAS.13/0.11UO3
pue Algenb po02 jo s! leg/A aSpnf aiqe 2uneumomp
woo leauou uopeial e uo pawewoD wpwew Japo JO UORB1UJOJU! 091 'U 1UO1UOD
u! saw/N.1as JO spoalo 150) uoponpat e *u lunonlp
awn. jo popad
;sod Jo auogdaiw JeinDpJed e up sJawnsuoD Aq spoo2 uo wads wnowe 041z
Aq aidwexa Jo4 'laps Aq Aipaqp papewoD we slawownD
*Dia `saDpuas `spnpoid 2u!sn pue 2w/tug 40 pe apt 11 uopcIwnsuo3
alq!ssod wagm Bugwpew jo =DJ Aue •u /Iwo'pew pomp
sassawsnq Aq uegliaglel
anipaga ssai JO Jaleam •Dla `laHaq 'Amenb e alew 01'A alnup
Dliqnd 091 Aq 114.2noq spool Jo; puwq e puwq Jawnsuo3
maul wem noA AeM ay; Aipexa s2u!g1
'ow `Jailloue pue 2'991 auo asoogD AaLpAgm '58L991
meg 01 SupDadxa Jo uogualle jo 101 e 2upDadxa 1pro Swpuewap
Anq aidoad mo9 pue aJaqmlo Aprgs 091anovteuaq Jawnsuo,
awl; jo popad Jeinwped
pasw w JO asn ssawsnq .10j lou 'asn umo .9ag1 JoJ
e u! Anq saluedwoD JO aidoad Imp sawmas JO spool jo adAl e
sawmas pue spnpold `spoo2 sAnq oqm uosiad e Jawnsuo,
jo wnowe Iwo; au; z asn Jo Anq ;UeM A091 tp!qm sawmas
JO spool Jo4 sJawownD lo paau JO aqsap ag1 puewap siepalew
iwnwu Jo A2Jaua `saDIAJas `spoo2 asn pue Anq awnsuo3
aDeid 2 01 '01a `spool o. 'A Jannap
gqm leap 01. Ja!sea Jo ampaga aJow watp.
AuedwoD JeinDgJed e Aq apew
anew 01 Jaw LI! sBuRp2upilqwoDlo pe 0911.1 uopepnosuo3
'sleD Allepadsa `spnpold spas leq1 ssawsnq e u clmwaleap
Ausea asn pue pug Lie) noA
aq ploys 2wipawos mog woqe aidpupd Jo eap! ue 'ulclaxio3
1241 os AeM paslue2Jo ue u! JawdwoD e uo pawls s! 1241 palqns
Jepppled e uo uopeiwow!lo Junowe 02Jel e aseqelep 2uppawos woqe Bu!weidwoD
auoawos Aq Juawams uamods JO e luleldwo3
JawdwoD a uo Allepadsa
`pasn pue plow aq ueD leg]. two4 e u! uopeiwow! 'Ow mil Japoue 4qm
BugadwoD s! lap •Dla 'AuedwoD `pnpold 'uoslad e Tioinadwo3
inissanns ssai JO Jwieam swiew
ley; AeM e 1.92u!glawos uo Palo peq e ane4 01 A aBewep slap LigmBupadwoo up paanns aiqe WOW
AUBdWOD e salew 4291 aBeweive ue 'U aewenpe ammadwo3
slam Imp AideagD
aJow sawmas JO spool 9a10.2umas Aq aldwexa JOI 'sJaglo uetp
Jaqwnu Jo wnowe 'azIs 091 aDnpai 01 A uo umopin3
irussanns wow aq 01. peg Alan .2u!AA. ale sassawsnq gwqm
•Dla `pnpoJd Amenb-pool e BugD!Awd up Jno!negaq pue suoperws aq!nsap 01 pasn Ypn wqmadwo3
'awmas Jo pnpoid JeinDgJed e 2u1sn uo awnpe m10412492
;gold WOW 2upiew pue
`sw!eidLUO) J!agi wEtgualsli pue suopsanb map Supamsue Aq
saDwas pue spool wow Sumas Aq swipe in4ssaDDns wow
sJawownD sdlaq uopewuelto ue uagm appuasJawoistn
eq 2wAJT ate sassawsnq go!qm up uoperqs e 1.1 uongadwo3
awmas pnpoid lei nDpJed e L.p!m Addeg
•AuedwoD Jagwue wag aplellene
we slawolsnD gwqm wapca 044 '11 uopoejsnes Jawown3
asotp uegliaLow sawmas JO spool sl! Anq aidoad 402 04
simpadwoD si.! 01. wag; asoi pue siawownD sap; `Jagloue Lplm saladwoo AuedwoD auo 'Jaw 'A aladwo3
deej Aued woo e 4o Aquqe agl *u uonualw Jawolsin
•spa440 sl! saDnpai Jo 1! saDuewq
pagspes sJawownD clawl pue anssod se gDnw se asp Euppawosiol samsuad turn 1291 BURIPWOS A alesuadwo,
pas Aatp. wig os spaau Jpg1 uo uopetwo4u! 2u1daal Aq aidwexa
uoguaue Aed
Jo4 `slawownD 99m sdRisuopepi pool doianap stale ssawsnq
01 0/%24 noA lap os Tuppxa Jo 2upsalaw! Alan ypo 2umadwo3
e p!qM ul LuawAs e 'u wawaSeuew dlouoneial Jawoisn3
•Dla '2uppm `su2!s `satom2u!sn 'aidoad Jatpo
semen pue saptppw
tp!m suopesJanuoD pue uopetuJoiu! auegoxa 01 n alemunwwo3
02 &pep ApeinDpled `spunw2)peq Jo saplunoD watamp
wag aidoad uaamwq saDuwajo sa3uwamp iwnwo 1.4odal e apt-paid auoawos Dise AllewJoJ uopspum3
awg; Jo seammau aDnpold °gm 04110 wws!nalw.110 wawaspianpe U2 'U lEpialULUO3
01. uopew2ew! pue JO asn 091.2wAloat! Tpo Mann BuRpawos
papualup noA lo lap einwej JO Allienb leinDpJed e 3nspapeley3
auo ay; p0440 aqsoddo 044 Sulneg ampripoid-aawno, sJatuownD amegene
Jaqw tpea 04 palwat aJe Aat.p. spnpold sl! swim AuedwoD e gwqm w AeM e lauuwp
AeM 091 pue S1SOD waJamp s‘uopesweato ue animals ;so, analtpe JO amos
2u1L.pawos anaNDe 01109102w 01 pawugalap pal noA 1291 linDup Sup.pawos aualietp
)IJOM sawedwoD uaamwq wawaaJ2e ue mem alwoclio3 awid auo w pappap JO auop s!
lenua2 ul ssawsnq Eup.p.Alana lap OS paswe.2Jo sl AuedwoD a uagm 'fp) pasnema3
Jo 'auo an] e Aiiensn 'AuedwoD e 2upeial 1pu alwodio3 ssawsnq jo Inc 0.2 slomadwoD wow sasneD pue sappd
*Tatou eq 01. pwap!suoD moi 'wog Jo sAw. se gDns `spoo2 jo adAlleinDpled e 40
sp pue awl; awos Jo; amegene JO pasn uaaq seg lap AeM 091 uolpalas Awl e sips ;e44 uletp 11210J BK1 e Janpi Aw2aie,
S!,BURBZWOS SUpDp JO ABM IDUOpUdAUOD V VD puopenuo3 adAl awes 0914011e we 1294 spnpatd jo dnw2 e 1.1 /bawl

disposable income n. income that is available for someone to flexibility n. the ability to change or be changed easily to suit a
spend or save after they have paid tax and paid for the things different situation
that they need such as accommodation and food flier n. a small piece of paper that advertises a product or an
distinctive adj. having a special quality, character or appearance event, given to a large number of people
that is different and easy to recognise focus n. special attention given to one particular thing
distribution n. the actions involved in making goods available to focus v. to concentrate on something and pay particular
customers after they have been produced, for example moving, attention to it
storing and selling the goods
functionality n. one or all of the operations that a computer,
distribution channel a system for moving goods from producers software program or piece of equipment is able to perform
to buyers, and the people and organisations involved
distributor n. a person or business responsible for making generate v. 1 to produce or create something 2 to do something
goods available to customers after they have been produced,
that will produce or increase sales, income, profit, etc.
either one that sells directly to the public or one that sells to
shops, etc. generation n. all people of about the same age
diverse adj. very different from each other generic product n. a product that is sold under the general name
for a type of product, rather than a brand name. Many medicines
dominance n. the fact of being more powerful, more important and drugs that you can buy are generic products.
or more noticeable than other people or things
gimmick n. a trick or object that makes you notice a product and
downturn n. the part of the economic cycle when prices or the want to buy it
value of stocks, shares, etc. fall
global adj. affecting or involving the whole world
dub v. to change the original spoken language of a film or
television programme into another language globalisation n. the tendency for the world economy to work as
one unit, led by large international companies doing business all
over the world
e-commerce n. electronic commerce; the practice of buying and goods things that are produced in order to be sold
selling goods and services over the Internet
guru n. someone who knows a lot about a particular subject,
enclave n. a small area that is within a larger area where people whom people consider to be a leader in their area and whom
of a different kind or nationality live they go to for advice
encourage v. to persuade someone to do something H
endurance n. the ability to continue doing something difficult or head office n. the main office of a company
painful over a long period of time
high-performance adj. cars, computers, etc. that are able to go
engage v. 1 to attract and keep someone's interest or attention faster, do more work, etc. than normal ones
2 to get involved with other people and their ideas in order to
understand them hi-tech adj. using the most modern methods, machines or
devices, especially electronic ones
establish v. to start a company, organisation or system, etc. that
is intended to exist for a long time holistic adj. considering a person or thing as a whole, rather
than as separate parts
e-tailer n. electronic retailer; a business that sells products or
services on the Internet, instead of in a shop
event n. a performance, sports competition, party, etc. at which ignore v. to deliberately pay no attention to something that you
people gather together to watch or take part in something have been told or that you know about

expand v. to become larger in size, amount or number, or to impact n. the effect or influence that an event, situation, etc. has
make something larger in size, amount or number. If a business on someone or something
expands, it gets bigger or more successful. implement v. to take action or make changes that you have
expansion n. when something increases or is increased in size, officially decided should happen
amount or number. When a business experiences expansion, it income n. money you earn from your job or that you receive
becomes bigger or more successful. from investments
experience n. something that happens to you or something you inertia n. a tendency fora situation to stay the same for a longtime
do, especially when this has an effect on what you feel or think initiative n. an important new plan or process, done to achieve a
experience v. If you experience a problem, event or situation, it particular aim or to solve a particular problem
happens to you or affects you. innovation n. the introduction of new ideas or methods
expertise n. special skills or knowledge in an area of work or innovative adj. An innovative idea or way of doing something is
study new, different and better than those that existed before.
extend v. to make something bigger or increase its range insight n. a clear understanding of something or part of
F something, especially a complicated situation or idea
figure out v. to think about a problem or situation until you find intangible assets something that business has and can
the answer or understand what has happened make money from, but that is not something physical and so
first-hand adj. experience etc that has been learned or gained cannot be easily valued, for example a product name, technical
by doing something yourself or by talking to someone yourself knowledge, loyalty from customers, etc.

flawless adj. having no mistakes or marks, or not lacking interact v. If one thing interacts with another, or if they interact,
anything they affect each other.

sey pnpold JO Auedwo3
asp Bug.gawos uey; amenien Jo wetiodw! wow eq o; A 42iempo
e ley; ;avail e ul sales ;o aeluaDlad ay; aJeqs;avew
Anq gfilw aidoad ;aim inoge uogeiluojig JO .D0 '1! 21gAnq
aJow eq Jo asp auoawos ueig Jallaq Buggawos op o; n dp1spo
ale Aay; Aym BulAnq s! oym 'plos Bigaq s! nnpoid e Jo
poo8 Apwama Buipuelsoo LIDOW MO4 2u!pnim! lavew JegiDgJed elnoge uogewnjul
pios aJE spnpoid Buggelqo ul panionul sagingDe ay; paeasw
ip!qm ifinong uogespie2Jo Jo Aued WOD 'dogs e *u ;aim p)pew u! 'Do 'wpm! 'AuedwoD Jayw Aue uey; sales
JeD e Agepadsa '2up.gawos Anq noA uaymluawdgtha wow ygm aDguas Jo pnpold 'AuedwoD ay; Japeai lavew
plepuels ay; ol uomppe ul pango s! ley; Suggawos •u uondo 2uggewos Anq luem oym ajdoad Jo laqwnu alp Z
Agnissanns Buggawos op o; aDUELID e •u fmunpoddo saDguas ao spoo2 gas o; sadoy lo spas AuedwoD e imym
aidoad jo dnofi JO eaJe 'AiginoD JeinDgJed e L •ulavew
ay; ep\ lag° pea ygm applunwwol Awewpd oym spalaw! 112tgAnq JO 2upnpold Jo poD ay; pue io; pios
UOWWOD antis oym aidoad jo dnofi e fmunwwo3 swim) s!.8uggawos ley; aDpd ay; uaampq °ma'am!) ay; 'u upew
lawawi ay; uo amegene JO laulaw! aW01.1 Jlay; onuas way; mey pue laulaw!
ay; JO vompu Ja;ndwoD e papauuoD Appall!) Ipo aucwo ay; wol; Jo anEopleD e WOJJ Jatma `awoil spoo8 asooyD
injssanns s! I! py; gnsal ay; ygm uago 'uogengs sJeAnq 431ym ig2ufflas pue 2u1Anq jo poigaw e u lam pew
AJana io; anegns eq Jo auokana aseaid o; peu8!sep s!
'poigaw 'apnwp no-sly-azis-auo y •fpo ne-sm-azIs-auo paau DIseq e se lou 'ainseald
0 pue volwoD Ao; gfinoq spoo2 amsuadxa 7cPu spoo2 /mew
•Dla luggawos pnpoid pimpled e leAoi Supq Jo 13e; ay; 'I/ ftHeAoi
2u!op jo Aem 'uogengs pepedxe pue lensn ay; *u waou •sionpoid Japo a2uey3 ;oil op pue Anq anuguoD
'Dia 'suompuoD 'suogsanns ldane Aaig '1DnpoJd JeinDgJed e o; inifoi ale siawopn3
ol2u1igmlou aae Aay; ley; ueaw Aaig 'agjogo5au-uou s! •Dp auo umoutgam e Agepadsa
'uompuo3 `puewap e py; sAes auoawos 3 l 'fp aiciefloBau-uou ImpoJd Jaywue olJegiuls Alan srol ley; pn paid e •ti ameNool
aige;goid eq Aew lnq News sl iplymlavew ejo ;Jed e •// aq3lu •Dp
luawaafie '2u!sglanpe `spnpoid uo u.8!s ppm° sg se sasn uoges!uan
ue peal o;JapJo u! 2uggawos ssnDsIp o; A appoSau lo AuedwoD e ley; aweu sl! Bugpm Jo AeM Jo alsap e u 0201
ApadOld Jaiie palm lou •fpo papaiBau 2u!sn ufiaq noA moge !gm
N ley; walsAs JawdwoD e uo suope AIESSODOU ay; op 04 A u1801
sJawopriD o; @lc:1qm spnpoid suogonpal
2upiew Jo Aem auo ueq; wow 2upqww! 'fp jauumpmew Aue alopq pnpold e lo; alpd ielDwo ao lensn ay; •ti avd 1sH
g op o; palm; JO pp; eq 2uIpaau •apew eq igm alow
2uligawos op o; ssauBuggm pue ssauJaBea •u uopennow ou asnepq amenien uago ap suoijipa pa,uLun •awn. auo
paDnpold spnpold e jo laqwnu paxg e uompa palm
H tow aladwoDlou op sagledwoD layw pue 'Auedwo3 auo Aluo
Aq pagoiwoD s! Aw\gDe ssau!snq e anym uogengs e •/./ Alodouow 'DO `Jaqwnu lunowe u! pafi Ann wu Ipn pawn
awgjo popad e Imo sassafiaid JO sa8uey3 l! moy aas uo Aeuow puads Aay; s2uligjo ;los ay; pue cif:4.4aq;
oliarpo ul uogengs e pap pue yplem AgnpleD ol A JoHuow Aay; aJaym 2u1pniou! 'sang auoawos Aem ay; •LJ aprqsam
Aeuow Jo e suna ley; ssau!snq Jo nnpoJd e •// nuulds-Aauow a3pues lawo;snD jo •2'a 'Agienb JO ruepuelsleinDgJed e *u lanai
aulipew lo apgjan e Jo ifi!sap Jo adA; JegugJed e wiapow awl; ;o popad e Jo; 2ugnaitios op
JO UMO uolsslwJad noA Bup\fi luawnDop lepgjo ue *// num
2igigawos ao auoawos pueplapun lie; o; n puemapunsm inissanns pow JO wepodw! ;sow gsaq jpo 2wpeal
aafiap JO lunowe aggssod lsagews ay; olluesealdun awg ;sag aigi0j
Jo snon2uep s! wig 2uggewos aDnpaJ A asimupu ales io; aigegene alpuas Jo pnpoid mau e wiew 01 z AgnjaJeD
Biquueid aaije Agensn 'Amin mau e ;lap / A punei
suoIspap alew pue s2ugglnoge duly; Aaq;
143!qm u! Aem ay; pue apnwp ienua2 s,auoawos •ulaspww awg pig ay; Jo; asn Jo ales io; amegene
spew 10 umoys sl nnpold mau e 143!qm uo!seno ue *u punei
sappuas Jo
spoo2 Jo adA; leinDgJed ejo Bufflas pue &Ong ay; ul saluedwoD 1
imm 2ugadwoD ul panionul sagingDe ay; •u a3ep:1;wpew waigoid e Jo esneD ay; Jo ign.q. ay; weal o; lap)
'Aed &1111m eq igm Aay; ipnw moy Anq igm Aay; ig2uggawos lnoge spe; ay; ;no pug o; o; n ale2gsamq
moy pue alaym aidwexa Jo; `spaau Jo swem ,spAnq 2upap!suo3 amelgoid pue inIssanns wow
Aq aDpuas Jo pnpoid e gas pue u2!sap sagp\Ipe •u 2ugavew ssaulsnq e alew !gm pig sEigy; uo Aeuow puads A lsanw
appuas JO pnpold e sips wy; uogeslueBio ue •ti Jalwpew •uaans ay; uo
•Dp Anq igmAatgaJaym`Aed suaddey pqm pajje o; way; 2u!sn uosiad ay; smoge .31a `abed
2uligm ale Aay; gonw moy aidwexa Jo; 'aDguas ao pnpoid e2u!Anq qe 'alemgos JawdWOD 'uoIsp\ap; antpcuami Ypn ampwaiw
uaym paau JO wem sJawopnD wym8upap!suoD Aq 2uppowos gas Jayw pea °Bump Jo Jayw
z ales 10j agiegene alew ao 2uggawos gas A laliEW pea pajje auw; ;Llano) iplym Aq ssaDold ay; *u uomeialw

overseas adv. coming from, existing or happening abroad prime time n. the time when most people are watching the
overtake v. to develop or increase more quickly than something television or listening to the radio, and therefore the most
else expensive time for advertising
own-label product n. Own-label products have the name of the prioritise v. to put several tasks, problems, etc. in order of
shop selling them, rather than the producer's name. importance so that the most important ones are done first
P priority n. the thing that is more important than anything else,
and that needs attention first
pace n. the rate or speed at which something happens
product line n. several new products forming a set, for example,
packaging n. material, boxes, etc. used for wrapping goods
because they are all of the same type or are all produced by the
to protect them, for example because they are being taken
same company
product placement n. when the maker of a product arranges
passion n. If you have a passion for something, you have a very
for it to appear in a film or television programme as a form of
strong interest in it and like it very much.
patent n. a legal document giving a person or company the right
product review n. a report saying how good a product is
to make or sell a new invention, product or method of doing
something and stating that no other person or company is promote v. to try hard to sell a product or service by advertising
allowed to do this it widely, reducing its price, etc.
perceive v. to understand or think about something in a promotion n. an activity such as special advertisements or free
particular way gifts intended to sell a product or service
perception n. the way that people feel about a company, proposition n. a business idea, offer or suggestion, for example
product, market, etc. and what they think it is like a possible business deal
performance n. how well a machine, vehicle etc works prospect n. 1 chance of future success 2 someone who is not a
customer yet, but may become one in the future
personalise v. to design or change something so that it is
suitable for a particular person protest n. an angry complaint that shows you disagree with
something, or when you state publicly that you think something
pirate n. a person or organisation that dishonestly copies
is wrong or unfair
and sells films, disks, etc. for which the copyright (= legal
ownership) belongs to others purchase n. the act of buying something

pitfall n. a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a purchase v. to buy something, especially something big or
particular job, course of action or activity expensive
placement n. the act of putting something in position purchasing agreement n. a document that gives details of the
conditions under which goods are sold
platform n. the basis on which something can be developed
purchasing habits the kinds of things people buy, what
pop-up advertisement n. a small window containing an their reasons are for buying them, how much they spend, etc.
advertisement that suddenly appears on your computer screen
while looking at a website push n. a period of determined effort in marketing , especially
one in which you gain an advantage over the competition
position n. an organisation's level or importance or success
compared to other R
position v. If a company positions a product in a particular way, rates a fixed amount of money that is charged or paid for
it tries to get people to think about it in that way in relation to its something
other products and to competing products. reach n. the number of people that see or hear an
positioning n. the way that people think about a product in relation advertisement, buy a product, use a service, etc.
to the company's other products and to competing products, or the reach v. 1 to be seen or heard by a particular group of people,
way that the company would like them to think about it especially when you want them to buy your product 2 to achieve
post v. to put a message or computer document on the Internet a particular aim
so that other people can see it reciprocal adj. A reciprocal arrangement or relationship is one in
poster n. a large printed notice, picture or photograph used to which two people, countries, etc. do or give the same things to
advertise something or as a decoration each other, usually so that each is helped in some way.
potential adj. A potential customer, market, buyer, etc. is not yet recommendation n. a suggestion that someone should choose a
a customer, etc., but may become one in the future. particular thing because they are very good or suitable
potential adj. likely to develop into a particular type of person or recover v. to increase or improve after falling in value or getting
thing in the future worse
presence n. when someone or something is present in a reduction n. 1 when prices, costs, etc. become lower or are
particular place made lower 2 the amount by which something is reduced in
prestige n. the respect and importance a person, organisation,
profession or product has because of their success and high quality reduction n. a decrease in the size, price or amount of
promote v. to sell a product or service or make it more popular
by advertising it or offering a special price release n. the act of making something available to the public,
such as new product, especially a new film, video, CD or
promotion n. an activity intended to help sell a product, or the
product that is being promoted


sdopAap uogemis
Jo pnpold `eap! `uosJad e leg; Aem au; aDuanuu! 01 A adeus
ssaDDe ule2 ol A ow! del splomjo sdno12 JO spiomJ0j2uwool Apepadsa `uogeauolu! Joj
spaau s‘auoawosioj 4g2p Alpexa s! TauJalul ag4 sagDieas 1244 weaold JaindwoD e auglue pleas
1! Tall os Jag1a2o1 2uguawos lnd Jo 2uggawos miew cu. A Jame; plomAap!
2uggawos anagpe of asn noA lag poglaw e •u 31,13q uaA!2 a .101 sapJeas Jasn a uagm Aelds!p luawasgJaApe ue anal
amego alp Joj Aed sJasluaApe uagm •U 2Uppia/tpe Ipien
Aes auoawos .10j paJedaJd aae leg; spJom ;dins
sgg op 2uggawos
alew 04 AO tiaLgoue 012ulll ell0 WOJJ a2uegD 01'A LI3MMS Buggawos jo g2noua lou s! alagl plum wuogenus e kipaen
awgjo popad Buoi .a4a `panawDe `1g2noq `auop anal noA
e Jam) lsixa anuguoD Buggawos a>iew 01 aeuew 01 A ulleisns Buguawos LIgm paseaid aae noA will 2ullaa4 341 au uopeispes
Jno!Aegaq Jo suow!do alagT lnoqe 4! Anq aidoad apenslad
lno pug 01 suogsanb jo e Woad jo dnoa e >Ise 01 an Aaiun 04 pnpoad e poqe sAes uosiadsales 2 legm 9Api sales
anal/mpg .10 suoggdo .941 lnoqe 1no S
pug of aidoad jo dno.12 e 01 ua/42 suogsanb jo e •u Aamns *pp `uo!slAaial LIO 'owe'
AuedwoD 341 uo sladedsmau e 1.14 smawasluaApe gsgqnd JO M095 04 'A um
Jatgoue Aq paumo-peg iseal le s! 1241 AuedwoD e fuensqns aidoad aJow 01. amellene 2uwew
•aweu all asw2oDaJ ANT asneDaq 4l Anq ipm aidoad ApenpeJ2 Aq aDimas Jo pnpoJd mau e aDnpouu! 01 ;no poi
leg; 2wdog `pnpoid jo adAl waJajo e 110 aweu pueaq 2ugslxa Top apiel 01 2 upig 40U JO 2U1111MUn 1/30 avanpelsp
ue asn o1 sums `pueJci e satplans AuedwoD e 11 n 431e4s we2e 2uous JO angoe sawoDaq Bulglawos uagm 'U leninaa
Ja2uous 2uggawos a)letu AO Ja2uous awoDaq of an uainSuails saDimas JO spoo2 BUMPS W0.11 Apepadsa 'aug1 jo popad a Jam
alninj doianap 01. uogeswealo saAlaDai uogeslue2Jo Jo ssawsnq e leg; Aauow 7cPu senuanai
ueioj Aem isaq an Jo ssawsnq ssanns Apepadsa paunual
ue 2U1A311132 .10j sueid jo sagas Jo ueid E 'U ABNBAS uagl pue paJapio 1.42noq sag JawolsnD 4214 spoo2 7cPu swam
uoguaue vidoad peule (42u1sgJaApe u! aid wexa Joj sdogs 41-10141 Apepadsa `Dgqnd to siaqwaw
pasn tiaquiawaJ o4 Asea s! 4841 aDualuas Jo aseuld e au aundem saDIAJas JO spoo2 2uwas ssawsnq 3144 Sumelaa
asodind JeinDgJed e anappe •Dla `sdogs ueig JaLgel
JO 0224112Ape ue we2 04 ueid P JO lied SE auop aftin 312101ei4S 'Dwind 39440 slaquJatu spoo2 spas 1e144 ssaulsnq e u mem
Jallepa asn umo Apip.
Jaluo Jo dogs e Aq ales Joj Ida)! `spoo2 jo Aiddns e au pins .101 Dliqnd 344 04 AgDawD mos aq Z dogs e wApensn `Dgqnd
2u!spdans Jo leaJ2 AlawaJIxa Bulia22eis 34440 sJaqwaw sagguenb pews u! spoo2 pas 01 j n um."
sJaLgo Aq paDeidaJ ale pue Dgqnd 344
uogeslueBlo ue anal sJappom plum le ilea all Janownimels AgDaJw saalmas Jo/pue spa Buwas anus e ;aloe Hew
ewe Jam 2 samonul Jo aidoad AuedwoD awes all Aq paumo 3ae42l4
alow Aq 1noqe umouN s! JO spajje Bug.11awos uagm peeids sagID pue sumo; lualajo sdogs jo Jaqwnu e wimp Belaa
uoguaue *Dia tdogs uegl
Dgqnd la 04 JO 2u!sgJaApe A04 a2uelpxa u! *ale '2uggei1 'wane JagleJ `asn umo Jlag4 Joj sJawolsnD spoo2jo ales alp au 'Hew
sue JO si.Jods e Jo; Aed uaN2 uoddns lepueug d'usaosuods • *pp `sallElp laveuu `sugeldwoD
uoguaue Dgqnd 132 04 `swawoid 01 Aem MAIN JO injasn e peal 01 ApeaJ s!
JO 2u1sl4aaApe Joj aueipxa *pp '2Iguleu 1.uana sue JO shads `antsuodsai s! *Dia `uogeswe2Jo 'AuedwoD e ipo anisuodsea
e `awweJ2oJd uo!s!Aaial e Joj Aed o4 Aauow aAl2 01 n Josuods •Dla %ppm wag; mail 'Lualg wJeg 04 lou 1n4aJeD aae pue
uoguaue Dgqnd 432 04 Jo 2u1sgiaApe lueuodw! se auoawos JO 2u4glawos pie2aJ noA uagm au pedsea
Joj auetpxa •Dla luggeu luana sue JO SPOdS a `awww2oJd •Dla `spnpoJd 'seam mau 4sa;
uo!slAalai. e Joj sAed wig AuedwoD Jo uosJad e au Josuods Jo 4! moqe s2ugg Mau ;no pug 01 pafqns e jo Aprils au 'pease.'
awg JegngJed e Jam) wall laaul
asodand JegngJed e .101 Wads Aauow jo lunowe puads 2wpaneu JO auogd all uo sJawolsnD ol2upleads Aq saDpuas
Anq of aidoad aBeJnoDua o4 lap) w2uggawos JO spnpoJd s,AuedwoD e spas ogm uoslad e annewasaidei
of pappe 541241 aDwas .10 pnpold aaJj e Jaw iepads asia 2ugpawosjo peaisu! Zuggawos 2u1sn J.Jeis 04 an anidai
Jamois slat 2uggewos uagm umopmois •saDpuas ao spnpoid jo wow Anq 14 01 unual sJawolsnD
saggenb pool saslsegdwa pue `ssauisnq loaded 51.38 AuedWOD ej! ssaulsnq pedal
uoguaue speJue lag A2M e Li! 2ugnawos mous 01 an aSellA010 113m svom sAemie leg1 wawd!nba
wall Joj Aed 01 Apeal ale noA 'gun agsqam e uo Anq aDald Jo walsAs `pnpoJd ejo Amen b 341 •uAlmqelleJ
noA s2up413444o pioDai e sdaal 1241 aJemljos 1.1e3 BUIdd014S asp 2uRgawos lueuodug
ales uo ale leg; spoo2 Rog 04 sdogs pue 444M papauUO3 Apagp 2waq to Amen b au amenalea
samags uo amegene s! 4294 aDeds Jo 2unowe all •u ands pays aas Jo Anq 01 aidoad Joj amegene `0.12M1jOS
AuedwoD e LI! saJegs SUMO 04M auoawos 'U Japioueieus JO CD `oaplA e Apepadsa `pnpoid mau e aplu 01'A asealai

target n. A target is a result that you are trying to achieve. user-generated content n. material on websites, and
occasionally other media sources, that is produced by the users
target audience the group of people that an advertisement,
programme or product is aimed at of the website

target market the group of people that you want to sell your V
product or service to valuable adj. worth a lot of money
target v. 1 to aim products, programmes of work, etc. at a value n. 1 the amount of money something is worth 2 the
particular area or group of people 2 If you target a particular importance or usefulness of something. If something is good,
group of people, you try to appeal to those people or affect excellent, etc. value, it is of good quality, considering its price or
them. you get a large amount for the price.
tarnish v. If an event or fact tarnishes someone's reputation, valued adj. A valued customer, worker, etc. is important and
record, image, etc., it makes it worse. useful to you.
third party n. someone who is not one of the two main people or values the principles and beliefs that influence the
organisations involved in an agreement or legal case behaviour and way of life of a particular group or community
trackable adj. capable of being traced or tracked viral marketing n. a way of advertising and selling in which
information about a company's products or services is spread by
trade barrier n. something that makes trade between two
people telling other people or sending e-mails
countries more difficult or expensive, for example a tax on
imports viral video n. a video clip that gains widespread popularity
through the process of Internet sharing, typically through e-mail
trade down v. to sell something in order to buy something of the
or instant messaging, blogs and other media-sharing websites
same kind that is less expensive
virtual adj. existing only on computer
traditional adj. following ideas and methods that have existed
for a long time, rather than doing anything new or different virtual store a retail presence on the web where consumers
can purchase products
transaction n. a payment, or the process of making one
virtually adv. on a computer, rather than in the real world
transfer v. to move something from one place or position to
voice-over n. information or remarks in a TV advertisement that
are spoken by someone who is not seen on the screen
translate v. to change spoken or written words into another
warehouse n. a large building used for storing goods in large
trend n. the general way in which a particular situation is
changing or developing
website development n. the process of developing a website
trust n. a belief in the honesty or goodness of someone or
something web-savvy adj. having practical knowledge and understanding
of the Internet
withdraw v. to remove something or take it back, often because
untapped adj. An untapped supply, market or talent is available
of an official decision
but has not yet been used.
word-of-mouth adj. when people hear about something from
upload v. to send documents or programs from your computer
their friends, people they work with, etc.
to a larger system using the Internet
worldwide adv. everywhere in the world
upmarket adj. involving goods and services that are expensive
and perhaps of good quality compared to other goods, etc. of
the same type, or the people that buy them youth market n. young people viewed as a marketing
usability n. how easy it is to use something, especially a website opportunity, typically refers to those aged 16 to 24, but various
or computer system age ranges are in use, for example 12-24, under 35


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