AV411 Navigation Systems and Sensors: Department of Avionics

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AV411 Navigation Systems and Sensors

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology


Assignment 13
Moment of Inertia

Department of Avionics

Hariprasaadh D S
Question 1
With reference to Slide No. 2 of Moment of Inertia, define the concept of moment of a
quantity. Discuss various moments available with mathematical expressions and figures
where necessary.

Moment of a quantity is the product of a quantity and the distance from that quantity to a given point
or axis. We calculate the moment with respect to this point or the axis. This is used to get an idea
about the distribution of the physical quantity in space with reference to a point of axis. In general, the
nth moment of any quantity q, µn is given by

µn = rn q

where r is the distance of q from the reference point or axis.

Examples of various moments available are
1. Torque, ⃗τ - It is the moment of Force, F⃗ i.e. ⃗τ = ⃗r × F⃗ .

⃗ - It is the moment of linear momentum, p⃗ i.e. L

2. Angular Momentum, L ⃗ = ⃗r × p⃗.

1 P
3. Center of Mass, ⃗r - It is the average moment of mass M in a distribution, i.e. ⃗r = r⃗i mi .
M i

1 P
4. Center of Charge, r⃗Q - It is the average moment of charge Q in a distribution, i.e. r⃗Q = r⃗i qi .
Q i
5. Moment of Inertia, I - It is the second moment of mass M in a distribution or the moment of
moment of mass in a distribution, i.e. I = i ri2 mi .

6. Area Moment of Inertia IA - It is the second moment of Area A in a distribution or the moment
of moment of area in a distribution, i.e. IA = i ri2 ai .

⃗ × ⃗r, of displacement d⃗ = θ⃗ × ⃗r, etc. though capture

Note that, the expression of linear velocity ⃗v = ω
similar expressions as a moment of quantity, they are not considered as moment. This is because here
the quantity being multiplied with ⃗r is not applied at ⃗r from the axis or a fixed point.

Question 2
Solve the exercise in Slide no. 10 of Moment of Inertia. As per the figure given below,
compute Moment of Inertia for the general case and the symmetric case.

As per the given figure there are two point masses at P⃗1 and P⃗2 respectively in the system rotating
around the Z-axis by ω ⃗.
For general case, let us assume, P⃗1 = x1 î + y1 ĵ + z1 k̂ and P⃗2 = x2 î + y2 ĵ + z2 k̂.
Also, the angular momentum, L⃗ is given by, L ⃗ = ⃗r × p⃗ = P⃗ × m⃗v and the linear velocity, ⃗v is given
⃗ × ⃗r = ω
by ⃗v = ω ⃗
⃗ × P.

⃗ is given by,
Therefore, net angular momentum, L,
⃗ = L⃗1 + L⃗2
= P⃗1 × m1 v⃗1 + P⃗2 × m2 v⃗2
= m1 P⃗1 × (⃗
ω × P⃗1 ) + m2 P⃗2 × (⃗ ω × P⃗2 )
= m1 P⃗1 × (⃗
ω × P⃗1 ) + m2 P⃗2 × (⃗ ω × P⃗2 )
h i h i
= m1 (P⃗1 .P⃗1 )⃗
ω − (P⃗1 .⃗
ω )P⃗1 + m2 (P⃗2 .P⃗2 )⃗ ω − (P⃗2 .⃗
ω )P⃗2
h i h i
= m1 (x21 + y12 + z12 )|ω|k̂ − z1 |ω|(x1 î + y1 ĵ + z1 k̂) + m2 (x22 + y22 + z22 )|ω|k̂ − z2 |ω|(x2 î + y2 ĵ + z2 k̂)
h i h i
= m1 |ω| −z1 x1 î − z1 y1 ĵ + (x21 + y12 )k̂ + m2 |ω| −z2 x2 î − z2 y2 ĵ + (x22 + y22 )k̂
h i
= |ω| −(m1 z1 x1 + m2 z2 x2 )î − (m1 z1 y1 + m2 z2 y2 )ĵ + (m1 (x21 + y12 ) + m2 (x22 + y22 ))k̂
h i h i
= m1 |ω| −z1 x1 î − z1 y1 ĵ + (x21 + y12 )k̂ + m2 |ω| −z2 x2 î − z2 y2 ĵ + (x22 + y22 )k̂
h i
= |ω| −(m1 z1 x1 + m2 z2 x2 )î − (m1 z1 y1 + m2 z2 y2 )ĵ + (m1 r12 + m2 r22 )k̂

where ⃗r = xî + y ĵ from the figure.

For the general case, the direction of ω⃗ and L⃗ does not match, therefore, we have the moment of
⃗ = |ω|k̂, we cannot calculate the full moment of inertia tensor
inertia in form of a tensor. Since, here ω
(because of orthogonality). So, only three elements, Ixz , Iyz and Izz can be calculated from the derivation
above. The value of Ixz , Iyz and Izz are

Ixz = = −(m1 z1 x1 + m2 z2 x2 )
Iyz = = −(m1 z1 y1 + m2 z2 y2 )
Izz = = (m1 r12 + m2 r22 ) = (m1 (x21 + y12 ) + m2 (x22 + y22 ))

For symmetric case, we assume that the height of both the masses are equal and the center of
mass lies at (0, 0, z). Therefore, m1 x1 = −m2 x2 , m1 y1 = −m2 y2 , and z1 = z2 = z.
Substituting these expressions into the expression of L ⃗ derived for the general case, we get,
h i
⃗ = |ω| −(m1 z1 x1 + m2 z2 x2 )î − (m1 z1 y1 + m2 z2 y2 )ĵ + (m1 r12 + m2 r22 )k̂
h i
= |ω| −z(m1 x1 + m2 x2 )î − z(m1 y1 + m2 y2 )ĵ + (m1 r12 + m2 r22 )k̂

= |ω|(m1 r12 + m2 r22 )k̂

For, symmetric case, again since ω⃗ = |ω|k̂, we cannot calculate the full moment of inertia tensor
(because of orthogonality). So, only three elements, Ixz , Iyz and Izz can be calculated. The value of Ixz ,
Iyz and Izz are

Ixz = =0
Iyz = =0
Izz = = (m1 r12 + m2 r22 ) = (m1 (x21 + y12 ) + m2 (x22 + y22 ))

Question 3

Solve the exercise in Slide no. 17 of Moment of Inertia. Given that |⃗

ri | sin θi is perpen-
dicular distance of mi from axis AB, show that
ri | sin θi ) = 0
mi (|⃗
imi r⃗i ⃗b ⃗b
Hint: Take center of mass S = = 0 (Origin of co-ordinate system ⃗e, |⃗b|
, ⃗e × |⃗b|

From Parallel axis, theorem, we know that,
ΘA′ B ′ = M |⃗b|2 + ΘAB + 2|⃗b| ri | sin θi )
mi (|⃗

where ΘA′ B ′ and ΘAB are the Moment of Inertia along A′ B ′ and AB axis respectively.
Also, here AB axis passes through the center of gravity, S. Therefore,
mi r⃗ii
=⇒ mi r⃗i = 0
X ⃗b
=⇒ mi (|ri | sin θi + |ri | cos θi⃗e) = 0
i |⃗b|
X X ⃗b
∴ mi (|ri | sin θi ) = 0 and mi (|ri | cos θi ) = 0 ∵ ⃗e ⊥
i i |⃗b|
Therefore, we have proved that,
ri | sin θi ) = 0
mi (|⃗

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