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The Australian Journal of Public Administration, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 353–366 doi:10.1111/j.1467-8500.2007.00545.


From New Public Management to Public Value:

Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications
Janine O’Flynn
The Australian National University

Both practitioners and scholars are increasingly interested in the idea of public value as a
way of understanding government activity, informing policy-making and constructing
service delivery. In part this represents a response to the concerns about ‘new public
management’, but it also provides an interesting way of viewing what public sector
organisations and public managers actually do. The purpose of this article is to examine
this emerging approach by reviewing new public management and contrasting this with a
public value paradigm. This provides the basis for a conceptual discussion of differences in
approach, but also for pointing to some practical implications for both public sector
management and public sector managers.

Key words: new public management, public value, role of managers

Public sector reform has been a common purpose and thus, ways of functioning,
experience across the world despite its operating and managing.
different forms and foci (Pollitt and Bouckaert Within this search for meaning and direction
2004). Commonly as scholars and a ‘public value’ approach is attracting
practitioners we refer to the reforms of the last considerable interest, both in practitioner
few decades as ‘new public management’
(NPM) which, for Hood (1991), represented a 2007 The Author

paradigmatic break and academic circles (Alford 2002; Bovaird

fromthetraditionalmodelofpublicadministratio 2004; Bozeman 2002; Carmeli and Kemmet
n. During this era several countries became 2006; Hartley 2005; Hefetz and Warner 2004;
exemplars of NPM, in particular New Zealand Horner and Hazel 2005; Kelly, Mulgan and
and Australia which undertook significant Muers 2002; Moore 1994, 1995; Moore and
public sector change to break from the Braga 2004; Pinnock 2006; Smith 2004; Smith
bureaucratic paradigm of public AndersonandTeicher2004;Stoker2006).This
administration.1 More recently, however, approach, first articulated by Moore (1994;
cracks have appeared and the search for a new 1995) represents a way of thinking which is
way of thinking about, and enacting public bothpost-bureaucraticand post-
management practice has begun, in part to competitiveallowing us to move beyond the
address the supposed weaknesses of narrow market versus government failure
NPM.Thisisunlikelytounderpinareturntothe approaches which were so dominant in the
bureaucratic model, but rather spark a NPM era (Hefetz and Warner 2004). From
paradigmatic change which attempts to here, it is argued, a new paradigm for thinking
redefine how we think about the state, its about government activity, policy-making and
354 Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications September 2007
service delivery may emerge bringing with it 6. Private sector styles of management
important implications for public managers. practice; and
The purpose of this article is to articulate this 7. Greater discipline and parsimony in
new paradigm and to consider the implications resource use.
for public managers in practice. In order to do
this the article is organised into three key Within this new paradigm, the doctrinal
sections. The first section sets out the components sat alongside four reinforcing
principles, practices and premises of NPM and megatrends: slowing down or reversing
this is followed by a discussion of public value. government growth; privatisation and quasi-
The final section contrasts these models and privatisation; automation in the production and

Journal compilation C 2007 National Council of the Institute of Public Administration Australia
sets out important implications for public distribution of public services; and, an
sector managers. international agenda in public sector reforms
(Hood 1991:3–4). Fifteen years after Hood
(1991), Hughes (2006) in his paper on the
The New Public Management Paradigm:
‘new pragmatism’ articulated four grand
Principles, Practices, and Premises2
themes which characterised NPM:
management (i.e. results and managerial
At the end of the 20th century, a responsibility) is a higher order function than
postbureaucratic paradigm of public administration (i.e. following instructions);
management was firmly embedded in many economic principles (i.e. drawn from public
countries reflecting the outcome of the suite of choice theory, principal-agent theory,
reforms intended to enact a break from the contracting, competition, and the theory of the
traditional model of public administration firm) can assist public management; modern
underpinned by Weber’s (1946) bureaucracy, management theory and practices (i.e.
Wilson’s (1887) policy-administration divide, flexibility in staffing and organisation) can
and Taylor’s (1911) scientific management improve public management; and service
model of work organisation. In part at least, delivery is important to citizens. As Stoker
NPM was a reaction to perceived weaknesses (2006:46) noted, NPM sought
of the traditional bureaucratic paradigm of
public administration (O’Flynn 2005a; Stoker . . . to dismantle the bureaucratic pillar of the
2006), and it encompassed a ‘critique of
n. Out with the large, multipurpose hierarchical
monopolistic forms of service provision and
bureaucracies, [NPM] proclaims, and in with the
an argument for a wider range of service
lean, flat, autonomous organizations drawn from
providersandamoremarket-orientedapproach the public and private spheres and steered by a
to management’ (Stoker 2006:45). In tight central leadership corps.
articulating this NPM paradigm in the early
1990s, Hood set out its key doctrinal
Such characterisations provide a good starting
components (1991:4–5):
point for considering the NPM paradigm,
1. Hands-on professional management; however, there has been a tendency toward
2. Explicit standards and measures of conflating shorter reform phases into a NPM
performance; catchall. In the Australian context, for
3. Greater emphasis on output controls; example, there were two quite clear phases in
4. Disaggregation of units in the public the move away from traditional
sector; administration, based on distinct theoretical
and philosophical underpinnings (Considine
5. Greater competition in the public sector;
and Painter 1997). In the Australian
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O’Flynn 355
experience, the 1980s was characterised by a During this era, where notions of competition
post-bureaucratic model of NPM and this was and contracts were so important, the NPM
heavily focused on internal reforms and paradigm became dominant.
corporate management (Alford 1998; As we know, this did not occur without
Yeatman 1997). Commonly adopted practices resistance and NPM has been subject to
included: corporate planning based on central ongoing and fierce debate in the academic
goals; comprehensive program budgeting; literature because it challenged conventional
management improvement programs; contract thinking and brought together a range of
employment for managers; central auditing; practices, policies and theories rather than
and performance monitoring of individuals. proposing some coherent theory.
The key aims were to empower public servants Notwithstanding this point there has been
and increase managerial quality. Following on some agreement on critical theoretical
from this, Australia experienced a perspectives informing policy makers and
marketisation phase in the 1990s which underpinning thinking in the NPM paradigm
emerged alongside the dominance of including: public choice theory, principal-
economic rationalist discourse (Pusey 1991). agent theory, transaction cost economics and
This marketisation phase represented an overt competitiontheory(Kaboolian1998;O’Flynn20
challenge to the efficacy of the traditional 05a). Public choice theory was extremely
approach with its monopoly over the influential with Boyne arguing, ‘... seldom has
production and delivery of public services as it the major practical implication of an abstract
was focused on developing market solutions to model of bureaucracy been so widely
government failure. implemented’ (1998a:474). NPM
By the time of the marketisation phase it was encompassed the public choice belief that
clear that a new paradigm of public governments were unresponsive, inefficient,
management was becoming dominant and it monopolistic, and unable to reach formal
was during this time that NPM came into its goals. In the main this reflected the inherent
own. In the Australian experience, the failures of government: (i) politicians are
marketisation phase rested on the creation of captured by interest groups and will act in their
markets in the public sector and the use of own self-interest rather than the public
contracts to define interest; (ii) the bureaucracy does not
andgovernrelationships.Forsome,suchmoves necessarily carry out political directions
signalled the emergence of a new because of the self-interest of bureaucrats and
contractualism (Hughes 2003), while for (iii) bureaucrats act in pursuit of self-interest
others contracts and competition became the rather than efficiency (Walsh 1995).
basis for changing the fundamental nature of Following this line of argument, bureaucracy
the public sector (Walsh 1995). Chalmers and leads to resource wastage and budget
Davis argued that, ‘contracting has been maximisation in the pursuit of power, status,
established as a standard form of policy income, ideology, patronage, discretionary
delivery – indeed as an instrument with few power and ease of management, producing
limits, preferable in most circumstances to allocative inefficiency and oversupply (Boyne
traditional public bureaucracy’ (2001:76). 1998a; Niskanen 1971; Rowley 1995; Walsh
Such beliefs were also 1995). The aim of public choice advocates
acknowledgedbyDeakinandMichie:‘Ifthereisa then was to persuade policy-makers to adopt
single strand that runs through the changes policies and practices which would import
wrought by the neoliberal revolution ... it is the incentive structures based on principalagent
revival of contract as the foremost organizing theory and property rights in order to increase
mechanism of economic activity’ (1997:1). efficiency and downsize the state (de Laine
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356 Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications September 2007
1997; Mascarenhas 1993). Despite sustained laid the foundation for a process whereby it
critique (see for example Boyne 1998a, was expected
1998b;Boyneetal.2003;Tregillis1990;Walsh that,
1995), public choice theory has been critical in . . . the government manager clearly articulates
underpinning key features of NPM including: the policy, sets the performance standards, and
separation and fragmentation (Boyne et al. chooses in a competitive market an agent who
2003; Self 1993; Streeton and Orchard 1994); will faithfully act in the government’s behalf to
competitive markets for public services deliverthegoodsandservicessothattheoutcome
(Boyne et al. 2003); and preference for private sought will be attained (Kelly 1998:205).
sector provision governed by contracts (Hodge
2000). There has been a continued critique of the
Principal-agent theory focuses on the appropriateness of agency theory in the public
relationship between principals and agents and sector. Doubts have been raised, for example,
the issues that arise when we assume their about the ability of purchasers and providers to
interests diverge (Walsh 1995). It provides a separate,theefficacyofdecouplingpolicyfrom
means of conceptualising both human delivery, and the ability of purchasers to
behaviour in the agency relationship and the clearly articulate their preferences in a
development of organisational forms based on competitive environment (O’Flynn and Alford
assumptions of self-interest, opportunism, 2005; Stewart 1996). Regardless of such
incomplete information, and goal divergence critiques, however, key characteristics of NPM
(Althaus 1997). These assumptions predict the were built around ideas from principal-agent
emergence of agency issues when contracts are theory.
formed and where the actions of the agent have Transaction cost economics has also played
implications for the welfare of both parties an important role in the NPM era. Coase
(Petersen 1995a). The critical challenge for the (1937) set out the crucial role of transaction
principal becomes how to choose an agent and costs, hypothesising that an assessment of
construct incentive structures to align goals in these costs determined whether transactions
an environment of uncertainty, information were internalised or not.4 Coase’s (1937)
asymmetry, and high cost monitoring; and theory of the firm and the associated make-buy
where incentives exist for agents to shirk (Foss decisions is translated as the public sector
1995). Such structures, which aim to produce procurement decision – whether public
optimal outcomes and combat adverse agencies produce themselves (i.e. make) or
selection and moral contract out (i.e. buy) (Williamson 1999).
hazard,aretermedagencycosts(Althaus1997). Williamson (1979) extended Coase’s (1937)
Hence, at the core of this perspective is the ideas through the development of a schema
notion that contracts formally setting out setting out his propositions for the most
requirements, monitoring, reward and efficient matching of transactions and
incentive systems provide the legitimate governance structures. This ranged
connection between principal and the agent (de frommarketgovernancebasedonclassicalcontra
Laine 1997; Muetzelfeldt 1994). Principal- cting and formally prescribed relationships and
agent theory played an important part in the remedies to unified governance (i.e. hierarchy)
NPM paradigm and it underpinned many whereby relationship norms and customs
practical reforms including the structural govern behaviour rather than formally written
separation of purchasers and providers to contracts. The most efficient structure is that
establish contractual and quasi-contractual which best matches specific transaction
relationships (O’Flynn 2005a).3 In total, this characteristics (i.e. the levels of frequency and
asset specificity) with governance structures
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O’Flynn 357
allowing for economising on the costs efficiency can be achieved by some degree of
associated with bounded rationality, competitive regulation’ (Hensher and Beesley
opportunism, and asset specificity; and an 1989:236). Competition between bidders is
overall reduction in the cost of transacting. intended to spur efficiency gains and cost
Transaction cost economics was important savings for purchasers, as market forces can
to NPM as it set out options for governments drive out marginal producers (Cubbin,
including markets, hybrids, and hierarchy Domberger and Meadowcroft 1987;
(Petersen 1995b). However, it might be argued Domberger, Hall and Li 1995; Rimmer 1994).
that the dominance of public choice theory Interestingly, it has been argued that the mere
resulted in a blinkered view of this approach as threat of competition can generate efficiency
governments tended toward market gains and cost savings within the public sector
governance models. Practice also tended to as internal providers seek to protect
ignore key writers in the field including themselves from unemployment (Rimmer
Williamson who argued that, ‘[r]ecourse to 1994; Walsh and O’Flynn 2000). The
public bureaucracy for those transactions for applicability of the competition doctrine to the
which it is comparatively public sector has been questioned in the
wellsuitedisproperlyregardedasanefficientresu literature for several reasons including the
lt’ (1999:24). In the literature there has been existence of both demand and supply side
some critique of the application of traditional imperfections (Kelly 1998), and the absence of
contracting notions to the public sector, and conditions required to generate efficiency
the underlying assumptions about human gains (Wilkinson 1995). Despite such
behaviour encompassed in such theories critiques, competition theory has clearly
(Vincent-Jones 1997; Walsh et al. 1997). played a critical role in the development of the
The doctrine of competition has been central NPM paradigm.
to the development of NPM. While perfect The NPM paradigm encompassed specific
competition rarely exists in reality, assumptions about human behaviour centred
governmentshavesoughttopursueactivitytosti on individualism, instrumentality and
mulate competition rather than replicate pure individual rationality and from here came new
markets (Townsend 1995). Public choice performance motivated administration and
advocates have been vocal in calling for the institutional arrangements, new structural
discipline of competition to be imposed on forms, and new managerial doctrines (Kelly
public sector operations as a means of 1998; Lynn 1998). Flowing from these
improving efficiency: perspectives were a set of core principles that
sustained NPM: (i) economic markets should
One of the most fundamental determinants of the
be the model for relationships in the public
efficiency of any arrangement is competition;
sector; (ii) policy, implementation and
that is, the degree of competition that an
arrangement permits will, to a significant
delivery functions should be separated and
degree, determine how efficiently that constructed as a series of contracts; and (iii) a
arrangement will supply a service ... market ... range of new administrative technologies
[and] contract ... systems are most conducive to should be introduced including performance-
fostering competition and thereby achieving based contracting, competition, market
economic efficiency (Savas 1982:80–1). incentives, and deregulation (Kaboolian
Competitive tendering, in particular, has been 1998). Within the NPM paradigm, the way in
a popular instrument used by government. The which
adoption of such practices ‘carries the belief governmentwasviewed,constructedandarrange
that planners remain the ultimate arbiters of dwas firmly rooted within an economic frame
resource allocation but that gains in productive and,
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358 Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications September 2007
fromhere,policyrhetoricfocusedonthenotion ‘rarely satisfies the prior intention of those
that small government was superior and that who initiate it’ (1989:65). Partly this reflected
government failure must be addressed in order the wholesale application of private sector
to maximise efficiency. This often resulted in models and the failure to pay heed to the
prescriptionsbuiltaroundcompetitionandcontra interconnected and interdependent nature of
cts, with the result being a firmly embedded the public sector. Perhaps more fundamentally
post-bureaucratic model, not only in Australia the competitive government model failed ‘to
but also in many countries across the world. understand that public management
The practical application of NPM, like its arrangements not only deliver public services,
bureaucratic predecessor, suffered from a but also enshrine deeper governance values’
range of weaknesses which reflected both (OECD 2003:3).
implementation challenges and fundamental The NPM paradigm rested on economic
tensions (O’Flynn and Alford 2005). For foundations which defined government
example, competitive regimes have been activity, policy-making and service delivery.
commonly adopted, but evidence shows that However, a range of weaknesses have emerged
they are usually costly to implement and rarely following almost two decades of
deliver genuine competition (Entwistle and experimentation and, consequently, a new
Martin 2005). Further, there is evidence that discourse of public management is emerging.
such approaches have resulted in increased The following section discusses the public
transaction costs due to the high costs of value approach which forms the basis for
contract preparation, monitoring and potential paradigmatic change.
enforcement (Entwistle and Martin 2005;
O’Flynn and Alford 2005). The Public Value Paradigm: Principles,
Minogue (2000) argues that the extensive Practices, and Premises
literature on privatisation, contracting, and the
use of markets lacks evidence of any real Given the problems and challenges of
efficiency gains and that the restructuring and experiments with NPM, especially during the
downsizing of civil services (especially in 1990s, there is increasing interest in what can
Britain) has produced a decline in be termed a public value approach which
accountability. O’Flynn and Alford (2005) draws heavily on the work of Moore (1994;
have argued that competitive government 1995), and signals a shift way from strong
models also lead to fragmentation of ideological positions of market versus state
relationships which may spur destructive provision. In part, this may reflect a growing
behaviour. A comprehensive list of problems recognition that ‘[t]he social values inherent in
is presented by Lawton (1998 cited in public services may not be adequately
Minogue 2000) who claims the fundamental addressed by the economic efficiency calculus
values of public service organisations have of markets’ (Hefetz
been undermined by competition and the andWarner2004:174).Further,itmayunderpin
NPM, by limited resources, conflicts between what has been referred to as the new
individual demands and public interest, the pragmatism‘...where[t]heoldideologicaldebate
erosion of accountability and responsibility sare
due to fragmentation, and increased risk- largelydisappearing’(Hughes2006:11).Anew
taking. Even the OECD, long a NPM ‘post-competitive’ paradigm then could signal
advocate, acknowledged in a 2003 report that a shift away from the primary focus on results
the ‘reforms produced some unexpected and efficiency toward the achievement of the
negative results’ (OECD 2003:2), echoing broader governmental goal of public value
March and Olsen’s statement that reform creation.
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O’Flynn 359
Discussing public value has become to secure public value’ (2004:171). The role of
increasing popular, however, a clear definition the public manager, then, is central to this
remains elusive. Public value has been approach.
described as a multi-dimensional construct – a More recently Stoker, drawing heavily on
reflection of collectively expressed, politically Moore (1995) and Kelly, Mulgan and Muers
mediated preferences consumed by the (2002), sought to articulate a public value
citizenry – created not just through ‘outcomes’ management model, an ‘alternative paradigm’
but also through processes which may generate or an ‘overarching framework’ for post-
trust or fairness (O’Flynn 2005b). Others have competitive, collaborative network forms of
defined public value as ‘the value created by governance (Stoker 2006:41). In part, he
government through services, laws regulation argued, this represented a reaction to the
and other actions’ (Kelly et al. 2002:4) and weaknesses of the NPM approach, but also
from here it could be used as a ‘rough recognised that new institutional and neo-
yardstick’ against which performance can be classical economic conceptions of human
gauged, resource allocation decisions made, behaviour clash with the central aims of more
and appropriate systems of delivery collaborative forms of organising and
determined. Stoker describes public value as operating. Horner and Hazel claim that the
‘more than a summation of individual public value approach has gained
preferences of the users or producers of public ‘considerable currency’ recently ‘as an
services ... [it] is collectively built through overarching framework in which questions of
deliberation involving elected and appointed legitimacy, resources allocation and
government officials and key stakeholders’ measurement can be made’ (2005:34). Such
(2006:42). Horner and Hazel (2005:34) with popularity, however, has not necessarily
perhaps more clarity, define public value as the developed our understanding of public value.
correlate of private value or shareholder As with many scholars in public sector
return: management, public value advocates
recognise something fundamentally unique
Think of citizens as shareholders in how their tax
about the public sector which distinguishes it
is spent. The value may be created through
economic prosperity, social cohesion or cultural from the private sector. At the most basic level
development. Ultimately, the value – such as we can differentiate public and private based
better services, enhanced trust or social capital, on the types of relationships that exist (e.g. see
or social problems diminished or avoided – is Alford 2002) or based on the fact that public
decided by the citizen. Citizens do this through sector
the democratic process, not just through the managersoperateinapoliticalmarketplacefirst
ballot box, but through taking part in ... and foremost. Such factors are encapsulated in
consultations and surveys, for example. Moore’s (1995) strategic triangle notion where
he discusses the importance of aligning the
This links well with some of the points authorising environment, operational and
advanced by Moore (1995) who argues that the administrative capabilities, and values, goals
creation of public value is the central activity and mission to create public value. From this
of public managers, just as the creation of perspective, policy and management strategies
private value is at the core of private sector must be substantively valuable to the citizenry,
managers’ action. Such a distinction is politically legitimate, feasible and sustainable,
supportedbyHefetzandWarnerwhoarguethatun and operationally possible and practical. Such
liketheirprivatesectorcounterparts,‘...public differences are explored by Stoker (2006) who,
managers do more than steer a market process; in the context of service delivery, points to
they balance technical and political concerns fundamental differences by arguing that public
2007 The Author
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360 Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications September 2007
sector ‘governing is not the same as shopping overlaps with services but, they argued, should
or more broadly buying and selling goods in a be considered separately as they encompass
market economy’ (2006:46). From a much higher order aspirations (e.g. national
contracting perspective, Hefetz and Warner security, poverty reduction, or public health).
(2004) argue that in transactions with For example, garbage collection services may
suppliers, private sector firms’ focus on deliver convenience and aesthetic benefits for
efficiency, quality, security and reliability users, but deliver broader public health
while public managers combine these concerns outcomes for the citizenry (Moore 1995). This
with accountability and public (i.e. collective) reflects the difference between private value
preferences. Such distinctions are important, (i.e. rubbish is collected) and public value (i.e.
especially the recognition that politics is public health is protected) which plays an
central in a public value paradigm. This is important role in distinguishing public and
quite different to the ‘input’ status politics held private activity. The third component relates to
in both traditional administration and NPM trust, legitimacy and confidence in
(Stoker 2006). government and the authors argue that these
In attempting to define the public value are critical to public value creation: ‘even if
paradigm, Stoker (2006:47–49) develops four formal service and outcome targets are met, a
key propositions. The first argues public failure of trust will effectively destroy public
interventions are defined by the search for value’ (Kelly, Mulgan and Muers 2002:17).
public value which contrasts with market For Kelly, Mulgan and Muers (2002) these
failure justifications commonly advanced by three ‘building blocks’ of public value creation
economists. The second, that a wide range of provide the basis for a new way of thinking
stakeholders have legitimacy and should be about government activity and a means of
included and involved in government activity, guiding decision-makers in considering the
contrasts starkly with the traditional model and value they create.
points toward a more collaborative, An important part of the public value
consultative approach. The third, adopting a paradigm is the concept of collective
open-minded relational approach to preferenceswhichdistinguishitfromtheindividu
procurement, sits well with Hughes’ (2006) alist focus of the NPM. Public value creation
claims of a new pragmatism in public sector is said to rely on the politically-mediated
management, rejecting a one-sizefits-all expression of collectively determined
approach to contracting and procurement. The preferences, that is, what the citizenry
final proposition is that an adaptable, learning- determines is valuable (Alford 2002; Kelly,
based approach is required in public service Mulgan and Muers 2002; Moore 1995). This
delivery, and this fits well with Stoker’s (2006) directly contrasts with the idea that individual
focus on networked models, but would surely preferences can be aggregated to reflect what
clash with more market-based approaches that it is that the ‘public’ wants from government,
may be appropriate in some circumstances. as has been the tendency in the NPM
In their work for the UK Cabinet Office, paradigm. As Moore and Braga
Kelly, Mulgan and Muers (2002) identified (2004)notecitizensdecidetogether,viaelected
three key components of public value. They representatives, what they value as a collective
argued that the first component, services, and this represents a far more complex,
provides the vehicle for delivering public diffuseanddelayedsetofexchangeswhichAlfor
value through actual service encounters for d (2002) likened to social exchange. This is
users or clients and the distribution of fairness, quite different to the direct economic
equity and associated values for citizens. The exchange relationships that take place in the
second component, outcomes, commonly private sector, so it is possible to argue that
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O’Flynn 361
public value is something delivered by around the
government organisations to its citizenry achievementofperformancetargets.Inthepublic
rather than to individuals (Alford 2002). value paradigm, public managers have
Encapsulating these points into a new way multiple goals which, in addition to the
of thinking forms the basis for major change achievement of performance targets, are more
and,forStoker(2006)adoptingthepublicvalue broadly concerned with aspects such as
management model would represent a steering networks of providers in the quest for
paradigmatic shift: public value creation, creating and maintaining
trust, and responding to the collective
Public value management does offer a new preferences of the citizenry in addition to those
paradigm and a different narrative of reform. Its
of clients. Such goals dovetail well into the
strength lies in its redefinitions of how to meet
idea that the dominant focus for managers
the challenges of efficiency, accountability, and
equity and in its ability to point to a motivational
shifts from results to relationships in the public
force that does not rely on rules or incentives to value paradigm. As discussed previously,
drive public service reform. It rests on a fuller collective preferences are used to gauge what
and rounder vision of humanity than does either the public values as opposed to the notion of
traditional public administration or new public adding up individual preferences in the
management (2006:56). economically focused NPM. In the NPM
paradigm, the critical performance objectives
From this discussion a public value approach were centred on efficiency and economy
would entail considerable change as it largely reflecting the economic framing of
provides a new means of thinking about government activity and the reconstruction of
government activity, policy-making, and citizens as customers. In the public value
service delivery which directly challenges the paradigm multiple objectives are pursued by
NPM paradigm. The next section highlights public managers including narrower service
key differences between these approaches to objectives, broader outcomes, and the creation
public management and sets out some of the and maintenance of trust and legitimacy. Such
critical implications for public sector changes necessitate a shift in models of
managers. accountability away from narrow performance
Discussion and Implications for Public contracts, for example, toward the use of more
Managers complex systems. The public value paradigm
recognises that a more pragmatic approach to
The previous sections have pointed to the selecting providers to deliver public services
principles, practices and premises of both would
NPM and public value and provide the basis
for developing paradigmatic ideal types,
making comparisons and discussing
implications for public sector managers. This
is especially important because it is through
dominant paradigms that actors, including
public managers, make sense of their activity.
In Table 1, the key differences between NPM
and public value are set out.
NPM can be characterised as both
postbureaucratic and competitive with a clear
and dominant focus on results. Public
managers in this paradigm had goals built

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Table 1. Paradigms of Public Management
New Public Management Public Value Management

Characterisation Post- Post-Competitive

Dominant focus Results Relationships
Managerial Goals Achieve agreed performance targets Multiple goals including responding to
citizen/user preferences, renewing mandate
and trust through quality services, steering
Definition of Individual preference are aggregated Collective preferences are
the Public expressed
Performance Management of inputs and outputs Multiple objectives are pursued including
Objective to ensure economy and service outputs,
responsiveness to consumers satisfaction,outcomes,trustandlegitimacy
Dominant Model of Upward accountability via Multiple accountability systems
Accountability performance contracts; outwards to includingcitizensasoverseersofgovernment,
customers via market mechanisms customers as users and taxpayers as funders

Preferred System of Privatesectorortightlydefinedarmslength Menu of alternatives selected

Delivery public agency pragmatically
Adapted from Kelly, Mulgan and Muers (2002), O’Flynn (2005a) and Stoker (2006)
create more space for the maximisation of Moore’s (1995) construction of the public
public value. value creating manager essentially upends
Such radical paradigmatic change has previous roles:
important, and wide-ranging, implications for
public sector management and public sector Like private sector managers, managers in the
public sector must work hard at the task of
defining publicly valuable enterprises as well as
litics at the centre of the public value
producing that value. Moreover they must be
prepared to adapt and reposition their
asopposedtoitsconstructionasaninputinpreviou organizations in their political and task
s models (Stoker 2006). In a public value environments in addition to simply ensuring their
paradigm, managers negotiate and engage with continuity (Moore 1995:55).
different constituencies: they must negotiate
up into their authorising environment or the [Public managers] are neither clerks nor martyrs.
political realm and out toward clients. Smith Instead they are explorers commissioned by
argues that this presents public managers with society to search for public value (Moore
a profound challenge because they ‘... have to 1995:299).
make a case for the value they claim to create’
(2004:70,emphasisadded).Thisrequiresaradica Such radical changes will create managerial
l redefinition of the role of public managers as challenges. This is especially so given the
they would move beyond the constrained roles complexity that the public value paradigm
they adopted in the traditional administration acknowledges and its attempts to overcome
paradigm (i.e. as implementers of political the fracturing and fragmentation that occurred
grand plans) and the NPM paradigm (i.e. under the NPM as managers were encouraged
pursuers of results and efficiency gains), to to pursue agency specific targets rather than
advocates in the public value paradigm. broader goals (Stoker 2006). Within the public
2007 The Author
Journal compilation 2007 National Council of the Institute of Public Administration
O’Flynn 363
value paradigm it is more readily accepted that with a public value frame. As Broussine has
governmentactivityisinterconnectedandinterd argued:
ependent and, as such, may require more
In order to solve complex problems, public
collaborative effort in the pursuit of public leaders have to be able to initiate concerted
value. Stoker’s (2006) work, for example, action not only within their own organisations
explicitly attempts to link public value but among a set of stakeholders with different
management with network governance forms. and competing interests. This means that
Here he argues that public managers need to traditional models of organisational leadership
be able to ‘manage through networks, to be have their limitations, as they may help to make
open to learning in different ways, and to draw public organisations more performance- and
in resources from a range of sources’ (Stoker customeroriented but they are not adequate to
2006:41). Smith address boundary-spanning public problems in a
(2004)arguesthiswillplaceconsiderablestrain context of fragmented authority (Broussine
and pressure on public officials through 2003:175).
increased emphasis on consultation,
communication, deliberation and ultimately Such a call to arms fits well with a new role for
defining public value. He then goes on to public managers, one which sharply contrasts
question whether governments actually have with the neutral, anonymous bureaucrat of the
the policy and managerial capability to deal traditional model, but also with the narrow
with the issues confronting them. This is agency-focused manager of the competitive
because, on the ground, it means that, model. Luke, for example, argued that in order
‘[t]o create strategic action on urgent public
Public officials must engage political authority,
problems, federal, state, and local agencies and
collaborate with each other within and across
institutional boundaries, manage efficiently and
communities [have] to reach out
effectively, engage with communities and users beyondtheirboundariesandengageamuchwider
of services and reflectively develop their own set of individuals, agencies and stakeholders
sense of vocation and public duty (Smith (1998:xiii). We might interpret such problems
2004:69–70). or broader pursuits as the creation of public
Suchinter-agencyandcross-boundarymethods Broussine (2003) has highlighted a range of
of operating place considerable stress on leadership skills that modern public managers
public managers to develop both boundary- require to operate effectively including:
spanning (Williams 2002) and diplomacy toleranceforambiguityanduncertainty;recognit
(Rhodes 1997) skills to navigate the ion of omniscience (i.e. that they can never
complexities of new arrangements. Redrawing have full knowledge); maintenance of personal
the basis for government activity through a perspectiveandself-
public value paradigm provides a basis for knowledge;criticalreflection; and distributed
redefining and reconstructing public sector leadership (i.e. within and outside the
activity and efforts, especially to confront immediate organisation). These leadership
complex policy problems where public value skill requirements link well with notions of
creation or depletion may occur. Such public value, especially when we consider
interconnected problems pose challenges to moves toward whole-of-government or
public managers schooled in the virtues of joinedup models of governing and network
competition, contracts and efficiency first and governance forms. They do, however,
foremost. Again this requires public managers represent a challenge to existing capabilities.
to work across boundaries and develop new This partly reflects, of course, the dominance
leadership skills (OECD 2001) to better fit of NPM where the pursuit of results and a cost

2007 The Author

Journal compilation 2007 National Council of the Institute of Public Administration
364 Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications September 2007
and efficiency focus were rewarded. In public value were marginalised in the quest for
collaborative forms of working, which may efficiency and, consequently, the adoption of a
better fit with the pursuit of public value, public value perspective will represent a
longer-term relationship management skills further paradigmatic change.
focused on conflict resolution, trust building, Such change, however, would redefine the
information sharing, and goal clarity, are role of managers within the public sphere and
required (Domberger and Fernandez 1999; present a series of challenges to the existing
Entwistle and Martin 2005). capabilities which have developed with the
Another important managerial implication is NPM paradigm. Considerable attention will be
the requirement to develop a keen sense of required to be devoted to the development of
‘what works’. In part this may reflect Hughes’ new skills if managers are to effectively
argument that, ‘[w]hat is actually happening in navigate the complexities that come with
publicsectormanagementisanewpragmatism. paradigmatic change.
The old ideological debates are largely
disappearing ... If a bureaucratic solution is
best for a particular task then use it; if a market
solution will work then use it’ (2006:11). More 1. More recently, however, cracks have
fundamentally it requires an ability to weigh appeared and the search for a new way of
up, for example, which governance structures thinking about, and enacting public
will work best in what circumstances, or which management practice has begun, in part to
relationship form is most appropriate under address the supposed
what conditions (O’Flynn 2005a). This new weaknessesofNPM.Thiswillnotlikelyunderpin
pragmatism therefore might underpin better areturntothebureaucraticmodel,butrather spark
functional matching, allowing public a paradigmatic change which attempts to
managers to select the sector (for example, redefine how we think about the state, its
public, private, or not-for-profit) that best purpose and thus, ways of functioning,
undertakes activities to do so. However, such operating and managing.
recognition is not automatic and is often driven 2. The term paradigm is used broadly
by political factors. Weighing up the options, hererather than in a strict Kuhnsian sense. For
negotiating the authorising environment, a full discussion of whether NPM is a
selecting the most appropriate means of paradigm, and what level of paradigm, see
managing relationships, and putting such Gow and Dufour
systems in place presents an enormous (2000).
challenge to existing public sector managerial
capabilities. 3. As Seddon (2004) rightly notes,
government organisations cannot legally
Conclusion contract with themselves. However, there are
commonly quasi-contractual arrangements put
The notion of public value is garnering in place via service agreements when internal
considerable attention in practitioner and providers are used.
academic literature. This is especially the case
in Australia where some of the most radical 4. Transaction costs are the resources
experiments with NPM took place through the necessary ‘for developing, maintaining, and
1980s and 1990s. The purpose of this article protecting the institutional structure’ (Pejovich
was to set out a new public value paradigm and 1998:9).Examplesincludethecostsoflocating
compare and contrast it to NPM. It can be sellers, and those associated with the
argued that under NPM, broader notions of
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