Unit 2 2022- Final 3 ثانوي

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THE SPARK - 2022

Unit 2 : Her story

People who inspire
Firsts for Egyptian women
This week, we are celebrating three remarkable Egyptian women who broke
down stereotypes and prejudices, demonstrating that women’s place in society is
important and continues to grow.
Hilana Sedarous
Education: London Medical School
Hilana Sedarous was the first Egyptian woman to become a doctor in modern
Egypt. She was born in Tanta and was sent to London in 1922 to study
mathematics and medicine with five other Egyptian students. They were considered
to be the first medical students to study in England. In 1930 she qualified as a
doctor and returned to Egypt where she opened a private clinic for women. She was
treating patients until she was 70 years old. After retiring, she started writing and
translating stories for children.
Yasmeen Yehya Moustafa
Born: 1998
Awards: 1st place in the Intel Science and Engineering competition, NASA named a
planet after her recognizing her contribution to science.
Education: Maadi STEM School for Girls, Middle East Technical University
Yasmeen is a role model for other young Egyptian women. Born in Damietta, she
defied stereotypes, moving to Cairo alone to attend the Maadi STEM school
encouraged by her mother. Yasmeen's winning invention was sparked by the need
for cleaner water in her village. She found that burning rice straw gave clean water
and also produced a natural fuel which can be used to generate electricity. She
says her school gave her the confidence to innovate and to defy prejudice: `I can
change the world'.
2021 : A great year for Egyptian women athletes!
2021 was an amazing year for Egyptian female athletes. At the Tokyo
Olympics Games, Ferial Abdelaziz became the first female Egyptian to win karate
gold medal. Ferial studied to become a pharmacist, and had played karate since she
was seven. Before she won the Olympic gold medal, she had already won a bronze
medal at the world championship in Spain and a silver medal at the 2019 African
Games in Morocco.

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However, Ferial was not the only Egyptian to win a medal at the Tokyo Olympics ,
Giana Farouk won a bronze medal at the same event. Giana had also won a gold
medal at the Africa Games in Congo in 2015 and three gold medals at the world
championships ( two in Germany in 2019 and one in Austria in 2016).
Also in 2021, Egyptian tennis player Mayar Sherif became the first Egyptian woman to
be ranked in the top of 100 players of the women's tennis Association (WTA), reaching
number 74 in Septemper. This was after she reached the (WTA) finals in Romania,
where she lost to Andrea Petkovic. Earlier tn the year, she beat Chloe Paquet from
France in the first round of the 2021 Australian Open. Up until then, no Egyptian woman
had won a match in a Grand Slam tournament. These great women athletes and
many others faced many obstacles and challenges. However, they were able to
overcome them and proudly put Egypt on the word map of sports. The secret
formula for their success was hard work, determination and a lot of patience.
Mayar Sherif makes Egyptian tennis history
Egyptian tennis player Mayar Sherif became the first Egyptian woman to win a
match at a major tournament when she beat Chloe Paquet from France in the first
round of the 2021 Australian Open on Tuesday. Up until then, she hadn’t won a
match in a Grand Slam tournament, although she had previously played at the French
Open in September 2020, where she lost in the first round. In fact, she’d only been
playing professional tennis since January 2020. In an interview after the match she
said she was proud of what she had achieved. She said she wasn’t used to such
fast courts and the heat, but every day she had been improving and getting used to
the conditions. She also mentioned that since the French Open, Mo Salah, the
Liverpool football star had been giving her advice about the mental side of competing
and sleeping which had helped her game. It was Mayar’s parents, big fans of the
game, who had first got Mayar and her three sisters into playing.In 2016, when she
was 20, she went to play tennis at an American University. Before that she had been
training in Spain. She has received a big reaction from the Egyptian public after her
win and this is helping to bring attention to the game. Asked what advice she had for
other hopeful female players, she said that anyone could do it with hard work; they
just had to believe in themselves and fight through the obstacles.
Listening Text
An interview with Mayar Sherif
Interviewer: How long had you been playing tennis when you played your first
professional match?
Mayar : Let’s think, I started when I was five so I had been playing for 15 years.
Interviewer: Had you ever competed on clay courts before you played at the
French Open?
Mayar : No, it was the first time I had played on a clay court in a professional

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Interviewer: Did you think you were going to win the match against Chloe?
Mayar : No, to be honest, before the match I hadn’t been hitting the ball very
well. The courts were fast and it was difficult. But little by little I had been
playing better and by the time I played against her I felt confident.
A report about a handball player
What’s her dream?
In 2021 Fatma was 21. Before this time, Fatma had been playing top handball
for many years. Before she went to university, Fatma had already played for the
Egyptian youth team, the under-eighteens and before she graduated, she had
played for the under-twenties. She became one of the best women handball
players in the country. In 2021, Egypt did not have a handball team for players over
21. When we spoke to Fatma, she said that in the past the country had spent a lot
of money on the men’s handball team, which helped it to become very successful.
She hoped that the sports organisers would spend money on a women’s team in
the future. She also pointed out that in the past women had been very successful in
other sports such as Hedaya Malak and Sara Ahmed who won medals at the 2016
Olympics. She said there was no reason women handball players could not do
extremely well too. Let’s hope that soon her dream will come true and that there will
be an international Egyptian handball team for women over twenty one. We are sure
that they will be very successful.
A podcast about the Maadi STEM school in Cairo
Why don’t more girls study STEM subjects?
Despite the fact that in most countries there are more girls at university than
boys, fewer girls than boys complete STEM university degrees. More girls are in
school today than ever before, but they don’t always have the same opportunities as
boys to choose the education or subjects they want. Too many girls are held back
by gender biases, stereotypes and social norms ‫ ذماٌُذ‬and expectations which
influence the subjects they study. Research has shown that even though girls often
get better grades than boys in STEM subjects in lower school, they choose not to
carry on studying them later on because they worry they won’t be able to follow
classes and they will get poor grades. Well, one answer to this is old girls’ schools
where it seems that girls are less likely to conform ‫افك‬ٛ‫ يت‬to stereotypes and tend to
be more confident about their abilities.
One school in Cairo has gone one step farther than this. The Maadi STEM school
for girls is a school which specializes in STEM. One of its students is Hoda Mandour,
a seventeen-year old girl from the Nile Delta. Like most teenagers, she loves playing
sport and listening to music, but what makes her different is the scientific research
she is doing at school. Last May, she and two other students took first place in an
international science and engineering fair, where 1600 of the best and brightest
students in the world had presented their ideas. Together these girls have found a

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way to purify drinking water using 24% less energy than typically used. Hoda says
what they study there is far more interesting than in the old school. She says, “We do
real research. Here everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student.”
The aim of the school is to raise a generation of critical thinkers and leaders.
Certainly, the girls at Maadi STEM are inspired and motivated to become the next
leaders. Hoda’s ambition after she graduates is to find a cure for Alzheimer’s
disease, a disease which affects the brains of older people.
A speech about Women’s Day
Today, I’m going to talk about Women’s Day in Egypt. Egypt’s Women’s Day is
on the sixteenth of March, but in 2019 there was a special sixteen days for Egyptian
women from the first to the sixteenth of March. The organizers had chosen these
days to remember the events in 1919 when women marched on the street to
complain about colonial rule. This event was to remember women’s contribution
to the Egyptian society.
In my opinion, women are increasingly important in Egyptian society. For example,
there are now around ninety women who are members of parliament, more than
ever before. In 2021 many women have become judges for the first time. The future
is bright for Egyptian women.
Book of the week
What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge .Susan Coolidge, an American author born in
1835, is still a big inspiration to many of today’s female authors. What Katy Did is a
story following the adventures of Katy and her brothers and sisters. Katy, 12, has an
accident on a swing and can’t walk. Her aunt had told her not to use the swing, but she
hadn’t explained why. It was broken.
Before the accident, Katy had been a tomboy. She was a little bit naughty and
always getting into trouble. She didn’t care about her clothes and often got dirty climbing
trees. She often argued with her brothers and sisters. After her accident, she
becomes very angry and miserable for a while. She gets very impatient and cross
with everyone. However, her cousin, Clara, who is disabled, encourages her to be
kinder and more cheerful. Katy learns she must make the best of things or lose the love
of her family. She becomes the heart’ of the family. At the end of the book, she learns to
walk again.
Complete from the bar graph:
Share of female doctors in selected countries in 2015:
Latvia 74.3% Estonia 73.3% Netherlands 51.7%
Spain 51.6% United Kingdom 45.8% Italy 40.3%
Australia 39.4% United States 34.1% Japan 20.3%
Source: OECD Health Statistics 2016

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Female doctors by country
The bar graph shows the percentage of female doctors in certain given countries
around the world. It can be seen that there is a very significant difference across
countries, from a majority of women doctors in some countries to a small minority in
others. The country with the highest number of women doctors is......(1)..........., which
has nearly three-quarters of female doctors, while the country with the smallest number
is .......(2)............., where less than a quarter of doctors are women. Netherlands and
......(3).............................. have very similar numbers of women doctors; around half the
doctors in those countries are women. However, another European country
.........(4)............... has around 10% fewer women doctors.
In conclusion, the most surprising thing about the figures is the big differences
across different countries, which do not seem to be related to region, or size or
economic development of the country. In other words, there does not seem to be any
obvious pattern to the results. It is especially interesting to note the very low number
of women doctors in Japan. That may reflect the stereotype that Japanese women are
usually expected to look after, the home.

contribution (n) ‫ مشاركة‬- ‫إسهام‬ inspire (v) ‫ ٌشجّ ع‬- ‫ٌلهــم‬

lecture (n) / (v) ‫محاضرة – ٌلقى محاضرة‬ inspiring (adj) ‫ملهم‬
lecturer (n) ‫محاضر‬ inspiration (n) ‫الهام‬
scholarship (n) ‫منحه دراسٌه‬ biography ‫سٌره ذاتٌه‬
viewer ‫ متفرج‬- ‫مشاهد‬ qualities ‫ سمات‬- ‫صفات‬
education ‫تعلٌم‬ emergency ‫طواريء‬
speech (n) ‫ كالم‬-‫خطبه‬ encourage ‫ٌشجع‬
equality ‫المساواه‬ encouragement ‫تشجٌع‬
inequality ‫عدم المساواه‬ responsible ‫مسئول‬
challenging ‫مثٌر للتحدي‬ responsibility ‫مسئولٌة‬
stereotype ‫فكرة أو صورة نمطٌة‬ sensible ً‫ منطق‬- ‫واع‬
award (v) / (n) ‫ جائزة‬- ‫ٌمنح جائزة‬ degree ‫ حراره‬-‫درجه علمٌه‬
results ‫نتاثج‬ physics ‫فٌزٌاء‬
expert in-on ً‫خبٌر ف‬ female ً‫انث‬
physicist ‫غالم فٌزٌاء‬ honour (v) / (n) ‫ٌكرم‬-‫شرف – فخر‬
prejudice ‫ التحامل‬-‫التعصب‬ the middle east ‫الشرق االوسط‬
qualify (v) ‫ٌؤهل‬ Persian ً‫فارس‬
role model ‫نموذج‬ archaeology ‫علم اآلثار‬
spark ‫ برٌق‬-‫ٌلمع‬ archaeologist ‫عالم آثار‬
extract ‫ مقتبس‬-‫مقتطف‬ sites ‫مواقع‬
a training course ‫دوره تدرٌبٌه‬ the first world war ً‫الحرب العالمٌه االول‬
fixed ‫ راسخ‬-‫ثابت‬ borders ‫الحدود‬
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symbol ‫رمز‬ director ‫مدٌر‬
recognise ً‫ٌتعرف عل‬ antiquities ‫اثار‬
star ‫ ٌتألق‬- ‫ٌمثل‬ artifacts (USA) ‫اعمال فنٌة ٌدوٌه‬
unfair ‫ غٌر عادل‬-‫ظالم‬ artefacts (British) ‫تحف‬
unreasonable ‫غٌر معقول‬ spark (v) ‫ٌلمع – ٌرسل شررا‬
knowledge ‫معرفه‬ achieve ‫ٌحقق‬
confident ‫واثق‬ achievement ‫انجاز‬
planet ‫كوكب‬ celebrate ‫ٌحتفل‬
name after ‫ٌسمً باسم‬ celebration ‫احتفال‬
alone ‫بمفرده‬ remarkable ‫ ممٌز‬-‫ملحوظ‬
realise ‫ ٌفهم‬- ‫ٌدرك‬ consider ‫ٌعتبر‬
face ‫ وجه‬- ‫ٌواجـــه‬ translate ‫ٌترجم‬
mathematics ‫رٌاضٌات‬ engineering ‫هندسه‬
stem school ‫مدرسه متفوقٌن‬ tend to ‫ٌمٌل الى‬
technical ً‫فن‬ attend ‫ٌحضر‬
defy ‫ ٌتحدي‬- ‫ٌرفض‬ burning ‫احتراق‬
interview ‫مقابله شخصٌة – لقاء‬ produce ‫ٌنتج‬
straw ‫قش‬ electricity ‫كهرباء‬
natural fuel ً‫وقود طبٌع‬ difficulties ‫االختالف‬
generate ‫ٌولد‬ a teen ‫مراهق‬
grow up ‫ٌنش ٌنمو‬ professional ‫محترف‬
commission ‫ عموله‬-‫ مهمه‬-‫لجنه‬ invention ‫اختراع‬
profile ً‫ملف شخص‬ confidence ‫ثقه‬
major ً‫رثٌس‬ innovate ‫ٌبدع‬
proud of ‫فخور بـ‬ special ‫خاص‬
break down ‫ ٌثور‬-‫ٌتعطل‬ bubble ‫فقاعه‬
demonstrate (v) ‫ ٌتظاهر‬- ‫ ٌبرهن‬-‫ٌوضح‬ success ‫نجاح‬
society ‫مجتمع‬ beat ‫ٌهزم‬
class ‫ فصل‬-‫درحه‬ previous ‫السابق‬
arts ‫ اداب‬- ‫فنون‬ heat ‫ ٌسخن‬-‫الحراره‬
nuclear power ‫طاقه نووٌه‬ mention ‫ٌذكر‬
medical ً‫طب‬ reaction ‫رد فعل‬
goal ‫هدف‬ attitude ‫ رأي‬-‫اتجاه‬
research ‫بحث‬ decision ‫قرار‬
treatment ‫عالج‬ honest ‫امٌن‬
x-rays ‫اشعه اكس‬ assume ‫ٌفترض‬
available for ‫متاح‬ influence (v) / (n) ‫ تأثٌر‬-‫ٌؤثر‬
atom ‫ذره‬ stem subjects ‫مواد مدارس المتفوقٌن‬
metals ‫معادن‬ author ‫مؤلف‬
impressive ‫ جمٌل‬- ‫مؤثر‬ tomboy ‫مسترجله‬

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attendant ‫مقدم الخدمات‬ naughty ‫مشاغب‬
firsts ‫اولوٌات‬ miserable ‫باثس‬
court ‫ ملعب‬-‫ ساحه‬-‫محكمه‬ cross ‫ ٌعبر‬-‫غاضب‬
tournament ‫دوري‬ cheerful ‫مرح‬
round ‫جوله‬ nature ‫طبٌعه‬
world cup ‫كأس العالم‬ percentage ‫نسبه‬
hold ‫ ٌمسك‬-‫ ٌقٌم‬-‫ٌعقد‬ graph ً‫رسم بٌان‬
competition ‫منافسه‬ noticeable ‫ٌتم مالحظته‬
dream ‫حلم‬ difference ‫االختالف‬
graduate ‫ ٌتخرج‬-‫حرٌج‬ Netherlands ‫هولندا‬
musician ‫موسٌقار‬ economic ‫تنمٌه اقتصادٌه‬
flood ‫ ٌفٌض‬- ‫فٌضان‬ note ‫ ٌالحظ‬-‫مالحظه‬
apologise ‫ٌعتذر‬ tips ‫نصاثح‬
death ‫الموت‬ women’s day ‫عٌد االم‬
obtain ً‫ٌحصل عل‬ hide ً‫ٌخف‬
president ‫الرثٌس‬ aim to ً‫ٌهدف ال‬
first class order ‫وسام االستحقاق من الدرجة‬ determination ‫ تصمٌم‬-‫عزم‬
private clinic ‫عٌاده خاصه‬ obstacles ‫عقبات‬
remain (v) – (n) ‫ بقاٌا‬- ً‫ٌبق‬ disabled ‫معوق‬
treat ‫ ٌعامل‬- ‫ٌعالج‬ heart ‫قلب‬
retire ‫ٌتقاعد‬ cruel ً‫قاس‬
improve ‫ٌحسن‬ majority ‫االغلبٌه‬
mental side ً‫جانب عقل‬ raise ً‫ ٌرب‬-‫ٌرفع‬
bring attention ‫ٌجلب االهتمام‬ surprising ‫مدهش‬
activities ‫اشطه‬ European country ً‫بلد اروب‬
gap ‫فجوة‬ conclusion ‫ استنتاج‬-‫خاتمه‬
superiority ‫افضلٌه‬ obvious ‫واضح‬
powerlift ‫حمل اثقال‬ reflect ‫ٌعكس‬
statement ‫ بٌان‬-‫عباره‬ clear ‫ ٌبريء‬- ‫واضح‬
reasons ‫اسباب‬ repeat ‫ٌكرر‬
swing ‫مرجٌحه‬ last for ‫ٌستمر‬
volunteer ‫متطوع‬ inferiority ‫ قصور‬-‫عجز‬
trouble ‫متاعب‬ patience ‫الصبر‬
a while ‫لحظه‬ challenges ‫تحدٌات‬
conditions. ‫ شروط‬-‫ ظروف‬-‫حاالت‬ patient ‫صبور‬
fans ‫ معجبٌن‬- ‫مشجعٌن‬ character ‫شخصٌه‬
obstacles ‫عقبات‬ three-quarters ‫ثالثه ارباع‬
fight ‫ ٌقاتل‬-‫ٌحارب‬ alternative ‫بدٌل‬
clay courts ‫مالعب طٌنٌة‬ significant ‫مدهش‬

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require ‫ٌتطلب‬ figures ‫ شخصٌات‬-‫ اشكال‬-‫ارقام‬
strength ‫قوه‬ region ‫منطقه‬
grade ً‫ صف دراس‬-‫درجه‬ court (v) ‫ ٌعاكس‬-‫ٌغازل‬
classmates ‫زمالء دراسه‬ formula ‫ تركٌبة‬- ‫وصفه‬
adventures ‫مغامرات‬ athletes ‫رٌاضٌون‬
organisers ‫المنظمون‬ pattern ‫نموذج‬
argue ‫ٌجادل‬ expect ‫ٌتوقع‬
impatient ‫غٌر صابر‬ contact ‫ اتصال‬- ‫ٌتصل‬
scholarship (c. n ) an amount of money given to someone by an organization
‫ منحة دراسٌة‬to help pay for their education
She won a scholarship to study at Stanford.
Prejudice an unfair or unreasonable opinion because you don't have
‫ تعصب – تحٌز‬enough knowledge

lecture (v) ‫ ٌحاضر‬to talk to a group of people about a subject

lecturer (n) ‫ محاضر‬a person who teaches at university
influence (v) ‫ ٌؤثر على‬have an effect on the way someone or something develops
or behaves
determination (n) firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired end
‫تصمٌم – عزٌمة‬
honour (n) ‫ شرف‬a quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty
contribution (n) something that you contribute or do to help produce or
‫اسهام‬ achieve something together with other people, or
to help make something successful
role model ‫ قدوة‬a person young people can look up to and try to be like
Physics ‫ الفٌزٌاء‬the science that deals with the structure of objects and
Physicist ‫ فٌزٌائى‬someone who works in physics
round (n) ‫ جولة‬a stage in a sports completion
Social norms ‫المعاٌٌر‬ are unwritten rules of behavior shared by members of a
‫ االجتماعٌة‬given group or society.
A tomboy ‫ فتاه مسترجلة‬a girl who likes playing the same games as boys
Grand Slam In tennis, the term Grand Slam refers to the
َ‫الخ اٌجزأذ سال‬ٛ‫تط‬ accomplishment of winning all four major championships-
the championships of Australia, France, Britain
(Wimbledon), and the United States-in the same calendar
artefact (c.n) an object such as a tool, weapon etc that was made in the

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‫تذفح أثزيح‬ past and is historically important
critical thinker ٜ‫ ِفىز ٔمذ‬Someone who has the ability to think clearly and rationally,
understanding the logical connection between ideas.
STEM Science, technology, engineering and maths
OECD ْٚ‫ِٕظّح اٌتؼا‬ The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
‫اٌتّٕيح‬ٚ ٜ‫االلتظاد‬ Development.
Prepositions & Expressions
worried about ‫ َقـلِـــــق بشأن‬in conclusion ‫فى الختام‬
the highest number of ‫ اعلً عدد ل‬a European country ً‫بلد اورب‬
be related to ‫ مرتبط بـ‬obvious pattern ‫نموذج واضح‬
do a project about - on ‫ ٌقوم بعمل بحث عن‬eye contact ً‫اثصال مرث‬
the Egyptian women’s ‫ عٌد االم المصري‬ask for equality at work ً‫ٌطالب بالمساواة ف‬
day ‫العمل‬
practise reading aloud ‫ ٌمارس القراءه‬the rest of the class. ‫باقً الفصل‬
ً‫بصوت عال‬
throw stones at ً‫ ٌلقً بحجاره عل‬quite cheerful ‫مرح الً حد ما‬
inspire interest ‫ ٌثٌر االهتمام – ٌحفز‬do research into- on ً‫ٌقوم ببحث ف‬
a good natured girl ‫ بنت ذات طبٌعه‬a better natured girl ‫بنت ذات طبٌعه جٌده‬
take part in = share in ً‫ ٌشارك ف‬well-behaved ‫حسن السلوك‬
in a fix ‫ فى ورطة \ موقف‬behave badly ‫ٌتصرف بطرٌقه سٌئة‬
identical to ‫ متطابق مع‬the less developed ‫الدول االقل تقدما‬
a traditional society the less developing ‫الدول االقل نموا‬
‫مجتمع تقلٌدي‬
break down stereotypes ‫ ٌثور علً النمطٌه‬communicate with ‫ٌتواصل مع‬
cross with= angry with ‫ غاضب من‬on business ‫فً مهمه عمل‬
participate in ‫ ٌشارك فــ‬convince = persuade ‫ٌقنـــــــع‬
equal to ‫ مساو لـ‬search for ‫ٌبحث عن‬
look forward to + v. ing ً‫ ٌتطلع ال‬responsible for = in ‫مسئول عن‬
charge of
name after ‫ ٌسمً باسم‬be natural with ‫طبٌعى مع‬
care about / for ‫ ٌهتم بـ‬busy with + n / v.ing ‫مشغول بـ‬
reason for ‫ سبب لـ‬health problems ‫مشكالت صحٌة‬
cause of ‫ سبب لـ‬influential writer ‫كاتب مؤثر‬
good-natured ‫ دسم الخلق‬conduct ( do-carry out ) ‫ٌجري استطالع‬
a survey

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make contribution to ً‫ ٌقدم إسهامات ف‬a cure for = treatment ‫عالج لـ‬
ٍ‫َمذَ إسهاِاخ ف‬ for
powered by ‫ ٌدار بواسطه‬have all the qualities to ‫لدٌه كل الصفات‬
encourage to ‫ ٌشجع على‬earn money ‫ٌكسب مال‬
discourage from ‫ ال ٌشجع على‬take turns ‫ٌتناوب األدوار‬
reach / achieve goals ‫ ٌحقق اهداف‬continue to ‫ٌستمر فى‬
score goals ‫ ٌحرز أهداف‬reach a level ‫ٌصل لمستوى معٌن‬
give goals ‫ ٌحدد أهداف‬have much influence ‫له تأثٌر كبٌر‬
set a goal ‫ ٌحدد هدف‬available for ‫متاح لـ‬
win awards for ‫ ٌفوز بجوائز لـ‬pay attention to ‫بعطى اهتمام لـ‬
) ً‫ قلب حجر ( قاس‬fight through the ‫ٌحارب العقبات‬
a heart of stone
grow up ‫ ٌنضج‬/ ‫ ٌكبر‬lecture at … about - on ‫ عن‬... ً‫ٌحاضر ف‬
proud of ُ‫ اس‬/ to ‫ِصذر‬ ‫ فخور بـ‬make a speech ‫ٌعد خطاب‬
psychological side ً‫ جانب نفس‬similar to ‫مشابه لـ‬

spiritual side ً‫ جانب روح‬on the radio – on TV ‫فً اإلذاعة‬

physical side ً‫ جانب بدن‬show respect to ‫ٌُظهر اإلحترام لـ‬
mental side ً‫ جانب عقل‬recommend something ً‫ٌقترح شًء عل‬
to someone ‫شخص‬

honour (n) respect – esteem - regard – glory – ‫شرف – احترام‬
gentlemanliness - chivalry
honour (v) respect – esteem - dignify ‫ٌكرم – ٌضفى شرفا لـ‬
significant (adj) important ‫ مرعب‬- ‫مخٌف‬
norm (n) standard – criterion - model ‫ نموذج‬- ‫معٌار‬
tournament (n) competition – contest – quiz ‫دورة‬
confidence (n) trust – faith – certainty – credit ‫ثقة‬
courage (n) bravery – boldness ‫شجاعة‬
equality (n) parity – equivalence ‫ المساواه‬- ‫التكافؤ‬
prejudice (n) bias ‫تحٌز‬
misery (n) poverty – unhappiness ‫بؤس‬
inspiration (n) revelation ‫ وحى‬- ‫الهام‬
attitude (n) position – situation – behavior ‫موقف‬
responsible (adj) accountable – liable ‫مسئول‬
award (n) prize – distinction ‫ وسام‬- ‫جائزة‬
award (v) accord – grant ‫ٌمنح‬
alternative (n) replacement ‫بدٌل‬

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remarkable exceptional - noticeable ‫استثنائى – ملحوظ‬
grumpy testy – bad - tempered ‫حاد الطباع‬
honour (n) ‫ شرف‬dishonor–shame– ‫ عار‬- ‫خزى‬
professional ‫ واقعى‬amateur ‫هاو‬
male ‫ ذكر‬female ‫أنثى‬
look up to ‫ ٌحترم‬look down on ‫ٌحتقر‬
encourage … to ‫ ٌشجع‬discourage …. from ‫ٌثنى عن‬
cruel ً‫ قاس‬kind – gentle – fatherly ‫رقٌق‬
naughty ‫ مزعج‬well-behaved ‫ذو تصرف جٌد‬
patient ‫ صبور‬impatient ‫غٌر صابر‬
cross ‫ عاضب‬uncross- cheerful ‫مرح‬
majority ‫ االغلبٌه‬minority ‫االقلٌه‬
agree ‫ ٌوافق‬disagree ‫ال ٌوافق‬
trust ‫ ٌثق بـ‬suspect ً‫ٌشك ف‬
responsible ‫ مسئول‬irresponsible ‫ متهور‬- ‫طائش‬
famous ‫ مشهور‬infamous ‫مغمور‬
natural ً‫ طبٌع‬artificial = man made ‫ من صنع االنسان‬- ً‫صناع‬
confidence ‫ الثقــــة‬doubt ‫الشــــك‬
defy ‫ ٌتحدي‬-‫ ٌعارض‬approve ‫ ٌستحسن‬- ‫ٌوافق‬
considerate ‫ مراع لشعور الغٌر‬inconsiderate ‫غبرمراع لشعور الغٌر‬
death ‫ الموت‬life ‫الحٌاه‬
result ‫ نتٌجه‬cause ‫سبب‬
busy ‫ مشغول‬free ‫ حر‬- ً‫فاض‬
firsts ‫ اولوٌات‬ends ‫نهاٌات‬
broad ‫ عرٌض‬narrow ‫ضٌق‬
usual ‫ عادي‬unusual ‫غٌر عادي‬
important ‫ مهم‬unimportant ‫غٌر مهم‬
intelligent ً‫ ذك‬stupid ً‫غب‬
win ‫ ٌفوز‬lose ‫ٌخسر‬
confident ‫ واثق‬unconfident ‫ مهزوز‬-‫غٌر واثق‬
patient ‫ صبور‬impatient ‫غٌر صبور‬

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Verb Noun Adjective
influence ‫ٌؤثر على‬ influence ‫ تأثٌر‬influential ‫مؤثر – فعال‬
compete ‫ٌنافس‬ competitor ‫مناااااااافس‬ - competitive ً‫تنافس‬
competition ‫منافسة‬
advise ‫ٌنصح‬ advice ‫ نصٌحة‬advisable ‫مرغوب فٌه‬
confide ‫ٌأمن – ٌثق فى‬ confidence ‫ ثقة‬confident ‫واثق‬
differ ‫ٌختلف‬ difference ‫ اختالف‬different ‫مختلف‬
authorize ‫ٌفوض – ٌاذن‬ authorization ‫ اذن – تفوٌض‬authorizable ‫مصرح به‬
honour ‫ٌكرم‬ honour ‫ شرف – فخر‬honourable ‫ موقر‬- ‫مبجل‬
affect ‫ٌؤثر‬ effect ‫ تأثٌر‬effective ‫مؤثر – فعال‬
inspire ‫ٌلهم‬ inspiration ‫ الهام‬inspired ‫مُـل َهـــم‬
defy ‫ ٌواجه‬- ‫ٌتحدى‬ defiance ‫ التحدى – المواجهة‬defiant ‫جرىء‬
innovate ‫ٌبدع‬ innovation ‫ ابداع‬innovative ‫ابداعى‬
believe ‫ٌصدق‬ belief ‫ اٌمان – اعتقاد‬believable ‫قابل للتصدٌق‬
disable ‫ٌقعد عن العمل‬ disability ‫ اعاقة‬disabled ‫معاق‬
graduate ‫ٌتخرج‬ graduation ‫ التخرج‬graduated ‫متدرج‬
specialize in ‫ٌتخصص فى‬ specialist ‫ أخصائى‬specialized ‫متخصص‬
specialization ‫تخصص‬
................. intelligence ‫ الذكاء‬intelligent ‫ذكى‬
research ‫ٌجري بحث‬ researcher ‫باحث‬
contribute to ‫ٌسهم فى‬ contribution ‫اسهام‬

Language Notes
honour (n) ‫شرف – احترام – وسام الشرف‬
- - He graduated with a second-class honours degree in physics.
- - Tom has just graduated with first-class honours in psychology.
- - It's an honour to have you here today, Mr President.
In honour of ‫تكرٌما لـ‬
- - This monument was erected in honour of the martyrs during the civil war.
honour (v) ‫ٌكرم – ٌضفى شرفا لـ‬
- He was honoured for his bravery.
contribute (v) ‫ٌسهم فى – ٌتبرع‬
- - Tourism contributes substantially to the local economy.
contribution (n) ‫االسهام – المشاركة‬
- - All contributions no matter how small, will be much appreciated.
- - Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.

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qualify (v) ‫ ٌصف‬- ‫ٌؤهل‬
- He qualified as a doctor last year.
- The adverb usually qualifies a verb.
qualified (adj) ‫مؤهل‬
- The teaching staff are all highly qualified.
qualification (n) ‫مؤهل‬
- He left school with no qualifications.
rank (n) = status ‫مكانة – منزلة – رتبة عسكرٌة‬
- The captain was promoted to the rank of major.
- Promotion will mean that I'm immediately above him in rank.
rank (v) = classify / class ‫ٌصنف‬
- - She ranked the bottles in order of size along the shelf.
- court (n) ‫محكمة‬
- Please describe to the court exactly what you saw.
- The Supreme Court judged him guilty.
- court (n) ) ‫ملعب ( تنس – كرة طائرة – اسكواش‬
- a tennis / volleyball / basketball / squash court
- - Mayar wasn’t used to playing on clay courts.
- overcome (v) ‫ٌتغلب على‬
- - He struggled to overcome his shyness.
- remarkable (adj) ‫ملحوظ – الفت للنظر‬
- - The girl has a remarkable talent.
- - Competing in the Olympics is a remarkable achievement.
- - The Eiffel Tower is a remarkable feat of engineering.
- remarkably (adv) ‫بشكل ملحوظ – على نحو رائع‬
- - The two reports are remarkably similar.
break down ‫ٌتعطل – ٌنهار – ٌثور على‬
- - Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage.
- - She broke down in tears when she heard the news.
- - Hilana broke down stereotype and became the first Egyptian female doctor.
break up = to end a romantic relationship ‫ٌنفصل عن‬
- - She broke up with Tom after three years of engagement.
- - Their marriage broke up after ten years.
break through - to pass through a barrier. ‫ٌقتحم أو ٌعبر حاجز‬
- The crowd broke through the barrier that was in front of the band
(Rise / rose / risen (I) ‫ال ٌلٌها مفعول‬
- = (go up, increase ‫َشداد‬, , stand up ‫ َٕهط‬/ ‫ َمف‬, get out of bed ‫) َسرُمظ‬
- - Oil prices are rising all the time. ‫َشداد‬
- - Smoke rose from the chimney. ‫َرصاػذ‬
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- - The sun rises at around 6 a.m. ‫ذشزق‬
rise (n.) ‫ ارتفاع‬/ ‫( زٌادة‬increase / increase in wages ‫) زٌادة فً األجور‬
- - There was a sudden rise in temperature yesterday. ‫ارذفاع‬
- - He got a 10% rise last year. ‫سَادج فٍ األجز‬
Raise / raised/ raised (T) ‫ٌلٌها مفعول‬
- - Raise your hand if you know the answer. ‫َزفــغ‬
- - The government does its best to raise the standard of living. ٌ‫َزفغ ِسرى‬
- - The concert raised a lot of money for cancer research. ‫َجّغ‬
- - Raise your voice ‫ارفغ صىذه‬
- - raise hopes/ fears/ suspicions ... ‫اٌشه‬/‫َثُز اٌخىف‬
- - Raise a subject / question / point ‫َطزح ٌٍّٕالشح ِىظىع أو ٔمطح أو َثُز ذساؤي‬
Arise / arose / arisen (‫ = )بدون مفعول‬begin to happen ‫ ٌحدث‬/ ‫ٌظهر‬
- - A lot of problems usually arise at work.
- Arouse/aroused/ (‫ ٌوقظ )ٌلٌها مفعول‬/ )‫ٌثٌــر(للمشاعر واألحاسٌس‬
- - Her behaviour aroused the suspicions ‫ َثُز شىىن‬of the police.
consider (to be) ‫ يؼتثز‬consider that + sentence
- - He is considered (to be) the best Egyptian footballer.
- - She considers that she has done enough to help them.
Regard as: ‫يؼتثز‬
- Her parents always regarded her as the smartest of their children.
alone ٖ‫تّفزد‬
lonely ٓ‫ٔٗ تؼيذا ػٓ اآلخزي‬ٛ‫دذج ٌى‬ٌٛ‫ر تا‬ٛ‫ٌذيٗ شؼ‬ – only ‫فمط‬/‫ديذ‬ٌٛ‫ا‬
- - She decided to climb the mountain alone.
- - She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
- - She was the only person to complain.
- - At present these televisions are only available in Japan.
- like ) ٗ‫ِثً ( ٌٍتشثي‬ – as )‫ظيفح‬ٌٛ‫وـ (ا‬
- - A teacher is like the candle which consumes itself to light others.
- - My father works as a teacher. He is a teacher.
inspire …… ٍُٙ‫ي‬
- - He inspired many young people to take up the sport.
- - I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.
- aspire…… ‫يطّخ‬
- - Franz never aspired to be a movie star.
- conspire…… ‫يتأِز‬
- Emily felt that everything was conspiring against her.

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- Social ( issues – problems – reforms) )‫ (ٌٗ ػاللح تاٌّجتّغ‬ٝ‫اجتّاػ‬
- Sociable )ٓ‫لتا تمضيٗ ِغ األخزي‬ٚ ‫يّىٓ أْ تظف‬ٚ ‫ (طفح ٌألشخاص‬ٝ‫اجتّاػ‬
- Team sports help to develop a child's social skills.
- You can join a social club to make friends.
- She's a sociable child who'll talk to anyone.
- We had a very sociable weekend.
- award ‫ادج جاِؼيح‬ٙ‫ ش‬ٚ‫ يّٕخ جائشج ا‬ٚ‫ جائشج أ‬reward ‫ديح‬ٚ ‫ ِىافأج‬ٚ‫يىافيء أ‬
- He won many awards for his writing.
- He was awarded his PHD last week.
- They rewarded him for his good behaviour.
- ashamed (adj) )ً‫ن – فؼ‬ٍٛ‫ف (ِٓ س‬ٛ‫ ِىس‬/ ْ‫خجال‬
- He has made a lot of mistakes so he is ashamed .
- Everyone cries sometimes – it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
- Shy (adj) ‫ ػٕذٖ دياء‬/ ‫ي‬ٛ‫خج‬
- He was too shy to come sit by me in class.
- Girls are always shy
Shyness (n) ‫دياء‬
- What did she do to overcome her shyness?
Shame (n) ‫ػار‬
- The shame of the scandal was so great that he shot himself a few weeks

Celebrate – commemorate
- Congratulations on your promotion - we must go out and celebrate!
- A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of
his death.
Stereotype (c. n) = A fixed image or idea people have about what someone or
‫فكرة أو صورة نمطٌة ثابتة لدى الناس عن شخص أو شىء‬
Examples of gender stereotypes
- Girls should play with dolls and boys should play with trucks.
- Girls should be well behaved; boys are expected to act out.
- Girls are not as interested as boys in STEM subjects.
- A boy that doesn’t use violence or aggression is a target for bullying.
- There is something wrong with a woman who doesn’t want children.
The first \ the second \ the last + to + inf. ‫اٌّظذر‬
- Hilana Sedarous was the first Egyptian woman to become a doctor in
modern Egypt.
- Zewail was the second Egyptian scientist to teach in The USA.

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treat – cure – heal
treat (v) ‫يؼاًِ – يؼاٌج ِزع \ جزح‬
- I don’t know why he stays with her – she treats him like dirt.
- It was difficult to treat patients because of a shortage of medicine.
cure (v) )‫ تّاِا ِٓ ِزع‬ٝ‫يؼاٌج (يشف‬
- Many types of cancer can now be cured.
Heal (v) ‫يؼاٌج‬
‫ عندما ٌقوم شخص تؼالج إٌاص تاسرخذاَ غمىص دَُٕح تذال ِٓ اٌذواء وفً حاٌح‬heal َ‫ذسرخذ‬
‫اسرخذاَ وزَُ أو ػالج ٌُحسٓ حاٌح جزح‬
- He claimed that he could heal the sick.
- This cream is good for healing minor cuts and bruises.

get used to + n / v+ ing ‫ٌعتاد على‬

- We got used to the constant noise of the traffic.
- Manal gradually got used to working at night
A number of ( ‫ ) اسُ جّغ‬+‫فؼً جّغ‬ ِٓ ‫ػذد‬
- A number of people in Egypt are illiterate .
-The number of ( ‫ )اسُ جّغ‬+ ( ‫) فؼً ِفزد‬
-The number of Cars in Cairo is 7000 .
demonstrate ‫ٌوضح – ٌبرهن – ٌثبت – ٌتظاهر‬
- The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.
- How do you demonstrate that the earth is round?
- Some people in Tunisia are demonstrating against the new tax.
- Let me demonstrate to you how this machine works.
win (won / won) )‫ ٌكسب (ٌأتى بعده الشئ الذى نفوز به أو نكسبه‬/ ‫ٌفوز بـ‬
beat (beat / beaten) )‫ ٌتغلب على (ٌأتى بعده الشخص أو الفرٌق المهزوم‬/ ‫ٌهزم‬
gain (gained / gained) ‫ ٌزداد‬/ ‫ٌكتسب‬
earn (earned / earned) )‫ٌكسب (من العمل الجاد‬
Ex: win: (a medal ‫ مٌدالٌة‬/ a cup ‫ كأس‬/ a race ‫ سباق‬/ a competition ‫ مسابقة‬/
a match / a game / an award / a prize) ‫ ٌكسب‬/ ‫ٌفوز بـ‬
beat: (someone ‫ شخص‬/ a team ‫)فرٌق‬ ‫ٌهزم‬
gain: experience ‫خبرة‬/information ‫ معلومات‬/ Knowledge ‫ٌكتسب )معرفة‬
(weight ‫ وزن‬/ height ‫طول‬/ speed ‫)سرعة‬ ‫ٌزداد‬
earn: money / his living )‫ عٌشه (من العمل الجاد‬/ ‫ٌكسب المال‬

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Great Expectations ‫ي‬ٚ‫وٍّاخ اٌفظً األ‬
orphan ُ‫ يتي‬grave ‫ لثز‬commit ‫ يزتىة‬guilty ‫ِذٔة‬
marsh ‫ ِستٕمغ‬pie ‫ فطيزج‬crime ‫ جزيّح‬horror ‫رػة‬
nervous ‫ ػظثي‬leg irons َ‫ أطفاد لذ‬mist ‫ ضثاب‬handcuffs ‫أطفاد يذ‬
blacksmith ‫ دذاد‬file ‫ ِثزد‬grab ‫ يّسه‬get away ‫زب‬ٙ‫ي‬
graveyard ٓ‫ ِذاف‬convict َ‫ ِجز‬set off ‫ يثذأ ردٍح‬fond of ‫ِغزَ تـ‬
‫تؼزيفاخ اٌمظح‬
blacksmith A person who makes things from iron.
convict Someone who is in prison for a crime
file Metal tool with rough surfaces for shaping or smoothing metal.
grab Get hold of something suddenly or roughly
handcuffs Two metal rings linked together which are locked around the wrists.
leg irons Two metal rings , linked with a chain , which are attached to the ankles
marsh Low ground which is usually wet set off Begin a journey
commit a crime Do something which is illegal get away To have escaped
Great Expectations ‫وٍّاخ اٌفظً اٌثأي‬
ashamed ْ‫ خجال‬shake ‫ش‬ٙ‫ ي‬curtains ‫ ستائز‬rude ‫لخ‬ٚ
bride ‫سح‬ٚ‫ ػز‬stir ‫ يمٍة‬bored ‫ ِتضايك‬hand ‫يسٍُ تاٌيذ‬
candle ‫ شّؼح‬eagle ‫ ٔسز‬broken heart ٓ‫ لٍة دشي‬tears ‫ع‬ِٛ‫اٌذ‬
a fortune ‫ج‬ٚ‫ ثز‬lamb ًّ‫ د‬ugly ‫ لثيخ‬common ‫ضيغ‬ٚ
veil ‫ دجة‬pretty ً‫ جّي‬dirty ‫ لذر‬rattle ً‫طٍي‬
grateful ‫ شاوز‬proud ‫ ِتىثز‬boots ‫ دذاء‬protagonist ‫ايح‬ٚ‫تطً اٌز‬
Definitions ‫تؼزيفاخ اٌمظح‬
ashamed Feeling embarrassed or bad about something
bride A woman who is getting married
candle Something mad of wax you burn to produce light
veil A piece of fine material worn to protect or hide your face
shake Move quickly from side to side or up and down
stir Mix a liquid by moving a spoon around
grateful Feeling thankful and lucky fortune A lot of money

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes

Choose the correct answer:
1. ………………………means to encourage someone by making them feel confident
and eager to do something.
a) aspire b) inspire c) conspire d) empire
2. Tom has just graduated with first – class ………………….. in psychology.
a) hours b) honours c) horrors d) heroes
3. …………………….. is an unfair or unreasonable opinion because you don't have
enough knowledge.
a) priority b) anxiety c) intimacy d) prejudice
4. A ………………… is a girl who likes to act or play the same games as boys.
a) tame boy b) tomboy c) run girl d) happy girl
17 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
5. Mary has always been a ……………… She likes hiking and horseback riding.
a) tame boy b) tomboy c) run girl d) hope girl
6. The US Open , Wimbledon, French Open and the Australian Open are called …
a) Grand Slam b) Grandparents c)Grand Museum d) Grandfathers
7. The museum's collection includes ……………… dating back to prehistoric times.
a) airplanes b) artefacts c) aerobics d) revisions
8. …… is a short for The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
9. I always trust him . He is a man of ……………………………..
a) honour b) hour c) honest d) horror
10. Would you do me the ……………… of accompanying me to the New Year Ball?
a) honour b) hour c) honest d) horror
11. It was named ………………………….. our departed hero.
a) with honour to b) in honour of c) by honour from d) at honour by
12. Ahmed Zewail is famous for his …….….. to chemistry and the use of lasers.
a) frustrations b) demonstrations c) contributions d) corrections
13. He lost his leg when he was ten, but learnt to ……………….. his handicap.
a) overtime b) overcome c) overdose d) overhear
14. Sally broke ………………. the stereotypes and started to play boxing.
a) down b) up c) after d) by
15. It was foolish of him to ……………… with Julie. She is a very nice woman.
a) break down b) break in c) break into d) break up
16. It’s our company’s policy to deal with problems as they ………………………
a) rise b) arise c) arouse d) raise
17. Her sudden disappearance ……………….. the police’s suspicions.
a) rose b) aroused c) arose d) arise
18. She is …………………… to be one of the finest pianists of her generation.
a) regarded b) considered c) offered d) requested
19. Don’t you get ………………….. being on your own all day?
a) lonely b) only c) alone d) loan
20. Tom is …………………… as the best actor in London.
a) considered b) monitored c) watched d) regarded
21. Rita ……………… to become the city's first woman mayor. She’s very ambitious.
a) inspires b) aspires c) conspires d) respires
22. There was some evidence that he had been ………… against the government.
a) aspiring b) respiring c) conspiring d) inspiring
23. My sister is a very ……………. Person. She has a lot of friends.
a) society b) societies c) social d) sociable
24. The government has to deal with some ………….issues such as unemployment
and education.
a) socket b) societies c) social d) sociable

18 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

25. That movie has won a number of …………………………
a) words b) wards c) rewards d) awards
26. She felt…………….that she had missed her sister’s wedding.
a) shy b) shyness c) ashamed d) shore
27. How do you usually ………………..the New Year?
a) commemorate b) celebrate c) compensate d) regulate
28. She ………………………..me like one of the family.
a) treats b) cures c) heals d) creates
29. He ……………………… at the University of Ohio about writing for children.
a) lectured b) cultured c) played d) stayed
30. To ………………………….. for the competition you need to be over 16.
a) liquefy b) horrify c) magnify d) terrify
31. Her father had been an army officer of fairly high ……………..
a) tank b) sank b) rank d) bank
32. It is a …..….. achievement for Al- Ahly to win The African Cup for the tenth time.
a) mark b) remark c) remarkable d) remarkably
33. You may be asked to give evidence before a ………………….. of law.
a) cart b) court c) carrot d) card
34. He ……………….. from Cairo University in1950 .
a) got out b) graduated c) graded d) interviewed
35. He wanted to …………….. money to send his sisters to school.
a) beat b) earn c) gain d) win
36. He didn’t start ………………………….. until he was 25.
a) writing b) write c) wrote d) written
37. The stories were very………………. and made him famous
a) success b) failure c) failed d) successful
38. The stories were a………………. and made him famous
a) success b) faile c) failed d) successful
39. Natasha …………….. the gold medal in Wimbledon championship in 2020
a) was won b) was awarded c) was earned d) was rewarded
40. He won many ……………………. as a writer which made him famous.
a) awards b) cups c) reward d) words
41. Mohamed Salah became the first Egyptian footballer to be …………………in the
of top 10 players in the world.
a) admired b) filmed c) ranked d) nicknamed
42. He sees several patients a day. The ……………. are women.
a) major b) majority c) minor d) mirror
43. The company hopes that its..................... will sell very well in the new year and
achieves great profits.
a) products b) measures c) productive d) sales
44. Ayman cannot apply for the job in the bank because he is not ................ to do it.
a) qualification b) qualified c) quality d) qualities
19 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
45. I wish my brother would.................. and get a house of his own.
a) bring up b) grow up c) teach d) educate
46. ...................... is the official language of the people who live in Iran.
a) Mandarin b) Persian c) French d) English
47. Our local council ……… the streets of our town after famous men like Al Sadat.
a) called b) named c) painted d) lightened
48. In summer, the sun ………… early in Egypt nearly at 5 o'clock.
a) falls b) rises c) sits d) sets
49. A geat number of students …………… absent yesterday because of rain.
a) was b) were c) has d) have
50. Watson is now a lecturer at the University of Bradford.
a) teacher b) tutor c)- lecturer d) instructor
51. Feryal Ashraf is a great ……………. model for young female athletes in Egypt
after winning the gold medal in Japan's Olympics
a) rule b) roll c) role d) drill
52. It is a …………….. to think that all footballers are tall and strong. Some of them
are quite small.
a) traditional b) stereotype c)customary d) right
53. Ahmad Zewail was ………… The Nobel Prize for discovering the femto second.
a) rewarded b) won c) got d) awarded
54. Tarek studiedvery hard for many years and he has now ………… as a doctor.
a) qualified b) qualification c) qualified d) went
55. Ahmad Zewail made great …………………. to science in the field of chemistry.
a) contractions b) contributions c) participation d) importance
56. Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous …………….. the world has known.
a) professor b) doctor c) physicist d) physician
57. My cousin is ..................... and cannot walk very well.
a) disabled b) disability c) ability d) enable
58. No one else spoke French, so I had to ………………….
a-write b– translate c – publish d – does
59. There have been significant computer ……………………. during the last decade.
a) attachments b) appointments c) developments d) agreements
60. Patience is the most important ......................of a teacher?
a) quality b) quantity c) equality d) personality
61. I missed the plane, and the next .................. flight doesn't leave until tomorrow.
a) comfort b) unavailable c) available d) availability
62. That play is very popular. You'd better check the................... of tickets.
a) available b) unavailable c) comfortable d) availability
63. I wanted to complain to the manager of the shop, but he was................... .
a) available b) unavailable c) comfortable d) uncomfortable
64. Your grades are................., Rana.
a) impressive b) impression c) impress d) impressed
20 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
65. The manager thought my CV was very..................., so I was appointed as a
sales rep.
a) impressive b) impression c) depressive d) massive
66. There are a lot of different …………… schools that graduate a lot of skilled
people for working in factories.
a) technical b)academic c) high d) agricultural
67. A ……. is the qualification given to someone who has successfully finished a
university course
a) degree b) referee c) guarantee d) trainee
68. To ……………………. for is to clearly explain why you think something is true or
should be done
a) bargain b) challenge c) review d) argue
69. Some students need more…………………..than others at school.
a. depression b. encouragement d) frustration d. stress
70. This book has some useful .................... on how best to revise.
a) tops b) taps c) tapes d) tips
71. Because of her parents' death, she left school with no……………… .
a) qualities b) qualifications c) qualify d) qualified
72. Our great army protect our ………………. with other countries so we feel safe.
a) sides b) borders c) faces d) mountains
73. My friends work for Resala as ……They don't get any money .
a) Volunteers b) sociable c) professionals d) amateurs
74. Mo Salah is a …………………… player in Liverpool. He gets a lot of money.
a) volunteer b) footballer c) professional d) amateur
75. The FIFA World Cup is an international …....... for football that is held every four
a) tournament b) cap c) champion d) medal
76. The great boxer Tayson could beat his opponent in the second ……………….
winning the world boxing championship.
a) court b) round c) around d) tip
77. Tennis, basketball and volleyball are all played on a ………………………
a) court b) round c) around d) tip
78. Mona is often …… before lunch. Once ,she’s eaten, she’s quite cheerful again!
a) grumpy b) happy c) pleased d) cruel
79. Hassan’s sisters are both very good …….. They are always friendly and smiling.
a) natured b) natural c)nature d) mature
80. A police spokesman said the demonstrators were ……………………..
a) well – behaved. b) good – behaved c) behaving bad d) behaving nice
81. Egypt’s ……………………….. day is on 16 March.
a) Women’s b) Woman's c) Womens’ d) Woman
82. The Olympics is a great …………….. that happens every four years.
a) accident b) incident c) event d) occasion
21 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
83. The ………………….. chose these dates to hold the great event in Egypt.
a) organisers b) students c) poets d) authors
84. A…………….. country is a poor country that is trying to increase its industry
and trade and improve life for its people.
a) develop b) developed c) developing d) development
85. A…………… country is one of the rich countries of the world with many
industries, comfortable living for most people.
a) develop b) developed c) developing d) development
86. people in ……………. countries suffer from a lot of problems
a) develop b) developed c) developing d) development
87. A………….is a competition where there are a number of people or teams
competing to win a cup or prize.
a) court b) round c) around d) tournament
88. Feryal Ashraf ……………………….. history when she won a gold medal.
a) made b) did c) gave d) plated
89. The sun …………………… at 6 o'clock yerterday.
a) rose b) raised c) aroused d) arose
90. The doctor's smile ………………. our hopes that our father would be fine.
a) rose b) raised c) aroused d) arose
91. The boxer …………………. his opponent high and threw him on the ground.
a) rose b) raised c) aroused d) arose
92. Dr Ahmed Zewail is an…………………….. person in the field of science.
a) Idle b) impatient c) incorrect d) influential
93. He is an expert on science and often……………… at the university.
a) does b) makes c) teach d) lectures
94. A spoiled child often behaves ……………………… and annoys us
a) good b) bad c) badly d) well
95. The ………………….. is a person who is sensible and can be trusted
a) liar b) dishonest c) knave d) responsible
96. I will hold a big party in ……………………………. of my father
a) hour b) honour c) honest d) honourable
97. A good teacher should ………………………………… his students.
a) inspire b) conspire c) despair d)insult
98. I know Tom to be a man of honour. “honour” here is a / an…………….
a) noun b) verb c) adjective d) adverb
99. Short term contracts are now the ……………. with some big companies.
a) nerd b) norm c) form d) sign
100. He ………………… many young people to take up the sport.
a) encouraged b) made c) discouraged d) founded
101. …………. in most countries there are more girls at university than boys, fewer
girls than boys complete STEM university degrees.
a) Despite b) In spite of c) Despite the fact that d) Although that
22 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
102. A good teacher must be patient. The antonym of “patient” is ……………….
a) kind b) helpful c) impolite d) impatient

Past Perfect ‫زمن الماضى التام‬
had + pp
: ‫ ٌستخدم الماضى التام للتعبٌر عن حدث وقع قبل حدث آخر فى الماضى‬
- We washed the dishes after we had eaten supper.
- When I got home, my wife had cooked the dinner.
: ‫ ٌستخدم الماضى التام مع هذه الروابط‬
After + + ‫ فاعل‬+ past perfect ‫ ماضى تام‬, past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
After + v. + ing , past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
Having + p.p. , past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
Ex: After he had done / doing his homework, he watched television.
Having done his homework, he watched television.
As soon as + ‫ فاعل‬+ past perfect ‫ ماضى تام‬, past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
Ex: He parked his car as soon as he had found a place.
Before + ‫ فاعل‬+ past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬ , past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
Before + v. + ing , past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
Ex: Before he parked his car , he had found a place.
Before parking his car, he had found a place.
By the time + ‫ فاعل‬+ past simple ‫ ماضى بسٌط‬, past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
Ex: By the time the police arrived the thief had escaped.
When + ‫ فاعل‬+ past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬ , past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
When + ‫ فاعل‬+ past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬ , past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
Ex: When he had read the novel, he watched TV.
When he watched TV, he had read the novel.
: ‫ ماضى تام و الفعل األخر ماضى بسٌط‬because ‫ ٌمكن أن ٌأتى بعد‬
- We weren’t hungry because we had already eaten.
) ‫( إٌرُجح دائّا ِاظً تسُػ أِا اٌسثة فُّىٓ أْ َىىْ ذاَ أو ِسرّز أو تسُػ‬
: ‫ ٌستخدام الماضى التام مع عالمات المضارع التام اذا كان هناك جملة أخرى فى الماضى‬
- When I met you yesterday, the train had just arrived.
: ‫ الحظ الفرق فى المعنى بٌن هاتٌن الجملتٌن‬
- When I reached the station, the train had left. (I missed it!)
- When I reached the station, the train left. (I caught it.)
Past simple (negative) ‫ ماضى بسٌط منفى‬+ till / until + past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
It wasn't until + past perfect ‫ ماضى تام‬+ that + ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
23 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
It was only when + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ ماضى تام‬+ that + ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
Ex: He didn’t park his car until he had found a place.
It wasn't until he had found a place that he parked his car.
It was only when he had read the novel that he watched TV.
: ‫ ) فً الجمل اآلتٌة‬until / till ( ‫ الحظ أٌضا استخدام‬
- I had waited for Sara until she arrived.
- He had studied his lessons until dawn.
- I waited until 6 o’clock and then I went home.
By + ‫ نقطة زمنٌة‬+ ........... ‫ ماضً تام‬.........
- By 2010 , Ali had got a new job in a factory.
- She had nearly revised all her lessons by six o'clock yesterday.
no sooner than
Subject + had + hardly + p.p. when + ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
scarcely when
Ex: He had no sooner gone shopping than it started to rain.
He had hardly gone shopping when it started to rain.
.‫ و التصرٌف الثالث‬had ‫ بٌن‬no sooner / hardly / scarcely‫الحظ استخدام‬
: ‫ إذا بدأت الجملة بهذه الكلمات نضع الجملة األولى فى صٌغة استفهام كالتالى‬
No sooner than
Hardly + had + ‫ فاعل‬+ p.p. + when + past simple ‫ماضى بسٌط‬
Scarcely when
- No sooner had they finished painting our new house than we moved into it.
Immediately on / Shortly after + v-ing , ……. ‫…… ماضى بسٌط‬.
- Immediately after his arrival / arriving at the station, the train left.
Choose the correct answer:
1-I telephoned the police after ………………the accident.
a) saw b) was seeing c) seeing d) had seen
2-By the time Nada arrived, we ……………..lunch, so there was nothing for
her to eat.
a) have had b) were having c) have d) had had
3-I …………just finished doing the exercise when my father returned home.
a) had b) was c) had had d) has
4- As soon as we arrived at school, the first lesson ……………..
a) had begun b) began c) have begun d) begun
5- I …………………………………… the film before I read the book.
a) already saw b) have already seen
c) had already seen d) was already seen
6- When I went to my friend's flat, her mum told me she ……… for school.
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a) already left b) has already left c) had already left d) left
7-Last year, I spent a month in France. I…of going there since I was a child.
a) dream b) had dreamt c) has dreamt d) was dreaming
8-Leila and her husband ……………. into their own flat last weekend.
Before that they had lived with Leila's parents.
a) move b) have moved c) moved d)had been moving

- The Past perfect continuous tense

‫ اٌتاَ اٌّستّز‬ٝ‫سِٓ اٌّاض‬
1) Form: Had been + v+ ing
2) Use:
1- To talk about an activity that had been happening in the past
before another activity happened
‫ ٌعبر الماضى التام المستمر عن فعل استمر فى الماضى وانتهى قبل وقوع فعل أخر‬-
- We had been playing golf before it started to rain
2- To talk about how long an activity had been happening
‫ ٌستخدم الماضى التام المستمر للحدٌث عن المدة التى استغرقها الفعل فى الماضى‬-
:‫ وٌستخدم مع الكلمات‬-
since / for/ all day / all weekend / when
- They had been working on this project for six months / since April.
3- To talk an action which had been happening and had a trace in
the past
‫ ٌستخدم الماضى التام المستمر للحدٌث عن فعل استمر فى الماضى وترك أثرا‬-
- Omar’s clothes were dirty. He had been working in the garden
- Sally was tired because she had been studying all night.
:‫ وٌاتى عادة مع أفعال تستغرق وقتا طوٌال مثل‬-
wait / do / study / live / work / stay / play / watch / sleep / paint /
read / write / talk / run / walk / travel, ..etc :
When I met him, he had been working for two hours.
They had been waiting for an hour before the train arrived.
He was tired because he had been working since dawn.
He was covered in paint. He had been painting the room since we left.
Our game of tennis was interrupted. We had been playing for an hour
when it started to rain.
:‫ ال ٌستخدم الماضى التام المستمر مع األفعال التى األفعال التى ال تستخدم فى األزمنة المستمرة‬-
We were good friends. We had known each other for 10 years.
:‫ وال ٌستخدم مع األفعال التى تحدث فجأة وال ٌستغرق حدوثها وقتا طوٌال‬-
stop / close / open/ end / finish / break down
َ‫ اٌتا‬ٝ‫ ٘ذٖ اٌذاٌح ٔستخذَ اٌّاض‬ٝ‫ف‬ٚ
She was late for the meeting because her car had broken down.
‫ اذا ذكرنا عدد مرات حدوث الفعل ال ٌستخدم الماضً التام المستمر ولكن نستخدم الماضى التام فقط‬-

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When I met Ahmed, he had finished typing 3 reports.
"Love ‫ يذة‬- Hate ٖ‫ – يىز‬Prefer ً‫ يفض‬Mind ‫ – يّأغ‬like- dislike – Please ٝ‫يزض‬
- Surprise ‫ء‬ٝ‫ – يفاج‬astonish ‫ – يذ٘ش‬have – own ‫ – يّتٍه‬impress ‫ز‬ٙ‫ – يث‬Want
– Belong ‫ – يخض‬Need – Possess ‫ – يّتٍه‬Owe ٓ‫ – يذي‬Include ٍٝ‫ يشتًّ ػ‬-
Involve ّٓ‫ – يتض‬See – Hear – Smell ُ‫ – يش‬Seem ٚ‫ يثذ‬- Sound ٚ‫ – يثذ‬Taste ٌٗ
‫ ِذاق‬- Look ٚ‫ – يثذ‬Appear ٚ‫ – يثذ‬Be- Know – Believe ‫ – يؼتمذ‬Remember ‫يتذوز‬
:‫ بعض هذه األفعال قد تأتى فى األزمنة المستمرة اذا جات بمعنى مختلف‬: ‫ ملحوظة‬-
I have been feeling sick since last Monday.
I have been thinking about his offer for a long time.
I am seeing my doctor tomorrow.
The chef is tasting the food.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Sally ………………… for two hours before she arrived.
a) Was driving b) has been driving c) had been driven d) had been driving
2- Carlos ………….. all day, so he had a headache.
a) had worked b) had been working c) was working d) has been working
3- Jane …………….. information about an accident for two days before a thief stole
her notes.
a) had gathered b) was gathering
c) had been gathering d) had been gathered
4- Timothy ……………… networking courses for two years before he was promoted.
a) has taken b) had been taking c) has been taking d) will take
5- We had been driving for 100 kilometres before we finally ……… a service station
which we could stop at.
a) had being found b) had found c) found d) had been finding
6- Mandy was exhausted by the time she went on holiday because she
…………………. over 55 hours a week.
a) works b) worked c) had worked d) had been working
7- Sally gained weight because she …………………. Overeating.
a) had been b) has been c) have been d) been
8- How long had you …………….. English before you moved to Miami.
a) study b) studies c) been studying d) studying
9- There were floods because it ………………………... for three days.
a) had been raining b) has been raining
c) was raining d) rains
10- When I got home, I was very tired. I ……………………… all day.
a) have been working b) work
c) had been working d) have worked

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Adjectives ‫الصفات‬

Comparative adjectives: ‫صفات المقارنة‬

look / seem / appear / taste / ‫ وأفعال أخري مثل‬to be ‫تستخدم الصفات عادة مع فعل‬
:feel / sound / smell
 It was cold.  She looks ill.  The food smells bad.
:‫ فً حالة الصفات القصٌرة‬er ‫نضٌف‬
cheap cheaper large larger quiet quieter
:i ً‫ إل‬y ‫ بعد تغٌٌر‬y ‫ فً حالة الصفات القصٌرة التً تنتهً ب‬er ‫نضٌف‬
pretty prettier pricy pricier
‫إذا انتهت الصفة القصٌرة بحرف متحرك ٌلٌه ساكن نضاعف الحرف األخٌر‬
thin thinner fat fatter
st ً‫في اٌتفضي‬ٚ ‫ فمط‬r ‫ ٔضيف في اٌّمارٔح‬e ‫إذا كانت الصفة القصٌرة تنتهً بـ‬
Wide wider widest nice nicer nicest
:‫ فً حالة الصفات الطوٌلة نستخدم‬
more / less …. than
more / less (interesting) than more / less (famous) than
:‫ فً حالة التساوي فً الصفة نستخدم‬
as + adj./adv. + as
John is as rich as Peter
:‫ فً حالة النفً نستخدم‬
not as / so + adj./ adv. + as
: ‫الحظ أن‬
the same + n. + as = as + adj. + as
- Hassan isn’t as old as Peter. ►Peter is older than Hassan
- Hassan is younger than Peter. ►Hassan isn't the same age as Peter.
- I don’t know as many people as you do. ►You know more people than I do.
- I know fewer people than you do. ►I don't know the same number of people as you do.
:‫ قبل صفات المقارنة‬slightly / even / a bit / much /a lot / a little / far/ ‫ٌمكن استخدام‬
The green shirt is a lot newer than the red one.
better ً‫ ه‬well ‫ والمقارنة من‬worse ً‫ ه‬ill ‫الحظ أن صٌغة المقارنة من‬
She feels much better today.  He was so ill yesterday. He's even worse today.

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Superlative adjectives: ‫صفات التفضٌل‬
:‫ فً حالة الصفات القصٌرة تتكون صٌغة التفضٌل من‬
the + adj.+ est
deep the deepest high the highest

:‫فً حالة الصفات الطوٌلة تتكون صٌغة التفضٌل من‬

the most / the least + adj.
interesting the most / the least interesting
Irregular adjectives:‫صفات شاذة‬
good better best bad worse worst
most more
far farther/further farthest / furthest
little less least
further = more  Are there any further questions?
first / second / third, etc. ‫الحظ استخدام التفضٌل من الصفة مع الكلمات‬
 Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt.
:‫ قبل صفة التفضٌل فً حالة وجود ضمٌر ملكٌة قبل الصفة‬the ‫ ال تستخدم‬
 It was his biggest achievement in Chemistry.
‫ فبل الصفات القصٌرة‬less ‫ٌمكن استخدام‬
 He is less tall than his friend. = He is not as tall as his friend
= His friend is taller than him.
= He is not the same height as his friend.
:‫ الحظ االسم من الصفات اآلتٌة‬
long Length expensive price
wide width big size
old age far distance
deep depth high height
heavy weight Much quanitity/price
 Your house is as high as mine.
= Your house is the same height as mine.
 The red shirt is as expensive as the white shirt.
= The red shirt is the same price as the white shirt.

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‫ الحظ استخدام صفات المقارنة فً هذا التركٌب‬
the ……. the…….. ‫ كلما‬---- ‫كلما‬
‫ وٌدل هذا التركٌب علً أن شًء ٌعتمد علً آخر‬

the less the less

the more the more
the + adj.-er the + adj.-er
 If you study hard, you'll get high marks.
The harder you study, the higher marks you will get.
 You eat a lot. You become fat.
The more you eat the fatter you become.
‫الحظ استخدام المضارع التام بعد صفة التفضٌل‬
 This is the loveliest card I’ve ever received.

than + me (I +v.) / her (she +v.),etc.

‫ (ٌستخدم ضمٌر فاعل إذا كان بعده فعل و ضمٌر مفعول فً حالة عدم‬than ‫ الحظ شكل الضمٌر بعد‬
:)‫وجود فعل‬
 He is taller than me/him/her.
But: He is taller than I am / he is/ she is.
:To Be‫ الصفة إما أن تسبق االسم أو تلً بعض األفعال مثل‬
 The boy is clever.  He is a clever boy

:seem / look / feel‫ وأفعال مثل‬be ‫ ولكن الصفات التالٌة ال تستخدم قبل االسم أبدا و لكن تستخدم بعد‬

afraid / awake / asleep / alone / alight / absent/alive

The boy was afraid. She seems awake.
‫ تستخدم‬ing ‫ تستخدم مع من وقع علٌه األثر وتستخدم الصفات المنتهٌة بـ‬ed ‫الصفات المنتهٌة بـ‬
: ‫مع من ٌحدث األثر‬
excited exciting amazed amazing
Jane is bored because her job is boring.
Tom is interested in the job. Tom finds the job interesting.
:‫ تصف غٌرالعاقل‬ing ‫ تصف العاقل والصفات المنتهٌة بـ‬ed ‫من الخطأ القول أن الصفات المنتهٌة ب‬
 He is a boring person. ‫انه شخص ممــل‬
 She is bored. ‫إنها تشعر بالملل‬

29 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

Exception: ‫استثناء‬

impressed ‫متأثر‬ impressive ‫مبهر‬

delighted ‫سعٌد‬ delightful ‫مبهج‬
She was delighted with the news.
Thank you for this delightful evening.
‫ ٌمكن استخدام صفتً مقارنة للداللة علً التغٌر المستمر فً شًء‬
.‫ تأخذ نفس شكل الصفة قبلها‬and ‫والحظ أن الصفة بعد‬
 It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job.
 It’s becoming more and more difficult to find a job.
‫ بعد الصفات التالٌة‬to + inf. ‫ ٌمكن استخدام‬
happy / pleased/ disappointed ‫ خاب أمله‬/amazed/afraid/glad / delighted
/surprised / sad / relieved ‫ ٌشعر براحة‬astonished‫مندهش‬
I am sorry to hear that your brother is ill. Tom was surprised to see me.
:ً‫ مع الصفات العادٌة وال تستخدم مع الصفات القوٌة – ادرس الجدول التال‬very ‫ستخدم‬

Very big Enormous/huge/massive/

Very small Tiny
Very clever Brilliant
Very bad Awful/terrible/disgusting/dreadful
Very sure Certain
Very good Excellent/perfect/ideal/wonderful/splendid/superb/fantastic/g
Very tasty Delicious
Very angry Furious
Very hungry Starving
Very tired Exhausted
Very cold Freezing
Very beautiful Gorgeous
Very clear Obvious
Very Alarmed/terrified/horrified
Very Essential
Very old Ancient
Very unhappy Miserable

30 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

:‫ومع الصفات القوٌة تستخدم كلمات مثل‬
Absolutely / completely / exceptionally / particularly / really / quite / totally / utterly
- The film was absolutely awful.
- He was an exceptionally brilliant child.
- The food smelled really disgusting.
- Practice
1- This is a friendly dog. It's much (friendly – friendliness - friendlier – friendliest)
than my friend's dog.
2- Petra is seven years old. Her brother is nine, so he is (older – elder – oldest –
3- This is a difficult exam. But the exam at the end of term is (more difficult – most
difficult - the most difficult – a difficult) one we have ever had.
4- He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the (interesting – more interesting
- most interesting – much interesting) hobby in the world.
5- Last week I read a good book, but my friend has given me an even (good - better –
best – the best) one.
6- School is boring, but homework is (as boring – so boring - more boring than – as
boring as) than school.
7- Skiing is a dangerous hobby. Parachuting is (as dangerous - more dangerous –
most dangerous – even dangerous) than skiing.
8- This hotel is cheap, but that one over there is (cheap – cheaper – the cheaper –
9- We live in a big house, but my grandparents' house is far (bigger – big – biggest –
the biggest) than ours.
10- Yesterday Sally told me a funny joke, it is (a funny – funnier – funniest -
the funniest) joke I've ever heard.
General exercises on Grammar
Choose the correct answer:
1- When I saw Nada, she ……................… her work yet.
a) hasn’t finished b) hadn’t finished
c) didn’t finish d) wasn’t finishing
2- I’ll contact you as soon as I ……………. the exam results.
a) had got b) got c) ‘ve got d) will get
3- ………... eaten, he went out for a walk.
a) After B- On C- While D- Having
4- As soon as I arrived at the cinema, the film ………...
a) will start b- has started c- started d- starts
5- When she went out to play, she................ her homework.
a) had already done b) has already done c) was already doing d) does
6- My brother ate all of the cake that our mum ....................
a) will make b) has made c) had made d) used to make
31 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
7- The doctor took off the plaster that he ................... on six weeks before.
a) puts b) had put c) is putting d) has put
8- The waiter ..................... a drink that I had ordered.
a) had brought b) was bringing c) will bring d) brought
9- No sooner ..................the sun risen than the fog disappeared.
a) has b) had c) did d) does
10- Did you …............ write poems when you were young?
a) use to b) used to c) used d) get used to
11- When she went back to school, she found she ……….. the wrong composition
the day before
a) wrote b) had written c) has written d) had been written
12- She ...........….. a magazine when suddenly somebody knocked at the door.
a) read b) reads c) was reading d) had read
13- They couldn't go swimming because they ............….. their swimsuits.
a) forget b) have forgotten c) had forgotten d) will forget
14- Before …….. for London, he had paid off his debts.
a) leaving b) left c) had left d) leave
15- By the time he reached the bus stop, the bus ………………………………...
a) leave b) leaves c) will leave d) had left
16-..............seeing the accident, the motorists drove more carefully.
a) On b) Without c) Despite d) Over
17- No sooner ............... he see the police than he ran away.
a) do b) does c) had d) did
18- I.......... my own computer for three years before anything went wrong with it.
a) had had b) have had c) had d) have
19- Mr Zaki was shocked when he joined our company as he ..........to do much
work every day.
a) wasn't used b) didn't use c) uses d) was used
20- As soon as the criminal …………, he was sent to prison .
a) arrested b) has been arrested c) had been arrested d) was being arrested
21- Did you go out last night or ………..you busy ?
a) did b) were c) have d) are
22- Crossing the street , he ……….on the ice and broke his arm.
a) was slipping b) slipped c) had slipped d) was slipped
23-We were sitting in the garden when it suddenly ………….to rain.
a) was starting b) started c) had started d) has started
24- Did you hear what she said ? – No, I …….........about something else.
a) thought b) was thinking c) have thought d. think
25- When it was lunchtime , I didn't eat much . I …..............a big breakfast .
a) was having b) have had c) had had d) will be having

32 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

26- I ……………………. for two hours before the light went out.
a) studied b) was studying c) had studied d) had been studying
27- As soon as I arrived home , I realised that I …………………. my keys.
a) had been losing b) have lost c) was losing d) had lost.
28- Hardly ………………. written the report when she handed it to me.
a) she had b) did she c) had she d) she has
29- My friend ---------------- to give me the mobile until he had watched the video.
a) didn't b) refused c) wasn't d) won't
30- I met Sally yesterday. I …………………. her since she left our village.
a) didn't see b) haven't seen c) hadn't seen d) won't see
31- ( On – In – By – At ) 6:00 pm yesterday , I had done many jobs at home.
32- I didn’t write to my friend until I (have received-had received-will receive-
was received) his letter.
33- We (have had-had-had been having-had had) that car for ten years before it
broke down.
34- When she went home she found that she (buy-has bought-had bought-would
buy) the wrong book.
35- The secretary left the office after (type-had typed-typed-typing) all the
36- Hardly (he had heard-has he heard-had he heard-does he hear) the bad
news when he got depressed.
37- It (had been snowing-had snowed-snowed-has snowed) for a while before
we left.
38- I (have-has-had-was) already left the house when it began to rain.
39- They had no sooner left the house (when-what-then-than) it started to rain.
40- By the time Alex finished his studies, he (was-had been-has been-is) in
London for over eight years.
41- Karim fell asleep during the football match because he (had gone-has gone-
was going-is going) to bed late the night before.
42- Ali ate a sandwich during the game because he (wasn't having-had not had-
doesn't have-won't have) enough time to eat before it started.
43- The doctor said that the patient (dies-died-had died-was dying) a few
minutes before.
44- Hassan (borrows-has borrowed-borrowed-was borrowing) money from Ali
because he had left his money at home.
45- Adel asked which team was red because he (doesn't see-hasn't seen-can't
see-had not seen) these teams before.
46- I did not have any money because I (had lost-have lost-lost-lose) my wallet.
47- Paul (has looked-was looking-had been looking-looks) for work for over a
year before he got a job.

33 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

48- The little children's clothes (are-have been-were being-were) dirty because
they had been playing in the park all day.
49- By the time he was 12, my brother (learnt – had learnt – has learnt – learns)
3 languages.
50- By the time she (finishes - finished – has finished – was finishing) writing her
report, she had drunk six cups of tea.
51- When I got home, I was very tired. I (have been working – work – had been
working – have worked) all day.
52- After I (finish – have finished – had been finishing – had finished) my
homework, I watched my favourite TV programme.
53- Before (wrote – writing – had written – has written) this novel, he had
become famous as a playwright.
54- My dad has a loud voice, but my mother's voice is (louder – loud – loudly –
more loud) than my dad's.
55- Susan has a beautiful baby, but my baby is the (beautiful – more beautiful -
most beautiful – beauty) on earth.
56- I live in a large house, but my brother lives in a (more large – largest – most
large – larger) house.
57- We have only little time to do this, but tomorrow we'll have even (less – little
– much – most) time.
58- Petra is clever, but Susan is (cleverer – as clever – so clever – the cleverer)
than Petra.
59- Today is cold, but yesterday was (the most cold – the colder - the coldest – as
cold as) this year.
60- A horse is heavy. An elephant is much (heavier – more heavy – more heavier
– the heaviest) than a horse.

34 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

Improve your thinking skills
‫واألن مع مجموعة من األسئلة التى تنمى مهارات ( الفهم والتفكٌر والتحلٌل واالبدداع) طبقدا للنظدام‬
‫الجدٌد للثانوٌة العامة‬
Choose the correct answer:
1- A penny saved is a penny ……………….. (idiom)
a) earned b) won c) gained d) beaten
2- The majority of patients in this hospital…………… women.
a) am b) is c) are d) was
3- The majority …………………. unwilling to listen to the views of the minority.
a) am b) is c) are d) have
4- The first prize ……………….to Tom Cruise for his famous film “the collateral”
a) was rewarded b) was given c) was won d) was earned
5- You did a really good job, Omar. I’m …………………………..
a) impress b) impressed c) impressive d) impression
6- Boys and men are expected to use violence and aggression to prove their
manliness. This is a type of gender ………………………..
a) stereotypes b) storytellers c) regulation d) rules
7- Peter is an author who has been writing since he was a child. Altogether
8- he ………………….. seven novels and three collections of short stories.
a) has written b)had written c) was writing d) has been writing
9- We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we got to
the train station, Susan……………. for us for more than two hours.
a) had been waiting b) has been waiting c) waited d) was waiting
10- Every day I wake up at six, eat breakfast at seven and leave for work at
eight. However, this morning I …………. up at 6:30, skipped breakfast and le
for work late because I forgot to set the alarm.
a) was getting b) got c) will get d) had got
11- We ……………………….. play tennis every day when we were young.
a) would b) used c) were used d) are used
12- Have you ever been to Syria? Yes, I …………….there last winter.
a. had gone b. went c. have been d. was going
13- I always……….for a walk with my father when I was young.
a. go b. went c. had gone d. was going
14- It's two weeks……………….we last met.
a) for b) ago c) since d) yet

35 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

15- John Cina is the strongest man I have ever seen. This means ………….
a. I have never seen a strong man
b. I have never seen a man who is as strong as John Cina.
c. I have ever seen a strong man as John Cina
d. a & b
16- I wish I hadn't eaten pizza yesterday but I ………………………
a) did b) didn't c) had d) hadn't
17- "I wish I were a bird". This is ……………………………
a) real situation b) hypothetical situation
c) imaginary situation d) b & c
18- If wishes…………….. horses, beggars would ride them.
a. would be b. had been c. were d. will be
19- Scientists are carrying out research to…………. exactly why so many
species of animals are disappearing.
a) deny b)apply c)establish d) reply
20- ................the choice, most people would probably choose good health
over good fortune.
a) Giving b) Given c) Be given d) Been Given
21- He who falls today may…………………. tomorrow. (idiom)
a) rise b) arise c) arouse d) raise
22- I plan to go to school to ……………………. my education.
a) fur b) far c) further d) farther
23- He joined the company as a ………………… trainee.
a) graduate b) graduated c) graduation d) graded
24- I like to keep up with technology. "Keep up with" means ……………………
a) stay recent b) stay up to date c) stay modern c) a & b
25- How long is it…………………………….……you last played squash?
a) since b) for c) just d) ever
26- The last time I …………. Rana was two years ago.
a) have seen b) was seeing c) had seen d) saw
27- What do we need to add to the main verb in the past perfect continuous
a) ed b) es c) er d) ing
28- Which is correct?
a) We had been knowing each other for only a month
b) We knowing each other for only a month.
c) We had known each other for only a month.
d) We have been knowing each other for only a month.

36 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

29- The past perfect continuous tense emphasizes …………………….
a) That an event has finished b) habitual activities in the present
c) that an event was interrupted by another event in the past
d) The duration of an event in the past before another event interrupted it
30- “We have been waiting for them” which tense is this …………….
a) present perfect continuous b) simple present perfect
c) past perfect continuous d) simple present perfect continuous progressive
31- Which sentence is an example of the present perfect progressive (also
called present perfect continuous)?
a) He has studied English.
b) He has been study English for a long time.
c) He has studying English for a long time.
d) He has been studying English for a long time.
32- How long have you been living in your apartment?
a) I have been living in my apartment for five years.
b) I've been live in my apartment for five years.
c) I been living in my apartment for five years,
d) I live in my apartment for five years.
33- Which is correct?
a) I have met John yesterday. b) I met John yesterday.
c) a & b are correct. d) I will meet John yesterday
34- I ………………………Debra for many years. We met when we were in school
and we are still good friends.
a) knew b) has known c) have known d) have been knowing
35- What time ………………….. the doctor?
a) have you called b) did you call c) did you called d) have you call
36- He couldn’t attend his daughter’s marriage………his illness.
a) because b) due to c) despite d) as
37- "He walked quickly along the road". "quickly" and "along the road"
…………………….. "walked".
a) magnify b) qualify c) terrify d) fry
38- I'd like some time to ……………… before I make such an
important decision.
a) consider b) decide c) demolish d) reply

37 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

1- This type of writing explains things.
a) Persuasive b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository
2- This type of writing tries to persuade the reader to think about something
in a new way or to take a certain action.
b) argumentative b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository
3- This type of writing uses the five senses to give specific details to the
c) argumentative b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository
4- You have written an article on "How To Find the Best Deals While
Shopping Online." What type of writing is it?
a) argumentative b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository
5- You have just finished writing the great American novel. What type of
writing is it?
a) argumentative b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository
6- You read an article in the paper about some questionable practices at the
company for which you work. You disagree with the article and write a
letter to the editor of the paper with your opposing viewpoint. What type
of writing is it?
a) persuasive b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository
7- You have lived an interesting life so far, so you write your autobiography.
What type of writing is it?
a) persuasive b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository
8- You read a news story on the front page of the paper about an earthquake
in another country. It gives the facts about where, when, who, what and
how. What type of writing is it?
a) persuasive b) descriptive c) narrative d) expository

A)- Choose the correct English translation:

ُ‫َجة أْ ٔىىْ شاوزَٓ ٌىاٌذَٕا ٌّا لذِىا ٌٕا ِٓ ذعحُاخ ػًٍ ِذي حُاذه‬.
a) We should not be thankful to our parents for what sacrifices they have given us
over their lives.
b) We should be thank to our parents for what sacrifices they have given us over
their lives.
c) We should be thankful to our parents for what sacrifices they has given us over
their lives.
d) We should be thankful to our parents for what they have give us of sacrifices over
their lives.
38 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593
‫ ٌمذ أصثحد ظزورج ٍِحح اٌثذء فً إٔشاء ػاصّح جذَذج تذال ِٓ اٌمارزج‬-
a) It has became an urgent need to begin setting up a new capital instead of Cairo.
b) It have become an urgent need to begin setting up a new capital instead of Cairo.
c) It has become an urgent need to begin setting up a new capital instead of Cairo.
d) It has become an urgent need to begin set up a new capital instead of Cairo.
‫َّىٓ ذجٕة اٌىثُز ِٓ اٌّزاض ػٓ غزَك اذثاع اٌؼاداخ اٌغذائُح اٌسٍُّح‬. -
a) It’s not possible to avoid a lot of diseases by following healthy dietary habits.
b) It’s possible to avoid a lot of diseases by fallowing healthy dietary habits.
c) It’s possible to avoid lot of diseases by following healthy dietary habits.
d) It’s possible to avoid a lot of diseases by following healthy dietary habitants.
ًٌّ‫ ذهذف ِؤذّزاخ اٌسٍُ اًٌ وظغ ٔهاَح ٌٍحزوب وذحمُك اٌسٍُ اٌؼا‬-
a) Peace conferences aims to put an end to wars and achieve world peace.
b) Peace conferences aim for put an end to wars and achieve world peace.
c) Peace conferences aim to put an end to wars and achieve world peaceful.
d) Peace conferences aim to put an end to wars and achieves world peace.
ٖ‫َٕثغً أْ ٔحافظ ػًٍ ٔظافح ِذَٕرٕا ؤحُّها ِٓ اٌرٍىز تىافح صىر‬. -
a) We should maintain the clean of our city and protect it from pollution in all its forms.
b) We should not maintain the cleanliness of our city and protect it from pollution in all
its forms.
c) We should maintain the cleanliness of our city and protect it from pollution in all its
d) We should maintain the cleanliness of our city and protective it from pollution in all its
Choose the correct Arabic translation:
1-The Egyptian monuments and museums attract millions of tourists from all over
the world. We ought to exert more efforts to increase the number of tourists visiting
Egypt nowadays.
ِٓ ‫أ) ال ذجذب االثارواٌّراحف اٌّصزَح ِالَُٓ ِٓ اٌسُاح ِٓ جُّغ أٔحاءاٌؼاٌُ وَجة أْ ٔثذي ِشَذا‬
َ‫اٌجهىد ٌشَادجػذد اٌسُاح رذٖ االَا‬
‫ب) ذجذب االثارواٌّراحف اٌّصزَح تالَُٓ ِٓ اٌسُاح ِٓ جُّغ أٔحاءاٌؼاٌُ وَجة أْ ٔثذي ِشَذا ِٓ اٌجهىد‬
َ‫ٌشَادج اٌسُاح رذٖ االَا‬
‫ج) ذجذب االثارواٌّراحف اٌّصزَح ِالَُٓ ِٓ اٌسُاح ِٓ جُّغ أٔحاء اٌؼاٌُ وَجة أْ ٔثذي ِشَذا ِٓ اٌجهىد‬
َ‫ٌشَادجػذد اٌسُاح رذٖ االَا‬
‫د) ذجذب االثارواٌّراحف اٌّصزَح ِالَُٓ ِٓ اٌسُاح ِٓ جُّغ أٔحاء اٌثالد وَجة أْ ٔثذي ِشَذا ِٓ اٌجهىد‬
َ‫ٌشَادجػذد اٌسُاح ذٍه االَا‬
Mr Sobhy Elghitany
ْٛ‫خثيز اٌٍغح االٔجٍيشيٗ – ِمذَ اٌثزاِج اٌتؼٍيّيٗ تاٌتٍيفشي‬
ُ‫اٌتؼٍي‬ٚ ‫سارج اٌتزتيح‬ٚ ‫ ِٕظح‬ٍٝ‫يح ػ‬ٛٔ‫ادج اٌثا‬ٙ‫افً اٌتؼٍيّيح – ِمذَ ِزاجؼاخ اٌش‬ٛ‫ اٌم‬ٛ‫ػض‬
01002018593 / 01030755925
39 Mr. Sobhy Elghitany 01002018593

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