Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating: Supervisor: Name Email

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Product Review Analysis for Genuine Rating

Supervisor :
Name Email

Group Members :
Name Email Reg No
Muhammad Zubair 2019-uet-shcet-lhr-cs-06
Usama Butt 2019-uet-shcet-lhr-cs-13
Muhammad Rehan Habib 2019-uet-shcet-lhr-cs-27

Department of Computer Science

Sharif College of Engineering and Technology
Problem Statement
Any e commerce website or any company gets a bad repute if it sell a product which have bad
reviews, negative feedback and not in demand. Therefore it is compulsory to get authentic
reviews of customers on product. The problem is that there are number of customer and
reviewing analysis of each one is time taking and not an efficient way, moreover if there are
fake reviews then it is more difficult for company or website to accurately measure the flaws
of product and how much demand of product there is. If no statistical data is interpreted on
product than it not only lead to waste of manufacturing, other resources but also result in
losing the sole purpose of making the product. If and only if accurate reviews on product is
gathered then it success rate of product is measure and what more upgrading has to be done
in product can be determined.

As the vast majority of the general population require survey about an item before spending
their cash on the item. So individuals go over different surveys in the site yet these audits
are certified or counterfeit isn’t identified by the client. In some review websites some
good reviews are added by the product company people itself in order to make product
famous this people belong to Social Media Optimization team. Client won’t most likely find
out whether the review is certifiable or fake. In the present advanced world, the vast
majority of the customers incline toward e-commerce, due to gainful offers, but primarily
because they need a review and feedback functionality to gauge the product and rate it
consistent with user’s emotions. Main purpose of Product review analysis is to gather all real
reviews and categorize them into positive and negative, further then decide which category
have more reviews and in reviews what type of feature or updation customer demanded in

Our fundamental problem in product review analysis is categorization of polarity that is
which category this review is fall. The reviews of product are taken in form of surveys,
comments on e-commerce website, through social-interaction and how much product is in use
among people. Based on scope of text there are three level of polarity categorization, namely
the document level, the sentence level and the entity of aspect level. The document level
concerns whether a document, as a whole, expresses negative or positive sentiment, while the
sentence level deals with each sentence’s sentiment categorization; The entity and aspect
level then targets on what exactly people like or dislike from their opinions. Since reviews of
much work on sentiment analysis have already been included in [1], in this section, we will
only review some previous work, upon which our research is essentially based. Hu and Liu [ 2]
summarized a list of positive words and a list of negative words, respectively, based on
customer reviews. The positive list contains 2006 words and the negative list has 4783 words.
Both lists also include some misspelled words that are frequently present in social media
content. Sentiment categorization is essentially a classification problem, where features that
contain opinions or sentiment information should be identified before the classification. For
feature selection, Pang and Lee [3] suggested to remove objective sentences by extracting
subjective ones. They proposed a text-categorization technique that is able to identify
subjective content using minimum cut. Well these are some of the content we are able to
collect using previous research paper.

Proposed Solution
In order to get real and authentic reviews the method we proposed is to make two panels on
e-commerce website one is of user panel and other is of admin panel. Through this it get easy
to track any review and it’s source.

 User Panel
It is mandatory for any user to register on the website. Only then he/she can surf the
website. The user can add products to cart and also has the choice to purchase them. He
can filter the products supported categories like brands, color and price. He can go
through other customers review and supported the ratings can decide whether he/she
wants to shop the product. After using it customer can rate the product and provide star

 Admin Panel
Admin is that the one who handles the website and allows only registered users to access
the website. He has the authority to add/delete products, edit product information and
view user.

Any fake or un-registered account user is not allowed to give review on any type of product.
Through this all fake type of reviews are filter out. After this using all reviews are categorized.
Work flow

Fig(a) Activity diagram on website [4]

Modern Usage Tools

 Device with internet
 Algorithms
 Data analysis software
 Data storage devices
[1] Liu B (2012) Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language
Technologies. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

[2] Hu M, Liu B (2004) Mining and summarizing customer reviews In: Proceedings of the tenth ACM
SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, 168–177.. ACM, New
York, NY, USA.

[3] Pang B, Lee L (2004) A sentimental education: Sentiment analysis using subjectivity
summarization based on minimum cuts In: Proceedings of the 42Nd Annual Meeting on Association
for Computational Linguistics, ACL ’04.. Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA,

[4] International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020)
PRODUCT REVIEW ANALYSIS FOR GENUINE RATING Sagar Prabhu1, Anju Padia2, Vinit Santani3,
Nikhilesh Joshi4

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