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Modernization of Education system by utilizing

Learning Management System

Supervisor :
Name Email

Group Members :
Name Email Reg No
Muhammad Zubair 2019-uet-shcet-lhr-cs-06
Usama Butt 2019-uet-shcet-lhr-cs-13
Muhammad Rehan Habib 2019-uet-shcet-lhr-cs-27

Department of Computer Science

Sharif College of Engineering and Technology

Functional Requirements

Learning Management System are likely delivered at universities for better learning of students.
Learning management systems are the software hub of most online courses. In general, they have
basic tools for assessment, communication, content management, data collection, and reporting. In
order to make a system which fulfill most of the needs and demand, we gather requirement through
surveys and interviews of resource person. These requirement gathering is done so that we add or
try to add features corresponding to those requirements in our system. As these requirements
make our system more innovative, easy to use and helpful for target audience.


Resource Person : Dr. Saqib (H.O.D)

Interviewer Name : Muhammad Rehan Habib

 From how much time you have lecturer and tell us about your experience in this field.
I have been a lecturer in higher education from last 10 years. Overall experience in this
teaching field is good. I had taught different courses in different universities and came across
with many students vision. I tried to guide them properly and help them with their
problems. It not only prove beneficial for them but also helped me to grow in my field. As by
collaboration of my colleagues and students, I managed to have a good experience.

 How your teaching methods help students to increase their learning skills ?
Basic parameters to judge students learning is on their quizzes, assignments, and
performance in exams. But I usually judge students on their interests, participation in class,
how they handle different tasks and how much out of box they tried to think. I try to
encourage more and more student involvement with their respective course so that they get
satisfied with their studies outcome.

 SCET also has a LMS system, are you an active user of it?
Yes, I regularly check my account on LMS.

 What are some basic features or functionality would you prefer to see in every
university LMS system ?
I have seen different university LMS system, like of University of Lahore, UET, Minhaj
University and basic features which are compulsory for every system are uploading of
results, attendance and overall progress report of students. Involvement of time tables,
courses outlines, and handling of fees issues are some basic features of LMS system.

 Do you prefer web-based technology or an application software for LMS.

I prefer web based technology for LMS because it is easily accessible to everyone without
much difficulties and hurdles. In web technology access to LMS is quite easy.

 Instead of having individual LMS system for every university, don’t you think so it is
better if HEC proposed a single standard system for every university.
I think so every university should have an individual LMS system. Each university has it’s
own policies and criteria. They need a system which full fill their requirements and act
according to their policies. Academics policies changes from university to university
therefore it is better to have and individual system.
 Well it’s a common rumor that, development of LMS need a lot of resources and it’s
implementation need a team of expert.
It depends upon the size of system and the functionalities you are providing in it. If it’s a very
high technology system with very advance features then obviously it need more resources.
Your target audience also play vital role in it, that what are their demands through your
system and their engagement with LMS system. However in every case we need some expert
guideline for system implementation.

 In order to get full command on system, do you thinks so teachers should attend any
workshop or training sessions?
I think so it should make compulsory for every teachers to attend workshop on LMS system.
Those who are new in this field face difficulties while operating administrative tools. It is not
easy for everyone to operate this type of system on first attend, therefore proper guideline
and practice should be their.

 Is it better if LMS provide functionality where you can share learning material with
Yes it will prove beneficial for both students and teachers. I think so an ideal LMS system is
the one which not only provide results but also full fill all type of academic need of students.
It should contain course outlines, road maps, course materials of courses and history of the
course. A LMS system should give information on every course which a student opt.

 What are some difficulties you faced during operating LMS.
In my 10 years of teaching I had faced many issues. First of all it’s user interface is not so
much friendly, secondly it server remain down which is an issue. On HCI point of view LMS
contain issues and set backs.

Resource Person : Sir Wahab Javed (Teacher)

Interviewer Name : Muhammad Rehan Habib

 From how much time you have lecturer and tell us about your experience in this field,
and How your teaching methods help students to increase their learning skills ?
I have been a lecturer for quite a while and teach students of different universities. For
teaching methods, well it totally depend on how student perceive the lecture and take notes
on material. There is every type of student from genius to mediocore and teachers lecture
remain same for every student. I think so effort od student matter most in increasing their
learning skills. However I try to guide and help my student properly and try to satisfy them
in their studies.

 SCET also has a LMS system, are you an active user of it?
Yes, I regularly check my account on LMS.

 What are some basic features or functionality would you prefer to see in every
university LMS system?
Currently I am using LMS of UET, which provide some basic features like uploading of result,
sharing student attendance with them, issue their fees challan, upload course outline, time
table and teachers consultation hours. Well I think so these are all the basic features which
every LMS system should have.

 Do you prefer web-based technology or an application software for LMS.

In digital technology both scenarios have their own benefits, It depend upon the
requirements of a university. But I also prefer a web based technology because it
accessibility is easier.

 Instead of having individual LMS system for every university, don’t you think so it is
better if HEC proposed a single standard system for every university.
According to me, there should be single standard LMS system proposed by HEC. It represent
unity among institute, and not any type of discrimination occurs. For every private and
government institutes there should be on standard system. With this same academic policies
will get implemented in every university.
 Well it’s a common rumor that, development of LMS need a lot of resources and it’s
implementation need a team of expert.
I think so it depend upon the design of system, that what are their requirements and how the
targeted audience are going to use it. If your system size and requirement are highly advance
then we need more resource and a team of experts.

 In order to get full command on system, do you thinks so teachers should attend any
workshop or training sessions?
Yes training session and workshop should held for teachers especially when there is any
type of update or any new feature get added in system. Through this teachers easily use to
system and do not face difficulties. For those who are new to system they should attend the
workshops. On regular basis training sessions must occur in every universities.

 Is it better if LMS provide functionality where you can share learning material with
Yes I think so it is a good feature and must be added in the system. More than this there
should be course history on LMS that to which batch this course is offering and what is the
course benefits. This type of features must added in LMS system.

 What are some difficulties you faced during operating LMS.

Mostly there is a server down error or slow loading of system. The interface of LMS system is
not so much user-friendly and recovery of data is to much difficult. These are some error
which I faced during using of LMS system.

Conclusion of Functional Requirements
 Sign-in
 View result
 View attendance
 Access to learning material
 Register in course
 Report any error or issue

 Sign-in
 Upload results
 Upload Attendance
 Upload learning materials
 Upload courses
 Deal with issue


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