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Environmental Pollution Control

CHE F411

Krishna Etika
BITS Pilani Department of Chemical Engineering
B.I.T.S-Pilani, Pilani Campus
Pilani Campus

Water Pollution

Sources and Classification of water


17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Re- Cap

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Deoxygenation constant (k1`)

The deoxygeration constant is f(Temperature) like any

other reaction rate constant.

Van’t Hoff-Arrhenius equation is applicable.

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Deoxygenation constant (k1`)

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Complete BOD Curve

Why two stages?? 6

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Oxygen Sag Curve

• Waste discharge to water results in depletion of DO
• As DO drops below saturation level, reaeration takes place.
• The simultaneous action of deoxygenation and reaeration
results in a typical variation of DO concentration of aquatic
system known as oxygen sag curve

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Oxygen Sag Curve

Net rate of change of oxygen deficiency, dD/dt

dD/dt = k1L - k2D where L = Lue-k1t
dD/dt = k1Lue-k1t - k2D
k1 Lu
D (e  k1t  e k 2t )  Do e  k2t
k 2  k1
At maximum deficit, i.e., D=Dc
dD k1
 k1 Lu e  k1t  k 2 D  0 Dc  Lu e  k1t
dt k2 8
17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Oxygen Sag Curve

The critical time (tc) can be obtained by differentiating the eqn
below and setting dD/dt = 0

k1 Lu
D (e  k1t  e k 2t )  Do e  k2t
k 2  k1
1. Differentiating w.r.t t
2. LHS  0 at t=tc

1 k  D o ( k 2  k 1 )  
tc  ln  2 1  
k 2  k1  k1  k1 Lu  

How to determine k1 and k2?

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Critical Deficit and Critical

k1 = can be determined by BOD test in the laboratory (Thomas
method) by using Bosko Equation:

kd = deoxygenation rate constant at 20oC, d-1

V = average speed of stream flow, m/s
k = BOD rate constant determined in laboratory at 20oC, d-1
H average depth of stream,
η = bed-activity coefficient (0.1 for stagnant or deep water, 0.6 for rapidly flowing water

k2 = f(stream characteristics), has to be determined at field.

3.9v 0.5
k2 
H 1.5 10
17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Mixing Concentraton

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Lecture 25

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus



A town discharges 17360 m3/day of sewage into a nearby

stream. The stream has a minimum flow of 0.4 m3/s,
depth of 2.5 m and velocity of 5 kmph. Other information
is given below:
Temp (oC) DO(mg/l) BOD5(mg/l)
Stream 20 8.5 10
Sewage 25 1.0 200

The deoxygenation constant (k1) evaluated at 20oC = 0.35

d-1 . Determine the critical deficit and its location.

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Waste Water Sampling and


17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Waste Water Sampling

• The sampling method used should be one that gives a

representative picture of the quality of the waste stream;
otherwise, the time and effort involved in the analysis will
be completely wasted.
• Sampling
– The grab sample
– The composite sample

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


The grab sample

• It shows only the prevailing conditions at the time of

sampling and cannot represent average conditions.
• Hence it should not be used as a basis for treatment.
• However, grab samples are useful in determining the
effects of extreme conditions of waste during the time
composite samples are being collected or when the
waste water flow is intermittent.

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Composite Sample
• It provide more meaningful data when the composition of
the waste varies with either time or flow.

• A composite sample can be obtained by collecting individual

samples at frequent intervals and mixing them together.

• These samples can be collected manually or with automatic

samplers on the basis of flow and time.

• When waste water flow and composition are relatively

uniform, grab samples of a fixed volume can be manually
taken at given time intervals and composite sample obtained.

• If flow rate varies the volume of the grab sample collected is

proportional to the flow.
17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus



• For physical examination, water can be collected in fully

cleaned ordinary buckets or plastic cans.
• If the water is to be collected for chemicals tests, the
container, usually glass bottles of more than 2 liter
capacity, should be thoroughly washed and cleaned; and
then the water should be collected in it
• For the collection of water for bacteriological tests, the
person who collects the water must be free from any
• The containers and bottles must be cleaned with
sulphuric acid, potassium dichromate or alkaline
permanganate, and then, they should be thoroughly
rinsed with distilled water and finally sterilization
should be done 19
17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


BOD Determination Procedure

 BOD is the amount of oxygen (Dissolved Oxygen (DO))
required for the biological decomposition of organic matter.
 The oxygen consumed is related to the amount of
biodegradable organics.
 The most widely used measure of bio-degradable organic
content of waste water is the 5-day, 20˚C BOD value.
 The brief analytical procedure is:
– Two standard 300 ml BOD bottles are filled completely
with the waste water of which the BOD is to be
measured and the bottles are sealed.
– Oxygen content of one bottle is determined immediately.
17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

BOD Determination Procedure

– The other bottle is incubated at 20˚C for 5 days in total
darkness (to prevent algal growth) after which its oxygen
content is measured.
– The difference between the two DO values is the amount
of oxygen that is consumed by microorganism during the
5 days and is reported as the BOD5 value of the sample.

17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


BOD Determination Procedure

• Since the saturated value of DO for water at 200C is 9.1
mg/L only and that the oxygen demand for wastewater may
be of the order of several hundred mg/L,
• This can make the test indeterminate!
• wastewater are generally diluted so that the final DO
in BOD test is always ≥ 2 mg/L.
• Precaution is also taken so as to obtain at least 2 mg/L
change in DO between initial and final values
• BOD5 (in mg/l) = [DOi – DOf] x D
• Where D = dilution factor = (total diluted volume/sample
• NOTE: Here it is assumed that the diluted wastewater
had no oxygen demand of itself and that the dilution
wastewater used was pure.
17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

 Most of the times, microorganisms are added in the
dilution water (seeded water) so as to have enough
microorganisms for carrying out biodegradation of
organic waste.

 In this case, the oxygen demand of seeded water is

subtracted from the demand of mixed sample of waste
and dilution water.
 BOD5 (in mg/l) = [(DOi,s – DOf,s)-(DOi,B – DOf,B)] x D

 DOi,B and DOf,B are initial and final DO concentrations of

the seeded diluted water (blank).
17 November 2021 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


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