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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials

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Effect of chemical blowing agent, melt

temperature, and mold temperature on the
fluidity of glass fiber-reinforced polycarbonate in
injection molding

Kihyoung Kim, Youngjae Ryu, Joo Seong Sohn & Sung Woon Cha

To cite this article: Kihyoung Kim, Youngjae Ryu, Joo Seong Sohn & Sung Woon Cha (2019):
Effect of chemical blowing agent, melt temperature, and mold temperature on the fluidity of glass
fiber-reinforced polycarbonate in injection molding, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials,
DOI: 10.1080/25740881.2019.1602142

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Published online: 14 Apr 2019.

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Effect of chemical blowing agent, melt temperature, and mold temperature on

the fluidity of glass fiber-reinforced polycarbonate in injection molding
Kihyoung Kim, Youngjae Ryu, Joo Seong Sohn, and Sung Woon Cha
The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea


Glass fiber (GF) reinforced polycarbonate (PC) is a composite material that is used in the produc- Received 20 December 2018
tion of mobile phones, automobiles, LCD monitors, and laptops. With an increase in the GF Revised 26 March 2019
content, the fluidity of the composite material decreases owing to the flow resistance of GF. Accepted 28 March 2019
A decrease in the fluidity leads to a decrease in processability and moldability; thus, applications KEYWORDS
of GF reinforced polymers are limited. Here, we investigated whether the fluidity of GF reinforced Chemical blowing agent
PC can be increased by using a chemical blowing agent (CBA) and by controlling the melt (CBA); fluidity; melt viscosity;
temperature and mold temperature. In this study, PC was reinforced with GF (45 wt%) using melt flow index;
a CBA. Samples of GF reinforced PC were injection molded with respect to varying variables such polycarbonate; glass
as CBA content, melt temperature, and mold temperature. We used a spiral mold to compare the fiber-reinforced polymer;
fluidity and measured the spiral flow length of the samples. The results indicated that increase in injection molding
the CBA content increased the fluidity of GF reinforced PC. Furthermore, the results confirmed
that the addition of CBA exhibits a considerably higher effect on fluidity than an increase in the
melt temperature or mold temperature. Our findings are expected to significantly impact the
expanding applications of GF reinforced plastics in the future.

1. Introduction However, the fluidity of GFRP decreases with

increases in the GF content due to the flow resistance
Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) is a composite
of GF.[4] Melt viscosity is an indicator of the fluidity; it
of polymer material and glass fiber (GF) that strength-
is a measure of the flow resistance.[5,6] Increases in the
ens the mechanical properties of polymer materials.[1,2]
value of melt viscosity decrease the processability and
Specifically, GF reinforced polycarbonate (PC) is used
moldabilty of the polymer resin. Specifically, viscosity
as a case material for mobile phones, engine covers for
of a polymer in a fluid state can be determined by the
automobiles, and as a support for LCD monitors and
value of melt flow index (MFI), which refers to the
laptop cases because the PC exhibits high resistance of
fluidity of the molten polymer resin.[7] Decreases in
heat and shock.[3] With respect to the application of GF
the value of MFI decrease the moldabilty of the poly-
reinforced PC in the mobile phone industry, GF within
mer resin. With respect to the MFI of PC (LG chemical,
polymer materials varies from 10 to 20 wt%. Hence, the
Ltd) as a function of an amount of GF, the results
GF content in composite is increased to strengthen the
indicate that the MFI decreases by 50% when the non-
composite parts.

CONTACT Sung Woon Cha The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2019 Taylor & Francis

Subsequently, we analyzed the condition(s) that opti-

mized spiral flow length.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials
The material used corresponds to a polymer composite
that contains 45 wt% of GF based on PC (SC2452, LG
Chemical, Ltd.). The cross-sectional shape of the GF is
oval (300 × 100 μm), and the length of the GF is 3.0 mm.
The properties of the composite are shown in Table 1.
Figure 1. Melt flow index of the glass fiber-reinforced polycar- porated into the GF reinforced PC between 0 and 2 wt
bonate as a function of glass fiber content. %. CBA changes to CO2 gas at high temperatures
(chemical formula is shown below as equation 1).
Sodium hydrogen carbonate changes to carbon dioxide
glass fiber is replaced by 20 wt% glass fiber (Figure 1).
and water vapor, and sodium carbonate by heat.
With increases in the content, the MFI of the GF
Generated CO2 volume is 30 ml/g.
reinforced PC significantly decreases.
Thus, while using GFRP, it is necessary to minimize 2NaHCO3 ! CO2 þ H2 O þ Na2 CO3 (1)
decreases in MFI. Several studies focused on melt visc-
osity and MFI of polymer relative to the melt tempera-
ture and mold temperature.[8–13] The studies indicated 2.2. Gas dissolving mechanism
that it is necessary to increase the melt temperature and When polymer resin incorporated with CBA is heated,
mold temperature to decrease melt viscosity. the resin is dissolved, and CBA is converted into car-
However, additional measures are required because bon dioxide gas (Figure 2). With respect to injection
there are situations in which it is not possible to adjust molding, molten resin and gas produced from CBA are
the temperature to decrease melt viscosity. An example present in the barrel of the injection molding machine.
of the aforementioned type of method involves either When the screw in the barrel rotates, the two compo-
physically or chemically dissolving gas in a molten nents are evenly mixed to form a single phase.
resin. Previous studies indicated that the dissolution We assume that the dissolved gas is located between
of gas via a physical blowing agent can reduce the molecule chains of polymer, and this weakens the
melt viscosity of molten polymer resins.[14–22] There is bonding of polymer chain such that they play the role
a lack of research on how the dissolution of gas by of a spacer in the polymer. Additionally, this potentially
adding chemical blowing agent (CBA) affects the fluid- increases the temperature. When the temperature of the
ity of GFRP when compared to controlling melt tem- polymer is increased, the distance between the polymer
perature and mold temperature. chains is far away for more active molecular motion.
Therefore, the present study focuses on the changes in Therefore, more active molecular motion significantly
melt viscosity when CBA is added to GF reinforced PC improves the fluidity of the molten polymer.
compared to controlling the melt temperature and mold
temperature. The study focuses on the effect of CBA on
the fluidity of GF reinforced PC, and it is expected that 2.3. Sample preparation
the CBA will significantly contribute to improve proces- Samples were prepared via an injection molding machine
sability and moldability in injection molding process. (WOOJIN SELEX E120) under uniform injection mold-
The study investigated the melt viscosity reduction ing conditions (Table 2) excluding CBA content, melt
of polymers based on the gas lubricant effect and tem- temperature, and mold temperature. We used a spiral
perature effect. It is difficult to measure melt viscosity mold to measure melt viscosity via spiral flow length
of polymer in injection molding process, and thus we
compare spiral flow length as quantity of viscosity.[23,24]
Table 1. Properties of PC/GF45 (SC2452, LG chemical, ltd.) .
We measured the optimal conditions for increasing
Property Value
spiral flow length in GF reinforced PC. Specifically, Density 1.50 g/cm3
we vary the following three factors: (1) amount of Melt temperature 300ºC
CBA, (2) melt temperature, and (3) mold temperature. Melt flow index (MFI) 9 g/10 min (at 300ºC, 2.16 kgf)

Figure 2. Gas dissolving mechanism via the chemical blowing agent.

Table 2. Uniform injection molding conditions. Table 3. Experimental conditions based on various variables.
Condition Value Condition A B C D E F G H I J K
Injection velocity 59.2 cm3/s CBA content (wt%) 0 1 2
Injection pressure 168 MPa Melt temp. (°C) 280 290 300 280 290 300
Injection volume 28.9 cm3 Mold temp. (°C) 20 40 60 20 60 20 20 60 20 60 20
Screw L/D 28:1
Screw diameter 35 mm

(Figure 3). Numbers marked on the mold allow the easy

assessment of spiral flow length on the back of specimen.
Each of the three experimental factors exhibited three
levels: CBA (0, 1, and 2 wt%), melt temperature (280, 290,
and 300°C), and mold temperature (20, 40, and 60°C).
Design of experiments (DOE) was used to construct
experimental conditions for the 3 factors and 3 levels
(Table 3). Seven samples were measured for each condition
with the exception of the maximum and minimum values.

3. Results
Figure 4. Spiral flow length as a function of CBA content (wt%).
3.1. Spiral flow length as a function of CBA
content, melt temperature, and mold temperature corresponds to 280°C and mold temperature corre-
Figure 4 shows the variation in the spiral flow length sponds to 20°C. The spiral flow length increases expo-
with CBA content when the melt temperature nentially with increases in the CBA content.

Figure 3. Shape of spiral mold: (a) actual appearance of a spiral mold, and (b) back of an injection molded part.

Figure 5. Spiral flow length as a function of melt temperature (°C) .

Figure 5 Shows the change in the spiral flow length as 1 wt%, respectively. With increases in the mold tempera-
a function of melt temperature when the mold tempera- ture, the spiral flow length tends to increase steadily. It
ture corresponds to 20°C. We compared the conditions can be seen that the increase in the spiral flow length as
which CBA content is 0 and 1 wt%. The spiral flow a function of mold temperature is larger when the CBA
length increases steadily with increases in the melt tem- is added than when the CBA is not added. The regres-
perature. In particular, when the CBA is incorporated, sion analysis shows that spiral flow length increases
the increase of the spiral flow length becomes larger as linearly with increases in the mold temperature.
a function of melt temperature. The results of the regres-
sion analysis revealed that spiral flow length increased
exponentially with respect to the melt temperature.
3.2. Analysis of the main factor affecting spiral
The change in the spiral flow length as a function of
flow length
mold temperature was examined under the condition
wherein the melt temperature corresponded to 280°C We analyzed the effect and interaction of the three
(Figure 6). The effect of the mold temperature on the factors through analysis of variance (ANOVA). The
spiral flow length was confirmed when CBA is 0 and spiral flow length was most significantly affected by

Figure 6. Spiral flow length as a function of mold temperature (°C) .


Figure 7. Main effect plot for spiral flow length as a function of CBA amount, melt temperature, and mold temperature.

CBA (wt%) with an increase of 246.2 mm. Furthermore, Table 4. Experimental conditions based on various variables.
the melt temperature increased the spiral flow length by CBA Melt Mold
127.7 mm, and the spiral flow length was least affected content temp. (° temp. (° Spiral flow
Condition (wt%) C) C) length (mm)
by mold temperature with an increase of 117.1 mm
Baseline 0 280 20 544.8
(Figure 7). The spiral flow length with respect to the Adding CBA 0.47 280 20 600
three variables (CBA content, melt temperature, and Increasing 0 296.5 20 600
melt temp. (°C)
mold temperature) is shown in Figure 8. Increasing 0 280 84.9 600
mold temp. (°C)

3.3. Comparison of variables

conditions wherein the CBA is 0 wt%, melt temperature
We examined the CBA (wt%), melt temperature, and is 280°C, mold temperature is 20°C (Table 4).
mold temperature conditions required to obtain 600 mm
of spiral flow length based on a regression analysis. The
spiral flow length is obtained by either adding CBA 3.4. Morphology of glass fiber-reinforced
(0.47 wt%), increasing melt temperature by 16.5°C, or polycarbonate
increasing mold temperature by 64.9°C from baseline We confirmed the morphology of glass fiber-reinforced
polycarbonate using scanning electron microscope (SEM,
JEOL-7001F). The measured specimens are tensile strength
specimens because it is easy to cut the cross-section of the
samples using liquefied nitrogen, and the conditions with-
out CBA and with 2 wt% CBA were compared (Figure 9).
We could verify the CBA had created air bubbles inside the
samples with cell sizes ranging 5 ~ 150 µm.

4. Discussion
The results of the previous analysis indicate that that
spiral flow length of PC reinforced with GF is affected
with respect to the CBA content, melt temperature, and
Figure 8. Spiral flow length as a function of CBA amount, melt mold temperature. Specifically, mold temperature line-
temperature, and mold temperature. arly increases the fluidity of GF reinforced PC while

Figure 9. SEM images of glass fiber-reinforced polycarbonate: (a), (b) CBA not added samples; (c), (d) 2 wt% CBA added samples.

CBA content and melt temperature exponentially 5. Conclusions

increase the fluidity as a function of CBA content.
In the study, improvements in spiral flow length were
The underlying cause of the results is that CBA is the
obtained in a GF reinforced PC by increasing the con-
most direct method to induce molecular motion.
tent of CBA (wt%), melt temperature, and mold tem-
Specifically, CBA is mixed with a polymer and con-
perature. It was determined that increasing the weight
verted into gas inside the polymer to increase the fluid-
(wt%) of CBA is the most effective method to improve
ity of the material. However, melt temperature and
fluidity of GF reinforced PC. This is because the gas
mold temperature indirectly enhance fluidity by heat-
volume due to CBA weakened the bonding of the
ing materials outside the material. Therefore, the addi-
polymer chain more when compared to that due to
tion of CBA is expected to exhibit a significantly less
increases in temperature. In addition, the spiral flow
energy loss and more significantly impact fluidity as
length was improved to 600 mm by one of the follow-
opposed to changes in the melt temperature and mold
ing methods: adding CBA by 0.47 wt%, increasing melt
temperature by 16.5°C, or increasing mold temperature
Hence, the addition of CBA should be considered
by 64.9°C. Hence, the smallest change in CBA was
first to maximize the processability of PC reinforced
required to lengthen the spiral flow length and improve
with GF in the injection molding process. Methods
the MFI of the polymer. Thus, increasing CBA content
exist to dissolve the gas in a physical way. However,
constitutes a better method for improving MFI than
the most efficient method corresponds to the addition
increasing melt or mold temperatures (which are meth-
of CBA because a physical blowing agent requires addi-
ods that are typically used in the industry).
tional gas feed equipment to the injection molding
Furthermore, the addition of CBA in the polymer is
machine. It is expected that CBA can overcome the
a novel method to improve its MFI.
decrease of fluidity that occurs when a large amount
of reinforcement, such as GF, is incorporated. A future
study should investigate the effect of CBA in reinforce- Conflicts of Interest
ments other than GF and non-PC materials.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Furthermore, a CO2 type of CBA was used in the
present study. Nevertheless, it is important to investi-
gate the use of other CBA generating larger gas mole- Notes on contributors
cules wherein the melt viscosity of polymer can be
Kihyoung Kim graduated from Yonsei University with a
further reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to experi- master's degree in mechanical engineering. His field of
ment with various gas sizes. research includes injection molding and reinforced plastics.

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