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Plyometric Exercises

Similar to a stretched rubber band, a muscle stretched quickly will attempt to

return to its natural state. This phenomenon, known as the stretch–shortening
cycle, provides the basis for plyometric training.
• Used to get your muscles to create the greatest amount of force in as
little time as possible.
• The purpose of plyometric exercise is to increase the power of
subsequent movements by using both the natural elastic components
of muscle and tendon and the stretch reflex.
• Mechanical Model of Plyometric Exercise: In the mechanical model,
elastic energy in the musculotendinous components is increased with a
rapid stretch and then stored. When this movement is immediately
followed by a concentric muscle action, the stored elastic energy is
released, increasing the total force production.
Plyometric Training
• If a concentric muscle action does not occur immediately following
the eccentric action, or if the eccentric phase is too long or requires too
great a motion about the given joint, the stored energy dissipates and is
lost as heat.
Types of Strength Training
Plyometric Training
• Plyometric exercise is defined as activities that involve and capitalize on the
mechanisms of the SSC to increase the efficiency of force production at a
joint or to increase performance.
• Plyometric exercises can be performed with various pieces of equipment
that are easy to find, such as sturdy wooden boxes or crates and weighted
• A variety of plyometric exercises can also be performed with the upper
body. These commonly involve medicine balls.
• The chest pass is one example of a medicine ball plyometric exercise; it can
be performed either with two people passing the ball back and forth or with
one person throwing the ball against a wall.
Plyometric Training
Training Considerations
• Build up a routine training program and develop a minimum base of
strength before adding plyometrics.
• Learn the proper techniques for performing these exercises from a
trained professional.
• These activities should be performed no more than two or three times
per week so that your muscles have time to rest and recover from the
Plyometric Training
• If a concentric muscle action does not occur immediately following the
eccentric action, or if the eccentric phase is too long or requires too great a
motion about the given joint, the stored energy dissipates and is lost as heat.
• Plyometric exercise is based on the stretch–shortening cycle of the muscles.
One can generate more force by prestretching a muscle immediately before
a concentric muscle contraction than you can when performing a concentric
muscle contraction alone. Muscles have an elastic component and will
attempt to return to their original state in response to any sort of stretch.
This is how the stretch−shortening cycle works in the body.
• Plyometrics combines the physiological characteristics of the stretch–
shortening cycle in the muscles with strength and power to create a truly
explosive movement.
Plyometric Training
Plyometric exercises are resistive and dynamic in nature and can be
performed with various pieces of equipment that are easy to find, such
as sturdy wooden boxes or crates and weighted balls. Plyometrics
improve rate of force production by including exercise which impart
higher forces and faster speeds of movement.

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