Pre-Assignment - Flipped Activity: PART A Grammary - Unit 2A - Narrative - Tenses

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Pre-assignment - Flipped Activity

Student’s name:Gino Rojas Date: …

English IV - P… Teacher: Jenny Villarreal H. MTEFL-CELTA

Topic: Grammar_Narrative_Tenses & Vocabulary_Expression_with_GET

Remember to submit this worksheet on Virtual Class until the day before your class at 23h59.

PART A Grammary_Unit 2A_ Narrative_Tenses

• Work at home and complete all the exercises below.
• Get ready for a mini-test next class.

Exercise 1

a. Look at this interactive presentation in the platform of Cambridge:

Resources_Language Check_Unit 2A: Grammar: Narrative Verb Tenses

a. Listen and complete the activities. Take a screenshot of the completed exercise and
paste it below.

2. Complete the task.

3. Paste the results below.

Exercise 2

a. Go over the next explanation about Narrative Tenses.

Exercise 3

a. Go over the next explanation about Narrative Tenses and complete exercises a, b, c.


1. Didn’t noticed, was

wearing, hided
2. Got, was watching , even
3. Were you ,Heard,
4. Didnt hurt , fell, was wearing
5. Did the teacher just said,
didn’t hear, wasn’t listening
1. Been running
2. had
3. been planning
4. finished
5. been raining
6. had they know
7. Been waiting
8. Already seen

1. happened
2. got up
3. saw
4. Was shinning
5. left
6. started
7. walked
8. was suddenly becoming
9. had been
10. was washing
11. decided
12. went
13. had made
14. heard
15. had fallen
16. landed
17. wasnt hurting
18. climbed
19. explained
20. been trying
PART B Vocabulary_Unit 2A_Expressions_with_GET


Exercise 4
Resources_Language Check_Unit 2A: Expressions with GET

b. Listen and complete the activities. Take a screenshot of the completed exercise and
paste it below.
*If you still do not have access to the platform, do as follows:
1. Go to the link below:

2. Complete the task.

3. Paste the results below.

Exercise 5

a. Read about Emma and Martin. Then, complete task B – expressions with GET.


1. Get straight to the point

2. Get across

3. Get involved

4. Got throught

5. Getting on my nerves

6. Got a bir carried away

7. Getting me down

8. Get rid of
REMEMBER: Upload the worksheet to Virtual Class as a Pdf document.

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