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Running head: FINAL PROJECT 1

Elizabeth Maley

Final Project

College of Southern Nevada

09 December 2021

ABC Community School


Where I Stand
When used properly by both teachers and students’ technology can do amazing things and taking

it away from young learners could change the entire course of their lives. Students have used

technology in their everyday life before even starting school if we were to change our minds on

allowing them to use it to learn wouldn’t we be changing things for them in all aspects of life.

When these students finish school, some will go straight into the work force while others will

continue with their education, and for those students that do jump straight in to working they are

going to need to quickly learn how to use whatever technology is needed to complete their job,

isn’t it best for these students if we have them start using technology now? If we don’t students

will be learning about technology on their own which of course is sometimes a great option for

these students, there is no one they can ask questions to if they get stuck on something having

these students start in the classroom allows for them to be able to ask questions to the teacher or

even peers and helps most students learn just a little faster. When it comes to technology in the

classroom it is important that students learn how to properly use it and not just use it for

entertainment purposes, it is also important that the information these students are learning is still

entertaining and able to keep their attention. I believe this quote I found describes this idea

beautifully, “Given that they use social media and the Internet and play video games on a daily

basis, children expect information to be presented in a similar way at school. Lesson content

should be pictorial and entertaining, it should captivate their attention and contain as little

redundant information as possible, which is one of the major shortcomings of the traditional

approach to education.” (Importance of Technology in education 2021). So, in the end when it

comes to technology within education it is so important for students to continue to learn the way

they had before and as they started school. It would also help these students if they were able to

learn how to properly use technology to complete tasks.


Identification of standards

When it comes to the standards presented to me, I found very few of both similarities and

differences, for starters the first thing I noticed when looking at both documents is that they are

the standards for students while this isn’t surprising it is just one of the first things I noticed. The

second thing I noticed is that on top of the standards being listed both lists also had sub standards

in both documents these are labeled with the alphabet (a, b, c, d), both documents also have four

sub standards for each standard. Which brings me into the first difference in noticed, which was

that the ISTE-S standards had seven main standards while the Nevada standards only has six.

The second difference I found is that the Nevada standards have different grade levels listed on

the boxes and each of those is telling the teacher or administrator that is looking at them that

these standards should have been met at this level by the end of this grade level. The final

difference I found is that the ISTE-S standards had more detail put into them as they were

presented on the web page, while on the Nevada document you would have to do some research

if you wanted to look deeper into these standards. Moving on from the similarities and

differences in these documents when it comes to the rest of this project and the lesson plan, I had

to make the standards I believe I met while creating this assignment depend on which document

we are looking at. When it comes to the ISTE-S standards I believe I met standards 1.4 and 1.6, I

met standard 1.4 by having students design their own layout on an image they are remastering. I

met standard 1.6 by having these students use their image on an actual piano to almost grade

themselves in a way before I complete the grading process. Now when it comes to the Nevada

standards, I believe I met standard 1c and standard 4c, I met standard 1c by having students use a

model to create and learn the keys to a piano. Finally, I met standard 4c by having students look

up and study the keys on a piano and then recreate them by memory.

Final Lesson Plan

The area of curriculum I have chosen is Music the grade level this will follow is middle school

beginners. The standards I will be meeting in this lesson is ISTE-S standard 1.4 as well as

standard 1.6, when it comes to the Nevada standards, I will be meeting standard 1c as well as

standard 4c. The content Standard is that students will learn where each note is on a piano and

what their names are. The objective is students will understand the repetition of musical notes.

The group size on this assignment is just one student.

The name of this assignment is Digital Keys

Students will need an application that would allow them to copy paste in the image below and

allow them to draw on said image.

Procedure: students will start this assignment by spending 20-30 minutes researching

where each note is and the repetition of the notes after this session students will open the

application they chose and paste the image provided from there the students will create a key that

will direct both them and me to how they are labeling each note name. students will label the

keys off of memory while being monitored to ensure no cheating. After students complete the

drawing part of the assignment, they will open up a word document either google docs or

Microsoft word and write a one paragraph explanation on how they figured out which keys are

which as well as how they distinguished which key is which. Students will finish the online part

of this assignment by submitting the assignment to the online program. After all students have

submitted their work the grading process will begin, when grading this assignment, the bulk of

the points will be found in the diagram (being 7 of the 10 possible points) this will be about

making sure all parts of the piano are properly labeled as well as easy to read. Following that the

paragraph will be graded based off of completion and basic grammar.

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