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End Semester Examination

Course Code: BC10049

Time: 10.00-1.00PM

Date of Exam: 08/02/2021 Maximum Marks: 100

Front Sheet

JLU ID JLU05461.
Name of Student Yash Vardhan Singh Parihar.
Mode of Exam Open Book Examination.
Date of Exam 08/02/2021
Issue Date 08/02/2021
Submission Date & Time 08/02/2021 & 01:30 PM
Name of Examiner Dr. Reena Rajput.



Answer No: 1.

B: Mary Calkins.

Answer No: 2.

B: Germany.

Answer No: 3.

C: Atkinson & Shiffrin.

Answer No: 4.

D: Feature Integration Theory.

Answer No: 5.

A: Ebbinghaus.

Answer No: 6.

D: Do all the above.

Answer No: 7.

B: Talk about what you did last summer.

Answer No: 8.

C: The cones do not function well in dim light.

Answer No: 9.

D: No, because there is a great possibility of a “false positive” identification.

Answer No: 10.

C: 3 months.

Answer No: 1

(A): Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the emulation of human intelligence in computers designed
to think and imitate their behavior like humans. The word can also be applied to any system that
shows characteristics linked to a human mind, such as learning and problem-solving. The
possibilities are infinite for artificial intelligence. The software can be used for several different
businesses and sectors. In the healthcare sector, AI is being tested and used for drug dosing and
various therapies in patients and for surgical procedures in the operating room.
Computers that play chess and self-driving cars are other examples of computers with artificial
intelligence. The results of any action they take must be weighed by both of these devices, as
each action would affect the end result. In chess, winning the game is the end result. The
computer system must account for all external data for self-driving cars and compute it to behave
in a manner that avoids a collision. Artificial intelligence has come under pressure from
scientists and the public alike since its beginning. The notion that computers will become so
highly evolved that people will not be able to keep up and they will take off on their own,
redesigning themselves at an exponential pace is one common theme.

(B): Stroop Effect:

The Stroop effect refers to a delay between congruent and incongruent stimuli in reaction times
(MacLeod, 1991). Congruence, or agreement, happens when a word's context and font color are
the same. If, for example, the word "green" is written in a green color, for example. It is just the
opposite of incongruent stimuli. That is to say, the word's meaning and the color in which it is
written do not align. The word "green" could, for instance, be printed in red ink. These
experiments indicate a discrepancy in the pace at which colors are called and color names are
read, which can be explained by the difference in training in the two activities. The word
stimulus was associated with the basic response "to read," while different responses were
associated with the color stimulus: "to admire," "to name," etc. The findings observed may
reflect the fact that people have more experience reading words consciously than marking colors
consciously, demonstrating a distinction in the mechanisms that regulate these two processes.
In addition to offering new insights into the ways our brain functions work, the creation of the
Stroop challenge also sheds light on the power of psychology to extend and improve on previous
research approaches as we seek to uncover more and more about ourselves.
Answer No: 2

Using the theories of trace decay and displacement, forgetting information from short-term
memory (STM) can be clarified. The theories of intervention, retrieval failure and lack of
consolidation can be used to describe forgetting from long-term memory (LTM).

Trace Decay Theory of Forgetting

This short-term memory theory of forgetting suggests that memories leave a residue in the brain.
In the nervous system, a trace is some sort of physical and/or chemical alteration. The theory of
trace decay states that forgetting happens as a result of the memory trace automatically decaying
or fading. The theory of trace decay concentrates on time and the finite period of short-term
memory. This hypothesis implies that short-term memory, once rehearsed, will only retain data
for between 15 and 30 seconds. The data / trace decays and fades away after this time. The
events between learning and recalling have no effect whatsoever on memory, according to the
trace decay theory of forgetting. It is the amount of time that the data must be maintained that is
important. The longer the time, the more memory traces decay and more knowledge is lost as a
result. Researchers attempting to test the theory of trace decay are facing a variety of
methodological problems. For the events that arise during learning and remembering, one of the
main problems is power.

Answer No: 3

(A): Eyewitness Testimony:

Testimony from an eyewitness is a legal phrase. It refers to an account of an occurrence they

have experienced provided by individuals. They may be asked, for instance, to provide a
description of a robbery or a road accident someone has seen at a trial. This involves the
identification of suspects, crime scene information, etc. In other words, in the way that makes the
most sense to them, individuals store knowledge. By trying to fit it into schemas, which are a
way of organizing data, we make sense of details. A significant area of study in cognitive science
and human memory is eyewitness testimony. Juries appear to pay careful attention to testimony
from eyewitnesses and usually find it a credible source of evidence. Research in this field,
however, has found that several psychological factors can influence eyewitness testimony:

Anxiety / Stress.

Reconstructive Remembrance.

Arm Emphasis.

Leading Questions (Loftus and Palmer, 1974).

(B): Absolute Threshold:

The smallest amount of stimuli that can be detected, typically defined as at least half the time, is
an absolute threshold. In neuroscience and experimental study, the term is sometimes used and
can be applied to any stimuli that the human senses can perceive, including sound, touch, taste,
sight, and smell. In an experiment on sound detention, for instance, researchers can present a
sound with varying volume levels. The absolute threshold is the smallest amount to be heard by a

Hearing: The absolute threshold for listening refers to the smallest amount of a tone that can be
heard by normal hearing if no other interfering sounds are present.

The Vision: The absolute threshold for vision refers to the smallest light level that can be
detected by a participant.

The Sense of Odor: The absolute threshold for odors requires the lowest concentration a
participant is able to detect.

The contact: An example of the absolute threshold for contact is the amount of force needed for
you to sense the sensation of a feather gently touching your arm.

Answer No: 4

Memory is the way we rely on our past experiences to use this data in the present (Sternberg,
1999). Memory is the term given to the systems and processes involved in information storage
and subsequent retrieval. For all of our lives, memory is important.

Techniques of Memory Improvement

Concentrate your attention: One of the significant components of memory is focus. You need to
constantly take care of this data in order for information to transfer from your short-term
memory to your long-term memory.

Stop Cramming: Studying materials over a series of sessions provides you the time you need to
process information adequately. Research has continuously shown that students who frequently
study recall the material much better than those who in one marathon session do all of their

Organize and Structure: Researchers also discovered that in linked clusters, information is
structured in memory. By structuring and arranging the materials you are researching, you will
take advantage of this.
Using Mnemonic Devices: Mnemonic devices are a tool frequently used to aid recall by students.
A mnemonic is essentially a way for knowledge to be recalled.

Concepts Visualize: Many individuals profit immensely from visualizing the data that they
analyze. Pay attention in your textbooks to the photos, maps and other graphics.

Answer No: 5

Selective Attention: selective attention refers to the ability to pay attention to all available
sensory information in a small array. Selective attention is adaptive, as a filter to help prioritize
data according to its value. We are exposed to a relentless bombardment of sensory input at any
given moment. From the street outside, the blare of a car horn, the laughter of your peers, the
click of the keys as you type a school report, the hum of the heater as it keeps your room warm
on a chilly autumn day. But we don't pay attention to each and every one of these sensory
sensations in most instances. Instead, we concentrate our attention on some essential elements of
our world, while other things fade into the background or slip us by completely unnoticed.

Divided Attention: Attention to two or more information sources at the same time, so that two or
more activities can be done simultaneously. The use of only one sense (e.g., hearing) or two or
more senses might be involved (e.g., hearing and vision). When mental concentration is on
several tasks or concepts at once, split attention occurs. Often known as multitasking, this is
achieved all the time by people. If there are several concentrations going on at once, divided
focus decreases the amount of attention put on any one task or concept.

Answer No: 1

Cognitive Psychology is the psychology division investigates the functioning of mental

processes related to perceiving, attending, thought, language, and memory, predominantly
through behavioral inferences. In (a) emphasizing unseen information mechanisms instead of
clearly observable actions and (b) arguing that the relationship between stimulus and response
was nuanced and mediated rather than clear and immediate, the cognitive approach that emerged
in the 1940s and 1950s diverged sharply from contemporary behaviorism. In comparison to the
emphasis on intuition and other unconscious powers characteristic of psychoanalysis, its focus
on the higher mental processes often contrasted. More recently, approaches to information
processing and the philosophy of information developed in computer science and artificial
intelligence have influenced cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is a department of
psychology dedicated to the study of human cognition, particularly because it affects learning
and behavior. In Gestalt, developmental, and comparative psychology and in computer science,
especially information-processing research, the field grew out of advances in the field. Cognitive
psychology shares cognitive science with many research interests, and some experts identify it as
a branch of the latter. One of two broad approaches has been adopted by contemporary cognitive
theory: the developmental approach, originating from Jean Piaget's work and concerned with
"representational thought" and the creation of the world's mental models ("schemas"), and the
approach to information processing, which views the human mind as equivalent to a
sophisticated computer system. Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary approach that
incorporates elements of cognitive psychology, philosophy of the mind, epistemology,
neuroscience, anthropology, psycholinguistics, and computer science to explain the mind and
mental processes.

When psychologists became aware of the associated advances, in Artificial Intelligence and
Linguistics, so in the above disciplines, researchers become aware of related role in psychology.
This thus established the „cognitive science‟ interdisciplinary trend. Besides psychology, AI, and
linguistics, the Cultural anthropology and theory in the areas of the subconscious became
interested, too. The computer models in which cognitive psychology dominated
Complex symbols have been used as symbols from the beginning. Representations, and these
representations processed in a rule-based manner (for instance, in a model of Recognizing
objects, the representation of a frog may be it is made up of a mixture of complex properties and
The recognition rule might be something like 'If It's green, it's tiny, and it's a croak, it's a frog ').

The increasing interest in the neural bases of cognition, a movement referred to as 'cognitive
neuroscience,' is the other big new trend in cognitive psychology. There was little interest in
biological work in the study that brought about the cognitive revolution. The early work was
about countering behaviorism as much as it was about advancing cognitive science, and so much
of the study concentrated on higher-level mechanisms and was totally disconnected from
everything that was going on in the day's neurobiology.
Answer No: 2

In day-to-day use, what we generally think of as "memory" is essentially long-term memory, but
there are still substantial short-term and sensory memory processes that need to be worked
through before a long-term memory can be formed. Each of the various forms of memory has its
own unique mode of operation, but they all function together in the memorization process and
can be seen as three essential steps in the creation of a permanent memory. This memory model
is known as the modal or multi-store or Atkinson-Shiffrin model, after Richard Atkinson and
Richard Shiffrin, who created it in 1968, as a sequence of three stages, from short-term to long-
term memory, rather than as a unitary process, and it remains the most common model for
memory research. It is also sometimes referred to as the memory method, but this definition is
also used in the separate section for the encoding, consolidation, storage and recall processes.
It should be remembered that Fergus Craik and Robert Lockhart proposed an alternative model,
known as the level-of-processing model, in 1972, positing that memory recall and the degree to
which something is memorized is a function of the depth of mental processing, on a continuous
scale from shallow (perceptual) to deep (semantic). There is no real framework for memory
under this model, and no distinction between short-term and long-term memory.
In comparison to long-term memory, working memory is the limited amount of information that
can be stored in mind and used in the execution of cognitive tasks, the large amount of
information saved in one's life. In psychology, working memory is one of the most commonly
used words. Evidence shows that two separate mechanisms for coping with visual and verbal
knowledge are used in working memory. It is possible to perform a visual processing task and a
verbal processing task at the same time.

Two visual tasks at the same time are more difficult to accomplish because they compete with
each other and output is reduced. The same applies to concurrently performing two verbal
functions. This supports the view that, within working memory, the phonological loop and the
sketchpad are different structures. The idea of the short-term store as a working memory store
emphasizes that it is an active store that is being manipulated to hold data. The emphasis of
perception is working memory - it contains the data that you are actively thinking right now.
Processes such as adding and subtracting, reasoning or problem solving, or thinking about the
significance of what you hear or read, or performing a series of operations such as creating a
cake, all involve performing information operations while it is actually kept in working memory.
Note that working memory includes information derived from sensory inputs and from LTM
retrieved information. In working memory, new inputs (such as the amount of butter you just
weighed for your cake) & old stored data (such as the recipe stored in LTM) come together.

Baddeley & colleagues proposed, on the basis of their observations, that working memory
consists of many components. Three modality-based stores and a central executive who oversees
them are part of these components. The three shops that are focused on modality are:

1. Articulatory loop - stores verbal information represented and used for verbal rehearsal in an
articulatory (speech-based) code. It can hold about 7 objects, but is also time-based, much like
Atkinson & Shiffrin's STM.

2. Visuo-spatial scratchpad - carries spatial-visual data (e.g. where you can see something is
located in space)

3. Main acoustic store - keeps coded auditory inputs in terms of acoustic characteristics (what
something sounds like)
By analyzing the effects of articulatory suppression, Baddeley demonstrated the role of the
articulatory loop in working memory. If individuals are forced to constantly mutter any
expression or phrases, the articulatory loop will be occupied and suppressed so that it cannot be
used very effectively to retain data at the same time in working memory. The experimental
technique involves asking subjects to repeatedly repeat a phrase while performing a task
concurrently, such as learning a list of words or reading. This is known as simultaneous

Answer No: 3

The processing model levels (Craik & Lockhart, 1972) concentrate on the depth of memory
processing, and predict that the deeper information is stored, the longer a memory trace can last.
Depth was described by Craik as "In contrast to the multi-store model, it is a non-structured
approach. The fundamental idea is that memory is really just what happens as a result of
processing information. The basic idea is that memory is really just what happens as a result of
processing information." Memory is only a by-product of information processing depth, and
there is no clear difference between short-term and long-term memory. Therefore, this
hypothesis focuses on the mechanisms involved in memory instead of focusing on the
stores/structures involved (i.e. short term memory & long term memory).

In 3 ways, we can process information:

Processing Shallow

-It takes two forms:

1. Structural processing (appearance), which is when we just encode something's physical
characteristics. For example, a word's typeface or how the letters look.

2. Phonemic encoding, which is when the sound is encoded.

Shallow processing requires just maintenance rehearsal (repetition to assist us keep everything in
the STM) and leads to information retention that is fairly short-term. Under the multi-store
model, this is the only form of rehearsal to take place.

Deep Processing

3. Semantic processing, which occurs when a word's meaning is encoded and linked to similar
words with similar significance.
Deep processing requires rehearsal of elaboration, which involves a more meaningful
interpretation of information (e.g. pictures, thought, comparisons, etc.) and leads to improved
recall. Giving words a meaning for example, or connecting them with previous experience.
Processing levels: The principle that the manner in which information is stored determines how
well it is remembered. The deeper the processing speeds, the simpler it is to remember the data.
The definition is an expansion of the transition account of Atkinson & Shiffrin from STM to
LTM. Elaborative rehearsal, for instance, leads to data recall rather than just maintenance
rehearsal. The processing model levels have shifted the course of memory study. It showed that
it was not an easy, straightforward process to encode. This broadened the emphasis from seeing
long-term memory as a simple storage device to seeing it as a complex system of processing.
The theories of Craik and Lockhart led to hundreds of experiments, most of which demonstrated
the supremacy of 'deep' semantic processing for information remembering. It explains why
certain items are remembered much better and for much longer than others.
This memory description is useful in daily life because it illustrates the way memory can be
helped by elaboration, which involves deeper processing of knowledge.

There are a number of critiques of the stages of processing theory, despite these strengths:

 It does not clarify how stronger memories result from deeper processing.

 Deeper processing needs more effort than shallow processing, and this could be more
than the depth of processing that makes it more likely that individuals can remember

 The definition of depth is unclear and it is not possible to observe it. It cannot, therefore,
be evaluated objectively.

Eysenck (1990) suggests that the processing theory levels illustrate rather than explain. Deep
processing contributes to better long-term memory than shallow processing, Craik and Lockhart
(1972) argued. They failed, however, to provide a thorough account of why deep processing is so
effective. This argument has, however, been explained by recent research - it seems that deeper
coding yields greater retention because it is more elaborate. By triggering many aspects of its
meaning and linking it into the pre-existing network of semantic associations, elaborative
encoding enriches the memory representation of an object. Later studies found that processing is
more complex and varied than suggested by the levels of processing theory. There is more to
processing, in other words, than depth and elaboration. The stages of the theory of processing
concentrate on the operations involved in memory, while missing the structures. As the Multi-
Store Model suggested, there is evidence to support the concept of memory structures such as
STM and LTM (e.g. H.M., serial position effect etc.). Memory, therefore, is more complex than
the LOP theory describes.

Answer No: 4

In neurology and psychology, sensation is any concrete, conscious experience arising from
stimulation in the brain of a particular sense organ, sensory nerve, or sensory area. In a more
general context, the term is used to denote the whole category of such encounters.
Two different mechanisms that are very closely related are feeling and perception. Sensation is
input from our sensory receptors into the real world, and perception is the mechanism by which
these stimuli are selected, organized, and interpreted by the brain. Senses, in other words, are the
physiological base of perception. The perception of the same senses can vary from one person to
another because the brain of each person interprets stimuli differently depending on the learning,
memory, emotions, and expectations of that individual. As an absolute threshold, the sensitivity
of a given sensory system to the appropriate stimulus can be expressed. The absolute threshold
refers to the minimum amount of stimulus energy that must be present for 50 percent of the time
for the stimulus to be detected. Another way of thinking about this is to ask how dark a light can
be or how soft a sound can be and yet be heard half the time.

Our sensory receptors' sensitivity can be very impressive. It has been calculated that a candle
flame 30 miles away can be detected by the most alert sensory cells in the back of the eye on a
clear night (Okawa & Sampath, 2007). Hair cells (the receptor cells of the inner ear) can sense
the tick of a clock 20 feet away under quiet conditions (Galanter, 1962). Sensation refers to the
electrical energy detection that physical objects emit. It is due to the influence of the external
environment or when, in the sense of the organs, the body activates receptors. Perceptions are a
cognitive mechanism by which sensory input is organized and provided meaning by the brain.

One of the body's most important organs is the pupils. A healthy pair of eyes implies a strong
vision that plays a major role in the quality of experience and day-to-day life. Humans have
binocular vision, meaning that a single composite image is produced by both eyes. A picture that
is further perceived and interpreted by the brain by connecting neurons is generated by optical
components. The whole machinery functions in a very complex way.
External Components

Eyelids are the defensive outermost parts of the eye. They act as 'shutters' and as primary
obstacles to the external world. The eyelid borders are covered by tiny hairlines called eyelashes.

The next part is the circular facade of the spherical eyeball, called the cornea, as we go past the
eyelids. The first optical component of the eye machinery is Cornea, interacting with the
incoming light first hand. Before passing the light on to the lens and retina, it has a primary filter

The key part of the front of the eyeball is called the iris. Iris is a pigmented framework. The
pigmentation of the iris determines the color of the eye (black, brown, blue, etc.). A pupil is
considered the central aperture of the iris. It is circular in shape which makes it possible for light
to pass through the lens. It limits the amount of light that goes in, much like a camera's aperture.
The pupil of the eye constricts in bright environments, while it dilates in dark environments. The
phase of pupil dilatation and constriction is not immediate. This is why we can't see anything for
a few seconds as we enter a dark interior from the bright sunshine, and also why we can't keep
our eyes wide open when we abruptly switch on the lights in the middle of the night.

Internal Components

The transparent structure known as the lens, responsible for proper focusing of the visuals, is
situated right behind the pupil. In nature, it is flexible and changes according to the outside
lighting. In a thin transparent body, the lens is encapsulated and is connected by a pair of
muscles to the eyeball. This refracts the light and helps to correctly focus it on the back of the
eyeball (retina).

The innermost layer of the structure of the eyeball is the retina. It is possible to visualize a retinal
membrane as the wall on which the images are projected. On the retinal membrane, the light that
passes through the cornea, pupil, and lens is centered. In addition to tissue elements, two types of
cells compose of the retina: rod cells and cone cells. The former are considered responsible for
the vision of dim light, while the latter are considered responsible for the vision of bright light.
Cones play a key role in the interpretation of strongly contrasting images. Deficiency of either
cell type will result in ocular function abnormalities.

The retinal membrane has a region known as the macula, which is yellow in color. Fovea, which
includes the largest concentration of cone cells, is considered the core of the macula. Typically,
the section of the image projected on the fovea is the most accurately documented visual

The Sclera is the eyeball's outermost white protective layer. Compared to the fragile internal
structures inside the eyeball, it is fundamentally stronger.

The median layer of the eyeball wall, sandwiched between the retina and the sclera, is Choroid.
It also assists in vision clarity by removing excess light. The muscles connecting the sclera to the
iris are referred to as the ciliary body, which plays a role in the lens' versatile focusing of the

Until the incoming light is correctly filtered, mirrored, and refracted to create an image on the
back of the eyeball, the neurological systems join the action. An optic disc is the portion of the
optic nerve that is connected to the back of the eyeball. This is the region where the
concentration of rod cells and cone cells is lowest, and so any image projected to this area is
often overlooked. For this reason, it's often called a 'blind spot'. It is the task of the optic nerves
connecting the eyeballs to the brain to relay the visuals to the brain where they are converted into
meaningful information.

The complexity of the eye's anatomy is enormous, and despite being considered a well-
understood structure, during ongoing studies, newer information about it continues to emerge.
Answer No: 5

Neuroradiological tests can assist physicians to imagine brain injury. While an abnormal
outcome certainly means that a patient has moderate to severe TBI, many moderate to severe
TBI patients may have normal imaging test results. Such imaging assessments can include:

CT scan: Computerized axial tomography, called a CT or CAT scan, is the most common
imaging examination. A series of images that display cross-sections of the brain are generated by
this scan. Physical changes in the brain, such as hematoma and swelling, which may require
urgent care, may be identified by CT scans.

MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, which uses a strong magnet and radio waves to
produce computerized brain images without exposing the patient to x-ray radiation, is another
useful diagnostic test. High-resolution images of brain structures are provided by MRIs and are
painless. In order to produce accurate representations of the organs and tissues inside the body,
MRI utilizes a strong magnetic field and radio waves. Doctors and researchers have continued to
develop MRI techniques since their discovery to assist in medical procedures and science.
Medicine revolutionized the production of MRI. Usually, the scanner itself resembles a large
tube with a table in the middle, allowing the patient to slide in. An MRI scan, since it does not
use potentially dangerous ionizing radiation, varies from CT scans and X-rays. The invention of
the MRI scan is a significant breakthrough for the medical world. With a non-invasive
instrument, physicians, scientists, and researchers are now able to explore the inside of the
human body in great detail. Examples in which an MRI scanner can be used include the

• Brain and spinal cord abnormalities

 In different parts of the body, cancers, cysts, and other abnormalities

 For women who face a high risk of breast cancer, breast cancer screening

 Injuries or joint irregularities, such as back and knee

 Certain types of cardiac issues

 Liver disorders and other abdominal organs

 The assessment of female pelvic pain, with causes including fibroids and endometriosis

 Suspected uterine anomalies in women undergoing infertility evaluation

By no way is this list exhaustive. In reach and application, the use of MRI technology is always
expanding. It is exceedingly unlikely that an MRI scan will cause a patient to encounter side
effects. However, in certain individuals, the contrast dye can cause nausea, headaches, and pain
or burning at the injection point. The contrast material allergy is often rarely seen, but possible,
and can cause hives or itchy eyes. If any adverse reactions occur, inform the technician. People
suffering claustrophobia or feeling trapped in confined spaces often have difficulty getting an
MRI scan. Two strong magnets are present in an MRI scanner. These are the equipment's most
critical pieces. The human body consists primarily of water molecules, which are made up of
atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. An even smaller particle called a proton, which acts as a magnet
and is susceptible to any magnetic field, lies at the core of each atom. The water molecules in the
body are usually arranged randomly, but the first magnet causes the water molecules to align in
one direction, either north or south, upon entering an MRI scanner.

In a series of rapid pulses, the second magnetic field is then turned on and off, causing each
hydrogen atom to change its orientation when switched on and then move back to its original
relaxed state quickly when switched off. The magnetic field is generated by passing electricity
through gradient coils that also cause the coils to vibrate, creating a knocking sound within the
scanner. Although these changes cannot be sensed by the patient, the scanner can detect them
and can produce a detailed cross-sectional picture for the radiologist in combination with a

Functional imagery for magnetic resonance (fMRI).

Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI (fMRI) uses MRI technology to
monitor blood flow to certain parts of the brain to assess cognitive activity. In areas where
neurons are involved, the flow of blood increases. This offers an insight into the brain function of
neurons. By allowing researchers to examine the brain and spinal cord without the need for
invasive procedures or drug treatments, this technique has revolutionized brain mapping.

Functional MRI lets researchers learn about the workings of a brain that is normal, sick, or
injured. In clinical practice, fMRI is also used. For detecting abnormalities in tissue structure,
standard MRI scans are useful. An fMRI scan can, however, help detect activity abnormalities.
In short, rather than how they look fMRI checks what tissues do. As such, by defining the
regions of the brain involved in vital functions, such as speaking, movement, sensing, or
planning, doctors use fMRI to determine the risks of brain surgery. The results of cancers,
strokes, head and brain trauma, or neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's, can also be
determined using functional MRI.

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