Draft Praposal Smart City Varanasi

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Presentation based on Smart City Challenge

Overview of Progress & Way ahead

• Smart City Challenge : 98 Cities.
• Challenge mode, scoring pattern, bottom up approach
with citizen’s feedback, consultations
• Citizen’s Consultation over.
• Two Components under Guidelines
• PAN City Initiatives
• Area Based Development
• Retrofitting √
• Redevelopment x
• Greenfield Development x
Citizen’s Engagement Strategy
Make stakeholders aware of the
Online/ Offline
Understand ..how they will communicate
effectively… decisive manner

Taking views…

Analysis of Feedback

Proposal preparation.. Again taking

Approach.. #SmartcityChallenge…
• No pre –defined components, its not project
based scheme..its area driven scheme
• Bottom Up Approach
• Citizens participation at each stage envisaged,
citizens are expected to indicate their choice..
• Convergence with other schemes ..admissible
Citizen Engagements in #Smart City
Engagement Statistics
Sr No Method/ Means Offline/ Online Statistics
1 Focus Group Discussions with Direct Contact 156
various groups –officers- Slums,
Street Vendors, economically
deprived classes. Schools,
Colleges etc
2 Feedback forms on choice Offline 1,50,000
3 Online Mygov- discussions Online 21000
4 Logo Competition Both 60- Online
32-BHU, 35- Kashi
5 Essay Competition Both 1100
6 Dedicated E- Mail/ Website based Online 600
7 Facebook followers Online 2100
8 Twitter Follower Online 70
9 Chief Secretary, City MLAs, Direct Done
Minister, Mayor, MLC, Councilors
10 Parasatal Agencies– State Direct Done
PAN City Project..
• Intelligent Traffic Management
• Choice of Majority of Population
• Unplanned old city…4000 Yrs old
• Majority Population lives in VNN – 89%
• Density in Core City Area -1000-1500 per /ha
• As per Master Plan-2031 (p-6)
As per City Mobility Plan- E & Y Study :---
50 % of the Carriageway capacity
..occupied by Parking
Proposal for PAN City
PAN City Traffic Decongestion- only ICT Based Solutions
• Paperless working of SPV
• ICT solutions at junctions , critical location of cities in core city area
including fixing of cameras, sensors, controller etc
• Putting of Variable information sign boards, at different entry and
decision points
• Development of Master Control Center, Hardware, Software etc
• Development of smart Parking Facilities in Existing Infrastrcture,
with deployment of camera,parking censors, barrier, software etc
• GIS Mapping of entire City City Utilities and development of mobile
app for problem sharing for citizens Mounting of GPS on all Police
traffic vehicle, solid waste, ambulance, public buses etc Capacity
Building of Police Department
Area Based Development
• Core Area of City Bhelupur- Sigra- Gadoiya-
Lahurabeer Adjoining Area
• Expected Beneficiaries : 400000 People
• Heart of City- Central Business Area
• Old Age Stressed Infrastructure
Central Core Area –under Area
Base Development
Dhamekh Stupa

Sarnath Prohbited Area

Proposed Activities under
Proposed Retrofitting Area (PRA)
GPR Based Area scanning for planning and Execution- very old settlement
Water Supply- Provision of SCADA , Real time water quality, smart meter, NRW
related work in PRA
Rehabilitation of existing sewer lines in CoreArea
Provision of Underground cabling in the Area. (110 Km)- Rest under IPDS
Solar Power Provision for 9 MW Power
Solid Waste Collection RFID Censor based bins, transfer vehicle only
Improvement of Storm Water Drainage System in the Area, Improvement in Water
Logging conditions.
Rainwater Harvesting at Public Buildings
Improvement of Junctions at Critical Locations, space creation
Development of Cycle Track near Sigra Area, Sigra Statdium
Modernization of schools in Retrofit Area
Air Quality Monitoring Station
Development of Footpath, Footoverbridges in congested roads in steel pillars above
Landscaping in PRA
Provision of E-Ricksaws for moving on limited roads
CCTV Camera, Fire Alarm, information sign board all Crossing, important locations
Provision for WIFI in the Key Public Areas
Development of Town Hall Building at Zonal office
Development of Ponds-5 Nos
Facelifting of the Godlaiya Crossing to Dashashmegh Ghat
Smart Card Based Multi level parking, Trauma Center with machines, provision of
telemedicine, machines, commercial space creation at Dashasmegh Zonal office land
Convention Center, Heritage Museum at Nagar Nigam Premises at Sigra central office
Development of Smart Card Based Smart Multi Level Parking and Commercial Space at
Bhelupur- Jal-Kal Land with parking censors and Displays
Construction of multi Level Smart Parking , commercial and office Space at old Veternary
Hospital Land- Smart Card- Smart Censor Baed
Construction of multi Level Smart Parking and Commercial Space at Juta Ghar Area- Smart
Card- Smart Censor Based
Smart Multi level Parking Facility Development at Shastri Garden Sigra with landscaping
again on ground floor – Smart Card- Smart Censor Based
Construction of Multi Level Smart Parking, Commercial space at Malviya Market, Chowk,
Maidagin- Smart Card- Smart Censor- Display Board Based
Construction of Multi Level parking, Commercial Space near Nagar Nigam Building within
nagar nigam premises

City Level Mobile app for parking availability


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