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Behind the Scenes with MySQL

Friendster Scales-Out with MySQL Network

Social Networking Site Handles Over One Billion Database Queries per Day

Helping 17 million people stay in touch with their friends

and make new connections with others is a big job. A
really big job. However, as the largest social networking
site on the Web, Friendster is up to the task — even with
60 million page-views each day. To manage such a large
(and growing) enterprise, Friendster selected MySQL
Network to provide the right combination of affordable
database reliability and scalability.
Launched in 2003, Friendster hit upon Internet users’
desire for online community at just the right time. The site
registered its first million users in just six months. Soon
after, however, Friendster became a victim of its own
success: its explosive popularity was dragging down
its Web sites’ performance to a crawl and its system
architecture was buckling under the heavy traffic load. “Using a proprietary database like
Users were beginning to complain that the site was
Oracle was never an option — it
often inaccessible, slow, or didn’t work properly.
Friendster’s original engineering team had not expected would’ve been way too expensive
so many users so fast. The company brought in more staff
for what we needed to do.
with expertise in building large-scale database-intensive
Web sites. Their challenge was to re-engineer the site’s We saved millions of dollars by
entire MySQL database environment from the ground up
as quickly as possible, without interrupting service for the leveraging MySQL Network and
hundreds of thousands of new users that were joining
each month. commodity ‘white-box’ hardware


Dathan Pattishall
Senior Database & Software Engineer
Behind the Scenes with MySQL Friendster

Scaling-Out a High Volume LAMP Application

Friendster’s engineering team Internet Users

decided to continue to base

their site’s infrastructure upon
a foundation of open source
software popularly known as Load Load
Balancer Balancer
the LAMP stack, an integrated
combination of LINUX operat- Web DNS
Server Server
ing system, Apache Web server,
MySQL database and PHP
programming language. They
were confident that LAMP
would give them the perform-
Load Balancers
ance, reliability, and flexibility
they required. However, they
needed to completely redesign
their database server archi-
Replicated MySQL Database Servers
tecture to keep up with the
site’s high traffic volumes. Friendster employs 36 replicated MySQL database servers to address the heavy needs
of their 17 million registered users.
Friendster addressed this
challenge by employing an
Today, their engineering team testimonials and other inter-
innovative database strategy
estimates that their Scaled-Out connected user information.
called “Scale-Out” that allows
MySQL implementation has In front of each database cluster
dozens of MySQL database
saved them several millions of is a NetScaler load-balancing
servers to share a heavy work-
dollars by allowing them to use appliance that manages and
load – as opposed to the
easy-to-implement technology monitors the performance and
traditional “Scale-Up” approach
components, such as cheaper, health of the servers. MySQL’s
that requires a continual invest-
off-the-shelf PCs and the cost- robust design allows the system
ment in larger and more expen-
efficient LAMP software stack. to easily replicate and failover
sive hardware and proprietary
to additional servers during
database licenses to tackle Friendster’s database archi-
peak traffic periods and
application scalability. As a tecture now revolves around
occasional hardware failure.
start-up company, Friendster's 36 concurrent MySQL servers
staff knew that they could not that coordinate separate In this way, the Friendster
afford the cost of the constant sections of the social network system is able to reliably handle
infrastructure overhaul associat- site – such as member profiles, over a billion queries a day.
ed with Scale-Up. photo galleries, messages,
MySQL Network Gives Friendster Speed, Scalability & Production Support

Friendster chose MySQL own storage engine to add

Network as their database customized functionality
platform so they could realize and improve performance "We would not have been able
significant cost savings and three-fold.
to achieve our goals so quickly
technical benefits, including:
◆ Easy Integration with open,
◆ Fast Performance – Even less expensive components – without the high-quality sup-
with more than one billion Friendster has been able to
port we have received through
queries per day, Friendster’s scale out their entire infra-
MySQL database applica- structure with affordable, MySQL Network. The rapid
tions are lightening-fast. commodity hardware and
open source software – response and creative solutions
◆ Reliable – easy-to-maintain
allowing them to save
replication and failover provided by MySQL's trained
millions of dollars.
allows Friendster to afford-
ably monitor the health of ◆ High-Quality Technical staff have been invaluable."
their 36 concurrent database Support – MySQL Network
servers – keeping them gives Friendster’s IT staff Chris Lunt
optimized and online at direct access to the MySQL Director of Engineering
all times. knowledgebase and senior Friendster
technical advisors. Friendster
◆ Extensible – Taking advan-
has appreciated their fast
tage of MySQL’s flexible
response, product knowledge
architecture and open source
and creative solutions.
code-base, Friendster built its

Friendster Technical Environment

Hardware/CPU: Dual 64-bit AMD Opteron Servers
OS: SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8
Database: MySQL Database Server
Language: PHP
Storage: Hitachi SAN
Load Balancer: NetScaler
Database Size: – 7.3 Terabytes
– 100s of Millions of Rows
– Over 100 Tables
MySQL Network About MySQL
All-in-One Enterprise-grade Database, Support
MySQL AB develops and supports the MySQL
and Services from the Developers of MySQL
database server, the world's most popular open
MySQL Network is a source database. Over six million installations use
comprehensive set of MySQL to power high-volume Web sites and
certified software, other critical business systems — including indus-
production support and try-leaders like The Associated Press, Yahoo,
premium services that NASA, Sabre Holdings and Suzuki.
helps a corporate IT
MySQL is an attractive alternative to higher-cost,
staff ensure the highest
more complex database technology. Its award-
levels of reliability, security and uptime for their
winning speed, scalability and reliability make it
business critical database applications. As a
the right choice for corporate IT departments,
proactive service that helps eliminate problems
Web developers and packaged software vendors.
before they occur, MySQL Network is a single,
MySQL is available through an open source GPL
easy-to-buy offering – providing developers and
licence or MySQL Network, a comprehensive
DBAs with everything they need to successfully
offering of certified software and premium sup-
develop and deploy solutions with MySQL.
port services.
For more information about MySQL, please go to

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