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What’s In Those Pockets?

People keep all sorts of odd and interesting things in their pockets, but coming up with items on the spur of the moment
can be tricky and tedious process. This article presents 100 random items to use as the results of a Sleight of Hand
attempt the next time this happens in your game. Either roll d% for a random item, or pick the one you like. Many of the
items on the list could even become plot hooks for future adventures.
d% Result
01 1d6 copper pieces in a dirty cloth purse.
02 A ball of bat guano wrapped in wax paper.
03 A thin dagger, with a bloodstain on the blade.
04 An explicit love letter from a local aristocrat.
05 Silver holy symbol of a deity of your choice.
06 Single silver sling bullet with the name “Wolves Bane” etched into it.
07 A white pearl worth 100 gold pieces.
08 Multicolored wad of lint.
09 A bell made from brass with ships engraved in it.
10 Partially melted black candle.
11 A prayer book with prayers dedicated to the deity of your choice.
12 A darkwood whistle.
13 Ball of sealing wax.
14 Empty potion bottle.
15 An unused potion (roll in the DMG or use one of the results from Alchemical Mishaps in Chapter One).
16 Cracked whetstone.
17 A magic wand (roll in the DMG).
18 Identification papers.
19 A folded and torn piece of paper containing a sketch of a strikingly beautiful woman.
20 1d3 tindertwigs.
21 Signet ring from a well-respected noble.
22 A letter requesting the recipient meet an anonymous author to discuss an assassination.
23 A cork that smells of cheap wine.
24 Several pieces of string and a sewing needle.
25 An ink pen made from a golden eagle feather.
26 1d6 silver pieces in a leather purse with the NPC’s name stitched into it.
27 A small, round mirror.
28 A comb carved from a piece of pink coral.
29 Lady’s hairbrush full of hair strands.
30 An odoriferous piece of cod fish wrapped in paper.
31 A folded up wanted poster containing a sketch and information about one of the party members.
32 A pearl of power, 1st level.
33 Vial of silversheen in a velvet drawstring pouch.
34 A gray bag of tricks.
35 A tree feather token.
36 A small ring containing 3 curiously shaped keys.
37 A bead of force.
38 A sap made from oak with intricate carvings of angels and archons.
39 1d6 gold pieces (loose coins).
40 A compass, with an etching on the back that reads, “For my lover, so you can always find your way home.”
41 A small topaz worth 25 gold pieces.
42 Leaky bottle of red ink.
43 A well-used sling.
44 Cleaning rag made of rough wool.
45 Used handkerchief made of silk.
46 A shuriken dipped in malyss root poison (roll a poison use check for the pickpocket).
47 Small ruby worth 100 gold pieces.
48 A map of the city with 10 locations circled in red ink.
49 A crusty piece of bread.
50 Single human tooth.
51 Small vial of blood.
52 A pair of pliers.
53 A small knife of the sort used in leatherworking.
54 Silk gloves.
55 A wool hat.
56 1d3 platinum pieces (loose coins).
57 A pouch containing 500 gold pieces worth of diamond dust.
58 A live mouse.
59 Flask of cheap whiskey.
60 A wedge of cheese wrapped in cloth.
61 A map of the area around the city with a particular path into the hills marked.
62 Beef jerky.
63 A wooden holy symbol of a deity of your choice.
64 Flask of holy water.
65 A crystal rod.
66 A single smokestick.
67 Flask of alchemist’s fire.
68 Magnifying glass.
69 A silver flute worth 100 gold pieces.
70 Set of lock picks.
71 A scarf.
72 Moonstone worth 50 gold pieces.
73 Flask of acid.
74 Silver necklace worth 20 gold pieces inside a small, wrapped package.
75 Brass knuckles.
76 A receipt from the local butcher, indicating a large meat order will be ready for pickup at noon the next day.
77 A silver thimble worth 10 gold pieces.
78 Perfume bottle.
79 A toy for a small child.
80 A poisoned green apple.
81 Directions to an address within the city.
82 A paintbrush with an ivory handle and bristles made from lamia hair.
83 A small jar containing several green pills.
84 Shiny black/gray rock.
85 Dice carved from bone.
86 A small whittling knife and a half-completed scrimshaw.
87 An empty syringe.
88 Dried herbs.
89 A bundle of wild flowers.
90 Tongs used in metalworking.
91 A novel with a bookmark one-third of the way through.
92 A poster advertising a new inn, named the Grinning Lion, is hiring staff.
93 A weight used in a merchant’s scale.
94 Rag doll.
95 A magnet.
96 Bottle of black ink.
97 A “thank you” note written in Gnomish.
98 Scented bar of soap.
99 A star sapphire worth 1,000 gold pieces.
00 Pocket trap (see sidebar).
Pocket Trap
Wealthy dilettantes favor these expensive items. A pocket trap activates whenever something passes through the
opening of the pocket without first depressing a button concealed in the fabric. The trap attacks whatever enters the
pocket with a sharp, hollow needle, causing 1d2 points of damage. The needle injects a red ink onto the surface of
whatever it attacks–often a thief’s hand. The needle is exceptionally sharp; a pickpocket unable to tolerate the pain
caused by this sharp needle cries out in pain, giving herself away.
Pocket Trap: CR 3; mechanical, location trigger; manual reset; Atk +15 (1d2 plus dye and pain); pain DC 20 Fortitude
save or cry out in pain; Search DC 25; Disable Device DC 20 (if the pocket trap is on a garment that is currently worn,
the wearer receives a Spot check at DC 12 to notice the attempt). Market price: 6,600 gp.

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