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1. Contractions video
2. Contractions activity (on spelling handout)
3. Time to work on weekly spelling handout
a. This weekly spelling handout is a summative assessment that I will mark at the end of the week
4. Exit slip (if time allows)
5. Need to keep at least 2 min for conclusion

Lesson ‘Sh’ sound in words Course Grade 4 LA

Title/Focus Class #4 (contractions) 30 min


● GLO 4: students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of
● SLO 4.2: attend to conventions
○ Use phonic knowledge and skills and visual memory, systematically, to spell multisyllabic words in
own writing

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Identify contractions in classroom reading material

2. Analyze a contraction and distinguish between the two words


● Lesson plan (x3)
● Exit slip on contractions (x20)
● List of common contractions
○ Contraction rules / tips


● Whether students do the contraction activity on their spelling handout or do something else is dependent on
how far they get on their spelling handout prior to thursday

Introduction Time

● Before our spelling bee yesterday, does anyone remember what type of punctuation we talked 7 min
○ Apostrophes
● Does anyone know or want to guess why we use apostrophes or what they do to certain letters
in words?
○ Apostrophes allow us to make word short cuts. They create a contraction, where we
shorten 2 words into 1 word.
● Does anyone have any idea of what some common contractions are?
○ And what are the two words that make them?
■ Do not → don’t
■ Can not → can’t
■ Should not → shouldn’t
● Everyone take out your spelling duotang and turn to this weeks assignment. Turn to the bottom
of the back of the page where it asks “what is a contraction?”
○ What would we write here?
○ “A contraction is a word shortcut. 2 words shorted to 1 word
● So grade 4s, I actually found a video that is kind of like a song/rhyme that talks about
contractions, and I thought we would watch that rather than writing a bunch of the words on the
board, how does that sound?!
● Play the video, make pauses for the students to say the words

Body Time

Spelling handout We are going to do spelling a little bit differently than what the assignment says. 5 min
(have had about 1 We are going to work on *this* question first, only with the people we are sitting
class on it so far) with. And here is what we are going to do once I finish instructions
1. One person from who you are sitting with is going to go grab a book and
head back to your desks.
2. You both are going to scan the book looking for contractions. If you are in
a group of 3, the book should be in the middle so everyone can lean in and
see the pages. You are not reading the book, you are just scanning the
a. Does everyone know what it means to just scan the page and not
read it?
3. Then, as you and the person/people you are sitting with find a contraction
in your book, you are going to write it down *here*
4. Once you find 5, one person from your group is going to put your book
back, and return to your desk.
5. Then, when you return to your desk, everyone will work individually on
spelling for the rest of class, but if you have questions you can ask the
people around you.
6. At the end of class, I will ask some of you what contractions you found,
then if we have time, hopefully we can create a master list of contractions
like we did with light sources

Work time for

Exit slip Only if time allows 4-5min
- Time did not allow
- 1 min to handout/get started
- 2 min to do it (some will finish very quick)
- 1 min to collect

Conclusion Time

● Everyone think of one contraction in your head. 3 min

○ Is everyone thinking of one?
○ Turn to someone beside you, one of you tells the other 1 contraction. When your
partner tells you the contraction, respond back to them with saying the 2 words that
make up that contraction. Then switch roles
● What is a contraction that begins with our -sh- sound?

● Contraction exit slip
○ Will allow me to see if students picked up on the concept or not

Additional notes:
- Time did not allow for the exit slip, but that is okay because students needed the time to work on their
weekly spelling handout. (The spelling handout is a handout students get on Mondays and is due on
- This was a morning lesson, and with it being in the morning, students are often still sleepy. I decided to
incorporate a youtube video to introduce them to contractions rather than only have me talk about them
1. It allows for variety (rather than only direct instruction with me talking about contractions, they
can listen and talk/sing along with the video)
2. It is an upbeat video, it could get them woken and more engaged into the lesson (HOOK)
- Plan A was to have the video play on the smart board, but the smart board wasn’t working that morning.
Because I still wanted students to be able to see the video, I decided I would put it on my laptop on the
front table, have students put their mask on and then have half the students sit in the front, and half the
students stand behind them. This actually worked quite well and not having access to the smartboard did
not seem to interfere with the lesson or the effectiveness of the video. Surprisingly, I actually liked
playing it off my laptop and having all the students up at the front together with them (because I was
also kneeling in the front with them so I could pause at certain points). Having it on my laptop also got
the kids up out of their seats which is always good.
- This lesson incorporates technology and a summative assessment

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