Exercises Problems: 27-2 Electric Current IE. 10E

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SECTION 27-2 Electric Current trons and 1.1 X 1018 protons move past a cross-sectional area of
the tube each second?
n be- IE. The current in the electron beam producing a picture on a
typical video display terminal is 200 /LA. How many electrons 10E. A pn junction is formed from two different semiconducting
materials in the form of identical cylinders with radius 0.165 mm,
11.2L strikethe screen each second?
as depicted in Fig. 27-23. In one application 3.50 X 1015 elec-
to the n resistor for 4.0 min. How
2E. A current of 5.0 A exists in a 10 trons per second flow across the junction from the n to the p side
them, many(a) coulombs and (b) electrons pass through any cross sec-
while 2.25 X 1015 holes per second flow from the p to the n side.
tionof the resistor in this time? (A hole acts like a particle with charge + 1.60 X 10-19 C.) What
The 3P. A charged belt, 50 cm wide, travels at 30 mls between a are (a) the total current and (b) the current density?
<\ and source of charge and a sphere. The belt carries charge into the
irs of sphere at a rate corresponding to 100 /LA. Compute the surface
trans- chargedensity on the belt.
'- 4P. An isolated conducting sphere has a 10 cm radius. One wire
carriesa current of 1.000 002 0 A into it. Another wire carries a
currentof 1.000 0000 A out of it. How long would it take for the
sphereto increase in potential by 1000 V? FIGURE 27-23
Exercise 10.
SECTION 27-3 Current Density
UP. Near Earth, the density of protons in the solar wind is
5E. The (United States) National Electric Code, which sets 8.70 cm-3 and their speed is 470 km/s. (a) Find the current den-
maximum safe currents for rubber-insulated copper wires of sity of these protons. (b) If Earth's magnetic field did not deflect
various diameters, is given (in part) below. Plot the safe current them, the protons would strike the planet. What total current
densityas a function of diameter. Which wire gauge has the max- would Earth then receive?
lce R
imumsafe current density?
Irrent 12P. A steady beam of alpha particles (q = +2e) traveling with
\, (b) constant kinetic energy 20 MeV carries a current of 0.25 /LA. (a)
Gauge a 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
rding If the beam is directed perpendicular to a plane surface, how
Diameter, milsb 204 162 129 102 81 64 51 40
~rmal many alpha particles strike the surface in 3.0 s? (b) At any in-
Safecurrent, A 70 50 35 25 20 15 6 3
stant, how many alpha particles are there in a given 20 cm length
light- of the beam? (c) Through what potential difference was it neces-
'A way of identifying the wire diameter.
Ice is sary to accelerate each alpha particle from rest to bring it to an
hi mil = 10-3 in. energy of 20 Me V?
as a 6E. A beam contains 2.0 X 108 doubly charged positive ions per 13P. How long does it take electrons to get from a car battery to
sand cubiccentimeter, all of which are moving north with a speed of the starting motor? Assume the current is 300 A and the electrons
se in 1.0 X 105 m/s. (a) What are the magnitude and direction of the travel through a copper wire with cross-sectional area 0.21 cm2
ction currentdensity J? (b) Can you calculate the total current i in this and length 0.85 m. (See Sample Problem 27-3.)
1 rate
ionbeam? If not, what additional information is needed?
14P. In a hypothetical fusion research lab, high-temperature he-
7E. A small but measurable current of 1.2 10-10 A exists in a
X lium gas is completely ionized, each helium atom being separated
copperwire whose diameter is 2.5 mm. Assuming the current is into two free electrons and the remaining positively charged nu-
uniform,calculate (a) the current density and (b) the electron drift cleus (alpha particle). An applied electric field causes the alpha
speed. (See Sample Problem 27-3.) particles to drift to the east at 25 mls while the electrons drift to
- SE. A fuse in an electric circuit is a wire that is designed to melt, the west at 88 m/s. The alpha particle density is 2.8 X 1015 cm-3.
and thereby open the circuit, if the current exceeds a predeter- Calculate the net current density; specify the current direction.
minedvalue. Suppose that the material to be used in a fuse melts lSP. (a) The current density across a cylindrical conductor of
whenthe current density rises to 440 A/cm2. What diameter of radius R varies according to the equation
cylindrical wire should be used to limit the current to 0.50 A?
9E. A current is established in a gas discharge tube when a suffi-
cientlyhigh potential difference is applied across the two elec-
trodes in the tube. The gas ionizes; electrons move toward the where r is the distance from the central axis. Thus the current
positive terminal and singly charged positive ions toward the density is a maximum 10 at the axis (r = 0) and decreases linearly
negative terminal. What are the magnitude and direction of the to zero at the surface (r = R). Calculate the current in terms of 10
currentin a hydrogen discharge tube in which 3.1 X 1018 e1ec- and the conductor's cross-sectional area A = 7TR2. (b) Suppose

that, instead, the current density is a maximum fo at the cylinder's 27E. A wire with a resistance of 6.0 0 is drawn out through a choi
surface and decreases linearly to zero at the axis: f = forlR. die so that its new length is three times its original length. Find per
Calculate the current. Why is the result different from that in (a)? the resistance of the longer wire, assuming that the resistivity 8961
and density of the material are unchanged.
28E. A certain wire has a resistance R. What is the resistance of ions
a second wire, made of the same material I that is half as long and fron
SECTION 27-4 Resistance and Resistivity has half the diameter? strel
29P. Two conductors are made of the same material and have sing
16E. A steel trolley-car rail has a cross-sectional area of
2 the same length. Conductor A is a solid wire of diameter 1.0 mm. sing
56.0 cm What is the resistance of 10.0 km of rail? The resistiv-
Conductor B is a hollow tube of outside diameter 2.0 mm and 27-:
ity of the steel is 3.00 X 10-7 O· m.
inside diameter 1.0 mm. What is the resistance ratio RAIRB, mea· late
17E. A conducting wire has a 1.0 mrn diameter, a 2.0 m length, sured between their ends? and
and a 50 mO resistance. What is the resistivity of the material?
30P. A copper wire and an iron wire of the same length have the
18E. A wire of Nichrome (a nickel-chromium-iron alloy com-
same potential difference applied to them. (a) What must be the
monly used in heating elements) is 1.0 m long and 1.0 mm2 in
ratio of their radii if the currents in the two wires are to be the
cross-sectional area. It carries a current of 4.0 A when a 2.0 V same? (b) Can the current densities be made the same by suitable
potential difference is applied between its ends. Calculate the
choices of the radii?
conductivity (J" of Nichrome.
31P. An aluminum rod with a square cross section is 1.3 m long
19E. A human being can be electrocuted if a current as small as and 5.2 mm on edge. (a) What is the resistance between its ends?
50 rnA passes near the heart. An electrician working with sweaty
(b) What must be the diameter of a cylindrical copper rod of
hands makes good contact with the two conductors he is holding. length 1.3 m if its resistance is to be the same as that of the
If his resistance is 2000 0, what might the fatal voltage be?
aluminum rod?
20E. A coil is formed by winding 250 turns of insulated 16- 32P. A cylindrical metal rod is 1.60 m long and 5.50 mm in FIG
gauge copper wire (diameter = 1.3 mrn) in a single layer on a diameter. The resistance between its two ends (at 20DC)is
cylindrical form of radius 12 cm. What is the resistance of the 1.09 X 10-3 O. (a) What is the material? (b) A round disk,
coil? Neglect the thickness of the insulation. (Use Table 27-1.) 2.00 cm in diameter and 1.00 mm thick, is formed of the same
"21E. A wire 4.00 m long and 6.00 mrn in diameter has a resist-
material. What is the resistance between the round faces, assum·
ter i
ance of 15.0 mO. A potential difference of 23.0 V is applied be- ing that each face is an equipotential surface?
dec I
tween the ends. (a) What is the current in the wire? (b) What is the 33P. An electrical cable consists of 125 strands of fine wire, this.
current density? (c) Calculate the resistivity of the wire material. each having 2.65 /-to resistance. The same potential difference is resi:
Identify the material. (Use Table 27-1.)
applied between the ends of all the strands and results in a total 25 f
" 22E. The copper windings of a motor have a resistance of 50 0 current of 0.750 A. (a) What is the current in each strand? (b)
at 20°C when the motor is idle. After the motor has run for several What is the applied potential difference? (c) What is the resist·
its I
hours, the resistance rises to 58 O. What is the temperature of the ance of the cable?
windings now? Ignore changes in the dimensions of the windings. 34P. When 115 V is applied across a wire that is 10 m long and in r
(Use Table 27-1.) has a 0.30 mm radius, the current density is 1.4 X 104 A/m2 chal
23E. (a) At what temperature would the resistance of a copper Find the resistivity of the wire. for
conductor be double its resistance at 20.0°C? (Use 20.0DC as the 1.7
I, , reference point in Eq. 27-17; compare your answer with Fig. 27-
35P. A common flashlight bulb is rated at 0.30 A and 2.9 V (the
,I values of the current and voltage under operating conditions). If 41P
10.) (b) Does this same "doubling temperature" hold for all the resistance of the bulb filament at room temperature (20 e) is
copper conductors, regardless of shape or size? 1.1 0, what is the temperature of the filament when the bulbis tape
24E. Using data taken from Fig. 27-11c, plot the resistance of on? The filament is made of tungsten. acre
the pn junction diode as a function of applied potential difference. 36P. A block in the shape of a rectangular solid has a cross· ject
25E. A 4.0 cm long caterpillar crawls in the direction of electron sectional area of 3.50 cm2 across its width, a front-to-rear length CaSf
drift along a 5.2 mm diameter bare copper wire that carries a of 15.8 cm, and a resistance of 935 O. The material of whichthe
current of 12 A. (a) What is the potential difference between the block is made has 5.33 X 1022 conduction electrons/m3 A poten·
two ends of the caterpillar? (b) Is its tail positive or negative tial difference of 35.8 V is maintained between its front andrear.
compared to its head? (c) How much time would the caterpillar (a) What is the current in the block? (b) If the current densityis
take to crawl 1.0 cm if it crawls at the drift speed of the electrons uniform, what is its value? (c) What is the drift velocity of the
in the wire? conduction electrons? (d) What is the magnitude of the electric
26E. A cylindrical copper rod of length L and cross-sectional field in the block?
area A is re-formed to twice its original length with no change in 37P. Copper and aluminum are being considered for a high·
volume. (a) Find the new cross-sectional area. (b) The resistance voltage transmission line that must carry a current of 60.0 A.The
between its ends was R; what is it now? resistance per unit length is to be 0.150 O/km. Compute foreach FIG
________ 0 0- 0 _


gh a choice of cable material (a) the current density and (b) the mass SECTION 27-6 A Microscopic View
Find per meter of the cable. The densities of copper and aluminum are of Ohm's Law
ivity 8960 and 2700 kg/m3, respectively.
42P. Show that according to the free-electron model of electrical
38P. In Earth's lower atmosphere there are negative and positive conduction in metals and classical physics, the resistivity of
::e of ions, created by radioactive elements in the soil and cosmic rays metals should be proportional to "ff, where T is the temperature in
: and from space. In a certain region, the atmospheric electric field kelvins. (See Eq. 20-27.)
strength is 120 Vim, directed vertically down. This field causes
have singly charged positive ions, 620 per cm3, to drift downward and
mm. singly charged negative ions, 550 per cm3, to drift upward (Fig. SECTION 27-7 Power in Electric Circuits
and 27-24). The measured conductivity is 2.70 X 10-14/0. m. Calcu-
43E. A student kept his 9.0 V, 7.0 W radio turned on at full
mea- late (a) the ion drift speed, assumed to be the same for positive
volume from 9:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. How much charge went
and negative ions, and (b) the current density.
through it?
e the
44E. A certain x-ray tube operates at a current of 7.0 rnA and a
e the
potential difference of SO kV. What is its power in watts?
e the
table 45E. Thermal energy is developed in a resistor at a rate of
100 W when the current is 3.00 A. What is the resistance?

long .•..46E. The headlights of a moving car draw about 10 A from the
nds? 12 V alternator, which is driven by the engine. Assume the alter-
)d of nator is SO% efficient (its output electrical power is SO% of its
f the input mechanical power), and calculate the horsepower the en-
gine must supply to run the lights.

min 47E. A 120 V potential difference is applied to a space heater

FIGURE 27-24 Problem 3S.
:::) is whose resistance is 140 when hot. (a) At what rate is electrical
disk, energy transferred to heat? (b) At 5.0¢/kW . h, what does it cost to
,arne operate the device for 5.0 h?
39P. If the gauge number of a wire is increased by 6, the diame-
sum- 48E. A 120 V potential difference is applied to a space heater
ter is halved; if a gauge number is increased by I, the diameter
that dissipates 500 W during operation. (a) What is its resistance
decreases by the factor 2116 (see the table in Exercise 5). Knowing
wire, during operation? (b) At what rate do electrons flow through any
this, and knowing that 1000 ft of lO-gauge copper wire has a
Ice is cross section of the heater element?
resistance of approximately 1.00 0, estimate the resistance of
total 25 ft of 22-gauge copper wire. 49E. An unknown resistor is connected between the terminals of
? (b) a 3.00 V battery. Energy is dissipated in the resistor at the rate of
40P. When a metal rod is heated, not only its resistance but also
~sist - 0.540 W. The same resistor is then connected between the tern1i-
its length and its cross-sectional area change. The relation R =
nals of a 1.50 V battery. At what rate is energy now dissipated?
pL/ A suggests that all three factors should be taken into account
in measuring p at various temperatures. (a) If the temperature 50E. The National Board of Fire Underwriters has fixed safe
changes by 1.0 Co, what percentage changes in R, L, and A occur current-carrying capacities for various sizes and types of wire.
for a copper conductor? The coefficient of linear expansion i;;r. Lor 10-gauge rubber-coated copper wire (diameter = 0.10 in.),
, (the 1.7 X 1O-5/K. (b) What conclusion do you draw? ...v ' p ,h0"" the maximum safe current is 25 A. At this current, find (a) the
s). If current density, (b) the electric field, (c) the potential difference
41P. A resistor has the shape of a truncated right-circular cone
C) is across 1000 ft of wire, and (d) the rate at which thermal energy is
(Fig.27-25). The end radii are a and b, and the altitude is L. If the
lIb is developed in 1000 ft of wire.
taper is small, we may assume that the current density is uniform
across any cross section. (a) Calculate the resistance of this ob- 51E. A potential difference of 1.20 V will be applied to a 33.0 m
ross- ject. (b) Show that your answer reduces to p(LlA) for the special length of IS-gauge copper wire (diameter = 0.0400 in.). Calcu-
~ngth caseof zero taper (that is, for a = b). late (a) the current, (b) the current density, (c) the electric field,
h the and (d) the rate at which thermal energy will appear in the wire.
bten- 52P. A potential difference V is applied to a wire of cross section
rear. A, length L, and resistivity p. You want to change the applied
ity is potential difference and stretch the wire so that the energy dissi-
f the pation rate is multiplied by 30 and the current is multiplied by 4.

. The
- i
- i
What should be the new values of L and A?
53P. A cylindrical resistor of radius 5.0 mm and length 2.0 cm
is made of material that has a resistivity of 3.5 X 10-50. m.
What are (a) the current density and (b) the potential difference
each FIGURE 27-25 Problem 41. when the energy dissipation rate in the resistor is 1.0 W?

S4P. A heating element is made by maintaining a potential dif- tionless piston and containing an ideal gas. A current i = 240 rnA
ference of 75.0 V along the length of a Nichrome wire with a exists in the coil, which has a resistance R = 550 n. At what
2.60 X 10-6 m2 cross section and a resistivity of 5.00 X speed v must the piston, of mass m = 12 kg, move upward to
10-7 n· m. (a) If the element dissipates 5000 W, what is its keep the temperature of the gas unchanged?
length? (b) If a potential difference of 100 V is used to obtain the
same dissipation rate, what should the length be?
SSP. A 100 W lightbulb is plugged into a standard 120 V outlet.
(a) How much does it cost per month to leave the light turned on
continuously? Assume electrical energy costs 6¢/kW, h. (b)
What is the resistance of the bulb? (c) What is the current in the
bulb? (d) Is the resistance different when the bulb is turned off? R
S6P. A 1250 W radiant heater is constructed to operate at
115 V. (a) What will be the current in the heater? (b) What is the
resistance of the heating coil? (c) How much thermal energy is
generated in 1.0 h by the heater?
FIGURE 27-26 Problem 61.
S7P. A Nichrome heater dissipates 500 W when the applied po-
tential difference is 110 V and the wire temperature is 800°e. 62P. A 500 W heating unit is designed to operate with an ap-
What would be the dissipation rate if the wire temperature were plied potential difference of 115 V. (a) By what percentage will
held at 200°C by immersing the wire in a bath of cooling oil? The its heat output drop if the applied potential difference drops to
applied potential difference remains the same, and (l' for Nichrome 110 V? Assume no change in resistance. (b) If you took the varia-
at 800°C is 4.0 X 1O-4/K. tion of resistance with temperature into account, would the actual
SSP. A beam of 16 MeV deuterons from a cyclotron falls on a drop in heat output be larger or smaller than that calculated in (a)?
copper block. The beam is equivalent to a current of 15 /LA. (a)
At what rate do deuterons strike the block? (b) At what rate is
thermal energy produced in the block?
Electronic Computation

S9P. A linear accelerator produces a pulsed beam of electrons. 63. The resistance of a resistor is measured at several tempera-
The pulse current is 0.50 A, and the pulse duration is 0.10 /LS. (a) tures, as shown below. Enter the data in your graphing calculator
How many electrons are accelerated per pulse? (b) What is the and perform a linear regression fit of R versus T. Have your
average current for a machine operating at 500 pulses/s? (c) If the calculator graph the results of the linear regression fit; using the
electrons are accelerated to an energy of 50 MeV, what are the TRACE capability of the calculator (and perhaps the parameters
average and peak powers of the accelerator? of the fit), find the value of the resistance (a) at 20°C and (b) at
60P. A coil of current-carrying Nichrome wire is immersed in a O°e. (c) Find the temperature coefficient of resistance (instead of
liquid contained in a calorimeter. When the potential difference resistivity) with a reference temperature of 20°e. (d) Find the
across the coil is 12 V and the current through the coil is 5.2 A, temperature coefficient of resistance with a reference temperature
the liquid boils at a steady rate, evaporating at the rate of 21 mg/s. of O°e. (e) Find the resistance of the resistor at 265°e.
Calculate the heat of vaporization of the liquid, in joules per
kilogram (see Section 19-7). T,oC 50 100 150 200 250
61P. In Fig. 27-26, a resistance coil, wired to an external battery,
R,n 139 171 203 234 266
is placed inside a thermally insulated cylinder fitted with a fric-

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