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Checklist item Exist? Rating Comments

Periods and times for machine cleaning are established and followed
All cleaning responsibilities are clearly defined
Countermeasures are adopted to prevent leaking, splashing and spilling
The cleaning status is recorded and displayed on a regular basis
All machine/equipment inspections are performed as scheduled
Lists of nuts, bolts, valves, gauges, lubes & level indicators are available for each equipment/machine
Nuts and bolts are regularly checked for absence or damage
Standards are established to reduce inspection time and frequency
The lubricant to be supplied to each machine is always available nearby
A lubrication map exists to indicate all lube points
Lubrication points are clearly marked on the machine/equipment
The minimum and maximum oil levels are clearly marked
Visual management
Gauges, oil levels and lube points are clean and labeled
Gauges and oil levels are marked to make out-of-spec conditions easily apparent
Visuals are used to simplify work instructions and preventive maintenance activities
Evidence of equipment transparency exists to ease checking
Preventive maintenance
PM history records are kept for each equipment/machine, easy to access and up to date
PM is scheduled with actions maintaining each part of the equipment/machine
Standards are set so that PM activities yield maximum benefit at minimum cost
Actions are taken for those items which have not achieved adequate results
Involvement and training
Operators are responsible for the routine inspection of equipment
Operators are doing part of the maintenance tasks (e.g. changing filters, ...)
Operators are trained on how to identify waste that will improve the process
A database for each piece of equipment, spare parts and tooling exist
Spare parts are analyzed based on consumptions and past purchases
All uniform bolts, nuts and washers are mounted in the same place
All nuts are visible from the outside
Spanners and other tools are located in places that are easy to use (e.g. shadow boards)
Tightening fasteners and bolts are made regularly to prevent loosen due to process vibration


Total in place: 0 out of 0

Continuous Improvement Toolkit .
mprovement Toolkit .

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