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Kyle Todd
Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering
In the world of Engineering, the “Code of Ethics” plays a major roll within the

workspace. The “Code of Ethics” sets a company’s ethical guidelines for employees to follow

for integrity, honesty, fidelity, charity, responsibility, and self-discipline. If any members of a

company were to violate the “Code of Ethics”, it could result to punishment or termination.

When facing an ethical situation, I personally think I would have a conversation with the one

causing the troubles. I would explain to them that their actions were wrong and try to find the

best possible way to manage the situation. If the situations continue, then I believe a higher

punishment should take place. I would make this decision only if the situation continued to

happen regularly and if I noticed it effecting my team from feeling comfortable.

Engineering is a very diverse major which has a lot of different ethnicities, backgrounds,

cultures, etc. One major ethical obligation is to be inclusive. Inclusivity means to welcome and

support people of all backgrounds and identities. If one were to not respect these in a profession,

it could cause tension within the work group. The tension would lead to poor teamwork and less

productivity. Contrastingly, when a team is inclusive, team members will want to come into

work everyday producing the best work possible.

When looking at ethical considerations between my class and I, I did not see much

differences between our actions. I think I would have agreed with all of their consensus on what

their ethical decisions made. It seemed like my class and I thought through the actions that could

be made using our resources like the IEEE Code of Ethics, the Virtue of Ethics, and the 5 P’s of

Ethics. My class and I had put ourselves in the shoes of the victim and came to a conclusion that

we all thought was fit for the situation.

The “Virtue of Ethics” is one resource provided that I used the most. Out of the six

virtues, I thought honesty, fidelity, and responsibility were the most relatable. The honesty virtue
is comprised of truthfulness, fairness, sincerity, and openness. I think when you obtain honesty to

yourself, then it will carry into your professional life. Fidelity is another virtue that is important.

It is faithfulness to yourself, family, the public, employers, clients, and your profession. When

you have Fidelity, employers will see that you are loyal and will respect you and your actions.

The third virtue is responsibility which is the accountability, trustworthiness, dependability, and

reliability of one another. When you are responsible, I think makes you a good leader. Making

good decisions and recognizing your obligation to succeed with your team. I chose these three

virtues because I believe they apply to everyday life as an engineer the most. The three other

virtues are less important to me because I feel that they don’t serve as good as a purpose as the

ones I listed. Out of all the ethical virtues, I would add fairness into the mix. I believe fairness to

one another regardless of ranking in the system is great because you can obtain a stronger team

bond with one another.

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