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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.17
Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle
1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should be transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for

Section 1: New Teacher Information

New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Maeve Brigantino General Education 1st
Mentor Email School/District Date
Old Mission School/Diocese of
Kristia Lengyel-Leahu November 8th, 2021
Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title
● Two number addition
Students will be able to add
● Place value
Math combinations of 2 numbers Tower Race- Addition to 10
● Addition
to 10.
combinations to 10
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating
NT pedagogical skills are newly formed and just Skills are developing as NT investigates Skills are applied as NT makes Skills are refined as NT combines elements Skills are polished as NT expands ability to
coming into prominence and examines pedagogical practices increased relevant and suitable use into a cohesive and unified pedagogical add new methods and strategies into
of pedagogical choices repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
T- organizing new curriculum units (specifically in writing) that facilitate student success in each subject area and domain.
Organizing curriculum to facilitate student understanding of T- Applying
3.3 the subject matter S- Exploring
Re-organizing some units to better meet student needs.
S- participating in and completing curriculum units.
T- Currently, student assessment data is collected and minimal feedback is given. However, assessment data is not always used to
Using assessment data to establish learning goals and to T- Exploring
5.4 plan, differentiate, and modify instruction S- Exploring
inform future instruction.
S- students are given minimal assessment data feedback, but are not given opportunities to use this to inform learning.

Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference

Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
AA- This student’s family primarily speaks
Focus Students Spanish and Italian at home. She scored DM- This student is new to our school this JB- This student scored just below grade
● Summarize critical needs and how below grade level in both reading and math year. He scored below grade level on both level on our math and reading assessments
you will address them during this standards on the beginning of the year the reading and math benchmarks. He is at the beginning of the year. She works
lesson. benchmark assessments. She is currently receiving specialized instruction from our with me in small group settings on certain
working with a tutor 3 days a week for school’s resource specialist. focus standards.
targeted instruction.

Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson plan. Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis I feel small group instruction will be most
● What is your inquiry focus and/or special emphasis? Will targeted small group instruction, based on data
● How will you incorporate the inquiry focus and/or
effective - the interaction and ability to guide
collected from formative assessments, increase student
special emphasis into the lesson? understanding and success in math? them more intimately is likely to lead to more
● What specific feedback do you want from your ME? understanding
● What specific feedback regarding your focus students
do you want from your ME?

Specific Feedback Are there any further scaffolds that you would
● What additional specific feedback do you want from add to this lesson (for my focus students or Are you planning to use any charts or visuals?
your ME regarding lesson implementation?
small group that I will work with) to assist them?

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 4
Opening: Warm-Up Game “I have You Need to
The use of whiteboards is great here!
● Begin lesson by playing the game “I
have you need with students”
● Teacher will show a number of fingers
to students and they will write on their
Good informal assessment with having
whiteboard how many more fingers the
students hold up their work on whiteboards
teacher needs to make 10
● Informal Assessment: checking student
answers on whiteboards as they hold
them up
Fun to make this a Tower Partner Game
Body: Tower Race Partner Game
Good modeling planned here
● Tell students that they will be playing
the game “Tower Race” with their
● Model the game by playing teacher
versus students
○ Players take turns rolling 2
Instructional Planning dice
● How is the lesson structured (opening, body, and
closing)? ○ They will collect unifix cubes in
● What varied teaching strategies and differentiated 2 colors (one for each dice)
instruction will help students meet lesson goals?
● What progress monitoring strategies will be used? How and clip them together to add
will results inform instruction? to their game board
○ Cubes can be used to fill a
Students will enjoy this part for sure!
tower on the game board
○ The first player to fill their
towers (exactly) wins!
○ Then, both players write the
addition facts at the button of
each tower that made the
tower (see attached game
board sheet)
Great idea to work with focus students and
● While players are working with
students who scored low
partners, I will be working with a small
group (focus students and students
who scored low on the pre-assessment
for the unit) to play the game as a
I love that you are using Unifix cubes!
group and add scaffolds
● These students will have the support of
my assistance, plus their number racks
and additional unifix cubes if needed

Student Engagement/Learning ● Students will be engaged in the lesson

● How will you make the lesson relevant to all the
because they are playing with partners Partner work is always a good idea
● How will students show progress towards master of ● They are also engaged because they Wonderful engagement with manipulatives!
lesson objectives?
are using physical manipulatives
● I will use my whole group and
individual classroom management Management plan is designed to keep students
Classroom Management
strategies (individual point system and on track with their behavior with both
● How will you maintain a positive learning environment whole group marble jar) individual and group rewards for good
with a welcoming climate of caring, respect, and
fairness? ● I will also remind students to do a voice behavior - I like how positive this is!
● Identify specific classroom procedures and strategies check (put their hand on their throat to
for preventing/redirecting challenging behaviors.
feel if they are whispering, which we Voice check is such a nice spin on “please
have practice) if the volume during lower your voices!”
partner work gets too loud

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 4
● I will close my lesson with another
game of I have you need, this time
● How will you close your lesson? using unifix cubes
● How will you assess student learning and prepare them Great closure planned here!
for the next lesson?
● This will give me another opportunity
to observe students’ ability to add to
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery
Student groups answered worksheet questions that included all
EXAMPLE When teacher reviewed worksheet, she asked additional questions of Students completed the worksheets and were able to ask questions.
levels of Bloom’s (“Identify 6 problem-solving strategies; pick two
CSTP 1: Engaging All Students analysis and evaluation (“which problem-solving strategy do you Most groups needed revisions for their questions;
strategies and identify at least one similarity and one difference
● In what ways were students prefer? How could you create a math problem that could be solved comparison/contrast was the most common analysis question. I
between them”). Groups then selected a strategy and created
engaged? with this strategy?”) need to give them a Bloom’s question stems handout next time.
two math problems to exchange tomorrow.

Specific Feedback
● What information can you
provide the NT regarding
requested special

CSTP 1: Engaging All

● In what ways were
students engaged? How
Students were engaged by playing
were students not this game with both partners and the
● How did students teacher. Pleased to see that students were
Students overcame challenges and
contribute to their engaged and enjoying the game with
learning? engaged with material.
● How did teacher and/or Focus students were given the a partner as well as teacher!
students monitor learning? opportunity to use manipulative sand
● How were the focus
students engaged and one on one support.
supported throughout the

There is rapport built with students

CSTP 2: Effective Learning and teacher around small group work Thanks to months of building a
Environment expectations. wonderful rapport with students and
● How did students and Students are responsive to teacher
creating an inclusive environment,
teacher contribute to an direction.
effective learning Various whole group management students are comfortable and work
strategies were used to ensure well together.
students were focused.
CSTP 3: Organizing Subject Students had misconceptions about Teacher is supportive and helpful in
Matter the properties of addition redirecting students in understanding
● What actions of the NT
contributed to student throughout the game, and the concepts after progress monitoring
assimilation of subject The lesson objectives were
teacher addressed these
matter? introduced to the whole group before
● How did students misconceptions using discussion Small group of only focus students
construct knowledge of being introduced and re-taught to the
subject matter? and manipulatives. Teacher also was helpful in meeting individual
● What misconceptions did
small group of focus students.
helped students work together to needs
students have and how
were they addressed by help each other when
the teacher?
misconceptions arose. Manipulatives proved helpful as well

CSTP 4: Learning Students were supported by allowing Providing multiple ways for students
Experiences Students used multiple methods to
● How were students for various levels of scaffolding, from to explore and discover was a great
solve problems, including finger
supported through independent work to partner work to way to scaffold and meets needs of
differentiated instruction? counting, use of unifix cubes,
● How did students small group work. Students were also students at varying levels of
participate? coloring math models, equations,
● How did the NT contribute
given the option to use comprehension of the math concepts
to student learning? manipulatives. presented

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 3 of 4
CSTP 5: Assessing Student
Learning Unifix cubes, counting with fingers,
● How did students
demonstrate achievement Students were given an exit ticket at coloring were great ways to explore
Students completed equations on
of lesson objectives? the end of the lesson, as well as
● In what ways did students the worksheet used during the
struggle or demonstrate completing the worksheet that was Exit ticket and worksheet completion
limited understanding? game.
● What teacher actions
used during the game. and accuracy is used as an informal
contributed to student assessment

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

To what degree did students Based on the unit post-assessment, 96% of students (24 of 25) met the lesson objective with at least 80%
achieve lesson objectives? accuracy, while 4% (1 of 25) did not.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
JB- Focus student 3 struggled to
AA- Focus student 1 completed the DM- Focus student 2 met the
meet the lesson objective, and
To what degree did focus post-assessment with 93% accuracy. lesson objective with 90% accuracy
received a 77% on the
students achieve lesson She struggled to complete the word on the post-assessment. He
objectives? post-assessment. She will need
problem on the post-assessment, struggled with making
more time practicing making
and will need more focus and combinations to 10 in equation
combinations to 10 as well as
re-teaching on word-problems. form.
I think that next time, I would allow students more than one day to learn and play the Tower Race game. This
What would you do differently
next time? might allow them to better understand the process of adding two numbers together to make combinations up to
10, and would also give them more repetition with these combinations.
1. Use of small groups instructional time- I was able to use the results from the unit pre-assessment to
identify focus students who needed to additional support and re-teaching and work with these
students in a small group setting.
What were three top Lesson 2. Use of technology- students used both paper and pencil and online tools to play this game. This allowed
Strengths? students to choose how they would best interact with the material and engaged students through
student choice.
3. Use of manipulatives- students who needed the additional scaffolding and support were allowed to use
physical manipulatives such as unifix cubes to support their creation of combinations to 10.
1. Implementation of game- I would have like to have more time to practice playing this game as a whole
class before allowing students to play independently in pairs. Some pairs of students did not fully
understand the game and were therefore not fully engaged.
2. Classroom management- the noise level in the classroom during game play often becomes distracting
What were three top areas for
improvement? to the whole class as well as the small group I am working with. I would like to continue to implement
management strategies to help students work independently so that I can focus on the small group I am
working with.
3. Repetition- I think that students would have benefitted from more repetition with the same game and
concept of adding to 10.
What are next steps?
Next, I will re-teach the concepts that were not mastered by the whole group. I will also work in small groups
with students who did not master the concept of making combinations of numbers up to 10 as a whole.
Other Comments/Notes

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the NT ILP as appropriate.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 4 of 4

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