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Scand J Med Sci Sports 2012:

2011 22: 179–184 & 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2010.01285.x

Dynamics of viscoelastic creep during repeated stretches

E. D. Ryan1, T. J. Herda2, P. B. Costa2, A. A. Walter2, J. T. Cramer2
Applied Musculoskeletal and Human Physiology Laboratory, Department of Health and Human Performance, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA, 2Biophysics Laboratory, Department of Health and Exercise Science, University of
Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Corresponding author: Eric D. Ryan, PhD, Applied Musculoskeletal and Human Physiology Laboratory, Department of
Health and Human Performance, Oklahoma State University, 198 Colvin Recreation Center, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078,
USA. Tel: 11 405 744-9935, Fax: 11 405 744-6507, E-mail:
Accepted for publication 29 November 2010

The present study examined the viscoelastic creep responses position over the entire stretch (y-intercept). The percent
in vivo during repeated constant-torque stretches in human change and slope were similar (P40.05) over all four
skeletal muscle. Twelve healthy participants completed four stretches, with the majority of increases in position occur-
consecutive 30-s constant-torque passive stretches of the ring within the initial 15–20 s of each stretch (84%).
right plantar flexor muscles. Position and surface electro- Absolute ankle joint position and the y-intercept increased
myographic (EMG) amplitude values were quantified at (Po0.05) following both the first and second stretch but
every 5-s period and the percent change in position was plateaued (P40.05) after the third stretch. In addition,
quantified for each 5-s epoch relative to the total increase in EMG amplitude values did not change (P40.05) during or
ankle joint position for each stretch. In addition, the between each 30-s stretch. These data indicate that the
absolute changes in position were plotted on a logarithmic amount and rate of viscoelastic creep were similar during
time scale and fit with a linear regression line to examine practical durations of constant-torque stretching despite no
both the rate of increase (slope) and the overall increase in change in ankle joint position following three 30-s stretches.

Skeletal muscle, like most biological tissues, exhibits than constant-angle and cyclic stretching maneuvers
properties of viscoelasticity and displays time-depen- at altering the passive properties of the muscle–
dent properties when held at a constant length (stress tendon unit (Yeh et al., 2005, 2007). For example,
relaxation) or force (creep) (Taylor et al., 1990; Yeh et al. (2007) reported constant-torque stretching
McHugh et al., 1992; Ryan et al., 2010). Viscoelastic protocols were more effective in improving range of
tissues are classically described by mechanical models motion and decreasing passive stiffness in stroke
where elasticity is modeled using linear springs patients. Previous authors (Ryan et al., 2008a,
(Hookean body) and viscosity (Newtonian body) is 2009) have suggested that constant-torque stretching
modeled with a hydraulic piston or dashpot (Taylor protocols may induce greater work on the muscle–
et al., 1990). Hysteresis, stress relaxation, and creep tendon unit thereby resulting in greater ‘‘muscle
are properties of skeletal muscle that represent a creep’’ and consequently translate into greater reduc-
viscous effect (Viidik 1973; Toft et al., 1989). These tions in stiffness during repetitive stretching.
properties have been examined previously by Taylor Although there has been a recent interest in con-
et al. (1990) who developed a model to characterize stant-torque stretching maneuvers, little is known
the viscoelasticity of the rabbit muscle–tendon unit in about the viscoelastic creep responses of the mus-
vitro. These responses were later confirmed in vivo by cle–tendon unit in vivo. The majority of literature
McHugh et al. (1992) who examined stress relaxation examining the time-dependent viscoelastic properties
in human skeletal muscle during static stretching of of the muscle–tendon unit during repeated stretching
the hamstrings. Magnusson and colleagues extended has been completed with the use of traditional
upon these findings by examining stress relaxation constant-angle or static stretching techniques (Mag-
during repeated static (constant-angle) stretching of nusson et al., 1995, 1996a, 2000; McHugh et al.,
the hamstrings under long (Magnusson et al., 1995, 1992). Very recently, Ryan et al. (2010) confirmed
1996a) and shorter (Magnusson et al., 2000) practical and characterized viscoelastic creep during a single
stretching durations. 30-s stretch and examined the consistency of these
More recent studies have suggested that constant- responses. The authors were able to demonstrate
torque stretching procedures may be more beneficial viscoelastic creep in vivo and found the responses to

Ryan et al
be consistent (Ryan et al., 2010). Therefore, the contraction (MVC) of the plantar flexors performed following
purpose of the current study was to follow-up with the four stretches.
work by Ryan et al. (2010) and characterize the
viscoelastic creep responses during repeated con- Creep measurement
stant-torque stretching exercises using stretching
Each participant was seated with restraining straps over the
durations (2 min of time under stretch) commonly pelvis, trunk, and thigh, with a leg flexion angle of 01 below the
performed in athletic and clinical settings (Bandy & horizontal plane (full extension), and the lateral malleolus of
Irion, 1994; Magnusson et al., 2000; Brandenburg, the fibula aligned with the input axis of a calibrated Biodex
2006; Behm & Kibele, 2007). System 3 dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems Inc., Shirley,
New York, USA). The foot was secured in a thick rubber heel
cup attached to a footplate with straps over the toes and
Methods metatarsals (distal to the malleoli). The dynamometer lever
arm passively dorsiflexed the foot at an angular velocity of 51/s
Participants from  201 of dorsiflexion until the maximal tolerable torque
Twelve healthy participants (mean  SD: age 5 22.4  3.2 threshold was met. The dynamometer held this constant
years; height 5 168.3  12.6 cm; mass 5 69.1  17.7 kg) vo- passive torque for 30 s and was then released back to  201
lunteered for this investigation. This study was approved by of dorsiflexion for 20 s. This was repeated until a total of four
the University Institutional Review Board and all participants stretches were completed. The participants were instructed to
completed an informed consent form and a pre-exercise testing remain as quiet and relaxed as possible during the 30-s period.
health status questionnaire. None of the participants reported During each 30-s stretch, position (1) values were examined at
any current or ongoing neuromuscular diseases or musculo- every 5 s (i.e. 0, 5, 15, 20, 25, and 30 s) with 500 ms epochs
skeletal injuries specific to the ankle, knee, or hip joints. using custom-written software (LabVIEW v 8.5, National
Instruments, Austin, Texas, USA; Fig. 1). Previous work
from our laboratory (Ryan et al., 2010) has demonstrated
Experimental design these responses to be consistent (ICC values  0.994 and
SEM values  1.54% of the mean).
The participants visited the laboratory on two occasions
To ensure all stretches were passive, pre-amplified active
separated by 3–5 days. The first visit was the familiarization
surface electrodes (EL254S, Biopac Systems, Santa Barbara,
trial and the second visit was the experimental trial. During
California, USA; gain 5 350) were placed over the medial
the familiarization trial, each participant practiced the 30-s
gastrocnemius (MG), soleus (SOL), and tibialis anterior (TA)
stretches (i.e. creep assessments) and determined the max-
muscles (Hermens et al., 1999; Ryan et al., 2010). Electro-
imum tolerable passive torque threshold. The maximum
myographic (EMG) amplitude values were calculated with a
tolerable torque threshold was determined during a series of
root mean square function at every 5 s with the same 500 ms
passive stretches with the dynamometer programmed in pas-
epoch as the position signal. The MG and SOL values were
sive mode as described previously (Ryan et al., 2009, 2010).
then normalized to the EMG amplitude values recorded during
The torque threshold was progressively increased to the point
a MVC based on the procedures of Gajdosik et al. (2006).
of discomfort, but not pain, as verbally acknowledged by the
participant. This pre-determined torque threshold was used
during the experimental trial to examine creep during each of
the repreated stretches. The experimental trial included four Signal processing
30-s constant-torque stretches with a 20-s rest period (Ryan et The position (1) and EMG (mV) signals were sampled simul-
al., 2008b) between each stretch and a maximal voluntary taneously at 1 kHz with a Biopac data acquisition system

Fig. 1. The absolute changes in position over each 30-s constant-torque stretch. *Position for stretch 1 was less than stretches
2–4 at all time points (Po0.05). wPosition for stretch 2 was less than stretches 3 and 4 at all time points (Po0.05). Post hoc
comparisons for each stretch indicated that for the first and fourth stretches, position at 0 s was o5–30 s, 5 s was o10–30 s, 10 s
was o15–30 s, and 20 s was less than the 25- and 30-s time periods. For the second stretch, 0 s was o5–30 s, 5 s was o10–30 s,
and 10 s was o15–30 s. For the third stretch, 0 s was o5–30 s, 5 s was o10–30 s, 10 s was o15–30 s, and 20 s was less than the
30 s. Values are mean  SEM.

Viscoelastic creep and stretching
(MP150WSW, Biopac Systems) during each of the 30-s con- 25–30-s time periods. The 5–10-s time period was
stant-torque stretches. All signals were stored on a personal greater than the 10–15-, 15–20-, and 25–30-s time
computer (Dell Inspiron 8200, Round Rock, Texas, USA) and periods and the 10–15- and 15–20-s time periods were
processed offline using custom-written software (LabVIEW v
8.5). The position signals were smoothed with a zero-phase greater than the 25–30-s time period. Overall, these
shift 100 point moving averager and all EMG signals were results indicated that the relative change in position
filtered with a bandpass zero-phase fourth-order Butterworth is similar for all four stretches.
filter (10–500 Hz). All subsequent analyses were performed on For the logarithmic time scale variables, there was
the filtered signals. no main effect for stretch for the slope values
(P 5 0.059; Fig. 3); however, there was a main effect
Statistical analyses for stretch for the y-intercept values (Po0.001).
Four separate two-way [stretch (stretch 1 vs stretch 2 vs stretch Stretch 1 was less than stretches 2–4, and stretch 2
3 vs stretch 4)  time (0 vs 5 vs 10 vs 15 vs 20 vs 25 vs 30)] was less than stretches 3–4. In addition, there were no
repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used interactions or main effects (P40.05) for EMG
to examine the absolute changes in position and EMG amplitude of the MG, SOL, and TA muscles. Over-
amplitude for the MG, SOL, and TA over each 30-s stretch. all, these results indicated that the rate of viscoelastic
The relative changes in position were examined with a two-
way repeated measures [stretch (stretch 1 vs stretch 2 vs stretch
creep was similar for all four stretches; however,
3 vs stretch 4)  time (0–5 vs 5–10 vs 10–15 vs 15–20 vs 20–25 stretch 3 and 4 started and ended at the same joint
vs 25–30)] ANOVA and expressed as a percentage of the total angle. The observed power values from the highest
change in position for every 5-s period (Ryan et al., 2010) order ANOVA was 0.791, 0.791, 0.655, and 1.000 for
based on the recommendation of Gajdosik (2006). For example: the absolute changes in position, relative changes in
Position at 5 s  Position at 0 s position, slope of the logarithmic time scale vari-
Percent change in position ¼
Total change in position ables, and y-intercept of the logarithmic time scale
 100 variables, respectively.
In addition, the absolute changes in position were plotted
on a logarithmic time scale (log10) and fit with a linear
regression line to examine both the rate of increase in position
(slope) and the overall increase in position over the entire
stretch (y-intercept). These procedures are similar to those The primary findings of the current study indicated
described by Magnusson et al. (2000) who examined viscoe-
lastic stress relaxation. The slope and y-intercept were exam-
that four consecutive 30-s constant-torque stretches
ined using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA (stretch 1 vs resulted in the same viscoelastic creep response. Each
stretch 2 vs stretch 3 vs stretch 4). Statistical analyses were stretch demonstrated similar relative and absolute
performed using PASW v 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, increases in position (Figs 1 and 2) and no significant
USA). Statistical significance was set at P  0.05. differences between the slope values (i.e. rate of
increase) when plotted on a logarithmic time scale
Results (Fig. 3). However, absolute ankle position and the y-
intercept values increased following both stretch 1
There was a significant interaction (P 5 0.023) for the and 2 and then plateaued following the third stretch
absolute changes in position (Fig. 1). The first and (Figs 1 and 3).
the fourth stretch responses were identical and de- Many previous studies have examined viscoelastic
monstrated position at 0 s was o5–30 s, 5 s was stress relaxation responses in vitro (Taylor et al.,
o10–30 s, 10 s was o15–30 s, and 20 s was less than 1990), and in vivo (McHugh et al., 1992; Magnusson
the 25- and 30-s time periods. For the second stretch, et al., 1995, 1996a, b, 2000; Fowles et al., 2000;
0 s was o5–30 s, 5 s was o10–30 s, and 10 s was McNair et al., 2000; Kubo et al., 2001; Weir et al.,
o15–30 s. For the third stretch, 0 s was o5–30 s, 2005; Gajdosik et al., 2006) during both single and
5 s was o10–30 s, 10 s was o15–30 s, and 20 s was less repeated constant-angle stretches. We are aware of
than the 30 s time period. In addition, at all time only two studies that have examined viscoelastic
points the position for stretch 1 was less than stretches creep responses during single constant-torque
2–4, and stretch 2 was less than stretches 3–4. Overall, stretches that were held for 30 s and 30 min in
these results indicated that the increases in joint angle duration (Yeh et al., 2007; Ryan et al., 2010) and
were similar for all four stretches over the entire 30 s; no studies examining these responses during repeated
however, the third and the fourth stretches both stretching protocols. During single constant-angle
started and ended at the same joint angle. and constant-torque stretches, the majority of
For the relative changes in position (Fig. 2), there changes in stress relaxation and creep occur within
was no significant interaction or main effects for the first 15–20 s of the stretch (McHugh et al., 1992;
stretch (P40.05); however, there was a main effect McNair et al., 2000; Gajdosik et al., 2006; Ryan et
for time (Po0.001). The 0–5-s time period was al., 2010), which are in agreement with the findings of
greater than the 5–10-, 10–15-, 15–20-, 20–25-, and the present study (Fig. 2). During repetitive constant-

Ryan et al

Fig. 2. The marginal means (collapsed across stretch) for the relative changes in position over the 30-s period expressed as a
percentage of the total increase in position per the recommendation from Gajdosik (2006). *The 0–5-s time period was greater
than (Po0.05) all other time periods. wThe 5–10-s time period was greater than the 10–15-, 15–20-, and 25–30-s periods. #The
10–15- and 15–20-s periods are greater than the 25–30-s period. Values are mean  SEM.

Fig. 3. The absolute changes in position for each stretch on a logarithmic time scale (Magnusson et al., 2000). *The y-intercept
for stretch 1 is less than stretches 2–4 (Po0.05). **The y-intercept for stretch 2 is less than stretches 3–4 (Po0.05). The
equation [y 5 (slope) x1y  intercept] of each linear regression line (stretches 1–4) includes the mean values  95% confidence
intervals for both the slope and y-intercept.

angle stretches held at the same pre-determined final the viscoelastic creep response occurred at the same
angle, relatively short durations of stretches relative rate for each 30-s stretch despite starting and
(3  45 s) resulted in identical stress relaxation re- ending at the same ankle joint position for the third
sponses (Magnusson et al., 2000). However, longer and fourth stretch.
durations of stretches have shown that the relative The differences between the findings of the current
stress relaxation responses to subsequent stretches study and those reported during repeated constant-
are diminished (Magnusson et al., 1995, 1996a; Weir angle stretching protocols (Magnusson et al., 1995,
et al., 2005). For example, Magnusson et al. (1995, 1996a, 2000) are likely attributed to the constant-
1996a) reported on two occasions that the relative torque nature of the stretching protocol employed. It
amount of stress relaxation occurring during five is possible that the lack of changes in ankle joint
consecutive 90-s stretches decreased as additional position following the third stretch is a result of an
stretches were performed (i.e. stretch 5ostretch 1). acute alteration of the muscle–tendon unit that
In addition, when these authors re-examined pre- resulted in a possible set point in ankle joint position
vious data (Magnusson et al., 2000), they found that (Fowles et al., 2000; Ryan et al., 2009). For example,
when plotted on a logarithmic time scale, the slope a previous study by Ryan et al. (2009) found that
and y-intercept values were significantly different passive stiffness of the plantar flexors was reduced
between the first and the third 90-s stretch and are following two 30-s constant-torque stretches but did
likely a result of an acute alternation of the muscles not decrease further with two additional stretches.
resistance to stretch (i.e. passive stiffness). Interest- Further support is provided by Fowles et al. (2000)
ingly, the results of the current study suggested that who examined a stretching protocol that employed

Viscoelastic creep and stretching
13 constant-angle stretches at progressively increas- In theory, it is possible that the repeated constant-
ing joint angles. The authors reported that the initial torque stretching maneuvers may elicit the stretch
average peak passive torque increased and plateaued reflex causing activation of the plantar flexor muscles
from the first to the third stretch by 7.8% and or potentially cause a reduction in muscle activation
suggested a possible ‘‘ . . . set point for stretch in subsequent stretches, which may alter the creep
tolerance’’ (p. 1181). A similar increase in position response. For example, a previous study by Gajdosik
was found (7.1%) between the first and third stretch (2006) has suggested that the low-level involuntary
in the current study, which may also indicate a set muscle activation may influence the viscoelastic
point in ankle joint position. Although there was no stress relaxation response in older participants. How-
change in ankle position for the third and fourth and ever, the findings of the present study demonstrated
stretch, the percent increase (Fig. 2) and rate of that EMG amplitude values did not change for the
change (Fig. 3) in creep did not change (P40.05) MG, SOL, and TA muscles for each 30-s stretch,
across all stretches. It is possible that due to the suggesting the participants did not voluntarily or
constant load that is applied to the muscle–tendon involuntarily plantarflex or dorsiflex their foot. In
unit by the dynamometer, the tissues will continue to addition, the mean values for the MG and SOL
exhibit creep at the same relative rate under relatively muscles over all stretches were negligible with nor-
light loads (  50 N m) (Aritan et al., 2008) despite a malized surface EMG responses being 1.6% of the
reduction in passive stiffness. However, future stu- MVC values.
dies are needed to test this hypothesis and determine In conclusion, our findings demonstrated that
if the number or intensity of the stretches (i.e. less viscoelastic creep occurs at the same rate (slope)
than the point of discomfort) alters the creep re- and to the same extent (relative to the total increase)
sponse in subsequent stretches (Magnusson et al., over all four 30-s constant-torque stretches despite
1995; Aritan et al., 2008). no change (y-intercept and absolute position) in
The structures and mechanisms responsible for the ankle joint position following the third stretch. These
viscoelastic creep response in the human muscle– findings are in contrast to repetitive constant-angle
tendon unit are unclear. Many previous authors stretches held at the same final joint angle and are
have speculated a number of different structural likely due to the constant-torque nature of the
alterations contributing to the stretching-induced stretching protocol. The majority of increases in
decreases in passive stiffness, which include increases position occurred within the first 15–20 s for all
in tendon compliance (Kubo et al., 2001), non- four stretches, which is comparable with previous
contractile protein elongation (Gajdosik et al., studies examining both viscoelastic creep (Ryan et
2005), increases in fascicle length (Fowles et al., al., 2010) and stress relaxation (McHugh et al., 1992;
2000), and lengthening of the intramuscular connec- McNair et al., 2000; Gajdosik 2006; Gajdosik et al.,
tive tissue (Morse et al., 2008). It is possible that 2006). Furthermore, the creep responses over all
many of these mechanisms may also mediate the stretches appear to be unrelated to muscle activation
viscoelastic creep response. A recent study by Morse as measured by surface EMG and are in agreement
et al. (2008) reported that 5 min of passive stretching with previous work by McHugh et al. (1992). From a
elicited a distal shift of the musculo-tendinous junc- clinical standpoint, previous studies have suggested
tion in the MG muscle, which was not attributed to that constant-torque stretching treatments appear to
increases in tendon compliance or fascicle length. be more effective reducing passive stiffness when
The authors proposed that ‘‘ . . . connective tissue compared with constant-angle and cyclic stretching
elements within the muscle change their elastic prop- modalities in hypertonic patients (Yeh et al., 2007).
erties when subject to repeated stretches’’ (p. 103). However, we are aware of no studies that have
Other authors (Purslow et al., 1998) have provided examined viscoelastic creep responses in depth dur-
further evidence suggesting that viscoelastic stress ing repetitive constant-torque stretches. Future work
relaxation and creep in intramusculuar connective is necessary to determine how the number of repeti-
tissue is due to the relaxation within the collagen tions, duration, and intensity of stretches influence
fibers themselves or the fiber and proteoglycan ma- the viscoelastic creep responses in an effort to pro-
trix. Although the precise mechanisms responsible vide evidence-based recommendations for clinicians
for the creep responses cannot be determined from (McHugh et al., 1992; Magnusson et al., 2000; Behm
the present study, it is possible based on these & Kibele, 2007).
previous findings that the relaxation of intramuscular
collagen maybe responsible for the observed viscoe-
lastic creep responses. Future studies with the use Perspectives
of ultrasound measurements (Morse et al., 2008) are
needed to help identify these specific structures The viscoelastic properties of stretch (e.g. stress
in vivo. relaxation) have been studied extensively during

Ryan et al
common static or constant-angle stretching maneu- stretches in healthy recreational active college-aged
vers. Until recently, little work has been done to participants. In addition, the methodology used in
examine constant-torque stretching procedures in the current study may be used in future studies to
vivo. The results of this study demonstrate the determine if aging, disease, or training influences the
dynamics of viscoelastic creep during repetitive properties of viscoelastic creep.
stretches that are commonly performed in clinical
and athletic settings. From a practical standpoint, it
appears that the rate and amount of viscoelastic Key words: passive stiffness, electromyography,
creep are relatively unaffected during four 30-s constant torque, stretching.

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