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Ministry of Higher Education

Taibah University
College of Computer Science and ‫جامعة طيبة‬
‫كلية علوم و هندسة الحاسبات‬

Graduation Project (1)
Omar Ali Almrashi \ 3700929
Ahmad Ibrahim Alhrbi \ 3700498
Anas Mohamed \ 3702979
Abdulmalik alrfai \ 3902459
Amar alsadi \ 3704945

A project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for

the degree of Bachelor of Science (Information System)

Supervised by
Dr.Mohamed alsarm

Table of Content
List of Figures................................................................................................................................v

List of

1 Chapter 1: Introduction.........................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Definition......................................................................................................1

1.3 Project Objectives.......................................................................................................2

1.4 Project Scope...............................................................................................................3

1.5 Project Timeline..........................................................................................................3

1.6 Document Organization..............................................................................................4

2 Chapter 2: Literature Review...............................................................................................5

2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................5

2.2 Background.................................................................................................................5

2.3 Related work...............................................................................................................5

2.3.1 Review of Relevant Work...................................................................................5

2.3.2 Relationship between the Relevant Work and Our Own Work...........................5

2.4 Summary.....................................................................................................................6

3 Chapter 3: System Analysis...................................................................................................7

3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................7

3.2 Requirements Elicitation.............................................................................................7

Figure 2 form.........................................................................................................................7

Figure 3 form.........................................................................................................................8

3.2.1 Functional Requirements.....................................................................................8

3.2.2 Non Functional Requirements.............................................................................9

3.3 Requirements Specification........................................................................................9

3.4 Developmental Methodology....................................................................................14

3.5 Summary...................................................................................................................15

4 Chapter 4: System Design....................................................................................................16

4.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................16

4.2 Object Oriented Design.............................................................................................16

4.2.1 ERD...................................................................................................................16

4.2.2 Sequence diagrams............................................................................................16

4.3 Data Modeling...........................................................................................................18

4.4 User Interface Design................................................................................................19

4.5 Summary...................................................................................................................19

List of Figures
Figure 1. questionnaire…………………………………………...…………………………7

Figure 2: questionnaire …………………..…………………………………………………8

Figure 3: Activity diagram…………………………………………………………………10

Figure 4. Activity diagram …………………………………………………………………11

Figure 5: Activity diagram …………………………………………………………………12

Figure 6: Activity diagram …………………………………………………………………13

Figure 7. use case……………………………………………………………………………14

Figure 8: ERD………………………………………………………………………………16

Figure 9: Sequence diagrams………………..………………………………………………17

Figure 10. DB……………………………………………………………………………….18

Figure 11:User Interface Design………….…………………………………………………19

List of Tables
Table 1: Time Line…………………………………3

1 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Due to the increasing number of customers wanting to access various services online, many
companies started to implement systems that allow them to be on-line. This project is
focused on developing a website that will allow a GYM to easily manage its various

1.2 Problem Definition

We chose an idea (The intelligent gym) After surveying the opinions of friends and
acquaintances who go to gym and based on their personal experiences, we were able to
summarize the problems they face and the shortcomings that gym lack in the following

2- lack of restaurants specializing in healthy meals inside the gym, despite its great
importance to the members, and despite the presence of a suitable and prepared space in most
of the gyms

3- Ignoring the importance of the body composition analysis test for the members (in many
gyms there is no nutritionist who follows up with the members or an expert in operating and
reading the in-body devices)

4- they don’t provide personal files for the members to keep their analysis result in the
website This enables the members to make a clear plan and maintain it at the required level

5- The lack of advanced systems to link the exercise machines to the member profile on the
website based on the analysis to provide the members with:

1- Hours of exercise required

2- The number of training days

3- Fat burning percentage

6- The right type of equipment Based on the previous points, we aim to achieve smart
solutions based on the exceptional ideas that we have developed:

1- The presence of personal trainers on a constant and continuous basis, covering all
working hours, and participating with them without the need to pay more beside the
membership amount in the gym, and without the need to make certain appointments with the
personal trainer.

2-providing a restaurant and café inside the gym that serves food and drinks that fit the
members diets

3- Updating the website and activating a personal page for each member in which he records
his main goal and his achievement throughout the period of his membership in the gym and
linking it with modern sports equipment to make it easier for the member to achieve his goal
and knowing all the important details for him from: The number of days you trained Time
spent exercising - Equipment used Fat burning rate Weight, muscle mass and body fat
percentage Scheduling exercises as needed Recording what has been achieved to encourage
him to reach his greater goal. Based on the results, a prize is presented to the member when
he achieves the goal, as a suggestion:

1- Follow up with a personal trainer for one month for free

2- Providing healthy meals as a reward

3- Doubling the membership period for free

1.3 Project Objectives

• To improve the time table of the gym.

• To make the fees structures easy andconvenient for the users or customers.

• To keep the record of the customers andcheck the summary.

• Easier for admin and users to access thesystem from anywhere, can check the dailyroutines.

• Admin can control the gym structure

1.4 Project Scope

The administrator has the full fledged rights over this system.The admin can register
and view the customers profile data.The admin can make announcement about any thing.

► The admin can upgrade gym packages at any time.

► Customer can contact with the admin through message box any time.

► Customer can avail the diet plan of their own desire.Customer can get more updates
from the system by joining different social accounts.

► Customers can view updated diet plan , updated exercises schedule and canquestion
to admin and view the answer.

► Customers can contact with other gym mates online.

1.5 Project Timeline

Task/Time(week W W W W W W W
) 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 11,12 13,14
Planning and
Study similar
The collection of

Preparation of
the report

1.6 Document Organization

this section we will describe all the details in this project documentation.

• Chapter one – introduction: this chapter contains an introduction that describes the project
in general. The Chapter Includes The problem definition, objectives, project scope, and the

• Chapter Two - Literature Review: The purpose of this chapter is to present appropriate
design. It provides context and illustrates the relationship between our work and similar

• Chapter Three – System Analysis: This chapter contains the framework's structure and
description. The chapter also includes the elicitation of needs in addition to the functional
and non-functional criteria. The user criteria, specifications, and implementation process are
also discussed in this chapter.

• Chapter Four – System Design: This chapter discusses the system's overall design, as well
as the architecture and object design. Data molding and a visual presentation of the user
interface design application are also covered in this chapter.

2 Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction

 The concept of the project is to create a website that will allow customers to sign up
for a gym and attend classes online. This will allow them to avoid going to the gym in
quarantine situations..

2.2 Background

In our project, we rely on solving the problems that people fall into, and we rely on
asking people and a larger set of information, creating a database and using
programming languages like mysql:DB and c:baclend and bootstrap:frontend by

2.3 Related work

2.3.1 Review of Relevant Work

 the gym has one primary pillar page that provides in-depth content on the broad topic
"workout routines." The pillar page links to a cluster of blog posts that each focus on
a specific keyword (e.g., "workout routines without weights"). Each of those cluster
posts also links back to the main pillar page, using the same anchor text in the link:
"workout routines" With this approach, visitors will be able to find this content using
many different long-tail keyword combinations involving "workout routines". They'll
also be able to easily access both a broad overview of "workout routines" as well as
details on specific aspects of "workout routines". And search engines will now see the
website as an authority on anything related to "workout routines".

2.3.2 Relationship between the Relevant Work and Our Own Work

When we took the Fitness Time website as a reference, we found that there are many
features offered by our project that the Fitness Time website lacks, including the
followingThe customer cannot subscribe through the website, and he can't renewal the

subscription or see the remaining period of subscription. This has several negatives.
The work of computer students is summarized in developing them, as the work costs
annual salaries for reception staff that can be provided using our system

2.4 Summary
We hope to build an integrated gym site that covers all the needs of workers, and
some of the things that some gym sites lack are as follows:

1- The subscriber cannot renew the subscription or close the subscription

through the gym page .

2- Establish schedules for strength or fitness exercises .

3- Putting the numbers of some coaches for those who want to follow up and
reach a specific goal .

3 Chapter 3: System Analysis
3.1 Introduction

The goal of this project is to create a website that will allow customers to sign up for
the gym and use its services at home. This system will help reduce subscriber congestion
during the registration process.

3.2 Requirements Elicitation

The methods used to collect requirement is questionnaire. Questionnaire is an
analysis mechanism subsisting of a list of questions or other kinds of prompts
for the goal of collecting information from the people that are asked

Figure 1

Figure 2

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

1. The system should have the capabilities just like the person of this system have the
power to look about trainer(s) name(s) and time slot(s) govern by him or them. User
need to have the facility to view the variety of trainees with each trainer at the same time
as looking. Is there any room for brand new trainee at available time slot if the there are
one or extra time slots such is morning and nighttime furnished for trainees?
2. The trainee/consumer ought to have the ability to Make Reservation on the time slot

maximum viable for him if to be had. Otherwise he will must wait until the time slot
becomes to be had.
3. The trainee ought to have the flexibility to show his or over all reservation of the to be
had seats.
4. He additionally has the ability to cancel reservation to launch the occupied seat.
5. The trainee need to have the power to pick instructor for him.

3.2.2 Non Functional Requirements

Efficiency - Since the System is connected to Oracle server so all the data is in cloud storage,
hence we need not take care of it. Also user friendly interface saves too much time.

Reliability- the system is reliable in terms of privacy services and accessibility

Portability- The system can run any time . So you can use it wherever you want.

Usability- the system is simple and easy to use.

3.3 Requirements Specification

Activity diagram :

Open file : Entering the gym and heading to the reception and asking the employee if the
customer knows the prices. The employee asks the client for the name and phone number.

In the event that the customer does not know the prices, the employee is informed of the
subscription prices and completes the previous procedures

Figure 3

suspension of Subscribe:

Enter the gym and go to the receptionist to ask me to stop the subscription, then the employee
asks me for the subscription number and provides the subscriber with the conditions for
stopping the subscription, which is the number of times he can stop the subscription and then
the period for which he wants to stop the subscription

Figure 4

Subscription renewal \ payment:

Go to the reception Then the receptionist asks to enter the user name and password,
subscription prices and offers appear to the subscriber, then he chooses the period that the
subscriber wants, and then chooses the payment method (Visa - MasterCard - Apple Pay)
paying and providing the subscriber with a text message on the mobile number

Figure 5

Choose the coach:

In the gym, the client searches for the right coach for him and the right system for his
followers and sees the options available

Figure 6

Use case diagram :

A use case diagram is a UML dynamic or behavior diagram. Use case diagrams
form a model for the system's functions using the actors and use cases. It also
shows the functions and services performed by the system that contribute to the
work of the interaction between the customer and the system

Use case description open file

Use case name Open file

Primary actor Clint , Reception
Secondary actor none
Goal Can open file
Pre-condition Clint must have internet connection
Clint is viewing the website
Post-condition The actor open file successfully
desciption The clint go to the reception to open file

Pause subscribe

Use case name Pause subscribe
Primary actor Clint
Secondary actor Non
Goal Pause subscribe
Pre-condition Must have file first
Post-condition The actor pause subscribe successfully

Subscription renewal

Use case name Subscription renewal

Primary actor Clint , reception
Secondary actor None
Post-condition The actor renewal subscribe successfully

Chose the coach

Use case name Chose the coach

Primary actor Clint
Secondary actor None
Pre-condition Should have subscribe
Post-condition Chose coach successfully

Training schedule

Use case name Training schedule

Primary actor Clint
Secondary actor None
Pre-condition Must have file in the system
Post- condition Click training schedule

Figure 7

3.4 Developmental Methodology

Agile methodologies are noted for their adaptability. Because this system operates in a fast-
changing environment, it is preferable to create it in a dynamic manner. To be able to use the

system straight away, it also requires a short time release and a quick and uncomplicated
digital transformation. As a result, agile methodology is an excellent fit for this situation.

1- Quickly identify and define needs.

2- Ensure that products are delivered on schedule.

3- Agile allows them more flexibility when it comes to implementing new modifications.

3.5 Summary
This system will be designed to assist consumers by providing online access to all of
the services they require. The analysis step, which was discussed in this chapter, is critical for
the system's development. In order to create the use case and activity diagram for the system,
the functional and non-functional requirements are gathered through a questionnaire.

4 Chapter 4: System Design
4.1 Introduction

4.2 Object Oriented Design

4.2.1 ERD
ERD is a conceptual and analog model of data used to represent the entity. It is a
method for modeling data in a graphical fashion that displays the link between entities.

Figure 8

4.2.2 Sequence diagrams

Create Account:

When the user chooses to create an account in the home page will open
the account creation page, then the user enters the information necessary for
registration will be verify by the database whether the information is correct.

gure 9

Log in :

On the main page there is a login icon when the user pressed it will open the login page
will enter the user name and password and verified by the database if the information is
correct, if the information is correct will log in otherwise will show the error message


On the main page there is a contact us icon that allows the user to communicate with the
administrative exhibition by writing the message and email will be answered with a
thank you message

4.3 Data Modeling

Figure 10

4.4 User Interface Design

Figure 11

4.5 Summary
It's critical to have a well-designed system that guides the user through the features.
The diagrams are extremely important for the system's implementation because they aid in
the system's behavior.


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