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Zachary Felix

NUR 325 Terms Worksheet – Due Week 3

Word /Term/phrase Scholarly Definition Example- if applicable

Qualitative research Is a scholarly, rigorous approach to A study seeks to determine
understanding life experiences, what factors are most stressful
cultures, and social processes. Instead to nurses in an ICU unit. The
of using statistical data, these studies researcher gains data by asking
seek to understand concepts, open-ended questions about
opinions, or experiences (Polit & Beck, the nurses’ work experiences.
Quantitative research Is “the collection and analysis of A study seeks to determine if
numeric information. Quantitative bedside nursing report on a
research is typically conducted within surgical unit makes any
the traditional scientific method, significant changes in patient
which is a systematic, controlled experience. Findings are
process. Quantitative researchers quantified and inferences are
gather and analyze empirical evidence made from the results.
(evidence collected through the
human senses) and strive for
generalizability of their findings.”
(Polit & Beck, 2017).
Mixed study “Included methodologies from both A study is performed to assess
quantitative and qualitative research” people’s knowledge and risk
(, 2020). perceptions about genetically
modified food by asking both
quantitative and qualitative
questions. Which can then be
integrated and analyzed.
Nursing research “Systematic inquiry designed to Asking questions relating to
generate evidence about issues of nursing practice, education,
importance to the nursing profession, administration and informatics
including nursing practice, education, and if they are the most
administration, and informatics.” effective methods, or if there
(Polit & Beck, 2017). are better options available.
For example, asking “How
effective is a web-based
intervention in improving
communication about sexuality
and sexual health?” (Varas-Diaz
et al., 2019).
Nightingale Rose Diagram A “polar area diagram… [that] showed No example needed
how the Sanitary Commission’s work
decreased the death rate and made
the complicated data accessible to all,
inspiring new standards for sanitation
in the army and beyond.” (
Editors, 2009).
Statistics 1. Refers to collections of quantitative 1. A hospital’s database listing
Zachary Felix
NUR 325 Terms Worksheet – Due Week 3

information, and methods of handling the names, addresses and

that sort of data. medical history records of all its
2. Refers to the drawing of inferences registered patients.
about large groups on the basis of 2. Estimating the relationship
observations made on smaller ones between smoking and the
(Fowler et al., 2020). incidence of lung cancer.
Evidence-based practice “EBP involves using the best evidence Nurses should measure blood
(as well as clinical judgment and pressure according to
patient preferences and evidence-based practice for
circumstances) in making patient care more accurate measurements,
decisions, and “best evidence” which will allow for more
typically comes from research effective treatment.
conducted by nurses and other
healthcare professionals.” (Polit &
Beck, 2017).
Quality improvement “The systematic use of data to A research study has been
monitor the outcomes of care completed and the results
processes as well as the use of indicate that turning patients
improvement methods to design and with pressure ulcers every two
test changes in practice, the aim of hours is an effective form of
which is to continuously improve the treatment. Quality
quality and safety of health care improvement would be to
systems.” (, 2020). implement these findings into
current practice and start
turning patients that present
with pressure ulcers every two
Research critique “A research critique is the process of A new report of a research
critical appraisal that objectively and study has come out that
critically evaluates a research report’s debunks traditional nursing
content for scientific merit and practice. A nurse would need
application to practice. A research to use research critique to
critique requires some knowledge of evaluate the study and
the subject matter and knowledge of determine if the study was
how to critically read and use done in an acceptable manner.
critiquing criteria.” (, If the report withstands the
2020). critiquing process, then
findings may be implemented,
but if not then it will just be
Research hypothesis “Almost always a prediction about the Palesh and colleagues (2018)
relationship between variables”. hypothesized that, among
Usually result from research questions women with advanced breast
that are derived from theories, earlier cancer, a greater degree of
studies, personal experiences and physical activity is associated
interests (Polit & Beck, 2017). with longer survival.
Statistical hypothesis/ “State[s] that there is no relationship -Patients’ age is unrelated to
Zachary Felix
NUR 325 Terms Worksheet – Due Week 3

Null hypothesis between the independent and their risk of falling

dependent variables.” (Polit & Beck, -Older patients are just as likely
2017). as younger patients to fall (Polit
& Beck, 2017).
Alternative hypothesis “Statement that is contradictory to Smoking does increase the
the null hypothesis. It is what we chances of getting a lung
conclude when we reject the null disease.
hypothesis” (, 2020).
Directional hypothesis “One that specifies not only the -Older patients are more likely
existence but the expected direction to fall than younger patients.
of the relationship between -The older the patient, the
variables.” (Polit & Beck, 2017). greater the risk that he or she
will fall.
-Younger patients tend to be
less at risk of a fall than older
patients (Polit & Beck, 2017).
Non-directional “Does not state the direction of the -There is a relationship
hypothesis relationship” between variables (Polit between the age of a patient
& Beck, 2017). and the risk of falling.
-Older patients differ from
younger ones with respect to
their risk of falling (Polit &
Beck, 2017).
Literature review “Critical examination of individual A nurse is conducting a
studies and systematic reviews to research study and is looking at
refine and focus the research question the existing literature to
Important variables can be identified” determine exactly what they
(, 2020). want to research in their study.
Literature review helps them
determine if the study they are
looking at applies to their study
or not.
Independent variable “The presumed cause… corresponds Research question “Is dietary
with the I plus the C” in PICO vitamin C deficiency associated
questions. (Polit & Beck, 2017). with cardiac event–free
survival in adults with heart
failure? (Wu et al., 2019)
Independent variable: Dietary
vitamin C deficiency (vs. no
Dependent variable “The presumed effect… corresponds Research question “Is dietary
with the O” in PICO questions. (Polit & vitamin C deficiency associated
Beck, 2017). with cardiac event–free
survival in adults with heart
failure? (Wu et al., 2019)
Dependent variable: Cardiac
event–free survival versus a
Zachary Felix
NUR 325 Terms Worksheet – Due Week 3

cardiac event.
Sub-set “Sampling is a method that allows The population of interest has
researchers to infer information about over 50,000 subjects. Including
a population based on results from a every single one of them in a
subset of the population, without study is impractical and
having to investigate every individual.” unfeasible, so a sample of
(Polit & Beck, 2017). maybe 5,000 is taken. This is a
sub-set of the population.
Sample The collection of study participants or Research question “Is dietary
subjects. The subset of a population vitamin C deficiency associated
(Polit & Beck, 2017). with cardiac event–free
survival in adults with heart
failure? (Wu et al., 2019)
Sample would be the subjects
who are studied to see if
vitamin C has an effect on
cardiac events. Good samples
are representative of the
population of interest.
Observation “A record, such as a measurement” 3.62kg
provided by units in a sample. (Fowler
et al., 2020).
Parameters “Measures that describe a variable of The average weight of a
a sample are called statistics. It is from population of new-born males.
the sample statistics that the (Fowler et al., 2020).
parameters of a population are
made.” (Fowler et al., 2020).
Descriptive statistics “Used to organize, summarize and The average weight of babies
describe measures of a sample. No measured was 3.62 kg, with the
predictions or inferences are made heaviest being 3.86 kg, and the
regarding population parameters.” lightest being 3.24 kg.
(Fowler et al., 2020).
Inferential statistics “Are used to infer or predict The average weight of all
population parameters from sample babies in this area born within
measures.” Done through using this time frame will weigh an
probability. (Fowler et al., 2020). average of 3.62 kg.
Target population Everyone who meets the criteria for “The number of patients
the research study, whether they registered with the GP practice
know it or not. (i.e. all patients who who have asthma.” (Fowler et
have asthma, but a portion of the al., 2020).
patients might not know they have
asthma). (Fowler et al., 2020).
Study population “Consists of all patients who could “Those who are known to have
actually be selected to form the asthma (Fowler et al., 2020).
sample” (Fowler et al., 2020).
Convenience sample “Using the most conveniently Dev et al. (2019) studied
available people as participants.” variation in the barriers to
Zachary Felix
NUR 325 Terms Worksheet – Due Week 3

Potential risks can include the sample compassion across healthcare

not being representative of the disciplines in New Zealand. The
population. Can be biased. (Polit & researchers recruited a
Beck, 2017). convenience sample of 1,700
nurses, physicians, and medical
Network/snowball sample “Early sample members (called seeds) Patients with rare diseases
are asked to refer other people who might know others with the
meet the eligibility criteria. This same disease because of
approach is often used when the support groups etc.
population involves people who might
otherwise be difficult to identify”
(Polit & Beck, 2017).
Purposive sample “Uses researchers’ knowledge about Hewitt and Cappiello (2015)
the population to make selections. conducted a Delphi survey of
Researchers might decide purposely to nurse experts to identify the
select people who are judged to be essential competencies in
particularly knowledgeable about the American nursing education for
issues under study”. May result in prevention and care related to
nonrepresentative samples (Polit & unintended pregnancy.
Beck, 2017). Purposive sampling was used
to recruit 100 panelists
representing all 50 U.S. states.
Random sample “Involves a selection process in which Putting 250 staff members
each element in the population has an names in a hat and picking out
equal, independent chance of being 25 to see who has to work on
selected.” (Polit & Beck, 2017). Christmas.
Refusal rate “In most studies, not everyone invited If 200 potential subjects meet
to participate in a study agrees to do sampling criteria, but only 160
so.” Usually the number of people you of them agreed to participate
need to recruit in order to get the in the study, the refusal rate
sample size you want will be higher would be 40 percent.
than the sample size. (Polit & Beck,
Attrition rate “The number of participants usually Polit and Gillespie (2009)
declines over time.” Happens when found, in a sample of over 100
time between data collection points is nursing RCTs, that the average
great, if the population is mobile, or participant loss was 12.5% for
death and disease inflict participants. studies with follow-up data
(Polit & Beck, 2017). collection between 31 and 90
days after baseline and 18%
when the final data collection
was more than 6 months after

Zachary Felix
NUR 325 Terms Worksheet – Due Week 3

Ameritech (2020). Research questions, hypothesis in research questions, and what it means to reject the
null hypothesis [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from www.instructure.comLinks to an external site.

Barratt, H., & Shantikumar, S. (2018, August 20). Methods of sampling from a population. Retrieved
January 28, 2021, from

Dev V., Fernando A., Kirby J., & Consedine N. (2019). Variation in the barriers to compassion across
healthcare training and disciplines: A cross-sectional study of doctors, nurses, and medical students.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 90, 1–10.

Fowler, J., Jarvis, P., & Chevannes, M. (2020). Practical statistics for nursing and health care. Chichester,
West Sussex, England: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hewitt C., & Cappiello J. (2015). Essential competencies in nursing education for prevention and care
related to unintended pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 44, 69–76. Editors. (2009, November 09). Florence Nightingale. Retrieved January 28, 2021, from

Palesh O., Kamen C., Sharp S., Golden A., Neri E., Spiegel D., & Koopman C. (2018). Physical activity and
survival in women with advanced breast cancer. Cancer Nursing, 41, E31–E38.

Polit, D.F. & Beck, C.T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice.
Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Polit D. F., & Gillespie B. (2009). The use of the intention-to-treat principle in nursing clinical
trials. Nursing Research, 58, 391–399.

Varas-Díaz N., Betancourt-Díaz E., Lozano A., Huang L., DiNapoli L., Hanlon A., & Villaruel A. (2019).
Testing the efficacy of a web-based parent-adolescent sexual communication intervention among
Puerto Ricans. Family & Community Health, 42, 30–43.

Wu J., Song E., Moser D., & Lennie T. (2019). Dietary vitamin C deficiency is associated with health-
related quality of life and cardiac event-free survival in adults with heart failure. Journal of
Cardiovascular Nursing, 34, 29–35.

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