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EDUC 5313–Reflection

1. What went well in your lesson? Provide support for your answer.
After delivering the lesson to my students and taking time to assess the lesson
and my students’ learning outcomes, I would say that overall, the lesson as a whole
went pretty well. Whether it was during the whole-group activity or the partner activities,
my students were engaged and they actively participated throughout the entire lesson. I
also think the lesson went well because the students demonstrated their understanding
of the content that was addressed by completing the activities and doing well on them.
Lastly, I think this lesson went well because my students were able to use the
technology appropriately and effectively and they enjoyed doing so.

2. Were the content learning objectives achieved? Provide support for your answer.
Yes, the learning objectives were achieved through this lesson. The learning
objectives from this lesson were that students would be able to: define both relative and
absolute location, demonstrate their understanding of the key academic vocabulary
terms (longitude, latitude, degrees, coordinates, equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of
Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, and hemisphere), and use longitude and latitude to locate
specific coordinates and on a map. By analyzing the students’ work, it is evident that all
three of these objectives were achieved. In the various activities which were included in
the lesson, students had to demonstrate the achievement of all three objectives.

3. Were the ISTE Student Standards met? Provide support for your answer.
Yes, the ISTE Student Standards 1.1: Empowered Learner, and 1.7.b: Global
Collaborator were both met as well. ISTE Standard 1.1 was met because students
used the technology from the lesson to get feedback regarding their understanding of
the topics. They were then able to use the feedback to help them gain a more clear
understanding of any parts of the lesson that they did not fully comprehend.
Additionally, students met the ISTE standard 1.7.b by collaborating with their peers to
complete the learning tasks.

4. What adjustments/improvements to this lesson or changes in the delivery of the

lesson would you make if you taught it again?
Honestly, there were not way too many adjustments that I would make if I were to
teach this lesson again. The few flaws and mishaps that took place during the lesson
were all things that were out of anyone’s control. For example, a couple of my students
were met with a few difficulties during the beginning of the lesson. Namely, one student
had a few technology issues with his Chromebook – at first it would not turn on and
when it finally did, his keyboard was not working properly. Thankfully, we were able to
come up with a solution (he borrowed a Chromebook from the teacher next door), and
he was still able to participate in the lesson. Since this issue was not related to the
lesson, it is not something that would determine a change in the lesson itself, yet, I
believe that these types of technology issues are still important to keep in mind when
delivering a technology-based lesson. It is important to have a plan in the event that
other issues with technology arise during these types of lessons.
Additionally, the only other thing I would change from my lesson was the amount
of “Draw It” activities that I included in the Nearpod portion of my lesson. Based on
student feedback, I learned that while my students enjoy the draw-it activities, they
suggested that in the future, I include fewer of those activities because they are difficult
to complete with a computer’s touchpad. Had the students each had a computer
mouse, completing the draw-it activities would have been easier for them to complete.

5. Use the Triple E Lesson Design Rubric to self-assess your lesson. What can you
apply in the future that you have learned in this course and through the development of
this lesson?

Through the Triple E Lesson Design Rubric, I scored a total of 15/18 points,
which is considered to show an exceptional connection between the technology tools
included in the lesson and the lesson’s learning goals. Both through the development of
this lesson and through my completion of this course, I have learned an assortment of
invaluable skills that I am excited to apply to my future lessons. From the different
technology tools that exist, to the various ways that students can utilize technology to
supplement their learning, there are endless benefits that can come from incorporating
technology into students’ daily learning experiences, which is something that I truly look
forward to doing.

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