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Jessica Martinez

Professor Christensen

EDU 202


Model of Effective Instruction

1. I decided to choose sixth grade English so from the Nevada Core Curriculum Standards

I chose Language Standards. Under Language Standards for 6th grade English, it states

various core knowledge students must gain. For example, how the students must

understand grammar usage and how it improves their writing and speaking. For

example, using intensive pronouns and being able to recognize and correct them.

Students will also gain knowledge in how to use proper grammar in their writing,

especially recognizing the importance of capitalization, comma, and semicolon usage.

When it comes to ‘Vocabulary Acquisition and Use’ students should be able to use

context for example “the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph: a word’s position

or function in a sentence.” In Language Standards there are a total of 14 different areas a

sixth-grade student learns; one of the concepts that are also included in Language

Standards is figurative language and how all sixth-grade students must know those

figures of speech. I chose sixth grade English and one of the concepts that caught my

attention was teaching parts of speech.

2. Students will be able to use remembering in the Language Standards by listing all of the

usages of parts of speech and figures of speech down. They will also be able to use

remembering by reading over how to use commas and correct punctuation in their
essays. Students will be able to remember when they do presentations and use their

previous knowledge to use great pronunciation and proper grammar. Students will learn

to restate the facts they learned by taking notes, therefore later they’ll recall the facts

easily. Proper grammar is always a must in education so as students hear more about

how to use pronouns, verbs, and nouns then it becomes a basic concept. (1. Remember)

Students will be able to use evaluation through Language Standards by learning

how to use cause/effect in their papers and group projects. Students will be aware of

multiple phrases and words with multiple meanings to evaluate articles, essays, etc. The

students can evaluate by turning to dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries to find the

meanings of certain phrases and parts of speech. Evaluating these standards increase the

knowledge of analyzing at the sixth-grade level; students will be able to determine

definitions and recognize similarities such as synonyms. (5. Evaluating)

3. Direct teaching focuses on instructional lessons it is about first delivering the instruction

followed by student practice and teacher feedback. For teachers, direct teaching means

creating an anticipatory set which means a hook before the lesson starts that keeps

students engaged in the lessons, a second focus of teachers would include creating new

material to teach students while also increasing their knowledge in that subject. Creating

new material also means teachers making sure students understand, and according to the

text (Sadker, Zittleman, and Koch, 2022. pg 374) “teachers ask questions frequently to

check for student understanding and to make sure that students are ready for

independent work using new skills and knowledge.” With this effective instruction,

students can develop independent practice especially outside of the classroom. The
concept I chose -parts of speech- I can demonstrate the effective instruction and hand

out activities, ask questions and interact with students on whether they understand the

concept or need help with it. Students can do independent practices or even group

practices to socialize more and gain ideas as a group.

● The subject I chose is English and my concept, which is parts of speech, and I

want to introduce it to the class by starting with what we learned in the previous

lesson and asking questions to see how much students remembered; by asking

students to answer some questions of the previous lesson means students will be

doing the first level of the Bloom’s questions which is beneficial to expand their

questioning skills in the classroom. I will introduce the lesson by comparing it to

the previous lessons, let’s say for example last lesson I taught figurative

language -figures of speech- and how that differentiates from parts of speech; I’ll

mention how parts of speech are for a set of words that have similar grammatical

functions, while figures of speech are the focus of rhetorical terms that enhance

stories and literature. I’ll say how the focus of this class will now be on parts of

speech and how important they are in the English language along with how to

determine them and properly use them.

● For the teacher to teach this lesson a great way would be through a PowerPoint

or writing on the whiteboard. In the slideshow, the teacher goes over the

different parts of speech and goes over them one by one including examples. The

teacher will go over each of the parts of speech and go over their usage while

students take notes.

● Students will be able to actively participate in the lesson by answering questions

that the teachers ask by raising their hands. After the lesson is over, during the

activity students can work in groups, and groups, there will be discussions on

their independent work and help each other out in case someone got something

confused. Another way students can actively participate is by having a question

at the end of each part of speech and answering them, the teacher can go around

the classroom and ask what they answered and why.

● What helps students remember this new information easier would be in group

discussions, there is a sense of teamwork and by hearing and talking to their

classmates this knowledge comes easier to them. The discussions cause more

interaction and focus to know what each person is saying, information comes

back naturally to participate in the group discussion, sharing can cause a huge

increase in remembering skills including parts of speech.

● Before leaving class, students can show what they learned by answering a series

of questions in a handout that is given after the lesson and activities, the work

will be independent so the teacher can see the understanding of each student and

what stuck with them. The exit slip can have a question of “the definition of

‘thing or person belongs to which part of speech?” A slip can also include

students defining three different parts of speech without the definition being

given like verb, pronoun, and adjective. By completing this exit slip for the last

5-10 minutes of class it determines quickly what they learned during the class

4. Education Department Resources. CSN. (2020, March 13). Retrieved December 12,

2021, from

Ford, L., & Hardman, D. (n.d.). Nevada Academic Content Standards for ELA.

Nevada Department of Education. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from


Sadker, D., Zittleman, K., & Koch , M. (2022). Teachers, Schools, and Society (6th ed.).


5. The instruction model used was direct teaching and it prioritizes the use of structured

lessons with there being the instruction, activity, and teacher feedback. Direct teaching is

said to work best with grammar and mathematics especially when introducing new

confusing information students may have not been familiar with before. The subject is

taught in English at the sixth-grade level and the concept is parts of speech. The concept

came from the Language Standards in the Nevada Core Curriculum. The level of student

engagement for the instruction-learning process is high as there is active participation

when answering questions after each part of speech and the group discussion after the

instruction and individual assessment. A strength of the instruction-learning process

would be that there are group discussions, and it helps students remember easier, which

means they are using Bloom’s Taxonomy in this new objective they’re learning. A

weakness would be that while teaching the lessons besides notes and questions students

are not kept as active as a group discussion would have them be.

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