The Grimm Forest Quick Rules Guide-1

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The Grimm Forest

 Place the Fields, Forest and Brickyard boards on the table. Add the Market board for a 4 player game.
 Place 5 straw in the Fields, 4 wood in the Forest, and 3 brick in the Brickyards. Add 1 of each if using the Market.
 Place the 3 “First Builder Bonus” tiles below their corresponding boards.
 Choose a first player, give them the Podium marker.
 Separately, shuffle the Fable cards (brown back) and the Friend cards (red back).
 Each player takes a player board, matching Pig figure, set of 4 gather cards (remove the Market card if not using it.)
 Only in a 2 player game, use the Blue “Prince Regal” die.
Game Flow:
 The game is played over multiple rounds made up of 3 phases. All players will take part in each phase before moving to
the next. The 3 phases are Gather, Build, and Clean Up.
 The player who is first to build 3 houses (doesn’t matter what kind) will trigger end game. The game will end after the
current round ends. The winner is the player who built 3 houses, see end game for ties.
 Whenever any effect would trigger at the same time as another, go in turn order.
Fable Cards: (See uses under Gather Phase)
 Fable cards are 1x use cards that do “tricky” things and ruin your opponent’s day.
 The advance cards (look for the “A” next to the feather) can be removed with beginners.
 Some of the Fable cards activate next turn, make sure to remember this, and don’t discard the card too early.
 See page 9-10 in the rulebook for details on each,
Friend Cards:
 Friend cards are earned when you build “walls,” earn the 1st builder bonus, and from some Fable cards.
 When you draw a Friend card, read it and decide if you want to keep it or give it to an opponent. You may not discard it.
 You may only have 1 Friend card at a time. If you were to obtain a new Friend card, and you have 1, you must discard
your current Friend for the new one.
 Friends activate at all times of the game, remember when your Friend may help you best!
 The advance cards (look for the “A” next to the rose) can be removed with beginners.
 See page 11-12 in the rulebook for details on each.
Round Phases:
Gather Phase (Simultaneous)
1. If playing with 2 players, roll the Blue Die, and remove ½ of the resources (rounded down) from that location.
a. If 1 or more of the locations has 10 or more resources, instead of rolling the die, choose the location
with the most and discard ½ of that (rounded down.)
b. If 2+ locations have 10+ resources and are equal for the most, choose brick first, then wood, then straw.
c. The die represents “Prince Regal.” He is never considered “at a location,” nor is affected by monsters.
2. Check to see if any Fable Cards from the previous round trigger at this time.
3. Simultaneously, all players choose 1 of their Gather cards and put it face down in front of them.
4. If a player wishes, they may choose 1 Fable card and place it face-down on top of their chosen Gather card.
5. All players reveal their Fable card, if played, and only cards saying “When Revealed” trigger in turn order.
a. Fable cards might have a “sinister eye” symbol to indicate it as a “monster.”
b. These cards won’t say “When revealed,” however, when a monster card is revealed, take the
corresponding monster (or just use the monster card itself) and place it on 1 location (fields, forest,
brickyard, market.) Only 1 monster per location!
c. The actual ability of the monster will trigger when the card states. “Alone” mean no other pigs present.
6. All players reveal their Gather cards, and move their Pig figure to the location they selected.
a. Resolve any “Before Collecting Resources” Fable cards now.
b. If a pig is alone in that area, gather all the resources placed there.
c. If 2+ pigs go to a location, split the resources evenly, and leave any remainders for next round.
i. Resources on the Market board will be “drafted” by the players who went there. Going in turn
order, all players take 1 resource at a time until everyone has an even amount. Remainders stay
on the board.
7. Resolve any “End of Gather Phase” Fable cards.
8. Players return their Gather card to their hand, discard any used Fable cards, and return Monsters to the supply.
Build Phase (Turn Order)
 Players will take any 2 actions of the 4 listed below. You can repeat actions (except Friend card, see below)
before the next player’s turn.
1. Draw 1 Fable card from the top of the deck into your hand (no hand limit.)
2. Take any 1 resource – Brick, Wood, Straw.
3. Built 1 House section by paying the appropriate cost in the corresponding resource.
o Floors cost 2 resources, Walls cost 4, and Roofs cost 6. (A house must be built in this order.)
o You may not work on more than 1 house of the same type at the same time.
o Once you finish a certain type of house, you can start to work on anther of the same type.
o Each player board has maximum 5 building sites. Can’t start on a 6th house ever!
o Whenever you build a Wall section of a house, draw 1 Friend card and follow the “Friend card” rules.
o If you are the first player to finish a type of house, take the 1st builder bonus tile of that type, flip it over,
and take 1 of the 3 rewards; 1 Friend, 2 Fable cards, or 1 of each resource.
4. Use a “Special Action” on a Friend Card.
o Can only use a Friend’s ability once per round, however, if you happen to get another friend, you could
possibly do this action twice, but with different special actions on different Friends.
Clean Up Phase
 Pass the Start Player Podium
 Everyone takes back their Pig figures
 Each of the locations is replenished with the resources printed on the bottom of the board.

End Game:
 At the end of the “Build” phase, if only 1 player has 3 houses fully built, they win!
o If more than 1 player built 3 houses, ties are broken by house type. More brick houses will win, if tied still, more
wood houses win. If still tied, then the player with the sturdier house’s 1st Builder tile.

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