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Class #: Grade 2, class 5&6 Course Science


 Topic A: Exploring Liquids
 GLE: 2–6 Describe the interaction of water with different materials, and apply that knowledge to
practical problems of drying, liquid absorption and liquid containment.
 SLE 5: Demonstrate an understanding that liquid water can be changed to other states: recognize
that on heating, liquid water may be changed into steam or water vapor and that this change can be
reversed on cooling • identify examples in which water is changed from one form to another.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Describe what happens to liquid water after its heated to 100 degrees Celsius. (changes into
steam or water vapour)
2. Explain what happens to water vapour or steam after it's cooled. (changes to liquid water)
 Kettle filled with water (more is better)
 Metal spoon
 Cup of ice
 Full steam ahead worksheet


 The teacher will review the concept that water is a liquid, like honey, oil, molasses, etc.
 The teacher will make copies of the activity worksheet.
 The teacher will set up a demonstration station on the table away from student desks.
 The demonstration table will include a kettle with water, metal spoon placed in the cap of ice.
Introduction Time
 The teacher will stand beside the demonstration table or walk around the
classroom. Students will be seated at their desks.
 Teacher: Now that you are all experts on different liquids, including water. So
today, we will do an experiment to test different states of water.
3 min
 Teacher: Can anyone tell me if water exists on Earth in another (other than
liquid) form or state? (students may answer by putting their hands up).. great,
thank you..
 Today we will learn how water changes after it is heated.
Body Time
Topic 1) Hand out and explain the worksheet 3 min
2) To start, I will hand out a worksheet. Please don't write
anything on the sheet until instructed.
3) The teacher explains the contents of the sheet.
4) Teacher: Today's activity is called "full steam ahead".
In this activity, we will observe what happens to liquid
water after it has been heated up in the kettle.
5) Teacher: The sheet has a few sections for you to fill out.
Hypothesis (we make a prediction of what will happen
to water when heated); Observation (what actually
happens to water when heated and cooled off) and
conclusion (what did we learn, the most important
Topic 1) Students complete hypothesis
2) Teacher: I would like you to start by writing down a
hypothesis on your worksheet.
3 min
3) Teacher: Hypothesis is just a statement, one sentence,
of what you think may happen when water is heated.
You have 1 minute to make the best prediction you can.
Topic 1) Teacher: activity demonstration
2) Students will be asked to sit in front of the
demonstration station. (students will be a safe distance
from where the kettle is plugged in)
3) Teacher: In this experiment, we will use a kettle, liquid
water, a cup of ice and a metal spoon
4) The teacher explains: The kettle is used to heat the
water to 100 degrees Celsius. We will know the water
has reached this temperature because we will see
water in a different state (gas). Let's keep a close eye
for when the change happens.
5) When students observe the steam, the teacher will 15 min
explain that water heated to 100 degrees Celsius
changes from a liquid into a gas…** steam or water
vapour is a gaseous form of water**
6) Teacher: Can anyone tell me if it is possible to turn
steam back into the water? (Students will answer by
putting their hands up) great , thank you.. let's test it..
7) Teacher: will take the metal spoon out of the cup of ice
and hold it directly over the steam. The teacher will
explain that water condenses on the bottom of the
spoon and falls to the ground like rain. (teacher will
repeat this demonstration twice)
Topic 1) The teacher will instruct students to go back to their
desks, one at a time, starting with the row closest to
the window.
2) Teacher: Now, we will complete the remainder of the
10 min
sheet, starting with observation. You will draw a
picture of what happened when the water was heated.
3) The teacher will guide the students with the
completion of other sections.
Conclusion Time
 When liquid water is heated to 100 degrees Celsius, it changes into steam or
water vapour.
 Vapour water or steam can be reversed and changed back to liquid water by 2 min

 Completion of worksheet
 Questioning throughout the lesson

Additional Notes:

If the lesson takes more than one period… the worksheet may be completed following science class..
As planned lesson stands at 36 minutes +20 = 60 min

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