Module 2 Lesson 1-j

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1. Why is it important to know and understand the importance of fishery branches?

 Knowing and understanding the importance of fishery branches is important

because it aids and provides an understanding of the entire process of how to care
for live fish, how to harvest a fish, and on how to preserve a fish that can be
imported to market or exported outside the country, or, to put it another way, how
to process the fish into a finished product or output. Furthermore, productive
fisheries and aquaculture increase income and improve livelihoods, support
economic growth, protect our environment and natural resources, and improve
food and nutrition security, all while enhancing food and nutrition security.

2. If you were given a capital to build or establish your own fishery business, in specifically
what branch of fishery do you prefer? Explain

 If I were given a sum of money to start or expand my own fishery business. I'd rather go
into the fish culture branch of the industry. Fish farming can help enhance natural fish
stocks such as those found in lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water because young fish
can be maintained in ponds and used for restocking. Furthermore, fish culture is
important to me since I am the one who is responsible for raising and caring for the fish.
Though their food is expensive on a daily basis.

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