English Task 2 Writing Task: Julian Flores

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Task 2 Writing task

Mauricio Pazmiño Castillo

Code: 1085260414

Presented to:
Julian Flores

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

1. My point of view of the articule article and the video, I can see the negative
impact caused to the earth, ourt háabitat and the species especially the polar
bear that is very sad, we can see the reality of the Word, and its effects. The
artical poles scream for help, the humanity must stop polluting activities
generated which will be irreversible, we are destroying the ecosystem of all
animals and with them too.
Balcones de la Pradera

Deparment 404, 9 tower

Pasto, Nariño,

San Juan de Pasto July 29th, 2021


Career 13 36 24, 12th floor



Dear, Felipe Bayón Pardo:

Hoping you are well, the reason of this letter is for make an observation about the management of
Ecopetrol´s pipeline, because there are always problems as a result of constant damages that
make a lot of contamination with many accidents, besides the repair of these problems takes a
long time, while even causing a greater harm. So, it´s very important make a constant vigilance
over the pipelines to avoid damages, insomuch as the ambient consequences due oil spill over the
nature and the water are irreversibles.

Best Wishes
En una auditoría realizada por la contraloría general de la nación a la refinería Ecopetrol en
Barrancabermeja se informa que en el 2020 se presentan 27 derrames de crudo, y hay un mal
manejo de residuos químicos.

Actualmente se identifica que la petrolera estatal tiene un plan de manejo desactualizado, sin
criterios mínimos para una refinería de más de 100 años operando.

El delegado de la contraloría para el medio ambiente asegura que por las repetitivas emergencias
presentadas el ecosistema acuático de esta región se ha convertido en lodo aceitoso, por los
derrames de hidrocarburos a cuerpos de agua cercanos, entonces en los antiguos humedales hoy
hay 2 millones de metros cúbicos.

La empresa Ecopetrol aún con una larga trayectoria en la industria no posee un plan de atención
que permita evitar acciones contaminantes sobre los ríos de Barrancabermeja

Hello I am Mauricio Pazmiño and this is the Unit 2 -Task 4 - Speaking Task


I chose the company ecopetrol because it is the cause of many environmental emergencies in Colombia


In an audit carried out by the nation's comptroller general to the Ecopetrol refinery in Barrancabermeja, it is
reported that in 2020 there will be 27 oil spills, and there is poor handling of chemical waste.


Currently it is identified that the state oil company has an outdated management plan, without minimum
criteria for a refinery with more than 100 years of operation.

The delegate of the comptroller's office for the environment assures that due to the repetitive emergencies
presented, the aquatic ecosystem of this region has turned into oily sludge, due to hydrocarbon spills to
nearby bodies of water, so in the old wetlands today there are 2 million cubic meters.


The company Ecopetrol, even with a long history in the industry, does not have an attention plan that allows
avoiding polluting actions on the rivers of Barrancabermeja


My proposal or solution is greater vigilance of the control entities to Ecopetrol, Greater fines, monetary as
environmental repair actions.

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