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no lesson Activities

1 my family "flip flash card games" ask students to guess the flash card
that tc shows faster about my family member
if students can answer all the card correctly give them
a button or something they can count in the last session

2 my home "slowly slowly"

tc shows the flash card by covering it and pulling the cover
down slowly,and ask students to guess what room shows
in the pictures
"whats in the bathroom" ask students to go to the bathroom
and touch the things around the bathrom by name it

"tell us what you have" tc will put several bedroom

vocabularies card and ask children to pick the card
that they have in their bedroom and talk about what they have

3 my self "touch what you hear " tc ask students to touch part of
the body randomly, more faster more fun, if students can touch
if they can touch all the body parts correctly, give them a picture
as reward that they can colouring,

4 my school "Grab it or lose" tc preparing the school stuff inside the mystery
box ask students to grab the things and name it louder
using the ryhtm that tc taught before. Students who can answer
all the vocabularies correctly will ge the reward.
Teaching aids Notes
family flash card (medium size}
,Flash card ,button ,mini bag for each students

room flashcard in medium size.

bathroom,stick for touch,

small flash card about things in the bedroom

print out the picture as reward for colouring

mystery box, school things flashcard, reward like chocholate candy or what
no lesson
1 recognizing number 1-100(number
and values)

2 sequencing numbers,and
missing number

3 smallest and biggest number

4 more and less

Activities Teaching aids
use the number square on the wall ask students to count number square,long stick
and do the rote counting using long stick,
count forwad and backward
students pick the number randomly and take big button number flashcards,button
as much as number they got.

"Arrange me" tc preparing the number card then number card

shake the number ask students to arrange that number

ask students what number comes after…..and what number number line
comes before… while showing the number cards

" lets jump to…" put the pair of number,ask children to jump
in the box that has smallest or biggest as teacher asks

using dice,ask students to role the dice and walk as much 2 dice, number card
as as dice number shown,and take number while closing
their eyes.then comparing number they got and their friends.
no lesson
1 art and craft cake and pizza

2 Daily Doa
teacher shows how to make the craft and ask students to do the same,
tc can observe how students can follow the instructions

teacher ask students to go around the school to recite daily doa in the
place as same as real condition,
before and after eating (in the class pretend to eat)
before and after going to toilet {toilet)
doa for parents and doa dunia akhirah
before and upon waking up
entering and leaving the house (1 tent and ask them to in and out)
after sneezing
sitting on vehicle
entering masjid
leaving masjid
doa shalat dhuha
Teaching aids Notes

pizza and cake craft

no lesson
1 living things and non living things

2 water ,usage of water,water cycle

3 hard,soft,smooth,rough
breakable and unbreakable

5 Solid,Liquid, and Gas

6 Function of Air

7 Sink and Float

Activities Teaching aids
Play the games" hit the card" put several pictures between living and non living things picture
living things and non living things in the floor fake hammer
ask student to use the hammer and hit the pictures which are
living tings or not,
ask them the reason why they categorized like that,

ask them where the water comes? pictures that shows a lot of water
ask them what we use the water for? watercycle poster.
show the pictures of watercycle, ask students to tell about
the water cyle that they understood

Bring the mystery box , close students eyes,ask them to grab spon,batteries, book, doll,etc
several things and ask them to tell what they feeling when print out the name for each box
touch something from the box iis it hard, soft,smooth
or rough.ask them to differentiate that things and put it in
named box

"Touch touch games" put several things around class like oil button,examples of solid,liquid
glass, ball or baloon, ring the bell and give command students or gas things.
to touch, solid liquid or gas. If they touch the right things they
get the button

ask students to blow the baloon and ask them what inside the baloon
show students pictures about things need air to move and float
and ask them which things need air to move and which things need air to function

# ask students what the meaning of sink and float or heavy 2 things that heavy and light
or light
# ask students to choose one thing which will sink or ,
which one will float and ask them why it so

children will do this activities

one by one,while another
students observe their friends
no lesson
1 5 pillars of islam song

2 1 pillars(syahadah)

3 2 pillars (shalat)

4 3rd pillars ( fasting

5 4th pillars (pay zakat)

6 5th pillars (go to hajj)

sing 5 pillars song , ask students to follow the movement then ask
1 by 1, ask students to arrange the 5th pillars of islam puzzle,,picture
and words

sing syahadah song, ask students to say syahadah ,

when the importants to read syahadah

ask students one by one using these question.while another students

do the 5th pillars of islam book
#how many times we pray in a day sing zaky song "5 times daily prayer"
# ask students to do several moving in shalat (qiyam ruku etc)
# ask students to do wudhu
# rakaat in shalat and the names of shalat match rakaat and ,
the names of shalat

show them pictures people are doing fasting,ask them several question
what picture is this ?what is fasting? when we are fasting?

show them pictures people are doing zakat ask them several question
whats the 4th pillars of islam?
what is zakatul fitr?
who obligate to pay zakat? is the baby need to pay zakat?

show them pictures of kabah and ask them several question

# what the picture it is?
where the location of this place,how to get there?
what are the people doing there..?
Teaching aids notes
print 5 pillars of islam picture

the names of prayer and rakaat

makes as puzzle

pictures that shows people are doing

fasting .

pictures that shows people pay zakat

pictures of kabah and another pictures

about mekkah

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