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M. Zechmeister et al.: The planet search programme at the ESO CES and HARPS. IV.

with the planet frequency of other much larger surveys. For ex- exo-Kuiper belts around ζ 2 Ret (Eiroa et al. 2010) and around
ample, from the ELODIE survey Naef et al. (2005) estimated a HR 506 (q1 Eri, Liseau et al. 2010). In the case of the RV planet-
fraction of 7.5 ± 1.5% for stars hosting giant planets with pe- hosting star HR 506, the structure of a ring at 35–40 AU pro-
riods less than 10 yr, while Cumming et al. (2008) derived a vides a hint for another planet. Similarly, the structure of the
frequency of 12 ± 1.6% from the Keck survey and Mayor et al. known debris disk of ! Eri suggests an outer planet (Quillen &
(2011) 9.7 ± 1.3% (for >100 M⊕) from the HARPS/CORALIE Thorndike 2002). But then for HR 8501 that has an RV trend
survey. For Jupiter analogues, i.e. only in the range of 3–6 AU, likely due to its wide stellar companion, Eiroa et al. (2010) ex-
Lineweaver & Grether (2003) estimated a frequency of 5 ± 2% clude a cold debris disk.
which is e.g. consistent with the discovery rate in the AAPS
survey (3.3 ± 1.4%, Wittenmyer et al. 2011). Such low observed Acknowledgements. We are grateful to K. Dennerl and S. Döbereiner for their
frequencies are compatible with the non-detection of a Jupiter help with obtaining CES-LC data in the early phase of the survey as well as F.
Rodler for obtaining CES-VLC and HARPS data. S. Els helped with the CES-
analogue in our sample and a decreasing frequency of giant plan- VLC observation and the data reduction. We thank G. Anglada-Escudé for his
ets at larger distances (!5 AU) is also predicted with core accre- useful hints and discussions and for providing the HARPS-TERRA software.
tion theory (Mordasini et al. 2012). Discussions with P. Bristow, D. Baade, and P. Sinclair on VLC-CCD effects are
The main reason for the limited VLC precision of ∼9 m/s gratefully acknowledged. We are thankful to the ESO OPC for generous allo-
cation of observing time to the CES/HARPS planet search programme. M.Z.
is the short wavelength coverage of only 39 Å. Useful iodine acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
lines cover a total wavelength range of 1000 Å. If this 25 time (DFG) under RE 1664/4-1. The Lund Observatory obtained the IRFTS with sup-
larger range could have been used, the extrapolated VLC pre- port from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. H.H. and H.N. acknowledge
cision would be 5 times higher, i.e. 1.8 m/s. The actively sta- support from the Swedish Research Council (VR) through contract 621-2006-
3085 and Linnaeus Grant through Lund Laser Centre.
bilised HARPS spectrograph has a larger wavelength coverage
and an outperforming precision. The higher resolution of the
CES+VLC is not necessarily an advantage because the stel-
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