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Background of the study

According to Wikipedia, social media are computer-mediated technologies that

facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interest and other forms of
expression via virtual communities and network. The growth and popularity of online social
network have created a new world of collaboration and communication. More than billion
individuals around the world are connected and networked together to create, collaborate, and
contribute their knowledge and wisdom.

Each day we see new and exciting ways on how social media is changing the way we
relate and connect to one another, share information and even form our identities. According
to, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become an
important part of lives of many people worldwide. Around two billion users were active on
Facebook at the end of 2016, 500 million regularly post photos on Instagram and more than
300 million communicate via Twitter.

Students today have begun to rely on the accessibility of information that is available
on the social media platforms specifically the web. Perhaps, in order to get answer, students
are attempting to multi-task. They are trying to check various social media sites while they
study, (Armstrong, 2012). Traditionally, students come to school “powered-up” and wired
with the newest technologies available. One feature of Social Networking Sites such as
Facebook is that they function primarily as communications tools. A great deal of
communication between a students and instructor about courses already goes on via. Faculty
may be likely to adopt a technology if they perceive it as a way to facilitate communication
with student. A second aspect is the social one. Faculty who see teaching as establishing
relationship with students may view Facebook-like technologies as an efficient, even
business-like way to accomplish that connection.
Through recent experiences by some educators and students has demonstrated the problem
that is this kind of activity can entail many educational institution seem to be sold on the idea
of communicating with students in this way. They have their own Facebook pages and
actively seek to link with those of their students.

According to the students in Sibonga National High School, the tendency of students in
using social media is to gather information, to know the happenings around and through
social media they were able to gather ideas, answers for their assignments. Interacting with
other people is also a reason in using social media. Even during classes, there were students
who were using their gadgets, surfing the internet, and using social media as tool for learning.

The study determines the behavioural effects of using social media among Grade 9
Students in Sibonga National High School. The research will bring out the knowledge and
information to be able the readers know the role of social media among students. The average
person now spends more time each day on their phone and computer than they do sleeping.
Students have easy access to resources online to help them learn. Furthermore, social media
allow people to communicate with friends and classmates, increased online communication
and strengthen the relationships.
Statement of the problem

The study aims to Determining the Behavioural Effects of Using Social Media Among
Grade 9 students. This study will be conducted in Sibonga National High School for school
year 2021-2022.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following question:

1. Is using a social media important for students?

2. Does using social media change the behaviour of the student?

3. What are the possible reasons that influence students to the social media?

Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial to the students, teachers, parents and future researchers. To
students, it will provide them information so they can avoid being addicted to social
networking sites and improve their learnings. To the teachers, they would gain insight to the
reason of social media usage among students and how to eradicate addiction among them as
well as having hints on how to encourage them to use social media to improve their skills. To
the parents, they will be aware of the tendencies that push their children not to be addicted in
using social media. Lastly, to the future researcher, they will gain more information and for
them to know what is the role of using social media among students.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is for students focus more on the behavioural effects of using social media
in Sibonga National High School. There will be only be must a maximum of 10-15
respondents to the questionnaire all of them are involve in social media, since the researcher
believes that there will be not enough time to finish the research on the set deadline if all
qualified subjects will be involved in the study.

Definition of Terms

The following are operationally defined to give clear understanding of the research.

Behavioural Effects- covers the responses of an individual to adapt to his/her environment,

including the definition of personal goals, learning new skills, adjusting responses to specific

High School Students- pertains to a person who studies the secondary level either public or
privates schools.

Social Media- are computers mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of
information, ideas, career interest and other forms of expressions via virtual communicate
and networks.

Social Media Usage- is the act of using social media.

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