Activity Rundown (MV1 - Nestrivo Agustus) )

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Activity Rundown

ActivityType : NESTRIVO Day Training Management for All BUM & BUD

Company Name : Multivers One

Date : Monday, August 17th , 2021

Location : CBD Puncak Wiyung

No Time Venue Action PIC Remark

Prepare and setup
1. 08.00 – 08.30 Ruang BUM Last preparation Andhika & Nestrivo

2. 08.30 – 08.35 Ruang BUM BUM check in Andhika Form absen

3. 08.35 – 08.40 Ruang BUM Opening - Speech To Be Confirm (TBC) Tujuan dan maksud kegiatan

• Organization Structure
• Services
4. 08.40 – 09.40 Ruang BUM Perkenalan NESTRIVO TBC • Induction training (HR,
Finance & Acc. Others)
• Highlight points (tiap fase)
5 09.40 – 11.40 Ruang BUM Sesi Tanya Jawab Andhika & Nestrivo (TBC)

• Closing dan do’a

6 11.40 – 12.00 Ruang BUM Penutup dan pembekalan terakhir Andhika & Nestrivo • Hard & soft copy
(TBC) distribute
• Foto session

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