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Student weekly journal ECE 232

Student name: Kayla Xaypanya Date: 11/19/2021

1. Observation of 2 Positive Interactions/ Connection to DAP Principle

Include page number, title of principle and definition of principle. (10 points)

(1) One child arrived and asked others if they liked her dress. The other child said they
loved it and she was very happy.
(2) During open centers, one child was building a castle with blocks. Another came
over and knocked it over. After seeing how upset they were, the child apologized
and they were fine with each other.

“Caregivers comfort toddlers and let them know they are valued through warm and
responsive touches, such as pats on the back and hugs and holding toddlers in their laps.
Caregivers are sensitive to whether a child welcomes the touches,” (DAP 92).

2. Observation of 2 In Contrast Interaction/Connection to DAP Principle (10 points)

Include page number, title of principle and definition of principle

(1) Child brought chocolate candy into the classroom. Another noticed and they
opened the candy and started eating it. The candy spilled and dropped it on the
floor; the dog in the room ate it and no one noticed it at all.
(2) Two children (siblings) fighting over stuffed animal caterpillar. One started crying
which made the other cry too.

“Caregivers patiently redirect toddlers to help guide them toward controlling their own
impulses and behavior,” (DAP 95).

3. What do you think worked well in this classroom? (5 Points)

This day the children had picture day and the teachers had to take a few at a time to
take their pictures. They did a good job at rotating the children in and out of the
classroom to have their turn.

4. What do you think could have been improved? (5 points)

The teacher put on a movie so they could finish paperwork. The children were not being
watched or contained when they got sidetracked, which disturbed the flow of the room.
At least one of the teachers could have watched the kids while the other finished their
work and not leave me to be responsible.
5. Locate a professional article to support one of either your positive or in contrast
experiences and write at least 5 sentences on how this connects with your
observation. (10 points)

This article supports my negative observation (2) because it discusses how to help siblings
share and get along when they are in the classroom together or even at home. They are
usually different ages, which makes it more difficult to please both of their feelings.

6. List 2 Ways Material, Layout or Design affected your choices from either positive or
in contrast, located in the ITERS book.  YOU MUST LIST the area and the sub
scale. (10 points)

Example: In Contrast: Space and Furnishings 1. Indoor Space 1.1 Not enough space for
children, adults, and furnishings. What I saw? Children were frustrated and had little room
to move, toys were on top of each other, crawling spaces were hard and not supportive. 

Example: Appropriate Space and Furnishings 1. Indoor Space 3.1 Enough indoor space
for children, adults, and furnishings.  What I saw? The children were able to move about
the room with ease, there were carpets, mats and hard surfaces and enough room to
reach toys and give all crawling children room to explore. 

Positive (1): Activities 18. Blocks 5.3 Special block interest center for older toddlers/twos set
aside, with storage and suitable building surface (Ex: flat rug or other steady surface; area
out of traffic).
What I saw? Children were using and playing with blocks on a rug which is good for them
to build on a flat surface.
Negative (1): Personal Care Routines 7. Health Practices 1.4 Children not protected from
observed environmental risks (Ex: pesticides sprayed in presence of children; mold visible
in child spaces; signs of smoking observed; animal droppings visible).
What I saw? The children eating the chocolate and dropping it on the floor made the
classroom a health hazard.

*Alternate Questions from Observation (30 points). Respond to this section instead of
sections 1 & 2, then find an article to support one of your questions for section 5 (10
points) and then the ITERS sections to correspond with one of your questions from your
instructor for section 6 (10 points). YOU WILL NOT COMPLETE SECTIONS 1, 2, 3 & 4 on
observation weeks.

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