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Aldo Wink - B2B Demand Scale Up

(when marketers feel stuck)

“Doing great marketing isn’t enough - You need to completely update your entire
approach based on how buyers actually buy today”
A new journey begins…

stop generating leads

and start to create demand
Give rise to your customer needs
Imagine running marketing that gives rise to your customer needs instead of assuming they have a

This is how you beat your competition and 5x your lead volume, create new demand and drive
serious growth.

It’s why 100% of our customers to date have seen positive ROI.

(rise = een reden / aanleiding geven)

Maybe this sounds familiar?
You’re running paid campaigns that have started to diminish in returns. The more you spend the
worse the results get. No matter what you do – your marketing feels stuck.

Sales has started to complain about lead quality and you often hear: “These marketing leads suck!

You’re constantly stuck in tactics. Everyone wants to run a/b tests, new headlines, new landing
pages, more more blogs, more social posts. But result is not growing accordingly.

You’ve hit a plateau that’s left you wondering how you can scale and start seeing killer results.
Agencies and Martech only make it worse
Ad agencies always recommend more or better ads

SEO agencies always recommend you need better SEO and more content

Martech vendors will convince you to measure on marketing influenced

The demand generation agency will tell brand creates demand

Only there is one big problem. It assumes that growth occurs through the act of doing marketing.
Effective B2B marketing is about shifting believes
B2B Marketing is no longer about getting awareness and acquiring customers.

Effective B2B marketing is about shifting the beliefs of your buyers so they actually care about you
solving their problem.

Customers no longer reach out to sales to have their beliefs shifted, learn about your product, and
understand why they need it.

They’re learning about the product on their terms. They’re doing research on LinkedIn, in slack
channels, and word of mouth.

Buyer-led Growth is about showing your buyer why they should care about solving their problems
in the first place.

Creating new demand requires your marketing to help buyers recognize they have a pain worth
How to create new demand

Showing your buyer why they should care about solving their pain points

> Explain the negative consequences that occur if they don’t change.

> Help buyers recognize they have a pain worth solving

To do so you have to understand their current habits and beliefs

> This is exactly what Buyer-led Growth seeks to do...

- It’s the key to creating new demand

What buyers want?

People don’t buy products:


- They buy the OUTCOME they really desire

They are ultimately buying a TRANSFORMATION they want in their lives.

Buyer Led Growth
Buyer-led Growth is a business approach that leverages deep customer insights and
qualitative research to drive growth.

The Buyer-led approach is not about chasing customers’ opinions but about delivering
products that help users do the jobs they want to do and get the outcomes they expect.

buyers are hands-on and require expert support every step of the way,
from the first touch to initial contract to renewal.

A Buyer-led approach is about digging deep into your customers’ persona. To do that, you
need to combine data from surveys with qualitative and observational insights.
Buyers need to believe in a new narrative
Establishing your narrative is meant to give rise to your buyers needs before they recognize a pain.

For buyers to recognize their pain you have to understand their current habits and beliefs.

You have to show your buyers you understand them and their world and then begin to shift their
beliefs into the narrative you need them to believe.

Until your buyer believes in your new narrative they will never have a pain worth solving.

This also causes your marketing to shift from focusing on what you’re selling to challenging the
way your buyer is operating so they take action.
Create content that helps buyers to recognize their pain
When you’re creating content for pain points you’re only capturing existing demand.

Creating new demand requires your content to help buyers recognize their pain.

For buyers to recognize their pain you have to create content that resonates with their current
habits and beliefs and begin to shift their beliefs into the brand narrative you need buyers to

- Our content playbook is centered around this approach and we do it across the entire funnel.
How to craft a compelling story that resonates with buyers

Your goal is to make your story feels as if it’s your buyer’s story, NOT YOURS.

“Wow! This [problem] just happened to me last week and that was exactly why I was so
frustrated. This {widget} is exactly what I need to get this {problem} out of the way”
should be your buyer’s imaginary thought bubble after consuming your visual
How to craft a compelling story that resonates with buyers

DIRECT: interviews with customers, sales team, and partners to uncover

their purchase decision process;

INDIRECT: social media research – to capture their hot topics, pain points,
passions, and interests, including your competition
Shift beliefs - change behaviour - help them to win
1. Map content to their existing beliefs – and begin shifting their beliefs into the narrative the
need to be thinking.

2. Now that they have a new narrative - you need to change their behaviour and start showing
them what you want them to do.

3. Content that shows them how buyers have reached the promised land and how you have
helped your customers win.
Shift beliefs - change behaviour - help them to win
Is this how you operate today? (examples of current habits and believes)
- show consequences
- show promised land
- tell them where they are now
- tell them where to go and
- tell them how to get there
- motivate to take action
- give them access to your (freemium) product
- provide them with pre-sales expertise
- help them to onboard
- help them to renew (are they winning?)
What’s missing on their website? No customer purchase decisions:

● Why did customers buy their software?

● What user experience made them switch from a previous product to theirs?
● What was it about the previous product that they didn’t like?

Software purchases are multidimensional and very complex.

To drive purchase, they needed to capitalise not just on emotional triggers but also functional
aspects, and above all on personal frustrations.

You have to show how your product will transform their lives. What outcomes can they expect?

A buyer-led approach means creating what your users genuinely value.

KPI’s for a new set of prospects
You begin accelerating demand as you find the unique combination of things that work for you.
Buyer-Led growth will start creating an entirely new set of prospects, urgency, and real demand.

The 3 core buckets to measure with Buyer-Led Growth:

KPI’s for a new set of prospects
You begin accelerating demand as you find the unique combination of things that work for you.
Buyer-Led growth will start creating an entirely new set of prospects, urgency, and real demand.
The 4 KPI’s to measure with Buyer-Led Growth:

1. New visitors (MoM growth)

a. % sign ups
2. New sign ups (MoM growth)
a. % activated
3. First value (MoM growth)
a. % engaged
4. Value realization: Engaged
a. MoM growth
How can we help?
Optimize for the Buyer – We help you convert more high-quality leads by identifying and removing
friction across the buyer’s journey through conversion rate optimization, user flow, and funnel

Brand Narrative & Messaging – Break past selling features and benefits with strategic messaging
and positioning and establish your brand narrative to give rise to your buyer’s needs.

Acquire Customers Organically – We know that paid will continually cost more year after year. To
radically increase marketing contribution to revenue we have a custom SEO and content playbook
to execute on.
Optimize for the buyer
Activate Buyer Led growth by:
- Showing frustrations above features
- Tell about their pains
- What roles have what frustrations?
- Why did others buy your product and not at your competitor?
- What happened with users after they started using your product?
- Show them the promised land
- Give them access to a free trial
> start onboarding in their free trial
> bring in all your pre-sales expertise
> help them support them through their approval process
Start to ungate content
1. when you need more traffic (e.g. set up a content pillar)
2. when gated is not performing
a. ask for a name only
b. only ask for an email if they want to read it in pdf later

When not:
1. when extremely valuable and exclusive
2. when performing well
3. Wrapping up existing blogs in a new eBook
Create a new narrative

Content playbook
● Content that shifts believes
● Content that changes behaviour
● Content that helps them to win
- watch on demand
- download on demand
- read on demand
How can we help?
3 Pillars
Aldo Wink Demand Scale Up
(when marketers feel stuck)
“Doing great marketing isn’t enough - You need to completely update your entire
approach based on how buyers actually buy today”

- 1. Accelerate Demand Coaching program 6 months (9500 euro)

- remove obstacles
- create a new narrative (shift believers > change behaviour > help to win
- content playbook
- KPI’s for new set of prospects
- from level 2 to level 3 in the demand generation maturity matrix
- 2. Elevate Training bootcamp
- learn how to step up from level 2 to level 3 in the demand generation maturity matrix
- 4 days
- 3. Impact Content marketing (subscription / credits)
- Map content to their existing beliefs
- Change their behaviour and start showing them
- Show how you have helped your customers win
Accelerate: One on One Coaching Program
- remove obstacles
- create a new narrative (shift believers > change behaviour > help
to win
- content playbook
- KPI’s for new set of prospects
- from level 2 to level 3 in the demand generation maturity matrix
drive pipeline
Accelerate: What to expect
We start with an assessment: where are you now and where would you like to be (DG maturity
Together we create a game plan with actionables
- we start with removing all friction in the buyer journey / funnel
- we will evaluate your ICP and BP’s
- we will evaluate your competition (how can we outperform them?)
- we will develop a new narrative
- we will create a new content map
We have weekly meetings with you and your team and monthly progress meetings
I will provide you with all the experiences / best practices I have availble to you so we can do it
first time right.
Let’s get your marketing Up to Speed!
Elevate: from Lead Gen to Demand Gen
● 4 dagen Bootcamp
● Best practices
● Praktijk gericht
● Met PvA naar huis
● 2x follow-up sessie online
● BP
● Content map
● Buyer Driven Narrative
● Content pillars
● Experimenten opzetten
● Social media
Impact: Content that creates Demand

● Content that shifts believes

● Content that changes behaviour
● Content that helps them to win
- watch on demand

- download on demand

- read on demand

- Based on credits / subscription model

Aldo Wink Demand Scale Up
(when marketers feel stuck)

You need to completely update your entire approach based on how buyers actually buy today.

- Huisstijl
- Copy
- Infographics (website - whitepaper - social)
- Website + Presentatie + Offerte PDF aligned
- Fotografie
Aldo Wink’s ICP (Ideal Customer Profile)

B2B marketing manager 50-100 FTE

From Scale-up

Software - IT - Consulting - Marketing - Media

Buyer: Marketing Manager - Sales Manager

Marketing Automation Platform

Inbound + content marketing > 2 jaar

CAC > 1000 - 5000 EUR

Elevator Pitch: “Feeling stuck? Lead gen fatigue? We help re-start

We scale up demand
Once you’ve established consistent growth, it is time to reduce the principal costs and

add more to your profits and revenue. Scaling in terms of business is creating a

sustainable growth that does not eat up all your resources or revenue to expand. It

increases the revenue by simultaneously bringing down the total cost of operations.
Demand Generation Present Result driven Optimal dialogue Lifetime value
Maturity Levels 1. Adhoc 2. Opportunistic 3. Managed 4. Optimized
Goals KPI's No KPI's defined KPI's zijn opgesteld o.b.v. ROI Lifetimevalue
websiteverkeer en conversie.
KPI's fungeren als
uitgangspunt voor Marketing.
Attributie Er wordt geen Verschillende kanalen worden Er is een attributiemodel Marketing wordt volledig
onderscheid gemaakt afgerekend op last click cookies aanwezig waardoor de gestuurd op de kanalen die
tussen de verschillende (standaard instelling Google bijdrage van verschillende bijdragen aan de
kanalen Analytics) kanalen aan de doelstelling doelstellingen en keuzes
inzichtelijk wordt. Er wordt worden gemaakt aan de hand
hier verder niet op van dit attributiemodel
Web analyse Descriptive Analytics: Diagnotic Analytics: Predictive Analytics: Prescriptive Analytics:
Wat gebeurt er? Waarom gebeurt het? Wat gaat er gebeuren? Hoe laten gebeuren?
Target groups Buyer Geen doelgroep Er is nagedacht over de Buyer persona gedefinieerd Meerdere buyer personas
persona omschrijving aanwezig. doelgroep. In kaart gebracht op basis van data en gedefinieerd en vormen de
waar de doelgroep naar op zoek inzichten. Ondersteund met uitgangspunt voor alle
is. interne waarheid. marketingactiviteiten.
Buyer Buyer journey niet Buyer journey opgesteld aan de Buyer journey opgesteld Buyer journey gedefinieerd en
journey bekend hand van interne waarheid. aan de hand van data en en getoetst met de externe
inzichten + ICP aligned aan waarheid.
Interruptive Inbound - Allbound Start helping Customer Driven
E-mail marketing Campagnes Een campagne met alle Meerdere campagnes en Er worden Er worden geautomatiseerde
contacten die dezelfde segmenten opgebouwd op basis geautomatiseerde campagnes gestuurd met
About Aldo Wink
Hi, I am Aldo Wink and I am an experience B2B marketing professional. In the past years I have
implemented over 50 inbound marketing - marketing automation - demand generation systems.
So how do you actualy create demand? You have everything in place.. a great website,
marketing automation and focus on content marketing.. but results are not increasing? You feel
that when putting more energy and resources into marketing it does not deliver?
Then it is time for you to get out of tactics and start aligning your marketing on how B2B buyers
want to buy today.
Let me help you and your team to scale-up demand

Are you a fit?

We want to help you make as an informed decision as possible before you engage with us here’s what you should know
Een op een
Ik neem uitgebreid de tijd je te leren kennen

Ik geef gevraagd en ongevraagd advies

Je krijgt direct toegang tot al mijn expertise & best practices, zo doe je het in een
keer goed

Ik haal jou en je team uit je comfort zone

Ik leer je denken als een echte Pro

Bottom line: na 6 maanden ben jij een veel betere marketing pro

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