Interview Questions

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Interview questions:

1. Tell me a bit about yourself.

Hello, so first my name is Grace Perez. I'm currently taking up BS in Civil Engineering at Sorsogon State
University. I chose this field of study because I am highly interested in how infrastructures were built
and how those works amazingly help the community we live in. It just made so much sense because it
makes life easier.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Let me first talk about my weaknesses, I consider being inexperienced as a weakness. i find that I don't
know enough about the field, but I am currently working on it by educating myself using relevant
learning materials, So that when the opportunity comes, there'll be less room for mistakes. And I believe
that everyday is a chance to learn something. Another is that I occasionally have a hard time asking for
help. I've been used to working alone even when it's a group project because not everyone in the group
is as committed as I am/because I encountered working by group wherein some of my groupmates does
not do their assigned tasks on time, thus, delaying the project. The solution I opted to was to do it by
myself to avoid getting behind the deadline. And I find it traumatizing. However, I am still intentionally
reminding myself to ask for help when it's needed. It's a way to make the job a lot easier at the same
time provide great satisfaction for the client with the finished work, done with the help of others.

As for my strengths, first I can say that I have a strong work ethic. I am a person who is committed to
meeting deadlines and completing the tasks given at a high standard. I also start immediately once a
task is given to me, so that I can prevent cramming. Another strength is that I am passionate in this field,
I can do the work with ease once I set my mind on it, I am focused and determined to reach my goals.

3. What motivates you?

I am motivated by working collaboratively within a team of people who share the same value and goal-
oriented type behavior as me. In this way, I can overcome my weakness which is being afraid to ask for
help from others. Also, It'll make me feel empowered to see that the effort I'm putting in is contributing
for a greater good and it will allow us to see outcomes at the end of the project. In addition, I am
motivated in learning new things during the process of completing a piece of work.

4. How do you handle stress and pressure?

So there's this one time that we had to take 4 major exams in a week, this event in my life really put me
under pressure and stress. I handled it by first assessing each situation, ranking the exams by their
difficulty and urgency. And by doing so I know now which subject I need to study first and so on. As a
result, I passed those exams. So I'm handling stress and pressure by doing some step by step
process(aka) which allows me to see which to prioritize first and it eases me that way.

5. Describe your work style.

Uhm I can work in a team or independently, depending on the needs of the project. I can easily work
and consult when it's a collaborative work with my colleagues. However, there may be some instances
where I prefer to work alone, it helps me more in coming up with creative ideas. And it also helps me
focus on a specific task given. Another, is that I prefer organizing first the things needed, like the
information, data and persons involved, before proceeding with the project.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

To be honest, I'm not yet totally sure. But I do know that I love working with people and achieving great
things. And right now I'm looking to gain experience, to continuously improve and progress. And
eventually have a job and still continually learn from it.

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