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“The end line is a few steps away! It’s near!” I told myself again and again.

I fixed my
eyes to the finishing line as I sprinted as fast as my artificial legs could carry me. I felt
adrenaline spun through me as I continued dashing towards the end.

Three months before this race, I signed up for such a 100-metre race, but it was for
normal people. The week after I signed up for the race, I met with a serious car accident
and got my legs amputated to save my life. Feeling discouraged, I signed out from the
competition and locked myself up in my own bedroom every single day. Time passed
slowly and I knew that I could not remain in such a bad state. How would my friends and
family see me after locking myself up? I decided to keep a positive attitude and tried out
new things.

I finally got out of my room after a week or so and I stumbled upon a flyer inviting
disabled people to join a competition for the disabled. True enough, I signed up for it.
The first step I did was to purchase a pair of artificial legs and put them on. I then
started training for the competition.

Fast forward to the day of the competition, I walked to the stadium with shaky,
trembling legs. Cold sweat trickled down my forehead as I thought about the

“Beep!” The whistle them. All the contestants sprinted through the track like the wind.
I tried to keep up but started panting after a while. However, I remained positive of the
ultimate outcome and continued putting in my fullest effort and dashed continuously. I
gradually overtook one contestant after another, until I raced side by side with the
fastest runner. We took turns overtaking each other and I nearly lost. In the end, I won!
This is truly a remarkable achievement and I would not be able to achieve it, if not for

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