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TopWin ®

Gamma 255
Alpha 455
Alpha 355
Alpha 358
Alpha 356
Alpha 477
Alpha 488
© Komax AG. Zeta 633
All rights reserved.

Software Instructions

TopWin on Zeta 656

Art.No. 0322600 – Version 0

Komax AG
Industriestrasse 6
6036 Dierikon-Luzern, Switzerland

Phone +41 41 455 0 455

Fax +41 41 450 4 266

Date issued Version number Modified pages

May 2011 0.0 –

Reproduction of these instructions or parts of them in whatever form is not permitted

without express written permission from the publisher.
Komax reserves the right to make technical changes necessary to improve the ma-
chine that could diverge from figures and information in these instructions.

© 2011 by Komax AG, Wire Processing Systems zn

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. EN – 5

2 Safety........................................................................................................................ EN – 7
2.1 Explanation of notes..................................................................................... EN – 7
2.2 General safety instructions........................................................................... EN – 7

3 Definition................................................................................................................... EN – 9
3.1 Overview of the functions............................................................................. EN – 9
3.2 Setting the parameters............................................................................... EN – 10

4 Creating/editing a pallet........................................................................................ EN – 13

4.1 «Selection» tab pane.................................................................................. EN – 13
4.1.1 Use of management buttons....................................................... EN – 13
4.2 «Pallet» tab pane........................................................................................ EN – 15
4.3 «Shape» tab pane....................................................................................... EN – 15
4.4 «Housings» tab pane.................................................................................. EN – 16
4.4.1 Inserting housings....................................................................... EN – 16

5 Creating/editing housings..................................................................................... EN – 19

5.1 Window for assigning the housings to the pallet........................................ EN – 19
5.2 «Selection» tab pane.................................................................................. EN – 20
5.3 «Housing» tab pane.................................................................................... EN – 20
5.4 «Shape» tab pane....................................................................................... EN – 21
5.5 «Cavity types» tab pane (chamber types)................................................... EN – 21
5.6 «Cavities» (chambers) tab pane.................................................................. EN – 22
5.6.1 Assignment of chambers............................................................ EN – 22

6 Creating/editing chambers................................................................................... EN – 25

6.1 Lead-end processing.................................................................................. EN – 26
6.2 «Cavity» (chamber) tab pane...................................................................... EN – 27
6.3 «CCD» tab pane.......................................................................................... EN – 27
6.4 Approach and exit tracks........................................................................... EN – 28
6.4.1 «Insertion track» tab pane........................................................... EN – 28
6.4.2 «Exit track» tab pane................................................................... EN – 30
6.4.3 «Approach track» tab pane......................................................... EN – 31

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 3

Table of contents

6.5 «Force» tab pane........................................................................................ EN – 32

6.5.1 How to handle the set force........................................................ EN – 33
6.5.2 Quality data................................................................................. EN – 33
6.5.3 «Insertion force» window ............................................................ EN – 34
6.6 «Speed» tab pane....................................................................................... EN – 35

7 Organising wire harness....................................................................................... EN – 37

7.1 «Cavity sorting» (chamber sorting) window................................................ EN – 39

EN – 4 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0


1 Introduction
These software instructions are valid for the Komax Zeta 656 starting with software ver-
sion 11.2.
These instructions supplement the TopWin software instructions and contain supplemental
information about how to handle the TopWin software on the Komax 656.
The software instructions form an integral part of the operating instructions for your Zeta
656. Keep the instructions within easy reach so you can refer to the information in them any
time you need it. Tab 12 in the operating instructions is set aside as the section for storing
software instructions.
Read through these software instructions carefully. Everyone responsible for installing, op-
erating and maintaining the machine must understand these instructions and follow them
to the letter.

Updating the instructions

You will find a version number in every footer of these instructions, e.g. Version 0.0.
The number 0.0 indicates the first edition of the software instructions.

Main number
Subordinate number

If individual pages in the instructions are changed, only the subordinate number is in-
creased on those pages, e.g. from 0.0 to 0.1.

If the entire operating instructions are reissued, the main number also changes, e.g. from
1.3 to 2.0.

Software help

Software help is integrated in the TopWin software. Use it to clarify initial questions
you may have directly at the machine.

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 5


EN – 6 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0


2 Safety

2.1 Explanation of notes

Indicates a danger involving a high risk.
If it is not avoided, it can result in death or extremely grave injuries.

Indicates a danger involving a medium risk.
If it is not avoided, it can result in injuries.

Indicates a danger involving a slight risk.
If it is not avoided, it can result in property damage.

Indicates tips for users and other useful information.
It is not a word that signals dangers.

2.2 General safety instructions

Read the chapter on safety in the operating instructions for the Zeta 633 and the
Zeta 656. It is essential that you understand the overall safety concept in order to
operate the machine safely.

These instructions contain additional information on how to use the Zeta 656. You will
find information on the Zeta 633 basic machine in the operating instructions for that

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 7


EN – 8 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0


3 Definition
You can define pallet types, housings and harnesses in the «Definition» window.

There are different ways of proceeding to a menu you desire.
The described procedures are not mandatory. They merely indicate possible ways of
going to a menu.

3.1 Overview of the functions

1 «Definition» window
2 Conductor number in pro-
duction process
3 Graphical depiction of the
conductor selected in list 2 3
4 Tab pane for displaying a
wire harness with housings 4
5 Graphical depiction of the
Zeta 656 and Zeta 633 ma-
chines from above

fig 3.01  «Definition» window

6 Button for displaying all

7 Button for printing the
graphically depicted wire
8 Designation and graphical 6
depiction of the housings
used 7 8
9 Graphical depiction of all
connections of a wire har- 9

fig 3.02  Tab pane for displaying a wire harness

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 9


3.2 Setting the parameters

Two main windows are available for setting
the parameters. You can proceed to these
main windows in one of two ways.
1 Select the wire depiction and the «Lead-
set editor» window opens up (fig 3.04).
2 Select the machine depiction and the
«Block loader setup» window opens up
(fig 3.05).

fig 3.03  «Definition» window

«Lead-set editor» window

All cable-related parameters are set here.
4 3
3 Number of the conductor in the produc-
tion sequence
4 Selection of desired lead-end or the con-
ductor parameters 5
5 Parameters for the selected lead-end
6 Pull-down menu for creating a wire har-
Here you define the housing at which fig 3.04  «Lead-set editor» window
and the position to which the selected
lead-end is to be connected.

For further information on the lead-set editor, please consult software help on the
machine and the TopWin software instructions.

EN – 10 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0


«Block loader setup» window

Here you record all parameters related to
the pallet and the housing.
7 Creating and editing a pallet (see Chap-
ter 4 «Creating/editing a pallet»)
8 Creating and editing a housing (see
Chapter 5 «Creating/editing housings») 9
9 Organising a wire harness (see Chapter
5.3 «Housing tab pane») 10

10 Deactivating insertion fig 3.05  «Block loader setup» window

If you deactivate insertion (10, fig 3.05), all conductors are ejected into the wireway.

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 11


EN – 12 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing a pallet

4 Creating/editing a pallet
ff Select the «Pallet» button 7 (fig 3.05).

4.1 «Selection» tab pane

1 Identification of the selected pallet
2 List of recorded pallets
1 5
3 Graphical depiction of the selected pallet
4 Management buttons 4
−− Copy pallet
−− Create new pallet
−− Delete pallet from the list
−− Import file
−− Export file
fig 4.01  «Selection» tab pane
−− Rename pallet
5 Button for changing the view
−− List
−− Harness

4.1.1 Use of management buttons

You have different actions available to you under the management buttons 4 (fig 4.01) de-
pending on what is selected on the list 2 (fig 4.01).

Symbols in the list

1 Group with pallets
2 Pallet currently loaded
3 Pallet that has to be assigned to at least
one job 4
4 Pallet that is recorded but that is not yet
assigned to a job
Select this button to create a new pallet or
to select and copy an existing pallet. fig 4.02  List of the pallets
This button is active only if a pallet is
selected that is not currently loaded in the
machine (no key symbol).

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 13

Creating/editing a pallet

More (at selected group)

Selection location Selection option Action

Pallet list Add group Creates a new group
Delete group Deletes the selected group
Rename group Changes the name of the selected group
Export group Exports group along with all subgroups and
pallets to drive/USB stick
Move group Moves group along with all subgroups and

Selection location Selection option Action

Drive/backup data/ Add group Creates a new group
USB stick, etc.
Delete group Deletes the selected group
Rename group Changes the name of the selected group
Import group Imports group from drive/backup/USB stick

More (at selected pallet)

Selection location Selection option Action

Pallet list Rename pallet Changes the name of the selected pallet
Export pallet Exports pallet to drive/USB stick
Move pallet Shifts the position of the pallet
Share pallet Creates a new pallet with identical pallet
data. If something changes in the original
pallet, this change is also incorporated in
the new pallet.

Selection location Selection option Action

Drive/backup data/ Rename pallet Changes the name of the selected pallet
USB stick, etc.
Import pallet Imports pallet from drive/backup/USB stick

EN – 14 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing a pallet

4.2 «Pallet» tab pane

1 Information window
−− Way of recording a pallet name in ad-
dition to pallet identification
−− Date pallet was created 1

−− Date the last change was made 2

2 Record/scan barcode for pallet
3 User information window 3

−− Here the user can record further infor-

mation about the selected pallet.

fig 4.03  «Pallet» tab pane

4.3 «Shape» tab pane

1 Define pallet support
−− Standard
All other settings in this menu are 1
preset and inactive.
−− Custom
All other settings in this menu can be
adjusted. 3
2 Select pallet size
3 Select origin of the pallet
−− This position is the origin for the
insertion of the housings. fig 4.04  «Shape» tab pane

−− Activate/deactivate housings with the

4 Name for the calibration group
−− All pallets with the same name only
have to be calibrated once.

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 15

Creating/editing a pallet

4.4 «Housings» tab pane

1 Starts the wizard for inserting housings
(refer to Chapter 4.4.1 «Inserting hous- 4
ings») 3
2 Edit object group (housings) 2
−− Change position of object group 6 5 1
−− Change number of housings in the
object group
3 Delete object group (housings) 7
4 Characteristics
−− Access the window for creating hous-
fig 4.05  «Housing» tab pane
5 Name of the selected housing
−− Non-ambiguous ID for each individual
housing on the pallet
6 Housing type
7 Graphical depiction of the selected pallet
and selection window for housings

4.4.1 Inserting housings

ff Select button 1.
ff Window 2 opens up.

ff Select desired and already created hous- 2

ing out of the list 3.
ff Select the «>>» button 4.

fig 4.06  Starting the wizard

EN – 16 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing a pallet

ff Select whether you want the housings

arranged in a linear pattern 5 or a radial
pattern 6.
ff Select the «>>» button 7.

5 6

fig 4.07  Arrangement of the housings

ff Adjust the matrix size.

−− Number of housings in the housing
8 9
group aligned horizontally 8
−− Number of housings in the housing
group aligned vertically 9 10 11
−− Horizontal distance between the
housings 10 12
−− Vertical distance between the hous- 13
ings 11
ff Adjust the angle of the housings to the fig 4.08  Adjusting the matrix size

pallet 12.
ff Select the «>>» button 13.

ff Position the housing group.

−− Align centred with the pallet or with 14
the origin 14.
−− Manually enter alignment with origin
in x, y and z axes 15.
ff Select «Finish» button 16.
The housing group is now assigned to the
pallet and positioned on the pallet. 16

fig 4.09  Positioning the housing group

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 17

Creating/editing a pallet

EN – 18 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing housings

5 Creating/editing housings
ff Select the «Housing» button 1 (refer also
to 8, fig 3.05).

fig 5.01  «Block loader setup» window

5.1 Window for assigning the housings to the pallet

1 Graphical depiction of the pallet and the
selected housing
2 List of housings and their assignment
3 Automatic assignment of the use of 1 3
4 Manual assignment of the use of a hous-
5 Edit characteristics of the assignment of
2 6
a housing
fig 5.02  Housing assignment
6 Delete housing assignment

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 19

Creating/editing housings

5.2 «Selection» tab pane

1 ID for the selected housing
2 List of the recorded housings 1 5
3 Graphical depiction of the selected
housing 2
4 Management buttons
−− Copy housing
−− Create new housing 3
−− Delete housing from the list
−− Import file fig 5.03  «Selection» tab pane

−− Export file
−− Rename housing
5 Button for changing the view
−− List
−− Harness

Go to Chapter 4.1.1 for further information on the management buttons and their ap-

5.3 «Housing» tab pane

1 Information window
−− Way of recording a housing name in
addition to housing identification (ID) 1
−− Date the housing was created 2
−− Date the last change was made 3
2 Define housing. 4
−− Activate additional fuse
−− Activate cap
−− Define housing colour fig 5.04  «Housing» tab pane

3 Record/scan barcode for the housings.

4 User information window
−− Here the user can record additional in-
formation about the selected housing.

EN – 20 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing housings

5.4 «Shape» tab pane

1 Define the shape of the housing.
−− Rectangular
−− Circular/elliptical

2 Select dimensions of the housing. 2

3 Select the origin of the housing.
−− This item is the origin for arranging
the chambers. 3
4 Activate/deactivate moving chambers
with the origin. fig 5.05  «Shape» tab pane
−− Activation is recommended: If the
origin is moved, the distance between
the chambers and the origin remain
the same.
5 Graphical depiction of the housing cur-
rently being processed

5.5 «Cavity types» tab pane (chamber types)

1 List of the chambers used for the se-
lected housing
2 Graphical depiction of the chambers 2
selected 1 3
3 Add a chamber. 4
4 Delete a chamber.
5 Display characteristics of the selected
chambers (see Chapter 6 «Creating/edit-
ing chambers»).
fig 5.06  «Cavity types» (chamber types) tab pane

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 21

Creating/editing housings

5.6 «Cavities» (chambers) tab pane

1 Starts the wizard for assigning chambers
to the housing (see Chapter 5.6.1 «As- 4
signment of chambers»). 3
2 Edit object group (chambers). 2
−− Change the number of chambers in
6 5
the object group.
−− Change the distance between the
chambers. 7

3 Delete the object group (chambers).

4 Characteristics fig 5.07  «Cavities» (chambers) tab pane

−− Access to the window for creating

chambers (see Chapter 6 «Creating/
editing chambers»).
5 Name of the selected chambers
−− Non-ambiguous ID for every individu-
al chamber in the housing
6 Chamber type
7 Graphical depiction of the selected
housing and selection window for cham-

5.6.1 Assignment of chambers

ff Select button 1.
ff Window 2 opens up. 1
ff Select whether you want the chambers
arranged in a linear pattern 3 or a radial
pattern 4.
ff Select the «>>» button 5.

3 4

fig 5.08  Chamber arrangement

EN – 22 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing housings

ff Adjust the matrix size 8.

−− Define the number of chambers in the
chamber group aligned horizontally 8
and vertically.
ff Adjust distances 9.
−− Adjust distance between two cham-
bers horizontally/ vertically. 9
ff Adjust the angle of chambers to the 11
housing 10.
ff Select the «>>» button 11. fig 5.09  Adjusting the matrix size

ff Chamber group positioning

−− Align centred to housing or to origin
of the housing 12.
−− Manually enter alignment with origin
in x, y and z axes 13.
ff Select «Finish» button 14.
The chamber group is now assigned to the
housing and positioned on the housing. 14

fig 5.10  Chamber group positioning

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 23

Creating/editing housings

EN – 24 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing chambers

6 Creating/editing chambers
ff Select «Cavity types» (chamber types)
tab pane 1 in the mode for creating a
housing. 6 1 2 7
ff Select icon 2 to add a chamber.

fig 6.01  «Cavity types» (chamber types) tab pane

ff Record name for the new chamber 3.

ff Select whether you want the chamber 5
characteristics to be copied from an
existing chamber 4.

ff Select the «OK» button 5.


fig 6.02  Recording a new chamber

ff The new chamber is now visible in the

chamber list 6 (fig 6.01). 8
ff Select the characteristics icon 7 (fig 6.01).
ff The «Cavity» (chamber) window 8 opens.

fig 6.03  «Cavity» (chamber) window

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 25

Creating/editing chambers

6.1 Lead-end processing

You can assign the desired lead-end
processing to the chamber. Only suitable 1
cables can be inserted in these chambers.
ff Add lead-end processing data block 1.
If a wire processing data block is already 6 3 9
selected, you can copy it by selecting
button 1. 7 4 8
ff Assign default data 2. 5
ff Select seal 3.
ff Select terminal 4. fig 6.04  Assigning types of lead-end processing

ff Select sleeve 5.
ff Activate lead-end processing data
block 6 (can be assigned to the cham-
ber)/deactivate the block (cannot be
assigned to the chamber) 7.
ff Assign the lead-end processing data
block 6 to the chamber 8.
ff Delete lead-end processing data block 9.

Error message is issued because an inadmissible cable is inserted in the chamber.
ff Only cables with the defined and selected end-processing can be inserted in the cor-
responding chambers.

EN – 26 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing chambers

6.2 «Cavity» (chamber) tab pane

1 Define the shape of the chamber.
−− Rectangular
−− Circular/elliptical
2 Select the dimensions of the chamber.
−− Width/height 3
3 Define origin. 5
−− This is the reference position for cable
4 All orientations allowed fig 6.05  «Cavity» (chamber) tab pane

−− With round contacts (terminals), it

does not matter if they are turned
around when inserted into the cham-
5 Graphical depiction of the chamber cur-
rently being edited

6.3 «CCD» tab pane

1 Select which lead-end processing data
block you wish to edit.
2 Activate/deactivate use of CCD. 2 3
3 Turn contact part prior to measurement. 1
4 Angle of measurement 4

−− Define the measurement point on the

contact part.
−− Select the shape of the measured
contact part.
fig 6.06  «CCD» tab pane
−− Additional turning of the contact part
(empirically established value)
−− Maximum possible turning
5 Position measurement (x, z axes)
−− Define the measurement point on the
contact part.
−− Select the shape of the measured
contact part.
−− Offset for measurement point in rela-
tion to the middle of the conductor.

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 27

Creating/editing chambers

6.4 Approach and exit tracks

6.4.1 «Insertion track» tab pane

1 Select which lead-end processing data

block you wish to edit.
2 8
2 Insert the coordinate line above/below
the selected line (marked in blue) or de- 1
lete selected line. 3

3 Coordinates for pre-insertion along the x,

y and z axes
4 5
−− With these coordinates, you can
make an initial approach to the cham- 6 9
ber without loading it (fig 6.08). You
can record multiple coordinate lines fig 6.07  «Insertion track» tab pane

for more complex movements (to

move out of the way).
−− The first line corresponds to point A
(fig 6.08). The last line corresponds to
point B (fig 6.08). This point com-
pletes pre-insertion and inserts an ini- 3 B A

tial part of the contact in the chamber.

−− The gripper now corrects its position
D on the x and z axes and reconciles
the coordinates for the conductor
with those for the chamber. These
coordinates were determined in ad-
vance based on a measurement.
4 Coordinates for final insertion along the
x, y and z axes
−− These coordinates (point C, fig 6.08)
complete the insertion of the contact 4 C
part in the chamber. You can record
multiple coordinate lines for more 9
complex movements.
5 Use of the hybrid gripper fig 6.08  Example of an insertion

−− You can subsequently grip the cable

with the hybrid gripper.
6 No trajectory turning (refer to Chapter «Trajectory turning»)
7 Graphical depiction of the insertion coordinates
8 Location of the contact part at the end of insertion
9 Minimal distance between housing edge and gripper

EN – 28 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing chambers Trajectory turning

The contacts can be aligned differently

when being inserted in a housing.

fig 6.09  Housing with different alignment of the contact

If the function «No trajectory turning» 1 is

deactivated (recommended), the contact will
be turned around the centre of chamber 2.
The chambers with contacts turned 180° 3
are therefore aligned with an offset in the
opposite direction (- 0.2 mm, 3).

fig 6.10  Definition with trajectory turning

If the function «No trajectory turning» 1 is

activated, the contact will be turned around
the centre of contact 4.


fig 6.11  Definition without trajectory turning

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 29

Creating/editing chambers

The chambers with contacts turned 180°

are therefore aligned with an offset in the
same direction (+ 0.2 mm, 3).


fig 6.12  Definition without trajectory turning

6.4.2 «Exit track» tab pane

These coordinates describe the track in the macro range of the chambers from point C to
point A (fig 6.08) that the gripper covers when moving away after loading the chambers.
The same coordinates are used for each chamber of the selected housing.

1 Select which lead-end processing data

block you wish to edit.
2 Insert the coordinate line above/below 2 6
the selected line (marked in blue) or de- 3
lete selected line.
3 Coordinates for removing the gripper
after successful block loading along the
x, y and z axes 4 5
−− If no data is recorded, the standard
procedure is to move the gripper
5 mm away from the mechanical stop fig 6.13  «Exit track» tab pane
in the y axis and lower the pallet by
5 mm.
−− If this movement is not suitable for some reason, you can record an exit track move-
ment with a maximum of five coordinates as an alternative. If the last coordinate is
too close to the chamber, an additional movement follows to place the gripper at
most 5 mm in front of the mechanical stop. If a y-position of -100 mm is indicated,
the gripper is retracted to the mechanical stop.
−− All coordinates refer to the last point of the insertion (point C, fig 6.08).
−− All movements are carried out at full speed.
4 No trajectory turning (refer to Chapter «Trajectory turning»), only for visualisation/
as an orientation aid
5 Graphical depiction of the coordinates and the contact
6 Location of the contact part (only for visualisation/as an orientation aid)

EN – 30 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing chambers

6.4.3 «Approach track» tab pane

In the «Arrange wire harness» menu, you can define an approach track consisting of at
most 3 approach points for each chamber.
In the menus «Insertion track» and «Exit track» the track is defined from point A to point C
(fig 6.08) whereas the approach track defines the long-range approach of point A (fig 6.08).

ff Select desired lead-set from the list 1.
ff The lead-set is depicted graphically.
ff Select desired chamber (directly in the
figure 2).
ff Add approach point 3.
ff Maximum of three approach points al-
lowed. 1 4
ff Record coordinates for the approach
fig 6.14  Defining approach points
point 4.
(Maximum of 100 mm along the x, y and
z axes)
ff Delete approach point if need be 5.
ff Select whether you want the approach
points taken into account in the exit
track of the gripper, too 6.
−− Activated: The gripper takes into
account the approach points and
departs along the same track as it
−− Deactivated: The gripper ignores the
approach points and departs along a
track optimised by the machine.

You can shift the position of the approach points directly in the figure (2, fig 6.14).

If the item «automatic» is selected for the arrangement, no approach points can be
recorded. The machine itself selects a suitable approach track.

SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0 EN – 31

Creating/editing chambers

6.5 «Force» tab pane

You can enter as many force
settings as the number of lines
recorded in the «Insertion track»

tab pane.

} 2

3 6

fig 6.15  «Force» tab pane

1 Force setting for pre-insertion

−− Activate/deactivate.
−− Define force.
−− Define how to handle the force.
(Refer to Chapter 6.5.1 «How to handle the set force».)
2 Force setting for final insertion
−− Activate/deactivate.
−− Define force.
−− Define how to handle the force.
(Refer to Chapter 6.5.1 «How to handle the set force».)
3 Setting the pull-out force
−− Activate/deactivate.
The gripper moves back by the maximum length 4 after reaching point C (fig 6.08)
but before opening. The set pull-out force 3 must be reached during this movement.
−− The standard procedure is that the machine stops when the set force is reached.
4 Destination position
(Refer to Chapter 6.5.1 «How to handle the set force».)
5 Destruction force limit
−− If this force is exceeded, the plug connection is deemed to be destroyed. No further
chambers are loaded in this housing and the connection is designated as bad.
6 Length of pull-out movement
−− Maximum length of the movement for checking the pull-out force 3

EN – 32 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing chambers

6.5.1 How to handle the set force

«Must not exceed»
„„ Along this section, the set value is not allowed to be exceeded. If it is exceeded, the
machine stops and generates a bad insertion.
«Stop on exceeding»
This setting is normally applied to the last insertion position only.
„„ Along this section, the set value is not allowed to be exceeded until the destination
position is reached (4, fig 6.15).
If the set value is exceeded before the destination position is reached, the machine gen-
erates an error and is stopped.
„„ After reaching the destination position, the gripper advances by a predefined distance
until the set force is achieved.
If the set force is reached within this predefined section, the next section is started and
insertion is continued.
If the set force is not reached within this predefined section, the machine stops and
generates a bad insertion.

6.5.2 Quality data

You can open the evaluation of the last
50 statistical data items in the «Quality»
menu 1. 1
1 «Quality» menu 3 2
2 Selection of statistical data items to be 4
5 6
−− Display all housings or only a specific
−− Display all chambers or only a spe-
cific chamber. fig 6.16  «Quality» window
3 Selection of statistical data items to be
−− Max. insertion force
−− Insertion end force
−− Insertion stop position
4 Activate/deactivate depiction of data value.
5 Statistical data for insertion force measurements
6 Pull-down menu for further actions
−− «Show force curve»
−− «Open permission editor»

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Creating/editing chambers

6.5.3 «Insertion force» window

You can examine the analysis of
the insertion force curve here.
The paths the gripper covers
are shown (1 – 5, fig 6.17, 6.18
and 6.19).
The force 6 in the «Insertion
force» window (fig 6.17) cor-
responds to the force 6 in the 1 2 3 4
«Create chamber» menu on the
«Force» tab pane (fig 6.18).


fig 6.17  «Insertion force» window

Meaning of the colours in the «Insertion force» window:

Red corresponds to the «must not exceed» function.
(Refer to Chapter 6.5.1 «How to handle the set force».)
Green corresponds to the «stop on exceeding» function.
(Refer to Chapter 6.5.1 «How to handle the set force».)

2 1
3 2
4 3

fig 6.18  «Create chamber» menu («Force» tab pane) fig 6.19  «Insertion track» tab pane

EN – 34 SW TopWin on Zeta 656 – Version 0

Creating/editing chambers

6.6 «Speed» tab pane

1 Regulator for setting the approach speed
2 Regulator for setting the insertion speed 1 3
3 Reset to default values.

fig 6.20  «Speed» tab pane

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Creating/editing chambers

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Organising wire harness

7 Organising wire harness

After creating housings, pallets and chambers, you can assign the individual lead-ends
to the desired chambers in the desired housings and record how to organise the insertion

ff Open the «Lead-set editor» window.
2 1
ff Select desired conductor 1.
ff Select desired lead-end 2.
ff Assign housing and chamber using pull-
down menu 3.

fig 7.01  «Lead-set editor» window

ff Then open the «Block loader setup»

window (click in the «Definition» menu on
the diagram of the Zeta 656).
ff In the pull-down menu 4, you can select
already recorded organisation modes or
an automatic organisation mode.
ff Select the «Sorting» button 5 to edit an
existing mode or record a new one. 4

fig 7.02  «Block loader setup» window

You can select an automatic organising mode with simple wire harnesses (4, fig 7.02).

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Organising wire harness

ff The «Cavity sorting» (chamber sorting)

window 6 then opens.

fig 7.03  «Cavity sorting» (chamber sorting) window

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Organising wire harness

7.1 «Cavity sorting» (chamber sorting) window

1 Select automatic or already created
organisation mode. 1 2 3 4 5
2 Create a new organisation mode.
3 Save selected organisation mode.
4 Save selected organisation mode under 12
a different name (save as). 13 6 7
5 Delete selected organisation mode. 14
6 Insert default values. 15
7 Import data.

fig 7.04  «Cavity sorting» (chamber sorting) window

(Detail view)

8 List of the conductors in current produc-

tion operation
9 List of the housings and associated
13 11
chambers 10
10 Display for selection of chambers to be
loaded 15
11 Insertion sequence list
12 Add a chamber to the insertion sequence
list 11.
8 9
13 Shift insertion position up in the list 11.
14 Shift insertion position down in the list 11. fig 7.05  «Cavity sorting» (chamber sorting) window
15 Delete insertion position from the list 11.

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Organising wire harness

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