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LIT 02: Chapter 1 Post-Activity

Applying Literary Criticisms to Film

Name: RALPH S. MAGLAPAY Course: LIT- 02

I. Introduction of the Film

The story is about an abandoned immortal being, a God’s creation named Fushi
who takes on multiple forms from dead encounters. He was created to observe and learn
to everything.
An Orb that cast to Earth to observed from afar. It is capable of copying forms
from beings whose reflections it captures.
It first became a rock. It does not move for over thousand of years until one
snowy day, a wolf at death's door barely crosses by. When It takes the animal's form, it
attains awareness of its consciousness and starts to wander with an unclear destination
in mind. Soon, it comes across the wolf's master. A boy who was living alone in a
hellish snowy place, he was waiting for his tribesmen to return from a journey finding
the place they called paradise (abundant with trees, meat and a place with sunlight).
One day the boy wants to explore new surroundings and decides to abandon his
home with it to find the paradise using the traces his tribe left behind. However, he was
heavily injured and after weeks of traveling he ended finding tracks of his clansmate,
all of them are dead, there is no sign of life anymore. Upon dying he ask his wolf pet to
do not forget him. The wolf changed to human. That where it begins everything.
To your eternity illustrates the story of an immortal being experiencing humanity,
meeting all types of people in many places throughout time and copying them when
they die.

II. Chosen Literary Criticism or Film Theory

No matter it is good or bad, how cruel, or on how the film represented, in the art
generally represent truthfulness to depicts reality.
In “To Your Eternity”, there are a lot of cruelty, happiness, sadness encounters or
goodbye parts, which makes it more like what to reality.

III. Explanation
Starting from its first episode, it depicts a story of a man and wolf trying hardly
to survive from a dangerous icy place. Whether you sympathize the character or based
on your own personal experiences to connect to the film’s character own experiences,
you can get the emotions as you were in the reality. The feelings and sufferings when
saying goodbye to your love ones on the film makes you know how and what you will
feel if you were the character. As the story progresses, you will be even more captivated
due to the anime’s beautiful storytelling art. In the story there are also sufferings,
discriminations, in-balances, where the powerful using force to hurt the poor, and where
they can do whatever they want. In every story there are always encounters and
goodbyes. Fushi meets a lot of friends but in the end they always leaved him. He always
put them first before himself, but because of his special ability there are always those
who do not want someone to be upper before them or those someone who aspires more
power than the others. The attention in detail to every part converges idealistic
truthfulness. By its real life itself makes it truly a masterpiece.
The anime searches for the question like “what is life itself”.

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