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The view
from the top
With its mandate to seek the best global relative value, Partners Group takes a wide-angle
view of credit markets. Rachel McGovern and Anastasia Donde ask what this shows the
Swiss-based firm and what investors think of the combined LP/GP credit platform

artners Group’s private credit When it comes to private debt, though, doesn’t leave him well placed to discuss
group is just that – private. Obses- the firm does things a bit differently from the nitty gritty of debt market.
sively so, one could argue. other credit investors. So PDI sought out Biner took the co-head of private debt
While alternative investors that court the listed alternative asset manager’s credit position when Juri Jenkner moved from
public are the exception, the Swiss-head- team to ask how private equity firms view the credit side of the business to the infra-
quartered firm almost never seems com- them – as an LP or a lender, and whether structure platform. So, operationally, there
fortable speaking about its achievements. their global reach has drawbacks as well are three key players who manage Partners
The senior management who sit on the as benefits. Group’s credit unit: Scott Essex, Biner’s
executive committee – most of whom have Shortly before PDI met the three key co-head of private debt who is based in
been with the asset manager for at least private credit players for this profile, an NewYork and leads the firm’s office there;
15 years – are not headline-seekers. Aside internal reshuffle saw René Biner, who set London-based Chris Bone, head of credit
from some strictly controlled distributions up the credit unit, come back on board in Europe; and Edward Tong, based in Sin-
on their investment outlook, the manager as co-head of private debt. Naturally, we gapore and leading the firm’s Asia-Pacific
rarely discusses deals and remains tight- sought an interview with him only to lending efforts.
lipped on fundraising. find that his co-head of investments role Essex joined in 2007 from GE Capital

Ma rc h 2016 | Private Debt Investor 29



Scotland before joining private equity firm

CREDIT TEAM. THEY There are 30 people in Partners
ARE LIVING WITH THEIR Group’s credit unit, including 18 in
INVESTMENTS FROM Europe and three in Asia. The rest are
THE BEGINNING TO THE in New York, though Essex points out
that the team can tap other parts of the
business for sourcing support giving it
access to a pool of around 110 staff.
The firm has a longer track-record in
MODEL NECESSARILY. WE credit investment than most European-
LEVERAGE THE PLATFORM headquartered managers. It first moved
WITH REGARD TO THAT into mezzanine investment in 2003 and
COVERAGE” has raised seven mezzanine vehicles, the
Scott Essex latest of which, Partners Group Direct
Mezzanine 2013, closed on over €1 bil-
having previously worked at Lazard. Tong financial crisis. Tong, from Singapore, lion of LP commitments in late 2014.
is also a former investment banker. He later moved home before joining Part- The firm had a cautious start in
was at ING for almost 10 years on the ners Group to lead the Asia-Pacific credit senior lending around 2007, says Bone
European leveraged loan desk in London effort in 2013. While Bone spent several who joined from Alpinvest in 2010 and
and served in Hong Kong ahead of the years at investment bank Royal Bank of heads the London office. “In the period

Though the US currently Alongside the standard debt fund
dominates as the best source advantages of flexibility, speed and
of opportunities as judged by higher leverage, in Asia being able
Partners Group's global relative to offer sponsors financing in local
value perspective, Asia-Pacific is currency to match the cashflows of
a comfortable second ahead of the underlying portfolio company is
Europe. a major advantage, says Tong, citing
Partners Group’s financing of an add-
Tong says the firm has two main
on acquisition for a US sponsor in
sources of deals – both cross-
Australia. The credit line was in Aussie
border in nature: international
sponsors seeking to expand their
portfolio companies into Asia; Asked about the impact of the
and Asian-based private equity slowdown in China, Tong says that
managers acquiring non-Asian Partners Group focuses on the most
companies with a significant stable of the Asian economies for
presence in the region. deals before noting that, at the
moment, concerns mostly just mean
And both have significant capital
opportunity for the lender.
reserves that they will need to Asia-Pacific: key source of deals
invest over the coming years, he “To the extent that the volatility
adds. creates nervousness around underwrites, that generates opportunities
for us – either coming in and being a privately pre-placed lender into
“At last count, we've seen seven to eight pan-Asian private equity
some of those situations or, indeed, as we see, opening up junior debt
firms or the Asian arms of global GPs that have at least $3 billion in
opportunities as well, which as we know, the banks don't wish to hold
capital. That dry powder needs a home,” says Tong.
on a long-term basis,” he says.

30 Private Debt Investor | March 2016


after the global financial crisis, it was

quite tough to convince new investors
that this [senior debt] asset class made
sense. You had to convince them that it
wasn’t a really quirky asset class, that
it was quite an interesting place to be.”
The firm has now raised six dedicated
senior debt funds with the seventh cur-
rently in the market, according to PDI
Research & Analytics.
Last year was particularly strong for
private debt fundraising, notes Bone,
with €1.7 billion raised in total. That’s
filtered down into the team. The firm
prefers to promote from within so with
some individuals advanced internally, the
London team is adding two financial ana- Asked whose idea it was, Bone says: “It
lysts. “THE MOST IMPORTANT came almost from the investor side. The
Scale in credit is important in private THING IS GOOD AND opportunity in the debt market is not only
lending and so the strategy expansion is SWIFT COMMUNICATION corporate debt, it’s also real estate and infra-
far from uncommon. Most alternative INTERNALLY, SO IF YOU'RE structure debt … Investors wanted access
lenders start in one niche and build out- to that overall trend in credit.”
wards. The difference for Partners Group Investors seeking more diversity and the
is that it also seeks to build in flexibility upside offered by slices of a variety of differ-
– its funds are global. ent instruments mixed with the downside
The last couple of years have seen
TO BE CLEAR AS TO WHAT protection of senior debt are attracted by
the firm seek both scale and flexibility YOU'VE PROMISED AND the fund, says Bone. And that is comple-
in other ways. Partners Group closed its ARE ABLE TO DELIVER” mented by the security protections offered
Chris Bone
first multi-asset credit fund on $700 mil- by assets tied to real estate and infra loans.
lion of commitments in June 2015. It was
swiftly followed by a second, which is in HEDGING YOUR BETS
the market at the moment. The almost hedging-style approach of the
multi-asset fund has perhaps bled across
TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS from the firm’s primary corporate debt
strategy and general investment thesis –
3.0 70
62 execute only where the best deals are to
Capital deployed globally ($bn)

3.5 55 60 be found.
2.0 37 50
The global remit enables the debt team
to invest in whichever market currently
No. of borrowers

37 40 offers the best relative value. For several
30 years that was Europe, but the pendulum
1.5 has swung back to the US as wider market
1.0 volatility has seen American lenders push
0.5 10 back on terms.
$900m $1.3bn $1.7bn $2.7bn
“The relative value of where to invest
0 0
changes over time,” says Bone.
2012 2013 2014 2015
Source: Partners Group The investment mandate is to seek out

Ma rc h 2016 | Private Debt Investor 31



the best relative value globally – something says flagging their approach is essential.
that certainly sounds attractive from an “The most important thing is good and
investor’s point of view. swift communication internally, so if you’re
When fractured and nervous lending setting expectations vis-á-vis a sponsor or
conditions in the US offer a 200bps pick- a borrower, you need to be clear as to what
up versus the more competitive European you’ve promised and are able to deliver
mid-market, having the option to ditch the and be careful not to promise too much
lower yielding market is all upside for LPs. if you think you’re not going to be able to
Add to that a sprinkling of some of Asia- get there,” says Bone.
Pacific’s best LBOs and you’ve presumably
got a nice portfolio and decent returns. BEING THERE
So that’s what Partners Group does. Relationship is clearly key to how Essex
Asked if the London team are left works. Before his credit career began,
twiddling their thumbs as the US guys Essex was employed by a telecommu-
Tong: offering financing in local currency is a
scramble to take advantage of the juicy nication services company bought by major advantage
market, Bone says that the firm moves Lightower. His relationship with the firm,
team members around to support where plus an invite from sponsor Berkshire Part-
needed. They can relocate for a few weeks ners, bagged Partners Group one half of a
or even longer if necessary, he explains, $500 million subordinated debt mandate BY THE NUMBERS
adding that the London team is currently
doing due diligence on a US acquisition
alongside Highbridge, when Lightower
merged with Fibertech last year. 30
Investment professionals
by a European sponsor. The relationship question has a flip side, in the corporate credit team
“We have a global credit team. They they argue.The credit group has found that
are living with their investments from the
beginning to the return of capital, so there
private equity funds expanding into new
markets can be a significant business driver.
Capital deployed in 2015
isn’t a discreet sort of coverage model nec- Bone mentions Arora Capital Group, a US
essarily. We leverage the platform with
regard to that coverage,” adds Essex.
sponsor that had never done a European
deal until it came to Europe and bought
Number of deals done globally
Of course, while the broader mandate aluminium tube manufacturer Alltub. in 2015
enables, it also compels. Investment deci- The fund had borrowed from Partners
sions will be made in a global context and
one team may find capital redirected away
Group in the US and tapped it again for
financing when it came to Europe for its
Investment capital Partners Group
from their deals on that basis. debut acquisition. can provide
The issue with that kind of pivoting, “Private equity funds are themselves
though, is that lending is – to repeat a
well-worn platitude – a relationship busi-
becoming more global. American funds
are coming over to Europe and European €2.5bn
AUM in debt as of December 2012
ness.What do the sponsors in Europe who funds are going over to the US,” says Bone. rising to...
approach Partners Group think when the The dynamic has also gone in the other
firm turns down a deal because there’s a
more attractive proposition on the other
direction with the US team currently
working with a European sponsor intro-
.... in debt AUM as of 31 December 2015
side of the Atlantic? For many, rejecting a duced by Bone’s London team.
deal that the lender was initially positive
about on anything other than fundamen-
The same has also happened in Asia,
says Tong.When Ontario Teachers’ Pension
Third party capital raised for private
tals is at best a faux pas and at worst a Plan, which controls UK-based early edu- debt in 2015
reason not to call again. cation and nursery provider BusyBees, was
Asked how they deal with that, Bone expanding in Asia and needed financing,

32 Private Debt Investor | March 2016


the cross-continental introduction was

made by the European office. SINKING THEIR TEETH INTO
Knowing the company and having THE RELATIONSHIP
existing institutional exposure, combined
Repeat business from sponsors is important Volatility in global markets has opened up
with boots on the ground for local due
to the firm. Berkshire – also behind Lightower second lien opportunities for Partners Group,
diligence eased the process, says Tong.
– was the sponsor behind Affordable Care, a says Bone.
US dental services business. Berkshire teamed
INTERPRETING RELATIONSHIPS The firm is a fan of the instrument,
up with management to buy the company
Private equity fund relationships are very from American Capital Equity in October particularly when the banks that seek to
important for the firm. In corporate lend- 2015. Partners Group provided the entire $200 intermediate it when things are more settled
ing, it focuses on sponsored deals – not to million second lien credit line, as well as taking are forced to pull back by external factors.
the exclusion of non-sponsored deals – but an equity slice in the deal.
the leveraged lending world is where the “The second lien market can sometimes
The deal is a good example of the non- be intermediated by the banks but that is
bulk of its portfolio comes from.
cyclical, defensive sectors that the firm likes not the case today. So that's an interesting
It’s also where Partners Group’s wider
to focus on, says Essex. place to be globally,” adds Bone.
structure complicates its relationship with
sponsors. The firm both makes its own
private equity investments and invests as
an LP into private equity funds on behalf is a potential source of conflicts, though of borrowers by law firm Allen & Overy
of clients. Bone says that it’s not a problem. showed. Meanwhile, on the sponsor side,
That network effect gives it unparal- Private equity groups, which are gener- having a lender that can pick and choose
leled coverage of sponsors and through ally acknowledged to be among the most is not ideal. Of course the firm is likely
them, potential borrowers. Essex high- financially driven investors, do not borrow to move towards where capital is more
lights it in the context of doing the from Partners Group if the terms are not in demand and markets less liquid, which
Lightower financing. competitive, he argues. should mitigate this.
“There is a relationship nature side to The firm’s internal infrastructure is also Investors must also consider the fact
the debt business.We’re also investors into constructed to head off any issues. “We’re that the wider Partners Group business
private equity funds, as well as secondary very careful to draw strong, high Chinese includes private equity and fund of funds.
investors on behalf of our clients, so the walls internally. It’s about credibility in the Essex notes that the firm’s own direct
ability to have close relationships with pri- market so we’re very careful around those equity investments are never financed by
vate equity sponsors and see companies topics,” he says. Partners Group.
is valuable,” he says pointing to the cross- Asked about the issue, Essex responds But he also acknowledges that the firm
pollination within the Lightower deal. flatly: “We avoid those conflicts of interests.” leverages its relationship as an investor
The private equity investor arm of Part- into sponsors to access dealflow.They can’t
ners Group invested with Court Square RELATIVE VALUE VS RELATIONSHIP force a sponsor to give them a mandate,
which owned Fibertech, the firm that From an investor point of view, access- but it does open up the possibility of a
Berkshire Partners’ Lightower acquired. ing the deals with the strongest reward private equity fund looking ahead to their
“Having the ability to know the vari- dynamic no matter where they are in the next fundraise, considering the impact of
ous underlying assets creates synergies. world is ideal. But it doesn’t come without not borrowing from another part of an
It has been particularly helpful for us in trade-offs. institution that is for them, primarily an
making decisions on whether to partici- Essex and the rest of the team them- investor.
pate in certain investment opportunities,” selves emphasise the importance of A top-down view is never going to be as
adds Essex. relationships in leveraged lending. And close to the market as the more intensive,
That blurring of lines between the European borrowers certainly prefer to localised approach. That leaves investors
firm as a lender and as an LP is some- borrow from alternative lenders that are with a conundrum: is it better then, to
thing several market commentators say from their country of origin, a survey be able to see the wood for the trees? n

Ma rc h 2016 | Private Debt Investor 33

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